25259574? ago

You have a choice between Ms. Loomer and the old bitch Lois Frankel who is in there now. Lois Frankel is one miserable piece of human excrement. While she was in office in Palm Beach County, she dragged her feet on every project. One was the update of the downtown roadways. After over a year of roadblocks with people unable to reach some of the businesses there, one restaurant owner complained about the delays. When Ms. Frankel was asked what she would say to that business owner she replied, Who cares about him. The food he serves is pure crap." This is one woman who doesn't have an ounce of compassion or class. I hope she gets kicked to the curb in this election cycle . Both candidates are Jewish so, pick the lesser of of what you perceive as two evils. Don't forget Ms. Loomer is the one who led the illegal Mexican immigrants to Pelosi's house and invited them to climb over the wall with her and camp out on Pelosi's lawn. Anyone who would do that, can't be all evil.

25259654? ago

Would you rather have an enemy in the seat, knowing she is the enemy? Or an infiltrator that is also the enemy but pretending not to be?

25245434? ago

Damn, all the shill racist shit on this thread is funny. This lady has put her life on the line calling out and exposing Muslim bullshit, all while you dumb fuck racists continued to drool on you keyboards everytime you see the word Jew. Fucking dopes.

25245456? ago

You're a fucking idiot. The zionists stuck their dicks in the muslim beehive. Palestine is a huge concentration camp. Do you blame them for being anti-jew? Go fuck yourself you stupid mother fucker.

25245660? ago

^^^ Stupid mother fucker and fucking idiot.

25244635? ago

imagine a chinawoman were wearing a communist necklace and running for congress...

25244618? ago

She(He) seems so plastic to me. Is that a clone(AI bot) I am looking at?

25242282? ago

This is an impressive shilling operation. Time for me to make another donation to Laura Loomer, who has President Trump's endorsement.

25241894? ago

Its palm beach. who do you think voted for her?

25241482? ago

The connection has timed out

The server at files.catbox.moe is taking too long to respond.

25241322? ago

They tossed both Mossad-Millie and Ass-faced Laura at us at the same time. I have been slinging shit overtime... I have a well worn path to the shit-bin now... I should pave it.

25241225? ago


Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, teaching in Ingolstadt University, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the luciferian conspiracy.

It was in 1770 that the professional money lenders, the then recently organized House of Rothschild, retained him to revise and modernize the age-old Protocols of Zionism, which from the outset, was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the luciferian ideology upon what would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism.

Weishaupt completed his task May 1, 1776.

Now you know why May 1 is the great day with all communist nations to this very day.

That was the day, May 1, 1776, that Weishaupt completed his plan and officially organized the Illuminati to put the plan into execution.

The Objective of the Deep State

That plan required the destruction of all existing governments and religions.

That objective was to be reached by dividing the masses of people whom he, Weishaupt, termed ‘goyim’, or ‘human cattle’, into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, and other issues – the very conditions we have in our country today.

The opposing sides were then to be armed and incidents provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves and gradually destroy national governments and religious institutions.

Again I say, the very conditions in the world today.

25241183? ago

It's so funny watching all of you Nazitards get so angry and scared of this woman.

President Trump totally supports her. None of you faggots can do shit about it except spam this anonymous forum showing your fear to us.

25242182? ago

They don't give a shit. They are doing a job. They are NPCs who do what they're told, for a buck.

25241162? ago

She's a snake

25241098? ago

Maybe. Not all Jews are bad. Where's the evidence, other than her necklace, that she's a member of their Khabal?

25241055? ago

Anyone excited about this jewish cunt deserves to be gassed right along with her

25241068? ago

That's Trump!

25242189? ago

You just showed your true colors.

25241077? ago

Trumps just playin the game. He despises jews like the rest of us.

Nice try

25245120? ago

Jew haters, like you, are really dumb shits, aren't they.

25243226? ago

Speak for yourself. "The rest of us" are fully capable of speaking individually, and we didn't elect you to represent us.

25240998? ago

Hmmm.... the magical dozen downvotes.....

25240985? ago

That MOSSAD TRANNY needs voted out.

25240919? ago

Yeah there is something really weird about her, down to her bizarre clown make up and over dyed hair. I’ve never trusted her. another q candidate called her a narcissist.

25240896? ago

That dude is so gross.

25240879? ago

That dude is a jew!

25240852? ago

Holy shit you Q people are retarded. You think the commie incumbent is better? Just lol. You retards behave like Israel and jews are worse than commies. Un fucking believable

25242208? ago

There are no Q people in this thread for the most part. It is a shill orgy.

25241005? ago

They are worse. They are behind the commies. They control everything. They’ve enslaved us all for hundreds of years, working for them to the point of exhaustion, fighting their wars, getting sick off their poisoned food, water, and medicine, all so they can make money off of us as we slowly die from the toxins and poisons to make us sick, docile, and miserable. How can you not know that at this point? I’m not talking about God’s Jews, who are actually Israelites of old, And worship him, not the synagogue of Satan.I’m talking about the Ashkenazis who aren’t Jews at all and worship at the synagogue of Satan. Also most “Jews” in modern times descend from Judah, not Israel, and with the arrival of Jesus Christ, definition of God’s people changed to those that worship God through the Son.

25241003? ago

At least we'd know that enemy. This fucking Jew world order..Kike Alive...

25240943? ago

Fuck off Jacob.

25240791? ago

I donated to her campaign and will do so again. She is a true rebel for freedom. Jeez. Chill out.

25240782? ago

Blockhead. Her head is a cube.

25240729? ago

Not a fan of LL, but it has apparently struct a nerve with the shills. They see an opportunity to divide and are jumping on it.

How does attacking LL and getting her leftist democrat opponent elected help us? We need the House, the Senate and the Presidency for the next four years. Loomer may be very pro-Israel, but she will help the GOP control the house, and she will probably support the President most of the time.

25241363? ago

Were not shills... We have simply taken the time learn the truth. How many jew do you think were killed during the "holocaust"? When did this number become accepted?

25244713? ago

I first heard about it in 1946 when I was eight years old. It was in the "newsreels" at the movies for several years afterwards, until television took over. Also in magazines and then books.

Have you ever read a book. Probably not, doesn't sound like unless you're just shilling and have no idea what anything is about, just "following orders", like the Nazi's did..

25242968? ago

Here ya go. You can stop (((Laura Loomer))) here. Help save your country. Lois Frankel will gladly accept your assistance.

25240738? ago

You're an idiot.

25240834? ago

The personal attack means you don't have an effective argument. I don't know why people do that; it is a sign of weakness.

25242230? ago

You are talking to a paid shill. There is no logic or reason here. Just posting from a list for a few bucks.

25240960? ago

She is partners with Jacob Wohl, a gay fraudster jew that was paid $25k to smear Jeffry Epstein victims.

25240863? ago

kowtowing to Jews is a sign of weakness

MAGA means America first, not Israel

25240720? ago

Yep, 100% mossad zionist masquerading as conservative to deceive Trump's supporters. Can't believe people are so dumb to fall for this dumb bitch.

25240697? ago


25240664? ago

Larry Loomer

25240626? ago

Never trust the kike.

25242993? ago


Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


25243693? ago

Great proof that you hate Jews.

Good job. Now go in peace and continue to deal with your obsession over Jews.

25243712? ago


25240493? ago

Out of everything going on, and all of the cancerous politicians worthy of attack - you pick this? She scare you? Get your faggot, pussy, shill ass outta here.

25240793? ago

Isreal first...right,rabbi?

25240633? ago

you fucking kike enabler.

it's not a matter of triage.


25245183? ago

^^^ VERY low IQ

25245784? ago

your small hat is showing

25240383? ago

If her name was Coomer, this timline would be complete.

25241011? ago

Top kek!

25240370? ago

Hello shills

25240366? ago

Not siding with her, but, if you actually saw any of her videos before she announced her campaign, she attacks Palestine for their attacks on her kind, which is jewish. This is nothing new

25243729? ago

Her "kind" is Jewish?

What is your "kind"?

25245914? ago

the kind that gathers facts, blumpkin'

25241364? ago

Palestine is just trying to defend itself. If the muzzies would stop being dogs of the Joo I would know who to cheer for in a fight. As it stands, both need to be disposed of.

25240989? ago


25240269? ago

A lot of Jews get nose jobs, plastic surgery, and change their names. They might look like white people but, their words and actions give them away.

25245101? ago

Most of them don't drop out of school either, like you obviously did, probably at fifth grade, given that incredibly ignorant comment you just made.

I mean, THAT is REALLY ignorant. Here's group of gorgeous Jewish womenTitle Here who would likely

25245157? ago

Fuck off Jew. You're not welcome here.

25245225? ago

Are you really THAT stupid, to think YOU are in charge of ANYTHING?

25245252? ago

Enjoy your downvoats.

25241343? ago

Mossad Millie...

25240701? ago

I just watched a video where she talks about how she has Ashkenazi IQ. That sounds like Jewish Supremacism

25242369? ago

Ha ha Ashkenazi IQ!

Too rich! If they are so smart why do they Hate Jesus Christ the Jew who claimed to be the Son of God?

Seriously, Hating someone who claims to be the Son of God is never a smart move, ignore them, think they are crazy, but actively hating them is not a good idea at all because if they do turn out to be the Son of God, well when you find out you made a horrible mistake it is too late.

25240715? ago

She's a CIA / Mossad asset.

25240796? ago

Sauce, bitch!

Thought so...

25241186? ago

JIDF shills getting angry so early in the morning. Go get your coffee, soldier.

25241759? ago

No sauce or just assuming she is? Stupid bitches until someone gives us proof of her allegiances.

25241938? ago

Fuck off kike lol

25242305? ago

No sauce, no argument, just ad hominem attacks. Your shillmasters should prepare you better.

25242071? ago

How about kike fucker? I like making love to Jewish women and Laura Loomer is a sexy bitch

25242486? ago

Nasty as hell

Larry Loomer the tranny

25240792? ago

Definitely - worries me that she won the primary. I hope all these assets get outed soon

25240243? ago

I wonder if part of the Q plan is a "redemption arc" for ((((them)))).

25240273? ago

The ovens are that way ====>

25240214? ago

She is gross. Fucking charlatan!

25240743? ago

She looks like a trans with clown makeup. Very evil looking and not to be trusted at all.

25242228? ago

Listen that is mean, I have seen a lot trans that look a 1000% times better than whatever the hell he/she is.

25240539? ago

She is Israel first, who the Fuck cares about Israel!

Run for the Knesset if you love Israel, no one who loves another country other than United States of America should be allowed to run for our Congress.

Congress was founded on the Principle that all men are created equal, the False Nation of Israel is founded on the Principle that Jews are inherently more equal than any other humans on earth.

Fuck that!

25243775? ago

Good question. Why DO you want to change your face? Are you wanted by the authorities?

25240191? ago

Typical shapeshifter smirk

25240702? ago

Smile with the mouth but not the eyes.

25240582? ago

Hello fellow white people!

25241438? ago

How many of the secret Muslims here are ISIS?

25245642? ago

Hit a nerve with that one

25242342? ago

Crypto jews of the israeli secret intelligence service? There is a few of those tel aviv faggots here.

25243159? ago

Secret Muslims talking about Israel is all I see

25243230? ago

israel spying and blackmailing American pols is all I see.

By the way, Jesus is God

25243287? ago

Ilhan Omar? Ellison? AOC?

25243302? ago

Jeffery Epstein? is that you posting from tel aviv?

25243336? ago

So you can attack kikes but you're attacking white people too.

They aren't mutually exclusive.

We are catching on to your tricks.

25245259? ago

jews are only (((white))) when they wamt to denegrate the White race. Tjat os why they are called shape shifters, once you hold them to the standards they set, they have a special jewish exemption and you are an antisemeeetic naziwhowantstokill6millionjews if you point out (((their))) hypocrisy

25245312? ago

Back to the kikes but you aren't white either and you are shape shifting

25241854? ago

I really do not care, Muslims are simply the broom of the JEWS.

Jews actually respect Muslims more than they do Christians. Christians are the bigger threat to the power of the Jews.

9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.

10 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.

11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

12 Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.

13 Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.

14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.