25245744? ago

Is she a twin of Linda Sarsour?

25247210? ago

I was thinking Ricki Lake.

25241416? ago

She sactually said that its not a first amendment right because it supports #"violent, demonic, terrorism".

Kalergi in full swing.

25242453? ago

Speaking against jewish intersets is violence.

Speaking against White interests is healing the world.

This kike faggotry has just about run its course.

25241041? ago

That dude's cock is probably on par with Big Mike.

25241607? ago

They say jew penises are tiny.

25240755? ago

Laura Loomer says Americans who collaborate with a banned foreign terrorist organization i.e. these people who are funded by George Soros should be imprisoned and regarded as terrorists for collaborating with a banned foreign terrorist organization


25241040? ago

Is the setting this up to lead to George Soros's Open Societies?

25240663? ago

She's right. And your title is very misleading.

25242394? ago

I hope israel gets vaporized by Iran.

25242073? ago

It's a shill post

25240647? ago

Anybody who has duel citizenship with ANY other country/state should be ineligible to hold official office especially governmental

100% allegiance to america alone ,with no other , is an absolute necessity to ensure there is no Conflict Of Interest

25241727? ago

I appreciate the sentiment, but there's more to loyalty than citizenship.

25242053? ago

Great! glad to hear that.

The point is, they should not be in our elected or appointed government positions.

You can be blind and work in the aviation industry, but you sure as hell can't get pilots license.

25242023? ago

Great! glad to hear that.

The point is, they should not be in our elected or appointed government positions.

You can be blind and work in the aviation industry, but you sure as hell can't get pilots license.

25240574? ago

Look let's not misunderstand ourselves.

I'm not saying to nuke Jerusalem, that's a stupidly expensive waste of money.

I'm not saying nuke Palestine, that's a stupidly expensive waste of money.

I'm saying no American asset should set foot in another country. We need to expel those that want to keep us spending blood and billions on pointless conflicts that don't help the US. If countries really want our help, they can feel free to make an offer. I'm sure we can send some Chicago criminals over there.

25240530? ago

Yeah, this powerless reporter/wannabe politician is who we should fear. You know, rather than the Pelosi ghoul or even the AOC psycopath. No, let's talk about this little girl. She'll DESTROY us. Don't mind the tranny ape addressing the nation who has the ears of many. Look here, not there. GO FUCK YOURSELF.

25240527? ago

I like her because she has done great things already. Don't start this shit tearing her down.

25240795? ago

Please list great things.

25240870? ago

Brought to everone's attention (except yours) and to the courts, the extensive banning of conservatives allover the big tech platforms. Big lawsuits coming.

25242414? ago

A self promoting money hungery jew, she no better than the rest of kikes.

25240938? ago

She brought herself to everyones attention, by shreiking "antisemitism!" and "why do they persecute me so?".

Typical self absorbed jew, and sad that more people can't see through it by now.

25240498? ago

See what happens when you allow Jews and Muslims to immigrate to the United States?

Like injecting cancer into our bloodstream.

25240485? ago

anyone get a tranny vibe from Loomer?

that head is abnormally large and the jawline very square for a female

Has the tranny voice, too.

25247914? ago

I want to see what's under all that makeup.

25242421? ago

I think her dick is bigger than mikes.

25240984? ago

Yes, I saw that too. Put this specimen next to big momma Michelle and let’s compare.

25240478? ago

Of course BDS is a broad enough strategy that cracking down on it means cracking down on any criticism of Israel. These people can't tolerate criticism, because they know the power of words to motivate people

25240470? ago

Well that's rather severe

25240424? ago

Nope that isn't what she said

25240817? ago

I agree this is not what she said, she framed it as bds being an Hezbollah funded org and If the boycotting was outside of thst org it would be fine. Just like how we don’t support BLM the org but we agree all lives matter.

Now does that mean she’s not a mossad asset? Nope, I just watched a video where she bragged about her big breasts and Askenazi IQ. Sounds like a Jewish supremicist.

25241752? ago

Agreed, we need to be better than the faggots inserting words in others mouths

25242384? ago

Like how kikes always speak up for their fellow Whites. Gtfo shlomo

25245427? ago

Lol, did you watch the clip nigger?

Fuck Hezbollah and the kikes and you

25246221? ago

What a jew says means nothing, it is always, what is good for jews.

This always comes at someone elses expense, usually White Christians, ie Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Europeans and Americans.

25248519? ago

Agreed, which is why what she said, OP said and what you say

Doesn't matter, now fuck off and learn to not accuse people of being from the tiny hat tribe nigger

25248761? ago

You are fucking sensitive.

25249120? ago

You're just as fucking dumb as the liberals you claim to be better than too

I mean, someone points out the fact that yall are being just as retarded and putting words in people's mouths and you call them a jew? How many iq points do ya have? 48?

25249571? ago

You are fucking on your rag ho.

Why such a cunty bitch.

You literally are freaking out over some shit I was trolling on.

go shove a tampon up your ass cryhard fucking cuck.

25251092? ago

Why hello sanegoatiswear

I see you're still around

25241348? ago

at this moment in time, her (((interest))) just so happens to align with ours. the sadness lies on the fact that q followers are largely retards.

25241134? ago

I wanna see 'em

25240797? ago

This site is chok full of secret Muslim Islamic terrorists pretending to be white.

They get triggered anytime they're called out

25240442? ago

She supports anti-BDS legislation and doesn't think it's a free speech issue.

25240255? ago

Filthy kike whore.

25242112? ago

Enough about your mother.