25221152? ago

The first mutherfukers that need to be met with Kinetic action are the fukers in front of the cameras and the fuker holding the camera. Then let the wet works begin. I'm white as Montana snow, and I'm calling it ... The little white soy latte anarchist wannabes get wet first. No quarter. Lay them mutherfukers out. Mommy and Daddy should've opted against agreeing to pay for a liberal arts degree. That trash is marginal human sludge.

25220999? ago

"Pavement Apes". KEK.

25219729? ago

the hardest part of the plan was literal Nigger fatigue

Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Black Patriots Is Candace Owens :)

• Candace's channel with 482,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0u5uz7KZ9q-pe-VC8TY-w/videos

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"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation." Video

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They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25215295? ago

Shills out in force past few days pushing this forum sliding bullshit, this has nothing to do with Q research.

25215483? ago

I have hard drives filled with proofs of notables on q research. shut your fucking mouth and show some respect for your betters, faggot

25215782? ago

Liar. Stay mad China shill.

25216248? ago


kill yourself you dumbfuck mossad faggot. we smell you kikes from a mile away. your stench is disgusting. just like a nigger

25216542? ago

Projection much?

25216586? ago

Exactly what you've been doing to my entire thread you dumb cunt. I posted proof and you have nothing left but to accuse me of what you are guilty of. classic demoshit cuntery.

25216685? ago

Except that you are the one doing it accusing me of doing it. As you said, classic.

25216784? ago

And where did China factor into all of your faggot kvetching? or did you forget getting shut down by a veteran Q researcher? How embarassing for you.

25216808? ago

Dam you are triggered son, you have obviously never spent time on anon boards or you would have a thicker skin, just keep going, you make it clearer and clearer for anyone reading this.

25216905? ago

Playbook cointel pro. too bad you suck at your job kek

25217648? ago

Further projection.

25214513? ago

Shill post

25214681? ago

No not really. I find it difficult to believe you can follow these nigger cope riots and not become somewhat disillusioned about the nigger horde feeling totally justified to steal and murder and burn our civilization.

25213986? ago

I don't like this topic. Skin color is not a issue. You got violent black people and you got violent white people (how many brown people did George W Bush kill ?). Focusing on the skin color is the best way to, in the end, forget about the real enemy : the one who is behing all this fucking planetary mess. Instead of accusing the blacks, you should team up with black conservatives (and there are more and more black conservatives, do you think black people are stupid?) and wake up the lost ones. Some won't ever wake up, you got that right but what if it's only a really small part of the global pop (4% everyone ?). Deep inside, 99% of the pop want the same thing : be able to live free, safety for our families, AND NO WAR, NO FUCKING FALSE FLAG, NO VANISHED TRILLIONS, NO DEADLY VIRUS...

Guys, seriously, this kind of mentality don't help the movement. And don't drink Q words like if they were God's words. It won't be nice and smooth. Enjoying the show is impossible if you expect no casualties. Do you really think this will be easy ? The evil ones are fighting THE PLAN. (by the way I wonder how many % of black people are in the 1% evil ones...)

25214142? ago

Do you think I hate niggers because their skin looks different than mine? Are you fucking serious right now. Certainly it couldn't have ANYTHING to do with their fucking behavior could it? NO.

25214903? ago

I'm with ^^this^^ guy right here.

25221018? ago

Me too

25213756? ago

Mossad race war psyops trying to get whitey to kill blackie and vice versa.

Q posted that MULTIPLE TIMES for a reason.

25214160? ago

Whites are so so so much more patient as a whole than stupid disgusting nigger hordes.

25214177? ago

chinabot racewar psyops with mossie-jew cochsuckers. BWAHAHAHAHA.

you ain't gettin your civil war fckng jew-chink.

25214529? ago

I know right?

Stinky shill post stinks of shills.

25213309? ago

Fuckin' A, dicks in the dirt.

25213094? ago

If you can't make a distinction between good minorities and bad ones, and mix them all together into one monolithic group, you're a fucking democrat and you're not part of the Q movement.

Robert Byrd hated blacks too. Release your inner democrat and GTFO of QRV.

25213907? ago

That's not our job to sift through every nigger asshole on earth, you fucking idiot.

25218748? ago

ok democrat

25224789? ago

You are a nigger loving democrat.

25213787? ago

where is the proof that minorities can be peaceful. show me one fucking country with low crime that has these diseased filthy disgusting niggers.

25213921? ago

There is none, but it makes him feel good to think so.

So the rest of us just have to suck on it.

25214180? ago

So we just go on faith that it is even POSSIBLE at all for black and brown people to be in a country and have it remain safe. Racism is reality and the only moral position for the saftey of your family.

25214193? ago

Yep, that's about it.

25213655? ago

If you can't make a distinction between good minorities and bad one

Why should I (or We for that matter) bother making such distinction? What's in it for us? Why can't we have ONE white country? So long as you pretend that humans can co-exists with all those subhumans non-whites, you're the problem. The obvious solution is ethno-nationalism.

25218771? ago

ok, democrat

25213935? ago

There is absolutely nothing in it for us.

We don't need them for anything.

They need us but they'd probably be better off dead.

Everyone else would be better off if they were dead.

25213091? ago

I could not agree more with OP. Q suggesting these feral niggers (hell bent on genociding the white race) are simply misled is more insulting to us than anything the satanic pedophile deep state has ever done.

25213279? ago

He's been trolling us.

25212822? ago

(((They))) want you (whites) divided (by all nigger phenotypes, as well as from each other)

25212465? ago

Um, take a look - it is liberal educated whitey that is organizing and orchestrating the black outlaws. They are the brownshirts.

They are being used by this so called revolution. Do not kid yourself - this is NOT orchestrated by blacks - or black loving people.

Open your eyes people.

25215261? ago

By liberal educated white do you mean Jew, right?

25214689? ago

liberal educated "whitey"

25212275? ago

I'm with you

25212235? ago

Remember when Q said some empty shit about ensuring the safety of all Americans? Meanwhile white Americans are being attacked & slaughtered in the streets by the black asses Trump's been kissing

25212185? ago

Bu bu but trust the plaaaaaan....

25211992? ago

Idiot fatigue is more like it.

Trash comes in all colors.

25213289? ago

White men are a threat to the nations that white men built. lol

25211998? ago

but always tints brown. ignoring this pattern...

25212021? ago

Too many low vibrational white trash idiots as well.

25214543? ago

this is so obviously a shill thread

25212094? ago

We could handle those losers fine. This is about PRAISING literal subhuman violent apes for being violent and rioting.

25212145? ago

The gutter trash doing the praising are mostly white idiots or jew agitators.

25211931? ago

Rioters come in all color shapes and sizes. I have seen just as many in every other color and type. Bad title to a thread that is meaning to divide only.

25211972? ago

Im past the point of caring what nigger patriots think. The vast vast vast majority of niggers love getting their balls licked by this communist fake revolution. too stupid to know they will be lined against the wall and shot

25211862? ago

I'm Joe Biden and I know all about cockroaches in the racial jungle. C'mon man, forget about this dogface Q malarky and vote Joe for United States Senate.

25222207? ago

I be Joe Biden n' I know all bout cockroaches up in tha racial jungle. C'mon dude, forget bout dis dogface Q malarky n' vote Joe fo' United Hoodz Senate.

25211832? ago

Blacks are 1,000 times worse than any 'rona virus, They Are the Black Plague. There will be no getting along with them after their generations of jewish brainwashing/weaponization against whites.

25212762? ago

The Left will eat itself https://voat.co/v/news/3966568

25211735? ago

I just watched a video of black guys beating a raccoon to death with a stick.

25211929? ago

Christ. I've seen a similar video involving cats. I respect animals more than niggers.

25213950? ago

you can take the nig out of the jungle, but can't take the jungle out of the nig.

25213333? ago

It's done to desensitize them, Muslims encourage their children to torture Animal for the same reason, and then when it comes to cutting Whitey's throat, or raping children they have no empathy.

25213894? ago

That's just how they are, they don't need any particular encouragement in that direction.

They lack empathy, it's a DNA thing.

25211684? ago

Yeah, I’m done with Black people in general. Will be avoiding them and ignoring them from here on out, at work and otherwise. I never used to feel that way, but my eyes have been opened. Thanks, BLM.

I’m Grateful for conservative black patriots, but they seem to be few and far between.

25219657? ago

Yeah, I’m done with Black people in general.

Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Black Patriots Is BCP :)

• Black Conservative Patriot (BCP)'s channel with 428,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/user/semajthethird/videos

• Minds at https://www.minds.com/BlackConservativePatriot/

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/Black_C_Patriot

• Website at http://www.BlackConservativePatriot.net

• Support BCP at http://bcpextras.com

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"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25211982? ago

Its really too bad. I used to volunteer my professional time to help young niggers in the trade... thousands of hours. Now I ghost all nogs.

25211799? ago

I'm around my customers, home owning black people, quite often. Super nice people, all of them. What you see in media is engineered for you to have a negative reaction. You are being played.

25215185? ago

No, what you don’t realize is that “normal “Black people regularly engage in casual anti-white racism. If you wanna know what that looks like, watch any Tyler Perry flick.

25219283? ago

Don't care. They're nice to me, easy to work for, and generally good people. All homeowners tend to be decent people, or at least know how to act like decent people.

25214261? ago


You're just a brain washed cuck.

You have no clue what you're talking about.

Go to any major city on earth and see truth.

25219302? ago

I have no idea about the people I work with every day? Or maybe my real world experience doesn't fit the narrative implanted by your masters?

25229435? ago

No. I am saying you're blinded by your ignorance and stupidity.

You cannot see the Forrest through the trees.

You are looking at a leaf and not paying attention to the branches scratching your car, ripping up roof shingles or the roots destroying your sewer and water lines.

You just see pretty leaves.

You aren't the responsible adult who has to clean up the leaves or fix the damage done. No you're just an ignorant nigger like child who let's the adult white men fix it all.

25230268? ago

Your masters control your mind with hatred.

25218337? ago

Good job obeying your masters. They want us divided.

25213796? ago

Yay someone rational lol see a lot of white people in those antifa videos too. Bunch of knee jerking childish low brow thinkers in this thread

25218049? ago

They are idiots. SOooo easy for the cabal to divide them. They've already got these idiots divided on color, religion, and masks.

25230318? ago

Yeah, i think some of these guys are satanic and pretending to be MAGA, so i just counter them whenever i come across them, partly because of optics but mostly because my Creator is all powerful and their demon is a limited and restricted destroyer- so my words and prayers will always carry more power than theirs once i put it out there.

25214077? ago

You see a lot of jews and whites brainwashed by nigger culture.

As if we had this problem in the '50s. Get your stupid nigger ass out of here.

25215199? ago

Lol hateful, divisive and low brow. You realize the irony that your echo chamber compared to theirs right, is the same? You live in a small bubble world of hate and darkness and trying to drag everyone there with you. #Godwins

25215492? ago

Shut up you fucking nigger.

25230250? ago

Good thing you have no say about jack shit lol i'll stay here or wherever and say what i like when ever i want k

25230592? ago

Yeah, we'll see. lol

25241788? ago

i'll wait

25213754? ago

Yeah. Every black area isn't a ghetto full of rape, drugs, disease, shootings, and murders in the daily.

Take a visit to South Chicago. South Atlanta. South Philly. Go hang out with those super nice people you're blabbing on about. I'm sure they'd LOVE to have you around.

25218351? ago

The people I'm "babbing on about" would be great to hang out with. Those places you named are not places I have experience with. Not sure why you confused the two.

25218517? ago

So you have no experience hanging around niggers, but thought you should comment on niggers.

Nobody gives a fuck that you're cucked to blacks that would kill your family and steal your shit in a heartbeat. Lmao at thinking when whites aren't around they don't chimp out like other niggers. That's hilarious.

By the way, every time you move a black family into a white neighborhood, you are helping destroy our nation. So thanks nogger loving faggot.

25219258? ago

Your masters must be pleased with your divisiveness.

25220358? ago

Go spend a weekend in the hood in South Chicago. Spend a fucking night there faggot. I dare you.

25220493? ago

Yes, and your masters are pleased with your observation. They've worked hard to fuck up the ghettos. They've worked hard to poor violent media into young impressionable black minds. But oddly, they didn't have to work hard to turn you into their secret weapon. Congrats, your masters are pleased.

25220663? ago

Yeah, crazy that an entire race of people aren't held accountable for the actions.

Is it because their iq is so low?

25213918? ago

The phase" things are going south" now have reasonable meaning to me. The further north you go, the whiter the skin....

25215036? ago

Really weird how anyone who claims nigs are normal people won't go visit underground Atlanta on a Friday night. Why not? Why don't they take vacations to South Chicago? Why don't they move to Detroit?

Really weird how they lecture us about how great blacks are, while sitting in their gated communities, only taking blacks section 8 checks for housing.

25213424? ago

Niggers are not home owning blacks. Same skin tone totally different species. They secretly and sometimes openly have disgust for the Nigger.

25213288? ago

Chris Rock summed it up in his show "there are Black people and there are Niggers" sadly there are not enough Black people, and far far too many Niggers.

25212864? ago

You're seeing the small portion that rise above their jungle instincts. Do not fool yourself into thinking they represent the whole.

25219368? ago

Or maybe you are seeing the bottom 1%.

25212505? ago

Agree with you 100%%

This "rebellion" is orchestrated - the impoverished/uneducated black thugs along with white thugs lgbt rejects etc. are all being used.

Rich white "masterminds" are behind this - all in an effort to stop President DJT.

DJT is putting an end to endless wars, exposing big pharma, exposing washington swamp, exposing sellout politicians, changing "3 strikes your out" incarceration policy, etc... etc....

25219411? ago

Thanks anon, nice to get positive feedback. The divided idiots are way too vocal around here. I'm not sure how many are shills, but I bet it's most.

25215227? ago

Jews are behind everything, not whites, you fucking demon kike.

25213770? ago

Name these white masterminds. I'll just wait.

25212943? ago

So jews are white now?

25212663? ago

When you call them

white "masterminds"

you out yourself as a jew.

25212098? ago

Say everything again. This time, in a mirror to your self

25219359? ago

So my real world experience with black people is somehow engineered? Or is it more likely that my observations do not fit your programmed narrative? Your masters would be proud of the hate in your mind and words.

25222114? ago

Enjoy what's left of your world

25222195? ago

Thank you, you too.

25212008? ago

What you are seeing is the ape in his natural habitat who is being encouraged by the Jew

25211838? ago

No. You have myopia. You are around the Talented Tenth. You are around black PEOPLE. We are talking about niggers, which make up about 90 percent of the population.

25219326? ago

I'd be willing to bet that less than 5% are bad people.

25219387? ago

I'll take that bet, and clean you out all day. You've obviously never spent time in black and brown neighborhoods.

25220525? ago

Almost every day I'm in a black or brown neighborhood. Most of them are not newsworthy or part of the race war narrative. Break from the mind control of your masters. wwg1wga

25211675? ago

I miss the days when nig nogs were in chains, and the biggest threat to whites were redskins.

25211649? ago

Wait until non CIA Muslims side with the “eating babies” matza part!

25211582? ago

Fighting back is exactly what THEY want! Trust the plan, Patriot!

25215297? ago

Fuck THE PLAN. Seriously.

25212351? ago

Real patriots sit on the couch and trust israel. They know what is best.

25211939? ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night coward.

25211785? ago

And you believe that the hate from niggers against whites will gone with the wind at day x? Really?