25218225? ago

Anything to support your claim?

25214095? ago

How did they act in the 1st place? I mean... rituals and enforced secrecy in a cult like setting with satanic overtones and a long history of illegality isn't different in the 1st place? What are they inviting people in to see all the high secrets of masonry? That would be acting different.

25213538? ago

They have been acting differently for a while.

25213456? ago

I think they are confused.

They must see that the awakening has accelerated massively since the lockdown. But what can they do about it?

In the past they just ramped up their abuse to destroy people that exposed them but now this is just exposing them more. They know they will pay with their lives if they lose control and they are desperate.

They are all out of options. They would need to pull off a massive selective genocide of everyone that is awake without waking up the rest of us, which is an impossible task.

Their only other option is to turn on each other to save their own lives. But that means gathering dirt on each other and waiting for the backlash to use it.

I think they have finally realized how fucked they are. They are finally facing the reality that they will all be held accountable for their sick treasonous crimes and they don't know what to do.

They have deluded themselves into believing the gaslighting, slander, flip the script, projection and reality warping was magic and they had real power. They used these tactics like they would never be understood or exposed. So now they have overplayed their hand in their arrogance and stupidity.

25213414? ago

I'd be a lot more concerned about Catholics than masons.

25212713? ago

Context and maybe some sauce bitte?

25212709? ago

All Freemasons are Satanists who do what Jews tell them.

25212684? ago

I noticed you're a stupid faggot, thats all