25365722? ago

Self defense. If you attack us, we will fight back.

25360969? ago

An entire nation of gun owners have been waiting for that shot heard round the world. And it happened.

25358580? ago

Yeah, because it was supposed to be their cloaked chinese insurgents (remember white house protests) who shot their own and blamed citizens.

If they seriously think events like this aren't going to bolster firearm sales even MORE than the 12.5 Million guns sold since March, they are pink-haired retards. The firearm sales that Obama bolstered by threatening gun control for 8 years PALE in comparison to what the Democrats have accomplished in 5 months by trying to frame violent Marxist mobs as "peaceful protesters".

25356168? ago

Of course it was justified. That's not even up for discussion its so certain. He could have done a lot more even.

25355637? ago

More vigilantes.

25355616? ago

Good boy

25355489? ago

Men as young as 16 fought in the War of Independence. https://historyofmassachusetts.org/continental-soldiers-revolutionary-war/

25355319? ago

Someone should put a medal on his chest for taking out a pedophile.

25354008? ago

I'll also point out Kyle made a great move circling around the car. He essentially lured, bottlenecked, and slowed Rosenburg's pursuit enough to land a head shot. Obviously, it was dependent on Rosenburg's response, but it worked out that way and Kyle used the opportunity to turn the tables and end the threat.

25353614? ago


an American HERO

25353094? ago

The Antifoids are free to dial 911 if they need help.

25352841? ago

all 3 of them are convicted felons and sex offenders. if anything he's a hero doing what the law wouldnt do


25352719? ago

Nick Sandmann ain't smiling no more.

25355406? ago

shut the fuck up negro

25352734? ago

He sure the hell is- he's smiling all the way to the fucking BANK too!!

25352628? ago

First shot fired as he was running away from people chasing him down.


25352542? ago

Shoot to kill fuck these commies.

Leave the bodies and move on.

25352468? ago

It is important to note that in both shooting incidents Kyle was trying to leave the scene - he was, in fact, running away from his attackers in both incidents. Kyle only fired when he had been run down and could no longer escape the attack. He only resorted to the use of deadly force when all other options were gone. Had the antifa attackers in fact not directly attacked him, and continued to attack him, they would all be alive and unharmed today.

Even during the second incident, where Kyle had fallen to the surface of the road, he did not in fact open fire on anybody until he had already been physically attacked. There was not a single person shot by Kyle who had not struck him or attempted to strike him first, other than lefty, who was actually attempting to shoot Kyle instead in a sneak attack upon seeing Kyle's weapon had jammed.

We don't know if baldy actually struck Kyle in the first incident, although he may have earlier thrown a Molotov cocktail at Kyle. We do know now that Baldy was some kind of violent seething hyper aggressive psychopath career criminal and sexual deviant, who, for all that we know may have been trying to prison rape Kyle. Prison can do strange things to people when it comes to sexual behavior. The prison record is clear enough, a long history of non compliance, continued illegality, and open defiance of lawful authority. Baldy should have been locked down in a psych ward instead of being free on the streets to assault, burn, and pillage.

Regardless, there is probably no clearer case of self defense of life and property that exists in the history of law and order. Certainly not one with such video documentation of unmistakable clarity and completeness. Furthermore, the men that were killed and wounded were all more than deserving of their fate. They were evil men who were fated to meet a bad end, and Kyle did his civic duty as a law abiding citizen. In short, he did America a big favor.

Trump should award him the Medal of Freedom. Let Kyle's example serve as a beacon for all loyal American patriots of the strength and goodness of a well armed, well trained, and law abiding citizenry.

25355584? ago

I would bet baldy was under the influence. He had an irrational sense of courage, as seen by his repeated confrontations against a person with an AR-15.

25353802? ago

wait, no shill reply? Ha, we got a lazy shill who will only type 2 sentences worth of inflammatory bullshit before it gives up. I think we should call these shills, "boyim" to reflect their true status, and their reference their intelligence (moreso lack there of).

25354354? ago

It's a lack of penis.

25352390? ago

I am not going to pretend I know all the facts so I can not say whether the kid was justified

Then you haven't watched the footage. It was clearly self defence.

25352368? ago

The first jew threw something (a gasoline bomb?) at him while the kid was running away and the kike continued to attack. ("SHOOT ME, NIGGER! I DARE YOU!") BANG! ...Head shot. ...then The Kid called 911. As The Kid was trying to turn himself into the cops for shooting in self defense, the crowd of Street Jews chased him down and tripped The Kid up and laid him on his back. A NIGGER was the first to attack with a Trademark Flying nigger kick to the head. The Kid, as he was laying in the street, blasted at his face with his 2nd Amendment. The NIGGER staggered back once he realized that this was not a White KID suffering from White Privilege, but rather a White KID that is fed up with NIGGER LIVES MATTER. He staggered away with his light colored blue jeans, black sneakers, black jacket, nigger afro hair, white t-shirt, and dark baseball cap thankful for his nigger life. IN LESS THAN A SECOND, Skateboard JEW slammed him in the head with his weapon while THE KID was still on his back and tried to grab his rifle. BLAM! ...SHOT IN THE CHEST! ...DIE JEW SCUM!

The next attack came IN LESS THEN A SECOND from another JEW CRIMINAL armed with a hand gun. At first, the "Medic" JEW put his hands up when he thought he would be shot. He SURRENDERED! ....HANDS UP! ...DON'T SHOOT!... Just like he'd been trained. As soon as the 3rd JEW saw THE KID had a jammed weapon, he advanced with his own gun to kill THE KID. ...THE KID cleared the weapon jam, reloaded and shot the JEW that was attempting to murder him in the elbow. BLAM! ...the JEW and his support team were shot to pieces. It was only then the last JEW raised his hands and backed away. "...medic! ...medic!..."


in the middle of the road.

25356143? ago

It was a plastic bag, not a bomb. He shot a guy in the head, he's going to get at least one life term.

And the paramedic didn't have a gun. That's a shopped picture. There's no gun in the video or in the high res pictures released.

You're twisting reality to suit your narrative.

25368372? ago

jew are wrong.

25358798? ago

If you are shooting to defend your own life, and a round happens to go in the head, I don't see how self-defense would get him a life term. When you have a mob of (~5?) people rushing at you one after another, with one trying to grab your firearm and use it against you, is it reasonable to assume someone with a full length AR would have time to properly place his shots? He shot to eliminate a threat to his life.

Even a cop would be justified in a similar encounter (ambush).

25353422? ago

Excellent summary, thank you

25352656? ago

interesting... this kid is a f** Rambo!

25352169? ago


Nice palindrome!

I think the "arm wound that the victim sat there and demonstrated with his other arm" was fake.

There are constructions vehicles outside my home (well, a few doors down, in the middle of the street) right now at 2:30 in the morning. Making loud noises. But if I call the cops it'll be me that goes in, I think they're adding some spy stuff since I'm sharing too much from here on Twitter and they recently confirmed my cell phone number.

Well anyway, full armor of God, I know everything is spying on me anyway and that's not only the physical stuff.

God bless.

25352137? ago

(?- he was only 17, wait - 17?....)

"He was just 17, if you know, what I mean" -- yeah I was a little loose with the gender there, but references seem to be everywhere lately!

25352231? ago

A kid who killed 2 people on camera and injured another is age 17 .... biggest Q proof ever!!!!!11

25352277? ago

"All of our movies show 'look at the TV news for a plot point' you're not supposed to question what you see in the images and sounds that we will amaze and astound you with!"

25352506? ago

So is the shooting fake? Or does Q now use murders for dropping pointless hints?

25352566? ago

Attacks will intensify.

Attacks on our senses, like [they] wrote about in the grand master plan document a century or so ago.

I have no idea if the shooting is fake or not. But the wound not being dressed, and the way he was sitting, and presenting the arm, it really looked like a photo-op; then the uniforms moved in to stop the photo-op from continuing.

No blood dripping during that video.

Does a tourniquet stop 100% of the blood flow? Especially when there's no compression on the wound, when the first aid checklist is first to apply compression, and then dress it, and if necessary, a touniquet? Seems that paramedic -- what his hat said he was -- doesn't know his own rule book, kek!


God bless.

25357601? ago

They might be right about Q being dangerous

25367885? ago


25368820? ago

His proofs will be their downfall (drop 666)

25369448? ago

25372099? ago

Dark to light, just like Michael Jackson

DS rectum penetrated

Hillary is CGI, why not?

(Drop 6969)

25377525? ago

(Drop 6969)

Future proof of the past? We're only 2/3 of the way to your referenced Q drop! (Not quite; "I know the math just do it" shows 0.663940307074186.)

Satanists like to describe mathematics in terms of 2/3 -- for instance, the curve that we're flattening they describe as being "8 inches per (mile squared)" -- multiply by 8 inches, and then divide by 12 to get the distance in feet, and you have effectively multiplied by 2/3 (8/12 -> 4/6 -> 2/3).

Thus you get the .66666666 results they love to showcase.

Also the Earth is said to zoom around the sun at 66,600 mph. Too bad the masonic metric push failed here in the USA, God's last stand; had it, we wouldn't be able to see the symbolism/numerology that they have put into their astronomy/astrology!

It's hap'nin, fren!

God bless.

25352284? ago

Pepe-ridge farm agrees!

25352104? ago

Well, to be fair, this is what everyone was waiting for and things were going to kick off sooner or later.

25352093? ago

It's hard for me to get past him being a kid, understanding what tool is in his hand, and keeping his head. To me that translates to awareness, and education at the least. I want to know more about what provoked the initial event. I've read versions of him being actually attacked, chased with a molotov and threatened with death by fire, and told their was video.

No matter what he's a kid. If a girl has sex with a man at 17 and the dude is 20 then it might as well have been the worst most brutal heartless rape that ever happened in the history of humanity despite it being consensual in terms of Pop culture media.

I'd like to know more the kid doesn't seem malicious but psychopaths don't either so I won't say he was completely in the defense but I can't condemn the kid and that's obviously what's already happened and what the money in power wants to happen.

He doesn't seem like the kid that was such a smart-ass he thought the funny points for being cool would have been priceless.

25353710? ago

Was not he protecting a car dealership?

25355398? ago

He was protecting his place of employment.

25352240? ago

25353387? ago

damn man...that guy is covered in satanist stuff.

These anti-fags are real winners.

25367600? ago

Yeah, the Charlie Sheen variety!

25369967? ago

Well yes, teh post was made with sarcasm.

25352744? ago

Black Craft Cult. Believe in Yourself.


25352085? ago

They’re gonna arm up. They’re not gonna be trained....they’re gonna shoot each other and other innocent people huddled in their houses riding out the tantrums...just like that fake ass ‘Not Fucking Around’ clan of jigaboos did in Louisville a month ago. Wow it feels like longer than that.

25352220? ago

Ever play Civilization? The early years rush by, and then the end times drag on and on.



God bless.

25355516? ago

KEK. So true. I didn’t play the new Civ, the ‘glad all earning’ edition or whatever. Still play Civ5 though :)

25367640? ago

Don't even think I made it that far, kek! I think 3 was where I stopped? Played the demo of 5 on the Xbox but just not the same feel as keyboard/mouse.

25367762? ago

Oh man I got it on Steam. I play the PC version, it’s a time waster but it’s still a blast and really the only game I play anymore on PC or console. I try to spend a lot more time outdoors these days.

25367911? ago

That's awesome to hear. Me too, garden is fun but I'm less able this year with the hernia, so only using half the space. Weird to see such overgrowth in the other half!

Been playing the Saint's Row series; the first one convinced me to talk again to my estranged brother a couple weeks ago. That was really cool, although he's scared of COVID so we didn't get together last weekend. But we will.

God bless.

25367988? ago

Man I’m sorry to hear about the hernia. While not as painful I had an ulcer that just wouldnt go away. I ended up taking a few weeks off work and got outside more and it just destressed me so much. Ulcer is gone, don’t know if it was the stress or what but I’m glad it’s done.

I played the first Saints row ages ago when it came out...good times. I pray you and your Brother Hang in there and keep up the comms. It feels like we’ll turn a corner with COVID soon and hopefully you guys can meet up and get some lunch or just hang out and play Saints Row in the same room and talk. I miss Halo LAN parties for that very reason :)

Take good care and God Bless.

25353224? ago

aaaw fuck... hes right.

25352040? ago

self defense

25351984? ago

one kid, one kid made them clutch their pearls.

boy they won't be happy when they realize how many armed men are out there, just waiting.

you think they'll reconsider?

25358856? ago

12.5 million guns sold since March, with the expected ammo shortage. Something like 400 million guns already in circulation, most likely owned by the right. Do the math.

25357011? ago

17 year old kids took out 3 criminals in under a minute, makes me think of the millions of active military and vets out there standing by.

25356158? ago

The kid was the one clutching his pearls. That's why he panicked and murdered two people.

25370399? ago

lol "panicked" "murdered"

did you finish 3rd grade with that brain?

25370467? ago

I don't think you understand the legality here.

Murder is defined by intent, not motive.

25366426? ago

Get outta here kike

25368071? ago

You're the one with the yamaka, my friend.

25368242? ago

You know? who Father is??

25357334? ago

You mean he peacefully protested 3 people trying to smash his head in and shoot him.

25352655? ago

That kike isn't clutching anything tonight, though he couldn't even let go of his glock after it happened.

25351982? ago

Correct. We are seeing more of this, and I for one think it's great. About damned time we stood up. Trump, Q and whoever haven't done shit. I lay part blame on the inaction. This has been going on since May and now Patriots are sick and tired of it, the rioting, the looting, the intimidation and the deaths. They shot an 8 yr old girl in Atlanta a few weeks ago, still nothing was done to stop this shit. Poke the bear enough.....

25355735? ago

BLM started in 2016 under Obama. The NFL kneeling started under Obama. Lawlessness then and now is only happening in Dem controlled cities.

Q said in post #4550:

Fear not.

You [we] are not helpless.

Enough must see.

It is the only way.

You are being presented with the gift of vision.

Ability to see [clearly] what they've hid from you for so long [illumination].

Their deception [dark actions] on full display.

People are waking up in mass.

People are no longer blind.

25353441? ago

I really believe Trump is being ruthess and playing the much bigger game.

He is letting the Left rampage to show America what deplorable fuckwits they are. He is letting hate for the left ferment, he is ltting the will to kill, the desire to restore law and order with violence if need be, slowly build. The more people the left Kills or tries to kill the better. The Left is insane and detached from reality, and by sitting back Trump lets them put their insanity on display. He is letting people realize that if the Left wins: they re going to literally die.

Yes people have died, and even more will. But he has to break the eggs to make the omelette, which is going to be to CRUSH Globalism with hard power and put an end to Leftist Globalism with firm finality. He has to break the eggs, because if he doesn't win the Left is going to utterly collapse the West and the death count will be EVERYBODY.

He is getting America ready for the Storm. The storm is not arrest. Its martial law, purges, and the revision of the constitution to make it legally impossible for Leftism to ever ferment again. It might also mean literally going to war with some of our "allies" who are pushing this shit in America.

Thing is the Storm is going to EXTREME, its going to look like the formation of a military Junta, its going to look like every Tom Clancy "president goes rouge" book ever written. The plan is in place to return to civilian government after it, but people needed to be ready and willing accept it.

He is not the hero we want, but he is the hero we need to get through this terrible time.

Because I cannot be more clear, if Trump fails, civilization WILL collapse under the bat-shit anarchy the Left is now espousing.

25355377? ago

100% agree

25351957? ago

This thread has an informed effort to piece together what happened and when https://twitter.com/Kaitain_US/status/1298713689927774215

25351923? ago

Judge: Why did you put six slugs into that antifa bastard?

Defendant: That's all I had, your honor.

25352847? ago

well you honor you see they were all convicted felons and sex offenders I did what you wouldn't.


25351828? ago

St.Kyle of kenosha

25351780? ago

Great post

25351664? ago

Well, many of the “Greatest Generation” lied about their age, so they could serve their country in WW1 and WW2, is this kid any different than all the 17 &18 who went to war to fight the Nazi’s?

25356127? ago

Yeah, they were men, he's a little boy who thought he could play soldiers.

25360730? ago

He did just fine. The boys a man now.

25356948? ago

For the record he was running away from people chasing him down. Looks like he was playing self defense.

25352475? ago

I took the GED at 16 so I could get my old man to sign me up so I could go in when I turned 17. USA Ret.

25355343? ago

Thank you for your service.

25353721? ago

old man John from Georgia snuck unto army at 16. First vehicle he ever drove was a tank.

Ahh the gold ol days

25351968? ago

some as young as 15

25351632? ago

Bless that kid

25351551? ago

Definitely self defense but he shouldn’t have been there being 17 and being out of state bringing a gun over state lines.

Time for the National Guard and Federal Agents to take over and reinstate order!

25355612? ago

Elsewhere someone said he worked at the garage and lived 15 miles away just across the state line. I don’t have sauce but it would make more sense than him defending a random business.

25355595? ago

It's ok, he lived nearby and was protecting the place where he worked.

It's ok in any case.

We're allowed freedom of movement and the 2nd Amendment does not have exceptions for "state lines". lol

25356218? ago

I would love sauce to show my libtard friends!

25352204? ago

Perhaps this was timed to take attention away from Nicholas Sandman's excellent speech?

25351549? ago

After reviewing all of the evidence it seems like he acted 100% in self defense. They were terrorizing him. He was charged with 1st degree intentional homicide. Those charges won't stick. He'll be a free man soon enough

25356116? ago

Man, what kind of a pussy calls a direct head shot self defense?

25363789? ago

Its called luck, im sure it was a reactionary response, Pure luck.

Sometimes you get lucky.

And your complaining because a Kike communist pedo got killed.

Whos the pussy?

25356903? ago

No pussy, cause their dead.

25353689? ago

1st degree won't stick. It's to try and scare others from doing it.

25354149? ago

The held without bond is another attempt at cowing those who would defend themselves from the mob.

25363741? ago

They make really tall phone poles that make for great contemplation assesment tools.

Get yer local treasonous bastard civil non-servant place him atop of a 16ft 2x4 and allow him to stand on the edge with one foot. Tie a rope around his neck and allow him to make his own decision to help out his community or be left on his own. To get down.

25355976? ago

Allowing rioters to get away with everything and overcharging civilians who object to violence and vandalism are two sides of the same coin.

I have no idea, am at work, but guessing the prosecutor is a Soros guy or just a left-wing idiot.

25353840? ago

And just being charged is a form of punishment. He'll spend weeks in jail awaiting trial and he and his family will be under extreme stress as they fear for his future and spend tens of thousands of dollars to try and keep him out of prison. That stress will be used against them as leverage to plead out. It's sick what goes on in this country.

25364531? ago

Yep. Thank God he got free representation from Sandmans lawyer, that should make them bleed trying to pay to keep him locked down.

25354803? ago

He got free representation


25352616? ago

In a normal justice system he should be free but I doubt it with these jew bastards.

25353019? ago

Get their names. It's time for precision strikes.

25353338? ago

Nah just fake some tweets that the DA and judge are racists and said the N word, post everywhere and watch the feral niggers do our jobs for us.

I mean, why not use the jew's weapons against them? This is exactly how the jews weaponized feral niggers against us.

25360344? ago

Good on ya. Efficiency is best.

25352467? ago

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25351495? ago

Dem Army just realized they don’t have the soldiers or weaponry to come at us if they start a civil war. It will be over in less than s week a blm and antifa corpses will litter the streets of America.

Game time....

25358823? ago

Especially if the cops deputize citizens, and stand with them and the national guard, as they have already done in certain areas. Cops turned their backs to the Trump supporters, and focused on the real threat.

25359343? ago

Well said.

25356176? ago

After he murders two people he has a panic attack and gives himself up. Some hero.

Yeah, it would be over in less than a week, because that's about all the time it would take for the authorities to put an end to your pathetic efforts.

25366448? ago

Did one of your comrades get shot? You’re pathetic

25368227? ago

Yes, Gheni. In Pieces, we were. Poor Yeffi.

25351859? ago

Loudest and shortest Civil War in known history.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

25351977? ago

The war won't be over until the international bankers are dead. Killing their pawns won't stop all this evil.

25354954? ago

Under the cover of chaos, they can be taken out one by one if need be. Let's pray it will not come to that.

25352009? ago

That I can get down with. I'd even skip the Bolshevik Grunts to take out the heads.

25352532? ago

In that scenario, there's a long list of talking heads, and a lot of not so talkative heads, that will be hunted down and exterminated like the vermin they are by people with skills who will go practice on them just for the entertainment.

25351647? ago

25354290? ago

That video is a bigger joke than what's in your pants.

25353364? ago

They are stupid niggers who think that magazines are clips and that the forward assist on an AR will make it fire.

I'm willing to bet half them don't even know what end the bullets come out.

There is a LOT more to fighting effectively than just being a bunch of stupid nigs willing to shoot.

25352722? ago

Is this the group from Stone Mountain in Georgia?

25352371? ago

If you'd like to march out the released prisoners and gangster niggers, we'll prove it.

25352049? ago


25352022? ago

given one of these larpers shot three of their own in a misfire... yes, pretty sure.

25353209? ago

If only he would have shouted "Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Magic Missle!" as he blew away the street antifas, would have been the most epic troll in history.

25351864? ago

Wait... aren't these the fucking goofballs lead by "gangmastah Jay" who's own troops pass out and then negligently discharge their weapons, injuring their own people? As seen in the video below... Yeah.,...these kooks are a real threat....lol


25351832? ago

fake and gay, actors LARPing

25351490? ago

100% self defense. I've watched it many times. Kyle killed jewish pedophile satanist terrorists and now the world is a better place.

25354580? ago

The good news for Kyle is that Wisconsin is a constitutional open carry state.

The only exception is a "shall issue" permit for concealed handgun.

I doubt the perp had one of those as a felon.

Probably end up as justifiable homicide.

25356107? ago

He's too young for open carry. And he'll go down for two murder terms, plus whatever they charge him for for the arm. He's going to be a lifer. They'll try him as an adult and he'll go down for murder 1.

He shot a guy in the head. Head shots are not self defense. Might make parole in 15-20 if he's very very lucky, but he's a dumbass and he'll get hooked or fucked up in jail and never come out again.

25365823? ago

The only statement you made that is true in your rant is that by Wisconsin law he has to be 18 to open carry. But by Constitutional law, he is allowed to carry under the "Shall Not Be Infringed" part of the 2nd Amendment. Clearly he was adept at shooting and had the skills and maturity necessary to be carrying.

You know absolutely NOTHING about the law, the Constitution, or Self Defense Laws. There's NO Law about "headshots." You really need to stop using your video games for information on how the world works. When you are in a high stress situation, you shoot. You don't stop and aim and think about where it will land. You only make sure it won't hit anyone else. I would say your response is easily the stupidest comment I have EVER seen on Voat and that includes all the other subs. Please stop posting and go do your homework.

For reference - here's what went down -- https://mobile.twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1298833015548739587

And the attorney for Nick Sandmann is offering to defend Kyle - so he'll be out and able to defend himself against you if the need arises. SELF DEFENSE is allowed. Why in the hell would you be against Self Defense? Clearly you have never been attacked or assaulted. I have. Happily, my side arm stopped one and my knife stopped the other. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw_reciprocity_map/wi-gun-laws/

25365888? ago

Firstly, not an american. It's not my job to know your law backwards.

Secondly, he aimed at his head, that's premeditated murder. Self defense would have been a body shot. I'm not saying there's a law about headshots, merely that a killer's aim can often be argued as intent, there's precedent.

And yeah, I've been in a few fights thanks, probably more than you have. I can defend myself without being a murdering coward.

25363494? ago

I trust this statement.... the nose knows....


25357793? ago

If they charge him as an adult then wouldn't he be eligible for open carry? Can't have it both ways. Not that they won't try...

25364505? ago

Nope. That's not how it works. Good question though. But no, being tried as an adult for one crime doesn't affect the other crime he committed. Basically, the reason we have separate 'counts' is that each one is considered separately, as a different crime. So for example, his rap sheet will probably end up with two counts of murder, one of... some sort of assault, for the arm, owning and carrying an illegal weapon, and probably some other stuff like breach of the peace, endangering the public (I forget what that one is called) - most incidents like this are processed as a group of separate crimes.

Hope that makes sense.

25365852? ago

which part of SELF DEFENSE IS UNCLEAR TO YOU? It's not MURDER it's Self Defense. The Wisconsin law outlines that. Being hit over the head with a skateboard, being rushed by a guy with a gun, being assaulted... all of these fit the "In Fear for My Life" statutes. Look at Andy Ngo's live feeds - https://mobile.twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1298833015548739587

Good Lord. I'm glad some of y'all aren't attorneys. With that mindset no one is safe.


25365871? ago

Then why did they book him for murder? They'd have held him longer before charging him if there was any chance of a self defense.

25357010? ago

"Constitutional" carry has no age minimum.

25364527? ago

1) Refers to handguns

2) Not applicable in this state.

25364963? ago

This is easier to read than the actual statutes.

You're welcome.


25365111? ago

Ah thanks for the link. Good old wiki.

25359256? ago

federal statues is actually 16... left over from hunters safety. .... for hunting. younger if under supervision.

25363707? ago

God is his supervisor.

25356752? ago

He didn't break any laws, we don't have laws anymore, how can he be charged with a crime when we don't have a justice system anymore? Self defense, if he gets locked up Patriots should peacefully protest his release.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

-- Declaration of Independence, 1776

25356791? ago

I hereby nominate Kyle Rittenhouse as one of the new guards for our future safety. He took 3 criminals off the streets in under 2 minutes and he is only 17. America fuck yeah!

25354441? ago

Agree 100%, if I lived in that down I would contact the militia and march down to the Jail and free him.

The Prosecutor would be warned, since Law Enforcement failed the people and allowed the lawless rioters to destroy property and livelihoods it was the duty of the citizens to defend the Constitutional rights since the authorities appointed to do just that refused.

We are the Constitution we are have to live it, it is not given it is taken by all Men.

25356070? ago

You realize that part of the reason they don't bail murderers, even ones that are unlikely to run, is because of the possibility of retribution, right? The cell is partly to keep them safe.

Kid is a moron. He used lethal force against a non lethal attack. He was running around a protest with his big boy gun, and he got caught up in something he didn't intend to. You can see on his face as he runs away, and hear him panting with terror (and general lack of fitness, kit wheezes like an obese old lady) - he's in totally over his head. He's too stupid to even put the gun on the ground when he approaches the police.

Fucking idiot kid, his life is toast now. He just blew up his whole life for a night of feeling like a big militia man.

25356391? ago

"Non lethal attack". Let me bash your brains in with my skateboard and shoot you 10 times with my Glock real quick, I promise it will be "non lethal", bro.

25356514? ago

Doesn't matter. This kid won't survive prison.

25354324? ago

Jews? Source?

25353248? ago

He was out rioting illegally. Once you're part of the riot you dont get to "defend yourself" against other rioters.

25355123? ago

He wasn’t rioting.

25355155? ago

He travelled to another state with the intent to pick fights with people over matters that have nothing to do with him. He was illegally carrying a gun while illegally being out after curfew and looking for fights.

Thats rioting.

25366781? ago

He worked at the gas station, so apparently it was a matter of personal concern to him.

25356879? ago

Must be exhausting for the people around you in your social circle.

25355677? ago

Its his backyard. He lives 15 miles away across the state line.

25354135? ago

He was defending property from criminals. He was not participating in the riot. There is a very important distinction that we all can see. You can't spread your confusion here. He was attacked by rioters and defended himself. Kyle is the victim here.

25355178? ago

Its not his property to defend nor his job or right to take it upon himself to defend property of strangers in the next state over.

This is a country of law not do whatever the fuck you want just because you feel self righteous

25355871? ago

Go ahead and loot and somebody will shoot you too, idiot.

25352482? ago

One of them ran at him trying to stomp his head into the pavement.... i mean wtf is that? He was fully in the righr to shoot imo.

25366914? ago

The 3rd guy, a convicted felon, came at Kyle from the side, gun drawn, intending to shoot Kyle execution style. Kyle was able to turn and get a shot off while still on the ground, blowing off a chunk of the executioner's right arm. 3/3 justified shootings.

25355080? ago

And another was trying to smash his head with a skateboard.

25353189? ago

I think someone swung a skateboard at his head too

25353456? ago

Yes one tried to hit with a skateboard while the another pulled a pistol from his pants. Didn't work out the way either thought it would though.

25353008? ago

Yes but it would have been a mostly peaceful stomping, as opposed to any kind of self defense which is violent.

25355651? ago


25354615? ago

Lol excellent impersonation of jew logic.

25352631? ago

Gotta love the AR, even close range.

25353159? ago

it was a pretty good shot for his situation.

25354489? ago

I'm a fan of the 12 gauge for general defense, but on the move

I have a new found appreciation for the 5.56 at close range.

25352036? ago

Proportional force will be used to argue against Kyle in killing Huber most likely. It’s not as open and shut as you propose.

25355292? ago

3 against 1. Their actions show deadly force: one was swinging his skateboard at his head, the other one was engaged in a kick to the head, and the third had a pistol in hand and even fired shots (watch the video). He would not have survived had he not defended himself.

Those rioters would not have stopped and I suspect at least 2 of them were under the influence, I don’t know what else would give one the blindingly stupid courage to chase down a person with an AR-15 who had just demonstrated his willingness and ability to use it.

25355874? ago

AND if Kyle were 10 years younger those jews would've molested him.

25353713? ago

death is the ultimate leveler. If death was at stake death force justified. Keep up the shilling you faggot.

25353048? ago

Proportional force is commie bullshit. If you're trying to get away and they're coming at you with weapons, they are trying to kill you. It's that kind of thinking that makes victims out of honest people, and protects criminals.

25353292? ago

Honest people arent out rioting illegally. He knew he was out after curfew, he knew he was going to run into other violent people.

You don't get to go out rioting and instigating then claim "self defense".

25353741? ago

He was out protecting property and cleaning graffiti. If he'd attacked them fist they'd be dead before they had a chance to immolate him or bash in his skull.

25355431? ago

He was out illegally carrying a gun after curfew in a town the next state over. He was trying to play batman fuck off with the goody two shoes bs.

25366031? ago

He has a right to defend himself no matter where he came from, dipshit. The people who attacked him were carrying guns after curfew and committing felonies. Maybe he's a fool for being there, but the people who attacked him were armed criminals and he gave them what they had coming.

25353415? ago

You're a lying piece of shit or you're stupid. Which is it?

When people attack you, and you didn't attack them first, none of that matters.

Fucking jews and their torture of the language.

25353482? ago

According to reports he was attacking people first.

Also if your'e out illegally after curfew participating in a riot you don't get to cry about being attacked.

25355857? ago

Jew liar. There are no reports

25354046? ago

"according to reports" Link please.

25353671? ago

According to reports.... from CNN? Haha

25353330? ago

Yes this, you are supposed to be a good sheep while the commies burn you town tot he ground.

Shit like this, making it illegal for good people to defend their own communities against anarchists and commies is why we are in this mess.

We have the insanity of police are there to protect criminals from the good citizens. This is clown world levels of insane.

25353393? ago

Its not his own community. Hes not even from the same state. Hes an asshole who went out illegally to start shit with rioters of a different faction.

He wasnt "defending" shit.

25355863? ago

Its his backyard. He lives across state line 15 miles away. Its his town.

25353788? ago

So what if he's not from there? He was out protecting property. If someone was burning down your neighborhood and a guy was standing in front of your house putting himself at risk to defend it, would the fact that he was from a bordering state mean he was instead attacking you? Oh well, you're not arguing in good faith anyway. You're just trying to stir the shit because it gives you a little thrill.

25355326? ago

You dont have any right to go out enforcing the laws. That's the polices job, or if necessary the forces designated by the president or governor.

Sure if youre thrust into it you have to act, but going out after curfew illegally carrying a gun in the next state over is just you looking to play batman for funsies fuck off

You fucking morons are as bad as the commies and don't understand what you're asking fir or what you'd get. Try volunteering for a mission in Cambodia like I have. Ask those people how it turns out when private groups of citizens decide they get to be the police because they want to.

25353681? ago

Is he allowed to stand on a corner and say stop burning that place down? Can he say it without being attacked by the mob? Is he allowed to defend himself after telling others to stop burning something down?

He is allowed to tell them to stop. They dont have to attack him. Watch the video. He is disengaging by running away! Try proving the aggressor was the one on his back.

25355495? ago

No he isn't allowed actually. The police set a curfew and he violated it. He was interfering with the police and helping to escalate the riot.

He had no reason to be in the state yet alone out after curfew except to get yucks, ie a rioter.

25355919? ago

At this point you are shilling.

25353184? ago

This...commies are KOS anyway.

25352621? ago

Mob is threatening, you hit the instigators hard to keep the mob at bay. Go back under your "lawyer shade-tree" faggot

25351873? ago

I wish you all would stop with the Molotov bs. If you actually watch the videos and see the still shots it was not a Molotov, it was a plastic bag with stuff inside. No fire.

25353826? ago

You are as blind as you are gay.

25353707? ago


25353013? ago

Yeah, because it's so easy for the kid to tell in that situation. Shooting was completely justified.

25358004? ago

NEVER did I say it wasn't justified. You imagine because I question one single fact that I am somehow against what happened.

25360338? ago

Don't take things on anon boards (or online in general) personally; my point is that in that moment it didn't matter whether it was a molotov or urine-feces cocktail, the kid was cornered and had to defend himself. There was no time to confirm or deny it.

25352588? ago

Fool, that's a nigger molotov, filled with piss and feces, actually MORE dangerous than the fire version, just ask Dr. Fauci.

SO shut the fuck up!

25352700? ago

I agree it would be worse, but I don't think that's still called a molotov.

25352924? ago

Shit bomb?

25358014? ago


25353101? ago

Colostomy cocktail?

25353168? ago

Dirty Shitbombing Commies...

25352581? ago

It sounds like you need to watch the entire video actually. Before the first guy got shot in the head he was running our patriot down and threw a burning bottle at him.

25352701? ago

I did watch. I spent hours looking at all the different angles posted on 4chan. They have closeups of the bag that he threw.

25352533? ago

Yep, it was a plastic bag with something heavy in it. It was back-lit and looks like it was flaming as it flew through the air.


This is what got him shot though.


25352586? ago

Why are these people charging at someone armed with an ar?

Beyond stupid. I suspect PCP, meth, or something similar

25353263? ago

Because they were under the impression that he shot someone. They were trying to stop someone they believed was a murderer.

25353667? ago

They were out past curfew and shouldn't take the law into their hands. He is allowed to defend himself.

25355550? ago

He was out past curfew too. What we have here is a fight between two rival gangs of rioters. The only good guys are the cops who are the only ones entitled to police the streets.

25363672? ago

Stop cucking the place up...

He was on private property defending private property....

If the cops and the mayor and the govenor had done their jobs non of this would have taken place.

Again stop cucking the place up.... shills

25353174? ago

You are likely correct, that area is lousy with meth heads. Its the white mans crack, it turns men into niggers.

Additionally, those people would be very interested in the 'soros arrangement' of payment for bullshit.

25352517? ago

Did you notice that guys brains on the ground and him seizing up as the death rattle kicks in? Soon more antifa will be joining him or they can wuss out and be arrested. Their choice.

It's my new screensaver. I fucking love it. I wish I could get one with blood splatter in slo-mo. You haven't seen one, have you?

25352709? ago

I'd check on 4chan, they have lots of still shots posted there.

25363716? ago

Check out this image, very clear


25352609? ago

I figured there was some good catfish bait wasted on the sidewalk.

25352549? ago

The video showing the moment the dude’s arm got vaporized was impressive.

25352773? ago

I know! So cool! Antifa finally is useful for something.

25352392? ago

You need to look at other pictures and angles. It's there and it's on fire and it's in his hand. You're obviously being biased here.

25352717? ago

I did look at closeups posted on 4chan. If they manipulated the photos then I am wrong but they looked legit.

25363698? ago

Check out this photo, very clear.


25352439? ago

4 (((upvoats)))

25352206? ago

That's unconfirmed and the jew pedo had a gun (illegally).

It doesn't even matter, they were running after him, and intent on causing bodily harm, as he was trying to disengage.

At that point he didn't have a choice unless he wanted to end up in hospital or the morgue.

Fuck off shill.

25353256? ago

He had the option of not breaking the law by being out rioting after curfew.

25353281? ago

He wasn't rioting you fucking shill, he was protecting property from the rioters.

Fuck off back to reddit.

25353466? ago

They werent rioting they were "protesting for civil rights"...just because his excuse for rioting is different doesnt mean its good.

Hes not a cop and nit even from the town. He was out illegally after curfew. He was looking for trouble and deserves whatever he gets for finding it.

25353696? ago

They weren't rioting they were "protesting for civil rights"...

That holds true until they loot stuff or try to stomp the head of someone who tries to flee.

Note that I said it holds true initially.

And it holds true for everyone who is there and holds sign without doing any trouble.

I don't want to live in a country where we arrest people based on reading their mind instead of their actions.

25355465? ago

And "protecting property" holds when its your property or you have a legal, reasonable, basis to defend it.

When you go to another state and are out after the authorities have ordered the streets to be cleared while illegally carrying a gun youre now just looking for trouble ie a rioter.

25357250? ago

And "protecting property" holds when its your property

Can't I defend the property of my girlfriend?

25353334? ago

You dont get to take the law into your own hands. Ts not his place to protect property. Thats called rioting.

He's not even from the same state. He's literally an outside instigator bused in to start trouble and youre cheering him on you pathetic hypocrite.

He deserves everything he gets.

25355942? ago

OK Karen

25353410? ago

Ts not his place to protect property. Thats called rioting.

Riot noun | \ ˈrī-ət \

• To protect property.

(And of course anyone who protects property is bourgeoisie and deserves death by antifa, who were totally not rioting)

25353491? ago

Protecting property is an excuse to riot same as "protesting".

Hes not from that town or state, he has no property to protect there. He has no legal right to decide to play cop.

He was out starting shit with a rival gang, aka rioting.

25353502? ago

Riot noun | \ ˈrī-ət \

• To protect property.

25353522? ago

He wasnt "protecting property" he has no property in that town, hes from a different state. He was wondering around causing trouble same as the other rioters he just has a different excuse.

25353551? ago

"Ts not his place to protect property. Thats called rioting."

25353351? ago

Protecting property is rioting?

Are you fucking retarded?

25353371? ago

Its an excuse for rioting same as "civil rights".

That dude bussed in from a DIFFERENT STATE looking for trouble. He was out illegally after curfew.

Its up to police an property owners to protect property not outside instigators.

25353646? ago

Its up to police an property owners to protect property

I'd love to live in a country where people protect each other and their property, and not just their own stuff.

25355600? ago

Yes, until somebody shoots you while you're entering your own home because you "looked suspicious".

Vigilanteism always sounds nice and easy when it works but its failure mode is horrendous.

25357208? ago

And sometimes cops shoot your dog because they got the wrong house.

Having a police always sounds nice and easy when it works but its failure mode is horrendous.

25353643? ago

That may be but when did he fire his gun? After being attacked. He is allowed to stand up and say dont burn something down without being attacked. He was attacked and defended himself.

25353385? ago

You could have just answered "yes".

25353498? ago

You could just admit your fee fees are more important to you than facts.

25352689? ago

It only matters if we want to be accurate.

25353700? ago

Let me "correct the record" then

Youre a fahgot shill get out of here ill give you some pence to leave 🤣

25354399? ago

Allow me to "correct the record" then.

You're a faggot who thinks going out of your way to find a problem while carrying a weapon is self defense.

25359767? ago

How many pence do you want, 2, 2 pence.

25352164? ago

turns out that "medic" was wielding a hand gun, check the video and still images again!

25363569? ago

Well that one Kike did call out for a medic.

And he really didn't specify a two armed medic...But all he got was a one armed medic.

25353683? ago

IDF style faggotry.

25352720? ago

that was the 3rd guy, not the first bald guy.

25353487? ago

here is a pic of the first giy throwing the cocktail https://files.catbox.moe/z6i80k.jpg

25351820? ago

Really .

Only a kike would wear paramedic (or press) & carry a gun. Classic ldf shit

25351948? ago

Was also a felon, and was illegal for him to carry a firearm.

25358345? ago

Cannot be a felon if under 18... false.

25353951? ago

so are you saying, the guy wearing a "paramedic" hat who was closing in on Kyle with a handgun to execute him, Gaige Grosskreutz, (a self-proclaimed member of the People's Revolution Movement), is a felon and it was illegal for him to carry? It's great that Kyle got his AR un-jammed in time to stop the shithead.

But Gaige being a felon, I did not know. Thanks for the info. I now see several trusted sources on the 'net claiming that to be true, so I believe it.

25354247? ago

They were probably let out of jail due to COVID concerns.

25352210? ago

No such thing. That was a Jew law enacted in 1967

25353753? ago

So are all laws Jew laws or just the ones you don’t like? Just trying to understand here.

25354840? ago

Most stupid shit on the books since early 1900 written, sponsored, endorsed & pushed through by Jews.

Federal reserve? Jews.

Immigration act of 65? Jews

Firearm control act of 67? Jews.

Dullith plan on domestic violence? Jews again

Redflag laws? Jews

Do you get it yet?

25365216? ago

Ugh Jews are responsible for everything!


25368212? ago

Ah, your finally seeing g the light.

25371385? ago

Apparently hitler was Jewish too. WW2 was fake.

25371649? ago

Hitler was half Jewish.

WWII was because he was still pissed a rabbi bit his dick as a child

25371672? ago

Oh shit that was meant to be a joke.

Talk about irony. Soros and hitler are the same. I knew it.

25371738? ago

Life has become a tragic satire

25354586? ago

The Constitution is the Law of the Land. Everything else are Legal Statutes, not Law.

25354873? ago

Legal defined as bullshit.

25352198? ago

Do you think we felons give a fuck about any law that violates our second amendment rights? Kyle did the right thing.

25354330? ago

Felons lose those rights...soooo.

25354385? ago

Nope, sorry. Maybe in your perfect world but the constitution, as written, doesn't make such an exception. Try again.

25354454? ago

Nope, sorry. You have to petition to have them restored...default is - NO GUNS for convicted felons.

Thanks for playing though.

25354749? ago

Some laws are just, some unjust. I opt to follow what's just. That bullshit violation of my rights means nothing to me and prying it from my dead hands I'd the only way they'll be taken.

25361735? ago

Calm down ex-con fag...I was citing the laws you clearly didnt know...maybe if you were familiar with them, you wouldn't have these problems...

25363459? ago

I'm cool, homie.

25363953? ago

let's hope so.

25364672? ago

The problem with communicating this way is the lack of inflection.

25355277? ago

Amen brother. Happy you are still here to talk about it. Prison is an awful dangerous place and some get sent there for no good reason.... like weed charges.

25358224? ago

I agree about the weed charges. I'll be honest with you, patriot, I deserved what I got for doing what I did. Thankfully, God gave me the courage to do the right thing and turn myself in to the police when I would never have gotten caught.

Not all of us are beyond redemption and I chose what side I was on.

25354436? ago

Not when they are incarcerated or on probation.

25354759? ago

Fortunately, I'm neither.

25354075? ago

What are you in for? Joliet has a mean pepper steak.

25354311? ago

Aggravated Netflix streaming.

25351488? ago

Yep I agree. Essentially this kid did what a lot of Anons on here say but never do: go out and do something/anything to stand up for what's right.

25353344? ago

Which is why the left is gonna be hell bent to put him in prison or kill him ASAP. They HAVE to show the rest of conservatives that you cannot do good and get away with it.

25363819? ago

Yeah, or the are ginning up base.

The silenced majority doesnt want to.fight but if are pushed will be madder than hell.

25352623? ago

Although I encourage action, there's so much unknown to say what action is for the greater good that would actually help in making change for the positive. A lot of the meaningful battles are happening not on the streets but with the laws and the contracts. We are mostly willful participants in pacification of the mass so we don't have to face having to kill someone for all the wrong reasons in this complicated world.

A meaningful action should come from the love of fellow men to preserve the values you uphold, but not out of desperation. A carefully crafted plan is worth more than just random shooting you got caught up in. The real meaningful change comes from methodically advancing your plan without being noticed as a change at all.

25355477? ago

Elsewhere someone said this kid was employed at the gas station, so it may not be as random as it appears.

I agree with methodically advancing your plan, that’s exactly what the DS has done for over 100 years. Unfortunately, we may be past the point where solely that method will work. Many of the world leaders and CEOs are psychopaths and Psychopaths do not respond to love or logic.

25355329? ago

liberal clap trap cuchservative evangelical bullshit

25355401? ago

"Random mishmash of insults with no clear argument"

25353918? ago

What matters is what you do. Anything else is as worthless as the word salad you just dished up.

25353190? ago

"Be the change you want to see"

25353977? ago

Only works if you are part of a society that reciprocates.

25359783? ago

very true

25352726? ago

Well said

25352120? ago

I live far out in the distant suburbs, and if there were riots, downtown, in my "own" city, I'm not 100% sure I would drive the 30 miles to protect it.

25353957? ago

So what? Why would anybody care what you're not sure of?

25352688? ago

If you wait till they get to your suburb you are fucked.

25353993? ago

x1000 this. He didn't want them fucking up his neigborhood, so he went to help defend someone else's. The fact hardly anyone had his back is shocking.

25360710? ago

Fuck knows why you are being down voated. You either show courage and stand together or you are doomed and probably deserve to be.

25353354? ago

They won't. That would require actually walking, and niggers are lazy.

25353983? ago

They get driven from place to place.

25352280? ago

I get it anon. Most Americans want to be left the fuck alone. However, you might get angry enough if something happened to someone or something you hold dear to you.

25351586? ago

interesting get

25353112? ago

The problem is that he traveled from another state armed. That does not suggest the motive of peaceful protest.

25355503? ago

We are allowed to travel from other states armed. lol

25354167? ago

He lived 15 miles away and the garage was where he was employed. Protecting his job is not a nefarious pursuit. You are just trying to obfuscate the issue that he was clearly a victim of armed assault and defended himself successfully with a gun.

25355375? ago

I hadn’t heard that he worked at the garage, do you have sauce? Everyone has been painting this like he crossed state lines to defend some random business, which just doesn’t make sense. Makes me wonder if the business owner was there.

25356032? ago

Some of the videos show him talking to the police (before the incident) ...One has him pointing out to the cops "that's where I work".

I didn't save them but viewed them last night. You Tube probably working hard to find and cancel such videos....

25366722? ago

I saw the videos but they didn’t have sound. Interesting.

25354030? ago

20 miles?? another state? Hell, he probably worked in a different state then he lived in. Stop with the BS please.

25353851? ago

Fuck you. Goddamnit you're stupid.

25353942? ago

Well argued. I seldom encounter such an intellect.

25354264? ago

Probably because you hang around leftists.

25353688? ago

Yes it does. As an American, are you not allowed to cross state lines to go tell rioters not to burn things down? Is that illegal? Is it illegal to defend yourself when you're being attacked for saying what you believe?

25353880? ago

That guy is just trying to get under people's skin. He just wishes that the kid had been killed, but won't say it outright.

25355975? ago

No. He's trying to get us to flesh out our argument and make it solid for Kyle. Kyle kills pedo jews dead.

25365631? ago

Hmm could be.

25352008? ago

1488 Kek!