25357503? ago

Since when do the mods on QRV tag posts?

25351513? ago

From what I see in the Video, Kyle is defending himself. Justified Self defense.

25348217? ago

Fuck off. Did he have ANY business BEING there?

25351529? ago

he's an emt apparently. He said he supported protestors and was there to protect their right to protest and help the injured. So, i suppose he did. He didn't go to oppose them. That short white dude with the bald head was the one stirring up shit. Hopefully he found what he was looking for....

25351298? ago

Who really cares. He had the balls to be there. Accomplished 10x as much as the cowards in Law Enforcement.

25350016? ago

He was out after curfew during a riot, its his own damn fault.

25384901? ago

EXACTLY. He also (is he opposition to them OR WITH them?) went ARMED to a PROTECT, he says (?) as security? (hired?) for businesses. WHAT BUSINESSES?

25348157? ago

Has anyone seen Kyle?

Seen Kyle

Seen Kyle

Seen Kyle

He is so tall.

25347317? ago

Why stop there? Take over the State and expel all non-whites from Wisconsin.

25346433? ago

All are complicit. I saw the partial interview given by him before shit set off.

25345898? ago

Any chance this shooting is a psy-op?

25345831? ago

Is he the one that got cold-cocked before he shot them?

25345742? ago

He's part of the problem.

25345605? ago

You aren't gonna bring shit, forced to or not.

25345266? ago

Q never called on us to be vigilantes.

Learn the difference between self-defense and playing into Soros' hands.

25347998? ago

Fuck off with your "shut up, eat popcorn and watch the movie" bullshit. Passivity gave us the riots. They could have been stopped day 1 if patriots did their job instead of ceding power to some mythical online fairy.

25348027? ago

Hey glowfaggot.

If you haven't shot anyone, explain to everyone why you are so passive.

25346108? ago

You've been tricked into passivity. Pull your head out of your behind before you're exterminated.

25347610? ago

You've been tricked into passivity.

Have I? How many people have you shot?

Oh, you haven't shot anyone? Why so passive?

25346230? ago

OMG Patriot!!!! Don’t you know if you kill your enemy, he wins!! Trust muh plan! Kyle getting arrested for defending himself is good! It shows that Democrats are the real racists! Fedposter! If you are angry about non-communist whites being arrested you are a glownigger! Any anger or resolve to fix this is glownigger! Tuss blan!!

25350030? ago

Kyle was breaking the law and rioting. You dont get to "defend yourself" while rioting.

25351327? ago

You absolutely get to defend yourself, how fucking ridiculous to assume you don't. Your not required to lay down and let someone kill you.

25353342? ago

Not when you're committing a crime. He was illegally rioting and reportedly had already shot some one when the video starts. Then other rioters tried to subdue him to protect others.

25355026? ago

He killed a guy, with a rap sheet longer than my dick, who was trying to kill him. He then defended himself against a mob of degenerates who would have killed him without a second thought... If the move forward with charges, people should start lynching the DA's.

25346107? ago

Gaige Paul Grosskreutz, the dude shot in the arm in Wisconsin is a felon, not allowed by law to be in possession of a firearm. He is also a DUAL CITIZEN JEW. which explains why mossad is already trying to gaslight.

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


25347635? ago

Jews want a civil war. You must be a jew.

25347885? ago

Ooo good one ari!

25346007? ago

Fuck that. He never said NOT to either.

The founding fathers are better than Q. They actually got shit done.

25347805? ago

Founding fathers never anticipated that trillions of dollars would be spent in defeating the country via subterfuge.

25348201? ago

Why didn't they?

Seems like they thought exactly that

25345964? ago

Fuck Q! This shit should have ended in May.

Where the fuck is he? Sending out more bullshit code?

25347747? ago

Q is fixing the problem permanently.

Go LARP that you would have done anything more than sit in your basement somewhere other than QRV.

25346620? ago

No. Fuck you. Fuck you. You glow so bright it's not even fun picking you faggots out anymore. Don't like it here? Don't come. We research here. Now kindly go write your letter. You know which one.

25345520? ago

This ^

25345082? ago

If he was Antifa, / BLM, he'd be out on good behavior already.

25344684? ago

Only white people died. This is a white people problem.

25369707? ago

I see hooked nose kike aggitators.

If he was defending the place at and with the owner of said franchise he is like a armed security guard. Has every right to be on private property. The scum who tried to burn him did not have the right to do so. They all get what they deserved.

The kid should not be prosecuted, the DA and Judge should be on trial for hating our constitution.

They want a war, so they can call in The UN.

They want a war, so they can stop Trump.

They want a war, so they can crash the money (fiat).

They want a war so they can kill white christians.

They want a war to take the guns.

They want a war so the can take our children.

They want a war to make the USA a third world shit hole so china can be the new powerhouse.

They hate America, they hate God, they Hate love.

Pray for them to change and if they come at you pray to be as steady as that 17 yr old.. he looked in the face of demons and held the resolve to get it done.

They hate us because they fear us, not just the communist satanic jew pedos, but the communist politician infiltraters.. they hate us for our freedoms and our Love of God

We the people hold the power they have been brainwashing us to stand down.

Be cucked no more, prepare for war and pray for peace.

25353540? ago

((Rosenbaum)) isn't white

25354720? ago

They sure look White.

25345896? ago

Hispanic everbodys narrative is fucked.

25344890? ago

The kikes are doing a good job.

25345081? ago

Still White problems. Which means, BLM has shit to say about it. This kid walks if there's a God.

25344272? ago

Ya'll need to chill the fuck out.

25343993? ago

JURY NULLIFICATION and he will be completely free. We the people have ALL the power.

25346072? ago

Patriot transport emancipation.

25345993? ago

Actually, only 12 niggers will have the power

25357494? ago

Why? Do you weasel your way out of jury duty?

25358015? ago

Lawyers don't ever pick the thinkers

25358212? ago

Non-answer. Are you weaseling your way out?

25359053? ago

I'm a thinker. They never pick me. I'm a straight, white, Christian man of power, confidence, and intelligence. I never weasel. That's weak, smarmy, beta shit. They never pick me.

25343989? ago


Be patient the videos show self defense. His lawyers will get him out of this.

25346147? ago

Yea exactly, i don’t know why he was runnin thru there, but they came up and attacked him, he fell down and had no choice but to shoot them

If he wouldn’t have defended himself with the gun, they would’ve for sure killed him

They almost ripped the gun outta his hands, he was barely able to get some shots off to save his life

25345422? ago

Do shit the right way and there's no need for lawyering up. Getting off isn't the point. Doing what needs doing, keeping your mouth shut (up to and including not being on a video highlight) and avoiding the system all together is the goal.

A complete and unnecessary burden has been placed on him, by him, even if he does "get off." He fucked up, I don't care whether he gets off or not, it's still self inflicted bullshit anybody with any sense would avoid altogether and search for a different scenario to make a statement or fight a battle.

I'm sure there was absolutely zero chance ego played a part and no visions of gallantry danced through his small brain pan when he hatched a plan to cross state lines with a rifle searching for a reason to use it.

ESPECIALLY with an immensely unfair burden of proof, under the current circumstances, placed on any white man choosing to use a firearm, legitimate reason (Kenosha cops) or not.

Once the smoke clears and the dust settles he's your typical, average run of the mill morons.

25347878? ago


Old men call this amateur night.

and we keep getting older.

25346153? ago

Do what you must.

Do it discretely. Do it from distance or behind concealment. Wear a fucking mask while you do it.

IRA green book is extremely informative.

25351472? ago

Qhere do we get one of those?

25353311? ago

Look it up.

25345846? ago

Hes a kid. You say crossed state lines like he drove more than 30 minutes to be there.

25350860? ago

Oh. I forgot that little asterisk in the law at the very end that says "only if it's more than a 30 minute drive to cross said lines and not applicable to 17 yo's." Thanks, Perry Mason.

25345711? ago

He’s 17 so...even the smartest 17 year olds lack the wisdom and forethought of a truly grown man. I thought I saw him with a group or at least 1 adult male but at the time of the shooting he was alone. He tried to turn himself in he called 911. It’s almost like he wished he was in law enforcement.

25343959? ago

Drove out of state, illegally carrying a gun and shot people...he's fucked.

25344283? ago

Hi kike. You seem to forget the video evidence showing him being attacked by a violent mob with molotovs handguns and skateboards.

Wait until he lawyers up

25345123? ago

And defending yourself is paramount in the US Constitution...not a local or state matter. Who gives a shit if he carried across state lines. BLM / Antifa do it all of the time. Also, if he claims he is BLM he'll be out on good behavior soon.

25344207? ago

Illegal in what way? Are you saying because he was out of state, he's not allowed to transport his gun with him in Wis.? That he needed to register it to use it? Please eleborate.

25345237? ago

Correct. The legal age to open carry in WI is 18. This cuck was 17, hopefully he gets passed around by LeQuan and the boys waiting for his court date.

25346892? ago

Jew. Your kind isnt welcome here, and your lies glow like the sun. We will get you, and your sister.

25347073? ago

Sorry buddy. But me and my sister aren’t married. I’m not a conservative. LMAO. Fucking cuck. I bet you love other Cuckholds like Manafort, Stone, Trump, and Falwell Jr.

25345277? ago

The fact you want this amazing young man raped and even spelled LaQuan correctly means you are a fucking nigger. Only niggers think like that.

25346335? ago

Amazing young man? All I see is a prison fleshlight. Black Gorilla Family members welcome!

25343622? ago

Keep practicing, shill, you're not there yet.

25343479? ago

He's going to prison.

Don't go drive looking for trouble folks. Protect yourself and your family and your business and your property. Protect your neighborhood and your town.

Don't go to another town armed and looking to engage. Not yet.

25346058? ago

Rot in hell kike.

Do what you must.

Do it discretely. Do it from distance or behind concealment. Wear a fucking mask while you do it.

Read the IRA green book.

25346048? ago

False. He hasnt been convicted and his lawyer will have a FIELD DAY given the footage we have all seen. Here is an example of people who actually will spend time in prison:

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


25346014? ago

Nice try jew.

Gaige Paul Grosskreutz, the dude shot in the arm in Wisconsin is a felon, not allowed by law to be in possession of a firearm.

He is pictured drawing one and holding it after being shot.

The one survivor from this heroic white kids self defense is going to jail.

The white kid will walk free. He hasnt even had a chance to go to court yet. Not surprised Mossad is already trying to gaslight here on QRV.

One white kid destroyed four of your goons. Four.

25346898? ago

Mossad. Lol idiot.

25345968? ago

Fuck you.

It's time to show force

25345885? ago

He did the job men aren't doing.

25345239? ago

He's going to prison.

no he wont any compete lawyer would agree

its funny that nigger that shot has raised more money than the 5 year old got point blank shot in the head

25343764? ago

Fuck off kike.

25345858? ago

dumbass... the stupid fucking rioters are baiting for this stuff to happen. have some fucking restraint.

25347079? ago

Fuck that. It’s about to finally get fun pussy.

25345981? ago

And let yet another brother take heat he doesn't deserve.


Q ain't coming

25345888? ago

Gas yourself.

25351990? ago

what are you an antifa?

25343779? ago

OK whatever - he's going to prison and his life just changed forever. Having a felony conviction is difficult.

25345476? ago

Hes not convicted yet dumbass

25346917? ago

Who said he was? Can you read?

25347253? ago

The guy literally said "felony conviction" are you seriously that retarded?

25348161? ago

I typed that and what part of "going to" are you too stupid to understand? Eat shit dick brains.

25345757? ago

Likely he will face some time though. Stand your ground and self defense are great and all but if you intentionally put yourself in the situation as some sort of replacement for law enforcement It doesn’t mean you get the same immunity. I don’t believe he will face a full sentence nor extremely harsh, but he will face something for sure. Definitely won’t be let go scot free. Not saying he is in the wrong ethically or morally but legally he is, make of it what you will, it is what it is.

25346251? ago

I agree he should and probably will receive some sort of punishment, i don’t think it will be a huge sentence, they clearly came up and attacked him

What was he supposed to do, let them rip the gun outta his hands and kill him instead?

I would agree he shouldn’t have been there lookin for trouble if thats what he was doin, we need to hear his side of the story

25346128? ago

Its self defense. Gas israel.

25345913? ago

Its clear cut self defense mate

25348960? ago

Being an instigator and then being attacked and calling it self defense is like gettin some chick pregnant and sayin you can’t be the daddy cuz you pull out. Gtfo here n-word

25343817? ago

Lol it aint over yet you little rat jew. The kid will walk away free

We expected your puppet strung lawyers judges and DA's to pull this shit.

The cops loved him.

25343836? ago

You are an idiot. I wish all the looters were shot.

Go ahead - drive to another state and shoot someone. See what happens.

You probably aren't intelligent enough to even understand what I am typing so I'm done with you.

25345486? ago

Sure thing kike

25344171? ago

He hasnt even has a chance to get a lawyer yet niggerling. Election in two months. Things are going to change faster than you can swallow a foreskin you little mamzer piece of shit.

25343972? ago

Used the jew slur just like a libtard calling anyone a racist or russian bot. The last of dumb and dumber.

25343628? ago

Especially dont cross state lines. This was his main mistake.

25346019? ago

Do what you must.

Do it discretely. Do it from distance or behind concealment. Wear a fucking mask while you do it.

25346083? ago

Indeed do what you must. Its unlikely that he must have crossed state lines. I dont fault him. But it was likely a mistake he will regret.

25343406? ago

I thought he was there to defend BLM?

25343633? ago

you the same shill spreading that shit in the other thread? Proof or fuck off discord sowing kike.

25345514? ago

There are a few in V/gayfagss too

25343236? ago


25343355? ago


25343348? ago

And what did he say? What I see is, " please notice my hands, i am not a threat to you. "

25344585? ago

He had four fingers up, "I hit four"

25343218? ago

Kyle is the hero that "Murica needs!

25344117? ago

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25343187? ago

Kyle can suck my dick.

25344203? ago

You have a mental problem

25343644? ago

well, i think kyle will just shoot your dick off instead communist faggot. Although its a small target so heres hoping he just goes center mass instead.

25343468? ago

As ugly as you is, nobody would touch that crusty thing with a ten foot pole.

25343139? ago

Amen. Any LEO standing in the way should be considered a commie and dealt with accordingly.

25344830? ago

That's fucking ALL of them.

Fucking traitors.

25345943? ago

This. After this is over, fire every single cop. Rehire back the 5% who actually take the job seriously. The rest are literally treasonous communist sympathizers who stood aside at the very moment they were needed most.

Freemason pieces of trash.

25343131? ago

Classic Kyle