25251424? ago

Hey, didn't Wohl do a special where he was on the island scouting it out? Seemed a little fabricated at the time, now doubly so.

25244056? ago

Co relation they are in agreement.

25243310? ago

Laura was called out a long time ago on the board by Q...

I don’t get why people have voted for her...!?


25243178? ago

First time i ever heard of Loomer was on Alex Jonestein's show. Mossad.

25243068? ago

From the article:

"Iilhan Omar seems like she's going to be an effective member of congress. We're optimistic. "

What? Now I dont believe a word of that article.

25242816? ago

CityPages is a far right progressive magazine in Mpls

Take anything they say with a huge dose of skepticism

25242333? ago

You aren’t in any danger in Minneapolis, given the Twin Cities' virtually non-existent crime rate and its status as a decently run participatory democracy whose scariest threat day-to-day is accumulated snowfall.

Idiot author uses his opening sentence to completely destroy his credibility and inspire nobody to keep reading.

25243081? ago


25246372? ago

Doubtful. From the same article:

”Honestly we can't tell what Laura and Jacob were after, but they seemed to be interested in making shit up about Minneapolis and the people who live in it. What else is new?“

25241747? ago

That article is a right wing hit piece though I can't take it seriously

25241709? ago

Trump is tweeting support for loomer. Stop this

25241871? ago

Well he's a fucktard.

25241367? ago


25241229? ago

East African immigrants and refugees are welcome here, and Ilhan Omar seems, already, like she'll be an effective member of Congress. We're optimistic.

This is your source. Seriously.

25243103? ago


25241125? ago

This is evidence I can get behind. Her picture is becoming clearer everyday. Why wasn't this info brought forward earlier, like say, I don't know, BEFORE the primaries??!!

Literally no evidence against her has come out til now?! Are we still sleeping, folks?

25241106? ago

Big deal, you have pics of Trump and Epstein together too. It doesn't mean shit.

Try harder, Soros drone division-fag.

25241039? ago

You're a chickenshit coward or a shill. Which is it?

25240721? ago

They're both jews. Surprise!

25243498? ago

That means they're both smarter than you, right?

So, that means you don't like them.

25243833? ago

Average IQ in Israel is 94. lol

25241108? ago

25241904? ago

banned for disagreement of opinion, the ban seemed unjustified.

25240325? ago


25241157? ago

Her attire, too. Looks like she's straight out of the CCP, or HRC's camp. It's also common for the modern day witches to dress like this when in carrying out official govt sponsored duties. This bitch is bad, people

25240247? ago

(((Laura Loomer)))

25240206? ago

25241341? ago

a former friend has told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview

I would have believed it when he had said it was 250k.