I don't get online very much due to the fact that I am extremely busy attempting to keep my business afloat. However; when I do have some free time I use that time to catch up and read the articles and comments posted on Voat. I don't read them all, just the posts of titles that catch my attention. This morning I was browsing through most of the posts the last two days and I noticed some peculiar titles that are similar in context.
The United States is Mystery Babylon and President Trump is the Anti-christ. OK... Upon reading all the linked information offered and watching the videos and reading the comments section I have my own opinion and conclusion on the whole subject. I found the comments laughable and disappointing.
It seems two anons are at an impasse and they don't even realize it. You cannot nor ever will change another persons opinion on anything when they think they KNOW all about a subject. It is a waste of time. A third grader could figure out that the anon that disputes the OP of those articles is playing the shill game and is indeed using a sock puppet account to attempt to confuse the OP.
Thing is the OP of those articles seems to have the unique and uncanny ability to catch the opposing anon in the act of pretending to be another anon. I figured it out myself after reading the multiple posts of the OP on the subject of The United States is Mystery Babylon and President Trump is the Anti-christ
As I said above I have my own opinion on the whole subject of prophecy in the Bible. Neither of the anons are completely right or wrong because both of them are set in their beliefs. Both the OP and the opposing anon are way off base in my opinion. Neither of them display a well grounded debate. Both of them are in complete and utter error. Just for the mere fact that they continue attempting to prove each other wrong and catch each other in lies.
Please do grow up you two. I mean really?! If an unbeliever seen the comments I seen. More than likely the person or persons would come to the conclusion that Christians are whack jobs and walk away simply because they can't even agree or have some sort of dignity when confronting one another.
It's not just those particular post either. I've noticed the immaturity of several in many of the comments on Voat in various articles presented. Anons calling anons all sorts of nasty low life things. You are not going to change anyone's mind. That is just the way it is.
This post isn't going to change any of your minds either. I realize that. I know that. People are what people are and people believe what people believe. It's that simple. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.
I thought QRV was for research into the inner workings of the evil that exists in our world and how it all ties into secret societies and nefarious individuals involved? Maybe I was and am wrong? I know this. QRV isn't what it once was when it moved here from Reddit.
I don't comment and I very rarely post an article. Simply because of all the controversy and people are set in their ways. I'll catch flack for posting this. I'll be called a shill, a kike, a nigger, a bot, or whatever enters the mind of the deviants on this sub or someone will say slide post. I said deviants, not everyone.
I am done here. This sub has become a shit show. Matter in fact the whole internet has become a shit show. I'm glad I am too busy to get on the net as frequently as others. It doesn't matter what SS site I go to. It's all the same. People trolling other people and stirring the pot.
My conclusion and opinion about the whole situation is this.
1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will be present. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boasters, proud, verbally abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, savage, haters of good, 4 betrayers, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And turn away from these.
I'm out. You all have at it.
25574988? ago
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25189917? ago
It's getting harder to separate the psycho christians from the regular crazies.
25187471? ago
25187630? ago
Yes, you really did.
25187315? ago
No and No.
Mystery Babylon is Rome (most likely the Vatican).
The anti-Christ must come from Europe (The revived HOLY Roman empire). There's a difference between the Roman empire and the revived HOLY Roman empire.
25187624? ago
I have my own opinion. As I said in the above article. What ever works for you is fine by me.
25188351? ago
This is not about opinions. You know what they say about opinions.
Read Daniel and Revelation...many times. But don't read them with a preconceived theory and just look for anything to back up that theory. Read them like you have no idea who Mystery Babylon or the who the anti-Christ is but want to know for sure.
If you do that you will find that there is no possible way that the US is Mystery Babylon and there is no possible way that President Trump can be the anti-Christ. It's not a matter of opinion. If you read them right, it's not even possible to call it a "matter of interpretation". There is absolutely nothing to interpret that the US is Mystery Babylon and President Trump is the ant-Christ unless you already believe that and you're trying to make the scriptures fit the belief.
However, President Trump does play a major role in the End Times. He is extremely close to having everyone sign the "confirmation of the covenant" which will usher in the final 7 years to the battle of Armageddon. This is an agreement that he design with the help of others. Note, the bible says the the anti-Christ will "Confirm" the covenant, not "Create" the covenant. So, the ant-Christ will be present when the agreement is signed That President Trump and team created.
25188899? ago
Sheesh!! This article was my view on you two immature anons who think you are both right and catching each other in lies. You do know that the OP of those articles is a Gnostic, yes? Gnostic's and the Essene's were two groups that lived during the time of Christ. Actually the Essene group was before Christ was born.
The only thing you two are accomplishing is for non-believers to run away. Pretty sure Jesus wouldn't like that.
As far as the rest of what you have presented here. OK. . If you say so. I have my own belief about the Prophecies in the Bible. I'll be fine. My relationship with God is personal. Don't worry about me. K? Your opinion is your opinion. It's simple really. Your not going to change anyone to believe they way you believe. That's why there are 33,000 different denominations in Christendom. None of them agree. None of them are 100% correct either.
You do realize John was writing about Nero and the Jewish - Roman Empire dilemma in his day right? The Jews hated the Romans and vice-verse. Not saying it doesn't apply to a future generation either.
IMHO you are both wrong for disputing the way you two do. So that is where I stand. IMHO no one understands The Revelation of John from Jesus Christ 100% and accurately. No one understands the Prophecy of Daniel 100% correctly either. What I do know is that we are living in the last days and the signs the Christ gave us in the Gospels are all around us and are converging. My relationship with God and Jesus is personal. If Gods will is for me to know and understand something he will reveal it to me. Jesus said we do not need anyone to teach us. The Holy Spirit and Comforter will do that. All we have to do is ask and in Gods perfect timing he will reveal it.
Being a disciple of Jesus is a lifelong journey towards conforming ourselves to the image and way of life that Jesus taught. However, so often, followers of Jesus choose to blatantly ignore some of the clearest instruction in those series of teachings. Jesus, not the Bible, is God’s living and active Word that brings life. The only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is through doing the will of God. Condemnation isn’t Jesus’ style but he pointed out the errors of many people.
It seems like every week there is a new major controversy taking place within the Body. Most of the time, the situation revolves around one group of Christians disagreeing with another and then taking to the internet to write slanderous posts about the other. If it’s not infighting, then it is Christians engaging in culture wars, working to defeat those whom we disagree with politically and socially by painting them as soul-less monsters. But that response is absolutely contrary to the way of Jesus. Jesus calls his followers to love the people they disagree with most and to speak blessings over them when all we really want to do is curse them out.
Thank you for your thoughts on the subject. May God Bless You.
25187263? ago
You should have started with that before realizing your post is a waste of your time. Your TLDR post certainly is a waste of our time.
25187608? ago
Yet you read it. You're one of the reasons I am leaving.
25193393? ago
Nope, didn't read it all, read the beginning, then scanned down to see the last part. Blah blah fking blah blah. Good riddance (Though I suspect that won't be the last we hear from you)
25186991? ago
The Roman Catholic church is mystery Babylon, not the United States. You can keep posting your garbage and accusing me of what you do (pretending to be multiple people like you are now) and accusing others who call you out of being me, but it doesn't work.
Tell everyone here about the "Father/Mother" you worship.
The Roman Catholic church is mystery Babylon, not America.
You know those pope guys who wear long robes and put on a show that call themselves the "Vicar of Christ" and people call them "Holy Father"?
Vicar comes from the Latin Vicarious, which means substitute. They literally claim to be a substitute Christ.
They base the so-called papal authority on Jesus saying to Peter...
Who does their tradition say guards the “pearly gates” either allowing or denying entry to heaven? Peter.
The word used for Peter in the scripture was Petrus, which means Stone, not rock. The word used for rock in the very same sentence was Petra, which means rock.
Peter is stone, not the rock.
Jesus is the bread of life.
You know how that church worships and prays to Mary and calls her the Queen of Heaven? They claim she intercedes for us and sits at Jesus right hand.
The so called Queen Mother.
The only man in the bible with the number 666 associated with him is Solomon.
What else did Solomon do?
Sound familiar?
What did Jesus say about who sits at his right and left?
The Roman catholic church is who He warned us about.
The World was consecrated to the "Immaculate Heart of Mary".
The Pharisees sit in Moses seat, now known as the Chair of St. Peter. That "chair" will fall. The false throne.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. Those who do not seek and serve Truth but rather false traditions and lies aren't really seeking and serving Him, they just claim to be.
God Bless.
25187667? ago
I told you I'd keep posting this in every one of these false threads you make that I see.
No you really didn't. Better re-read the article. Especially the first paragraph. Although I did read this in the opposing OP's articles. Neither of you are very mature IMHO.
God Bless You too.
25187760? ago
Everyone knows who you are. Give it up.
Do me a favor, post your evidence of "him" (YOU) "catching" me pretending to be a different person like you claim in this post.
I can post proof (and have previously) of you responding to me twice and then accusing me of pretending to be two different people when I responded to both even though I mentioned my "other response".
I've seen you accuse others of being me multiple times, and I've gotten messages from some of those who you accuse.
Provide some PROOF of your false claims.
25187801? ago
I don't know you personally and you only think you know me. You're very immature. I haven't been on this site for weeks. You and the other OP can hash all that out. This I do know. It was obvious you were playing two anons. A third grader could figure it out. Like I said in the above article.
Grow Up. I have my own opinion and you have yours.
25187908? ago
Provide proof of me pretending to be different people that you claim is so "obvious".
Link it here for all to see.
Backup your false claims.
25188037? ago
Funny he always tells me it's obvious and a third grader could figure it out.
I didn't read that the OP of those articles the past two days made that comment at all? Do you have proof of that the OP of those articles made that statement to you?? You are aware this is a common statement on Social Sites or didn't you know that?
What give it away to me is your sentence structure and how you present that sentence structure. It doesn't really matter to me. I am leaving Voat after today. I am in process of cancelling all my SS accounts. It is nothing but a shit show anymore.
IMHO you are both wrong about the whole thing. Of course that is just my opinion. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Now can I get back to reading the articles on QRV or are you going to continue being immature and bothering my inbox?
25188136? ago
I asked first. Provide proof of your false claims.
Some more reading...
25188323? ago
I asked first. That is what an immature teen aged kid would say. OMG. Grow up please ....
How old are you anyway? Are you starving for attention or what? I sense that maybe you have a stalking disorder possibly. I didn't have kids because they are a real pain in the ass.
I didn't see the statement by the OP in those two articles mention ** It's obvious you're playing two anons. A third grader could figure it out.**
** Provide proof of your false claims.** I told you what give you away IMHO it's your sentence structure and how you present that sentence structure. I read through your comments thoroughly. A school teacher could figure it out as well.
Now would you please leave me alone? I don't have much time and I am not going to coddle a desperate child with ADD.
K? Sheesh!!
25188369? ago
Notice you deflect and insult rather than provide proof?
Who else do we know who keeps doing that? lol
Link what you claim is me pretending to be multiple people that is so obvious so everyone can see it.
You keep responding to me, you can stop at any time, if your ego will allow it.
25188485? ago
Ho hum ...
25188510? ago
See, you couldn't help but reply again and still can't provide a link to what you say is so obvious.
25187088? ago
Biblical Times.
25187011? ago
"The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.
25186792? ago
Can you stop spamming this garbage here every day?
25187595? ago
You're one of the reasons I am leaving. You didn't read the first paragraph did you? It's obvious.
25204804? ago
Fuck no I didn't read it, Troll. You spam it in here every day, it's the same shit over and over again while your pedo-masters fuck you in the ass.
Now do as you said you were going to do, GTFO.
25187701? ago
Yeah it's obvious you're the one who keeps spamming the board with this crap and pretending to be different people while accusing others of it.
25187732? ago
Ho hum .... in your delusional mind.
25186788? ago
You will not be missed
25187604? ago
You will not be missed either.
25199471? ago
Good thing I'm not going anywhere....