25351168? ago

Unfortunately I think the Democrats are trying to infringe us right into a civil war, post-election chaos.

25354274? ago

It will likely be a violent time.

Law enforcement will be overwhelmed and citizens will have no choice but to stand firm and defend themselves.

That is the circumstance we need to prepare for.

25349656? ago

Only you can protect yourself.

25346725? ago

I sent this to my kids principal today. Don't have enough imaginary internet points to post a thread on voat but here it is:


I'm REDACTED, REDACTED and REDACTED'S dad. I want to start off by saying that both of my kids say you are a wonderful, caring principal. Kids are very perceptive and there's no faking it so if they like you, I do as well! Thank you for all that you do.

I'm writing this email out of frustration. I wanted to communicate with REDACTED teacher directly but feared that I might cause problems for him throughout the year. I also thought about posting this in the REDACTED Parents group on facebook but figured that would be an unnecessary distraction for you and your staff. You're already dealing with many challenges and we appreciate school being back in session. With that said, I would ask that you please keep this confidential.

REDACTED came home today and said that CNN was played on a projector in REDACTED class. I'm not sure what program was being played, or the context, but I strongly disagree with politics entering the classroom. I personally limit my time with CNN due to the overwhelming COVID coverage and constant death toll that is usually displayed on the side of the screen. This is an unhealthy worry for young kids who are just getting back to school and I don't want my children living in constant fear.

Our country is also dealing with a very heated political climate and the opinions expressed on CNN don't align with the values that I instill in my kids. To say it plainly, I believe that CNN is part of an agenda to damage our country, our president, and my children's future. I love our country and don't want my kids exposed to political propaganda in the classroom.

Regardless of your opinions on my email, I would hope that my kids academic future isn't negatively impacted as a result.

I look forward to a discussion on how best to handle this situation going forward. I can be reached by phone or email. Thank you.

25350166? ago

sometimes I think channel one turned us all into news zombies

25347724? ago

How does this relate to my original post?

25345944? ago

Can't buy a cheap semi-auto over 22 cal anywhere. They are all sold out. This has armed Americans more than anything else previously.

Just remember to buy ammo more than anything else. A gun is nothing but a stick without ammo, and owning 50 sticks won't do you any good.

25347737? ago

Great reminder.

25345699? ago

Unless you actually shoot a arsonist or rioter, then you get charged with murder.

25344441? ago

If we can somehow keep the law from charging us with murder everytime someone gets killed, then , only then, maybe we will have the right to bear arms. For now, nope. You have the duty to stand and take whatever violence that is inflicted upon you, or run. Anything more and you will be charged. THAT is the fucking problem, and by design. Good decent people are scared to use their firearms for fear of ending up with a lengthy prison sentence.

25345555? ago

You must keep it confined to "YOUR home YOUR castle" to defend. Defend it. Businesses the legalities would only multiply, so Act with With Extreme Caution. To walk into the street is in a manner of speaking is playing the game to. This is their leeway, their loophole.

It is our duty as citizens is to back the police with the brooms and the shovels and the wheelbarrels, and if needed FORMALLY deputized as a support militia.

A clear visible social line must be maintained.

Anything and i mean anything else is a slide down the slippery slope.

Act when you must, not because you can.

25350335? ago

I like your deputizing idea. Keep it legit and clean house.

25343681? ago

the kid defending himself in kenosha needs a big time 2A attorney to step up pro bono, our Constitution is on the line not to mention an innocent kids life

25343424? ago

from: doglegwarrior

im the 1 down vote it means nothing if all the district attornys and judges are liberal marxist pieces of shit who only enforce the law against citizens they dont like. who cares if you have a 2nd amendment if the courts will find you guilty of murder when it was clearly self defense

25347804? ago

War on so many fronts but each is necessary.

Trump's been working on the judges and it takes time to proliferate through the system.

25345678? ago

Dogleg a troll of honor. Downvote and tell a mufuka why

25342605? ago

Your sentiment is admirable but in reality 2nd amendment or any other rights are at the whim of local prosecutors, almost all of the time

If the DA sympathizes with you, you can fall back on such rights, but if the DA is against you you are going to spend a fortune in legal fees if you have dared to exercise your rights - and, conversely, people on the other side of the incident might have a massive load of pain to inflict on you

So if you are in a jurisdiction that is unfriendly to the 2nd amendment it is incredibly stupid to act as though that amendment is any protection

But yeah, if all we are talking about is debating the issue, riots help win the debate

25342603? ago

good news..in the last cple months, 4 people I personally know that were against guns asked me what gun they should get:)

...In case your were wondering, I recommended them Glock 19/17

25347837? ago

Get them to the range and take it to the next level with safe and accurate handling.

25344083? ago

Good choice. Hard to buy any right now though, no one has anything in stock.

25342460? ago

With the police being defunded in many areas I have no choice but to defend myself.

25343009? ago

Not that it will matter much, if you defend yourself the pigs will still come for you. At this point they should be defunded, the only people they seem to protect are the degenerate lefties. If you defend yourself the pigs will show up looking to ruin your life with the help of the DA.

25345016? ago


25342197? ago

That kid is in serious trouble if what is being reported is true. He's 17 and not allowed to own a rifle. I hope they let him off though.

25347899? ago

Unfortunately while it was only a few miles from his home, he crossed the IL/WI state line which will likely make it a much more serious federal charge.

25343032? ago

If they charge him and move forward with it, I hope we read about a dead Kenosha DA in the coming weeks.

25341999? ago

it will be infringed, that is thier point, first speech, then you wot be able to protest or ask for your guns back

25341890? ago

Don't entertain their principles. They'll pretend the 2nd amendment grants rights, rather than restricts government from violating an inherent right. Call them out on it. They'll claim it's to enable hunting. Tell them, yeah, hunting anti-Americans, tyrants, and traitors. They know it's true. They're liars using pretenses. Fuck them.

Have a problem with the inherent right to bear arms? When do you leave? Doesn't make sense to be in the one place on Earth meant to protect rights you disrespect, and have disdain for.

25341684? ago

You say that but then everyone who exercises it gets charged with a crime.

It is beyond time to publicly execute those that threaten to put you in a cage for defending your life and the lives of others.

25343096? ago

The DA's should be charged with treason for overthrowing the constitution!

They have no legal authority to just ignore it as they wish.

Charging that guy should be seen as an attack against the United States.

These pedo satanists need to hang.

25369600? ago

There is a telephone pole outside each of there homes. They should follow the constitution or be removed from office, have a trial and then pay the consequence.

25342954? ago

They have effectively destroyed the second amendment.

25343711? ago

Nigger, please. The 2A affirms Natural Law, it isn't a government granted privilege that can be taken away.

25369621? ago

They can stop every gun owner and arrest them all....

Ahh, see it... get the civil war to kick off and then the UN to the rescue. Gun confiscations. This is the plan.

Buy food and ammo boys there is a small window for this to not go big!

Prepare for the worst and pray for the best.

God wins, be on his side.. Amen

25370063? ago

The UN? Hey look, an idiot.

25377651? ago

Hey shill, Look who is calling who an idiot.

During 2017 didnt shitcargo ask the UN fir help...

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin headed to the United Nations in New York Thursday to ask for help fighting violence in Chicago.

"I'm hoping to appeal the UN to actually come to Chicago and meet with victims of violence and maybe even possibly help out in terms of peace keeping efforts," Boykin said.

But im the idiot..

Fuck off kike

25380827? ago

Sorry, that was unfair idiots. You're a retard hyperventilating over a county commish political utterance.

PS: Am enjoying your intensified kvetching while striking back at me.

25383261? ago

Kvetching, such a jew way of attack. Name calling, and pompous kikery.

Kindly fuck off back what ever shithole country you came from.

Shill, the only thing that you cared to respond to was the UN.. Not the civil war, not the food or the ammo. seems like I hit a nerve on the soros shill narrative.....Oy vey can't let the goyem know the plan,

Enjoy you're small depressing miserable life, coz you only get the one...

Thanks for making me laugh, faggot, back to you're hole now. I'm done here..

25344652? ago

Look at the big brains on Brad!

25341989? ago

And this guy is now arrested for 1st degree intentional homicide. Time to get rid of those prosecutors, judges, and LE causing this too.

25350132? ago

Protective custody. Not Checkers, Chess.

25341514? ago

It's almost like shining a light on the importance of the 2nd amendment is part of the plan.

25341702? ago

IMHO I agree, but I think that people need to realize that these are not why the 2nd amendment exists.

The 2nd amendment exists to protect you and your rights from the state itself.

25343762? ago

It flows from Natural Law, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

A tyrannical government endangers all 3 so by extension is the enemy of those things.

25342470? ago

Especially the deep state itself

25341954? ago

Which seems to apply here with the hands off approach these blue state Governor's are ordering law enforcement to take and refusing Nat'l Guard assistance. This is your government, maybe the seditious infiltrator faucet but your government none the less.

25341935? ago

Life, Liberty, and Property SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW is a central tenet of the founding of our country.

It's also a social compact. If someone goes outside of those protections and infringes on you, you are allowed to use appropriate force to defend it. If someone goes outside of that compact, they lose their protections. The 2nd amendment covers more than just protection from the state.

25354484? ago

Shall not be infringed period.

when the "process of the law" is corrupt to the core, like it is now, we have serious problem.

25341550? ago


25341462? ago

This post says it was submitted ‘one microcentury ago’.... in between all the other posts submitted that say minutes ago.. what’s up with that?

25341912? ago

If it ever says 'two microcenturies ago', run and cover!

25350355? ago

shhh, ur gonna scare the new guy

25341447? ago


White hat, green shirt Boogaloo with orange fanny pack shooting the "fake paramedic" BLM fag with the glock

25340954? ago

The liberals think we should have to just let them harm us and take our stuff.

25341309? ago

Libtards and niggers think we owe them everything we ever worked for, as if our labor somehow stole everything from them.

Soft soyboy libtards and retarded niggers who haven't worked a fucking day in their lives.