The United States of Babylon is going to Fall. It's Coming 2020 is Strange - Biblical Events Happening Worldwide Fall of Babylon America
The Anointed knew. We always knew that America is Mystery Babylon as described in the Revelation of John and in Daniel as the Kingdom partly of Iron and partly of clay. All the main cities in America are mini Sodom and Gomorrah's. Washington itself was built on Templar Freemason Satanic Occult Symbolism. More of those Symbols are on the back of the Dollar Bill.
It's too late for most in the world. The knowledge of the sacred books have been closed to 5.7 billion people world wide. Only 1 in a thousand and 2 in 10,000 are truly resurrected from death unto life.
Most people now follow false prophets like the Q and ministers of adultery. Most people across the earth worship false gods like money, materialism, things, statues, flags, countries, leaders and mere men and women. They are lost in darkness where there is no light.
And he said: "Whoever penetrates the meaning of these words will not taste death!"
Yeshua said: If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father.
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25143973? ago
Go away , delusional one. Corrupt book and mind.
Quit damn preaching and judging.
25144157? ago
Judging how and in what way?
You don't even understand that Scripture do you. It's simple really why you do not understand. You do not have the Anointing.
Even the Messiah made CHARACTER JUDGEMENTS. We are to do so also.
"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." (John 7:24)
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
It is a phrase that has been used countless times during contentious conversations or in defensive moments when someone is confronted about their behavior: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” These famous words from Yeshua are recited by many but profoundly misunderstood. One could easily argue that Matthew 7:1 is by far the most frequently misapplied verse in the entire Bible, used and abused by both Christians and non-Christians alike.
Those who mishandle this verse often use it as a “shield for sin,” a barrier to keep others at bay, allowing them to justify living as they please without any regard for moral boundaries or accountability. Their objections sound like this: “Aren’t we all sinners? What gives us the right to make moral judgments about someone else? Isn’t that God’s job?”
However, when we take a closer look at the context of Matthew 7 and the teachings of the rest of Scripture, it is clear that this verse cannot be used to substantiate unrestrained moral freedom, autonomy, and independence. This was not Yeshua's intent. He was not advocating a hands-off approach to moral accountability, refusing to allow anyone to make moral judgments in any sense.
What Yeshua did mean is that we should not take the place of a Judge and mead out a punishment. Judges mead out punishment with various levels of measure.
25133337? ago
Anyone who is truly seeking the Truth should ignore this crazy woman and check out ProbablyAlexandra on the jootoob. She may not get everything right (or maybe so) but she's truly devout, dedicated and trustworthy.
25133295? ago
The end of sorrows. The United States of America.
Go away follower of the babylonian talmud.
25130862? ago
Answer the question
25130876? ago
What Bible Do You Use. Then and only then will I answer the question.
25130698? ago
Please cite chapter/verse in the Bible where Jesus said this. Genuinely curious.
Yeshua said: If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father
25130729? ago
What Bible do you use?
25130805? ago
different poster but it doesn't matter - sauce up your bullshit.
25130911? ago
I did.
25132185? ago
link or you're a liar
25143948? ago
The United States of Babylon is going to Fall. It's Coming 2020 is Strange - Biblical Events Happening Worldwide Fall of Babylon America
The Anointed knew. We always knew that America is Mystery Babylon as described in the Revelation of John and in Daniel as the Kingdom partly of Iron and partly of clay. All the main cities in America are mini Sodom and Gomorrah's. Washington itself was built on Templar Freemason Satanic Occult Symbolism. More of those Symbols are on the back of the Dollar Bill.
It's too late for most in the world. The knowledge of the sacred books have been closed to 5.7 billion people world wide. Only 1 in a thousand and 2 in 10,000 are truly resurrected from death unto life.
Most people now follow false prophets like the Q and ministers of adultery. Most people across the earth worship false gods like money, materialism, things, statues, flags, countries, leaders and mere men and women. They are lost in darkness where there is no light.
And he said: "Whoever penetrates the meaning of these words will not taste death!"
Yeshua said: If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father.
25144019? ago
You are pure evil, you laugh rather than dialogue or teach and use the words of Saul of Tarsus to justify your own hatred and judgement. FUCK OFF
25144217? ago
I hate no one. I just know America is Mystery Babylon and will Fall like all other kingdoms before it. The Fathers Kingdom is not of this realm. The Messiah will come to JUDGE ALL the nations of mere men.
You do not understand because you live in SIN and have not been Anointed. Thus you revile and cuss in which is NOT Christ-like.
We know our TRUE brothers and Sisters by THEIR WORKS
25144485? ago
America is not Mystery Babylon, the entire earth program matrix is Mystery Babylon. You are still caught in the fake light lucifer v. satan nonsense, and you're intentionally leading people astray, making fun of them for earnestly seeking and asking questions. You are doing the work of lucifer not the freedom portal that is Jesus Christ.
Repent before it's too late.
25144652? ago
America sure is. The proof is all around you. Scripture supports it. ALL the Scriptures Old Testament and New as well the Apocrypha and Lost Books that you FEAR.
25145353? ago
Oh so now you're willing to tell us where you find the nonsense you're posting? I thought we weren't worthy because in your damaged psyche only you are anointed? STOP trying to convince those who really have a personal relationship with Our Father, and start working on developing your own, outside of dogma and mistranslated nonsense.
25145441? ago
It is all contained with in all the Books. Not just some of your books. Where did I say or tell you where the scripture is? I didn't. Your narrative isn't working. I didn't say I was the ONLY Anointed one. There are many. Your just not one of them.
You see how you are misled by your father the Devil and liar.
No where did I claim that I am the only one who has received the Anointing. lol
You are so lost. Whew!
25147727? ago
You seem to know an awful lot about anonymous posters on a Q board, whereas you continue to demonstrate that you are literally incapable of self reflection. This is why you can do nothing but project everything you can't face in yourself on to others. I say we starve you of further attention and watch your demonic ass wither away.
25145325? ago
America is part of the Babylon system, it comes from your babylonian talmud and the way to end the Babylon system is to eradicate the synagogue of satan. You are no Christian, you are here to fearmonger and project your own evil outward. REPENT!!
25144442? ago
Your works indicate you come here to make fun of people, to dangle supposed truth-carrots only to rebuke and judge when asked to back up your faulty nonsense.
You can't undo how you've acted no matter how much copy pasta you use.
25144558? ago
I didn't come here to make fun of people. Where did you get that idea? I came here to Post the Truth about America Mystery Babylon. If that offends you then maybe you should seek the TRUE WAY, TRUTH and LIFE instead of your false Kristos.
Your fruits have been revealed all over this thread. Everyone can see that you are angry and a liar. Cussing and throwing tizzy fits every time I prove you wrong with SCRIPTURE.
I proved you wrong about Paul too. You thought you were wise by spreading the lies below. As if you know the Koine Greek language. Not.
You are just another CINO among many many CINO's in the world. Your father is the Devil and he was a liar from the beginning.
You falsely accused me of all sorts of things. lol Didn't work did it. You have No power. Simply because you do not have the Anointing. You walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit. Your words and actions have proved so for ALL to see.
Have a great day.
25144571? ago
No undoing what's been done as you lol'd and projected your evil on to others. Repent.
25130901? ago
I like the way you tawk.
25130985? ago
I'm not talking. I am typing. lol You do not spell well do you?
25132161? ago
he's not talking to you asshole
25132184? ago
How do you know it is a he. Hmmmm?? Must be you. lol
25132195? ago
"tits or gtfo" - everyone is male on the internet. wow, you must be very new here.
25133307? ago
It's a woman, no man would post this insane copy pasta bullshit.
25131535? ago
Watch Slingblade
25131754? ago
Watch what exactly? The Fall of Babylon America? I am. It's happening right before your blinded eyes. You cannot see as you have been gravely deceived. That and you're not one of the Anointed.
25131840? ago
I am a Christian. All i asked was chapter and verse. That's all. How can one discuss anything when the other participant wont respond to legitimate questions.?
Dont be so quick to judge. Pray for discernment and knowledge. Ask Christ to search you out and to take your thoughts captive.
Christ defeated death on the Cross. We already have victory!
So...chapter and verse?
"I kike thevway you tawk" is from the movie Slingblade. Nothing nefarious.
25132081? ago
I am leaving site in a few minutes. So if you are genuinely seeking an answer you'll need to inform me as to which Bible you use.
However ... I will share this with you in reference to Not All Bibles are created equal.
The King James and other various Bibles based off of The King James Bible only have 66 books.
The Catholic Bible has 73 books.
The Ethiopian Bible has 91 books.
My Book of Books has 118
25133610? ago
By Jove, i'e got it! You're a Satanic Mason.
You deny the Word and choose one of your father, the Devil.
25143865? ago
No I am not a Templar Freemason of the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite. However the POTUS is. lol
Trump was Knighted into the wing of the Red Dragon Templar Freemason Society in 2016. Course you didn't know that because your father was a liar from the beginning and your father is the Devil.
More Sauce:
Too bad you are not Anointed. If you were the Father El Shaddai would of revealed this to you through the Spirit.
My Book of Book has 118 individual books. This knowledge is necessary in order to understand the whole picture of what is going on and where you truly reside.
This realm is the Satan's realm. Satan is the god of this realm and everything here is wrapped in lies, fraud, fakery and deception. Thus you are hoodwinked by the one you attest.
Seek the Kingdom, Ask Seek Knock and the Door will be opened to you. However first YOU must REPENT of your SINS and accept the Messiah Yeshua Immanuel as the SON of the Father El Shaddai. TRULY believe. Not fake believe and continue living in SIN.
You cannot receive the Anointing until you STOP sinning and cast this realm away. The Kingdom is not of this realm. Yeshua was clear about that.
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Judean's. But now, My kingdom is not of this realm.” John 18:36
But she said, “Not even one, LORD GOD”; and Yeshua said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on, sin no more.” John 8:11
I follow the Way the Truth and the Life and worship the TRUE FATHER in Spirit and Truth.
You are not a Son of the Father El Shaddai. You are a son of Yahweh - Yaldabaoth.
25132894? ago
Apostasy fits you pretty well.
25133049? ago
What Apostasy?
The United States of Babylon is going to Fall. It's Coming 2020 is Strange - Biblical Events Happening Worldwide Fall of Babylon America
The Anointed knew. We always knew that America is Mystery Babylon as described in the Revelation of John and in Daniel as the Kingdom partly of Iron and partly of clay. All the main cities in America are mini Sodom and Gomorrah's. Washington itself was built on Templar Freemason Satanic Occult Symbolism. More of those Symbols are on the back of the Dollar Bill.
It's too late for most in the world. The knowledge of the sacred books have been closed to 5.7 billion people world wide. Only 1 in a thousand and 2 in 10,000 are truly resurrected from death unto life.
Most people now follow false prophets like the Q and ministers of adultery. Most people across the earth worship false gods like money, materialism, things, statues, flags, countries, leaders and mere men and women. They are lost in darkness where there is no light.
And he said: "Whoever penetrates the meaning of these words will not taste death!"
Yeshua said: If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father.
25133325? ago
why are you here Rabbi?
25131921? ago
What Bible do you use? After which, then and only then will I provide you with the Sacred Script you seek. Is that so hard for you to do?
Not all Bibles are equal. You do know that right?
25132205? ago
Different poster again, Berean Study Bible and numerous other sources, have studied the original texts using the sumerian lexicon. Sauce up your shit and stop pretending to yourself that you're more informed than anyone else asshole.
25132386? ago
Well this I do know. You're not yet resurrected from death unto life. Let No Unclean Language Proceed From Your Mouth
29 Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen. Ephesians 4 BSB
It would do you well to read the whole chapter BSB Ephesians 4:17 - 31
You are not annointed and I cannot give what is Holy unto dogs.
Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. BSB 7:6
Thus and therefor I will reveal where in the Sacred Scriptures that the Lord Yeshua said ** If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father** when and only when You receive the Anointing.
For someone who claims they have studied the Original Texts in their Original languages and the Sumerian Lexicon sure doesn't prove oneself as worthy. If you have such knowledge then you should already KNOW where Yeshua spoke this parable. lol
Yeshua said: If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father
25132431? ago
wow dude you sure have a lot of excuses not to sauce up your shit.
25132483? ago
It's not an excuse. I follow the Way the Truth and the Life and He said Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. BSB 7:6
Like you are doing now. lol
25132943? ago
He also said to go and make disciples of all men. Not to judge. Introdduce others to the Holy Spirit and He does the rest.
25133011? ago
Again you do not understand His teachings.
25133371? ago
We understand His teachings just fine, the problem is that true christians understand that Saul of Tarsus never converted - infiltration instead of invasion - and is literally the anti-Christ who has allowed Mystery Babylon to reign for so long and delay His return.
25143687? ago
Peter's response:
15 And esteem the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom having been given to him, 16 as also in all the letters,c speaking in them concerning these things, among which some things are difficult to be understood, which the ignorant and unestablished distortd to their own destruction, as also the other Scriptures. 2 Peter 3:16 BLB
25143869? ago
Many suppose this supports Paul. However, it speaks several negatives:
This speaks of "brother" Paul, not "apostle Paul" in verse 15.
In the same verse, it says Paul spoke with "wisdom given unto him," not inspiration.
Thus, in the early church, when Paul is quoted, it is not "the Bible" tells us, or "Paul by the Holy Spirit said," as we incessantly are told today. Instead, in the early church, for example, Origen speaks differently that instead we "hear" Paul who "proclaims these things 'according to the wisdom given him in ministry'...," quoting Second Peter. This is Origen writing around 200 AD found in Homolies on Genesis & Exodus, Book 8 (Editor Ronald Heine, 2010) page. 316.
What does Speaking by Wisdom Signify?
In the concept of holy scripture in the Bible that cannot be denied without making yourself an apostate, saying someone spoke by wisdom is the same as saying they did not speak by inspiration direct from God. You could not accept word-for-word what they were saying as true. In fact, in Jeremiah 34:11-22, we learn that unless one says "Yahweh says," we were to reject even what a prophet like Jeremiah commands. God commends the Rechabites for refusing to obey Jeremiah's commands that lacked any direct quote from God Yahweh.
What About Jesus? Why Must We Obey Him?
The only exception in the Bible is when God promised "the Prophet" would come, and we must "listen to" him, or otherwise be held "accountable" to Yahweh for disobeying "the Prophet." This is in Deuteronomy 18:15-19. Apostle Peter quotes this passage in Acts 3:22-23 in his second evangelical sermon, and says Jesus was "the prophet" of Deuteronomy 18. Peter says this means -- and we quote --God commands "you listen to everything [the Prophet] tells you." End of quote. See Peter 3:22-23, in particular verse 23.
How would we know Jesus is The Prophet?
Well, Yahweh twice speaks over Jesus from Heaven in front of multiple witnesses calling him his "beloved Son" and says "listen to him." See for example Mark 9:7.
This "listen to him" statement by Yahweh over Jesus is a direct quote from Deuteronomy 18:15-19. This repeats the unique trait of The Prophet -- He alone speaks with constant inspiration because of this prior mark on Him directly upon him from Yahweh.
Who Else Says Paul Spoke Only with Wisdom?
Likewise, Polycarp (born 69 AD, died 155 AD) talks about Paul only speaking with wisdom.
Who is Polycarp?
He was an early enthusiastic supporter of Paul's doctrines. However, listen in this famous quote whether inspiration or wisdom is the source of Paul's words - quote:
"For neither am I, nor is any other like unto me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when he came among you taught face to face with the men of that day the word which concerneth truth carefully and surely; who also, when he was absent, wrote a letter unto you, into the which if ye look diligently, ye shall be able to be builded up unto the faith given to you...."
This quote is in the work by Joseph Barber Lightfoot and J. R. Harmer entitled The Apostolic Fathers (London: Macmillan and Co., 1891) at page 178.
The same authors quote Polycarp as continuing, and saying that - we quote - "when absent, [Paul] wrote letters to them," and "if they studied them, they would find edification." See page 593 of their 1885 edition.
Edification is what you can get from C.S. Lewis. Edification implies the person is not speaking by inspiration, but solely by wisdom.
Please also note that Polycarp in the quote above says - we quote again -- that "he cannot follow" the wisdom of Paul.
What explains this deficiency in Paul's writings?
The answer comes from our third observation about this passage of 2 Peter 3:14-17.
3. In the KJV, it says Paul speaks sometimes things "hard to be understood." This is more correctly translated as that Paul speaks some "nonsensical" things or things "destructive of good sense." The Greek word is "dysnoetas." Let's see why by examining that word carefullly.
In Greek, dysnoetas has two parts -- the prefix DYS and the word NOETAS. To determine its meaning, you simply have to know the meaning and purpose of each part.
Liddell & Scott - renown and premier authors of a Greek dictionary say Dys as a prefix means - we quote --
"always [understood] with the notion of hard, bad, unlucky, etc., ... destroying the good sense of a word, or increasing its bad sense."
This quote can be found at page 336, column two, top third, in their 1883 dictionary at this page link .
Hence, we know at the outset that such a word as dysnoetas is intended in a pejorative sense. It has a negative uncomplimentary sense. Think for example of the word utopia - an ideal place, versus a dystopia -- a nightmarish world where one endures great suffering or injustice, typically such as a totalitarian world. See the definition at this link.
Then the conjoined word is NOETAS. It means SENSIBLE. See Francis E. Peter, Greek Philosophical Terms: An Historical Lexicon(1967) at 130 ("logoi noeton" = "sensible things"); 128 (noeton = "intelligible") Cf. NOETA = thought.
Hence, DYSNOETAS means "nonsensical thoughts" or "unintelligible thoughts" to reflect that the writer lacks any sense to what he or she is writing.
What does that mean?
The problem is that writer's words simply don't make any good sense. They defy common sense.
Thus, it is clear the problem begins with Paul's fault by the word DYSNOETAS used by Apostle Peter, according to its traditional authorship. Some of Paul's writings -- not all -- are said to suffer from DYSNOETAS.
What does that convey in English?
Well, the English translation as "difficult to understand" is ambiguous. Had Peter spoke in English, such words could support that the fault is solely our own, namely that we are not wise enough or knowledgeable enough to understand. But that is not what the Greek is conveying. In the Greek, if the reader misunderstands, the mistake began at least initially with the writer. The writer wrote in words destructive of good sense; they make bad sense; etc.
Hence, Second Peter is a criticism of Paul's content - his writing is sometimes lacking sense, with grave consequences -- a "lawless" life (2 Peter 3:17 NIV "lawless") and personal "destruction" of Paul's reader who gullibly reads what Paul writes. (More on that in a moment.) The English translation of "difficult to understand" is therefore incomplete, and potentially misleading. It lacks the full weight of the intended meaning of the word DYSNOETAS.
This is underscored because then Second Peter identifies a fault in the readers who do not know better when reading Paul. Second Peter then blames the readers in part for having an unstable ignorance. In other words, they are gullible, credulous, and not questioning what Paul means on the surface, etc. This proves again the meaning DYSNOETAS is Paul's fault. The reader's fault is they they are not "steadfast" in Christ's words, and fall into "lawlessness" -- the NIV correctly rendering "lawless" in 2 Pete 3:17 as what Peter says is where gullible readers end up, on the road to "destruction" -- again Peter's word, not mine.
Of what were the readers ignorant and unstable about in particular?
In context, Peter likely means they are ignorant of Jesus' words about righteous law-abiding living where confessing Jesus as Lord is not enough. Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23 say many will call him "Lord, Lord" -- but work "anomia" - a Greek word meaning law-lessness / negator of the Law, but Jesus will say "I never knew you" -- in obvious disgust. Just like Jesus says in Revelation 3:1-3 that He will "spew out" of his mouth those Christians who have had "lukewarm works" at the judgment. For more on Anomia, see this link. For more on Revelation 3:1-3, see this link.
By contrast, Paul in Romans directly contradicts Jesus, saying - we quote -- you "shall be saved" if you "confess him as Lord with your mouth, and believing...God raised him from the dead." Paul clearly says that alone - quote - "shall save you." (Romans 10:9 NKJV) However, this makes no sense. It can only prevail by the ignorance of the reader not knowing Jesus says the opposite. Jesus says calling Him Lord, Lord, but working lawlessness -- such as trusting faith alone in facts about Jesus' resurrection and thereby wallowing in lukewarm works -- is the direct road to rejection, not salvation.
Second Peter then correctly says this error of the reader of Paul leads them to accept Paul's sometimes nonsensical words, and adopt "lawless" principles. Then Second Peter says this is "to their own destruction," and thereby lose their "steadfastness" in Christ. (2 Peter 3:17-18.)
However, had they not been ignorant, such as being familiar with passages like Matthew 7:21-23, they would not have been misled into a life of "lawless" principles, and "destruction" in how they understood Paul's sometimes DSYNOETAS.
25144548? ago
Thank you!!
25144235? ago
δυσνόητά (dysnoēta) — 1 Occurrence
2 Peter 3:16 Adj-NNP
GRK: αἷς ἐστὶν δυσνόητά τινα ἃ
NAS: are some things hard to understand, which
KJV: some things hard to be understood, which
INT: which are hard to be understand some things which
Interlinear Greek • Interlinear Hebrew • Strong's Numbers • Englishman's Greek Concordance • Englishman's Hebrew Concordance • Parallel Texts
Strong's Concordance
dusnoétos: hard to understand
Original Word: δυσνόητος, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: dusnoétos
Phonetic Spelling: (doos-no'-ay-tos)
Definition: hard to understand
Usage: hard to understand.
1425 dysnóētos (an adjective, derived from 1418 /dys-, "difficult" and noētos, "understanding," see 3539 /noiéō) – properly, hard-to-understand; difficult to grasp; hard to mentally process, i.e. what is intellectually difficult to capture the true sense of (used only in 2 Pet 3:16).
2 Pet 3:16: "As also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand (1425 /dysnóētos), which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction" (NASU).
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from dus- and the same as anoétos
hard to understand
NASB Translation
hard to understand (1).
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 1425: δυσνόητος
δυσνόητος, δυσνοητον (νοέω, hard to be understood: 2 Peter 3:16. (χρησμός, Lucian, Alex. 54; (Diogenes Laërtius 9, 13 δυσνοητον τέ καί δυσεξηγητον; (Aristotle, plant. 1, 1, p. 816{a}, 3).)
STRONGS NT 1425a: δυσφημέωδυσφημέω, δυσφήμω: (present passive δυσφημοῦμαι); (δύσφημος); to use ill words, defame; passive robe defamed, 1 Corinthians 4:13 T WH Tr marginal reading (1 Macc. 7:41; in Greek writings from Aeschylus Agam. 1078 down.)
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
hard to understand
From dus- and a derivative of noieo; difficult of perception -- hard to be understood.
see GREEK dus-
see GREEK noieo
Forms and Transliterations
δυσνοητα δυσνόητά εδυστόκησεν dusnoeta dusnoēta dysnoeta dysnoēta dysnóetá dysnóētá
You just proved yourself a LIAR like your father the Dev
25144564? ago
Keep projecting, demon spawn that lucifer convinced is the anointed one. Your posts are downright creepy, anyone reading the threads on this post know who is truly aligned with Christ and it's certainly not you creep job.
25144673? ago
You're the one who misinterpreted the Koine Greek language. Pushing your anti-Pauline propaganda. That you grabbed up from some other CINO on the net. lol
25145384? ago
"Brother" Paul is from the tribe of Benjamin, he was warned about in many books of the OT too. LOL at the copypasta fag reeeeeeeeing that someone was able to dismantle its argument fully. A true follower of Christ would be humble and willing to dialogue. You spent the day yesterday proving that you server lucifer and are now trying to backtrack. We feel the evil coming through your words - whereas a true follower of Christ uplifts and makes you want to come to Him too - you and your ilk are the reason mystery babylon continues to this day.
25145298? ago
Instead of trying to convince anyone else of anything, you need to get down on your knees and REPENT. The more you post projection, the more you prove just how evil and luciferian you really are. It's all about your ego or there wouldn't be so many lol's in your posts. Give up on convincing us to assuage your damaged ego and humbly get down on your knees and REPENT.
25143904? ago
You are wrong again. The scripture speaks of Brother Paul because all those who follow the Way,the Truth and the Life are brothers and sisters and mothers in HIM, the Messiah Yeshua. lol
Again you have not received the Anointing and thus are blinded from the TRUTH.
25143912? ago
You' are anti-Christ. Paul consistently contradicts Jesus. Get thee behind me Satan!
25143937? ago
You do not have the Anointing thus you cannot understand Paul's teachings. lol
Peter say's so in the 2 book of Peter.
Peter's response:
15 And esteem the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom having been given to him, 16 as also in all the letters,c speaking in them concerning these things, among which some things are difficult to be understood, which the ignorant and unestablished distortd to their own destruction, as also the other Scriptures. 2 Peter 3:16 BLB
25144023? ago
YOU ARE PURE EVIL, it's people like you who are spreading false teachings, hating in the name of love and continuing to delay the return of Christ.
25143648? ago
as also in all the letters, speaking in them concerning these things, among which some things are difficult to be understood, which the ignorant and unestablished distort to their own destruction, as also the other Scriptures. 2 Peter 3:16
25143900? ago
What explains this deficiency in Paul's writings?
The answer comes from our third observation about this passage of 2 Peter 3:14-17.
3. In the KJV, it says Paul speaks sometimes things "hard to be understood." This is more correctly translated as that Paul speaks some "nonsensical" things or things "destructive of good sense." The Greek word is "dysnoetas." Let's see why by examining that word carefullly.
In Greek, dysnoetas has two parts -- the prefix DYS and the word NOETAS. To determine its meaning, you simply have to know the meaning and purpose of each part.
Liddell & Scott - renown and premier authors of a Greek dictionary say Dys as a prefix means - we quote --
"always [understood] with the notion of hard, bad, unlucky, etc., ... destroying the good sense of a word, or increasing its bad sense."
This quote can be found at page 336, column two, top third, in their 1883 dictionary at this page link .
Hence, we know at the outset that such a word as dysnoetas is intended in a pejorative sense. It has a negative uncomplimentary sense. Think for example of the word utopia - an ideal place, versus a dystopia -- a nightmarish world where one endures great suffering or injustice, typically such as a totalitarian world. See the definition at this link.
Then the conjoined word is NOETAS. It means SENSIBLE. See Francis E. Peter, Greek Philosophical Terms: An Historical Lexicon(1967) at 130 ("logoi noeton" = "sensible things"); 128 (noeton = "intelligible") Cf. NOETA = thought.
Hence, DYSNOETAS means "nonsensical thoughts" or "unintelligible thoughts" to reflect that the writer lacks any sense to what he or she is writing.
What does that mean?
The problem is that writer's words simply don't make any good sense. They defy common sense.
Thus, it is clear the problem begins with Paul's fault by the word DYSNOETAS used by Apostle Peter, according to its traditional authorship. Some of Paul's writings -- not all -- are said to suffer from DYSNOETAS.
What does that convey in English?
Well, the English translation as "difficult to understand" is ambiguous. Had Peter spoke in English, such words could support that the fault is solely our own, namely that we are not wise enough or knowledgeable enough to understand. But that is not what the Greek is conveying. In the Greek, if the reader misunderstands, the mistake began at least initially with the writer. The writer wrote in words destructive of good sense; they make bad sense; etc.
Hence, Second Peter is a criticism of Paul's content - his writing is sometimes lacking sense, with grave consequences -- a "lawless" life (2 Peter 3:17 NIV "lawless") and personal "destruction" of Paul's reader who gullibly reads what Paul writes. (More on that in a moment.) The English translation of "difficult to understand" is therefore incomplete, and potentially misleading. It lacks the full weight of the intended meaning of the word DYSNOETAS.
This is underscored because then Second Peter identifies a fault in the readers who do not know better when reading Paul. Second Peter then blames the readers in part for having an unstable ignorance. In other words, they are gullible, credulous, and not questioning what Paul means on the surface, etc. This proves again the meaning DYSNOETAS is Paul's fault. The reader's fault is they they are not "steadfast" in Christ's words, and fall into "lawlessness" -- the NIV correctly rendering "lawless" in 2 Pete 3:17 as what Peter says is where gullible readers end up, on the road to "destruction" -- again Peter's word, not mine.
Of what were the readers ignorant and unstable about in particular?
In context, Peter likely means they are ignorant of Jesus' words about righteous law-abiding living where confessing Jesus as Lord is not enough. Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23 say many will call him "Lord, Lord" -- but work "anomia" - a Greek word meaning law-lessness / negator of the Law, but Jesus will say "I never knew you" -- in obvious disgust. Just like Jesus says in Revelation 3:1-3 that He will "spew out" of his mouth those Christians who have had "lukewarm works" at the judgment. For more on Anomia, see this link. For more on Revelation 3:1-3, see this link.
By contrast, Paul in Romans directly contradicts Jesus, saying - we quote -- you "shall be saved" if you "confess him as Lord with your mouth, and believing...God raised him from the dead." Paul clearly says that alone - quote - "shall save you." (Romans 10:9 NKJV) However, this makes no sense. It can only prevail by the ignorance of the reader not knowing Jesus says the opposite. Jesus says calling Him Lord, Lord, but working lawlessness -- such as trusting faith alone in facts about Jesus' resurrection and thereby wallowing in lukewarm works -- is the direct road to rejection, not salvation.
Second Peter then correctly says this error of the reader of Paul leads them to accept Paul's sometimes nonsensical words, and adopt "lawless" principles. Then Second Peter says this is "to their own destruction," and thereby lose their "steadfastness" in Christ. (2 Peter 3:17-18.)
However, had they not been ignorant, such as being familiar with passages like Matthew 7:21-23, they would not have been misled into a life of "lawless" principles, and "destruction" in how they understood Paul's sometimes DSYNOETAS.
25144084? ago
δυσνόητά (dysnoēta) — 1 Occurrence
2 Peter 3:16 Adj-NNP
GRK: αἷς ἐστὶν δυσνόητά τινα ἃ
NAS: are some things hard to understand, which
KJV: some things hard to be understood, which
INT: which are hard to be understand some things which
Interlinear Greek • Interlinear Hebrew • Strong's Numbers • Englishman's Greek Concordance • Englishman's Hebrew Concordance • Parallel Texts
Strong's Concordance
dusnoétos: hard to understand
Original Word: δυσνόητος, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: dusnoétos
Phonetic Spelling: (doos-no'-ay-tos)
Definition: hard to understand
Usage: hard to understand.
1425 dysnóētos (an adjective, derived from 1418 /dys-, "difficult" and noētos, "understanding," see 3539 /noiéō) – properly, hard-to-understand; difficult to grasp; hard to mentally process, i.e. what is intellectually difficult to capture the true sense of (used only in 2 Pet 3:16).
2 Pet 3:16: "As also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand (1425 /dysnóētos), which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction" (NASU).
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from dus- and the same as anoétos
hard to understand
NASB Translation
hard to understand (1).
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 1425: δυσνόητος
δυσνόητος, δυσνοητον (νοέω, hard to be understood: 2 Peter 3:16. (χρησμός, Lucian, Alex. 54; (Diogenes Laërtius 9, 13 δυσνοητον τέ καί δυσεξηγητον; (Aristotle, plant. 1, 1, p. 816{a}, 3).)
STRONGS NT 1425a: δυσφημέωδυσφημέω, δυσφήμω: (present passive δυσφημοῦμαι); (δύσφημος); to use ill words, defame; passive robe defamed, 1 Corinthians 4:13 T WH Tr marginal reading (1 Macc. 7:41; in Greek writings from Aeschylus Agam. 1078 down.)
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
hard to understand
From dus- and a derivative of noieo; difficult of perception -- hard to be understood.
see GREEK dus-
see GREEK noieo
Forms and Transliterations
δυσνοητα δυσνόητά εδυστόκησεν dusnoeta dusnoēta dysnoeta dysnoēta dysnóetá dysnóētá
You just proved yourself a LIAR like your father the Devil.
I am well equipped. I am not some Willy Nelly novice.
25144468? ago
I am well equipped. I am not some Willy Nelly novice.
Indeed, you're well equipped to spread the fake light self righteous nonsense of lucifer, who drew you in by your ego and has you spouting anti-Christ nonsense while telling yourself you're the anointed one. Truly sickening. It's people like you who confuse the sheep and keep them from salvation. You can't undo what you've done in this thread nor the havoc you no doubt wreak "in the name of Jesus" everywhere you go. Pure evil.
25144632? ago
You lied. Pure and simple. I proved it. You do not know Koine Greek. You grabbed your info from some other CINO on the net. lol
25145319? ago
You are the liar, you are doing nothing but assuaging your ego because you are literally insane and instead of humbly seeking the truth on your knees, you're here projecting. It's truly unreal - huge egos like you are the reason so many have turned away from the Kingdom Teachings. REPENT!!
25145363? ago
I already proved you lied. lol So you have nothing of importance from now on. You are just another CINO among many. lol
25145423? ago
25145476? ago
Oh no ... I mispelled. lol No biggie it happens. People will see that I have spelled you're on many occasions throughout this thread correctly. You see how you're just nit picking now. lol
Yeah you are of the devil.
25147740? ago
To luciferians like you he probably does seem like the devil. lol.
25145397? ago
"lol" - egos are drawn to bigger egos demon spawn.
Big faker just like brother Paul.
25145523? ago
You still cannot get past the fact I proved your Koine Greek translation was TOTALLY wrong.
25147694? ago
You would kill He who you claim to follow again today.
25145413? ago
Fortunately this parasitic demon (notice how it can't let go or humbly repent as you recommended, has to continue projecting hatred and evil just like its master) has no power to lead the true believers astray.
25145515? ago
Stop lying. Stop pretending to be multiple posters on this thread. Yeah ... busted.
You still cannot get past the fact I proved your Koine Greek translation was TOTALLY wrong.
I already repented long ago. That is why I received the Anointing you so desire but cannot receive until you truly repent of your sins.
25147771? ago
You seem to know an awful lot about random anonymous people on the internet. Try looking in the mirror rather than projecting what you cannot face in yourself outward on to strangers.
25145487? ago
That's how you know it's luciferian. A true Christian would engage in dialogue, this guy gets off on projecting "you're going to hell" on to others. People like this are the reason why there's a war on Christianity.
25147707? ago
You're right, he must be getting hits of dopamine or something becuase he keeps posting when no one's interested in his evil drivel.
25145497? ago
Yep, literally seems to have an orgasm or something, he does not serve the one true God but the luciferian religious spirit. Dangerous.
25132681? ago
Spin all you want, to deflect from the fact that you're nothing more than a liar.
25132836? ago
You see, you really thought you were deceiving me. You cannot deceive the Anointed.
Your motives are based in evil. To trick. To be adverse. To conflict. To Accuse.
You only appeared on this post to attempt to prove me wrong. You were never really interested in finding out where Yeshua said If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father.
It doesn't take long to reveal someones true motives.
You have accused me of being a liar. lol
Satan is the accuser. Of course you would of known that IF you were well educated in all things Ancient texts.
Original Word: שָׂטָן
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: satan
Phonetic Spelling: (saw-tawn')
Definition: adversary, accuser also the name of the superhuman adversary of God
accuser (1), adversary (8), Satan (18).Strong's Concordance 7854
Your words and actions say much more about you than you realize.
25132907? ago
You are projecting against His prodigal children. If you were truly living as Christ teaches you would not judge (lest ye be judged) nor would you post things you refuse to sauce.
YOU are the one making all these unfounded accusations, whereas the only things we've accused you of are based on your posts that you refuse to sauce and instead project your own inner evil and accuse other of what you, in reality, are doing. Not responding to any more of your evil, you are literally Satan's spawn and can't face yourself. You are everything Christ warned us about in the end days. Shame!
25132966? ago
Your actions and words have already proved that your motives are based in Evil. lol
If you were the intelligent one you pretend to be, you would know how to find the Scripture where the Messiah Yeshua said If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father
You are exactly what the Messiah Yeshua said you are. Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces BSB 7:6
25133033? ago
In the name of Jesus Christ may you meet yourself and your intentions for others everywhere you go.
25145679? ago
I don't follow He' Zeus Kristos. I follow The Way the Truth and the Life Yeshua Immanuel the Messiah. lol
25133175? ago
If your not guilty this post should not be such a threat to you.
America Mystery Babylon is not the Kingdom of the Messiah Yeshua.
Yeshua answered, "My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this world, My attendants would fight that I might not be betrayed to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here."
It offends you because you are of the World and have yet to be resurrected from death unto life. Your god is money, things, statues, world leaders, flags and country.
25133281? ago
Actually it's you who seems intensely threatened by someone simply asking you to sauce your assertions and let us know which lost books of the Bible you're referring to.
25133263? ago
I agree about mystery babylon (albeit I think it's the entire earth system, not unique to the USA), not sure why you'd capitalize it if you're so against it.
Why are you here on QRV? Why participate on social media if all you do is spew hatred in the name of love? In that regard you're no different from the nutty progressives, and you seem to be radically incapable of SELF reflection which is frightening to sane people.
Basically, you seem like a talmudist here to sow discord and division among those who follow Christ.
25133713? ago
Anyone who serves Christ would not lol as he judges. This guy serves lucifer. Hands down. Notice how he can't respond when you're respectful and don't give him an excuse to judge you?
25145711? ago
I am chuckling because of your inconsistencies and pretending to be multiple posters on this board. Yet more proof you are another CINO. lol
25147688? ago
You're chuckling because you're a proudly sociopathic idiot member of the synagogue of satan. Post on v/religion, come back and share the link and we can talk so you can finally stop projecting that only one person knows your absolutely full of shit. Yes - full of shit. Because saying the word shit isn't what is meant - judging and spewing evil like you're doing is what is meant.
25132997? ago
This is copy-pasta from above. You are larping to rile hatred against Christians, and using anti-Christ Pauline teachings to do so. Evil be gone!
25133025? ago
Your actions and words have already proved that your motives are based in Evil. lol
If you were the intelligent one you pretend to be, you would know how to find the Scripture where the Messiah Yeshua said If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father
You are exactly what the Messiah Yeshua said you are. Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces BSB 7:6
25133044? ago
more copy pasta nonsense.
25133014? ago
Pure evil as he laughs. Dude is totally Synagogue of Satan. Sociopath with zero capacity for self reflection.
25132942? ago
Spot on! This is definitely the son who stayed jealous when the prodigal son returns. Hope you're using a VPN, this guy sounds radically unstable.
25132413? ago
Who do you believe wrote the book of Ephesians?
25132978? ago
He doesn't want to admit it's Paul because everyone knows Saul of Tarsus never converted and is, literally, the anti-Christ. His teachings have led >80% of Christians astray, and delayed His return.
25132460? ago
Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. BSB 7:6
I'll answer when you truly receive the Anointing.
25132789? ago
But how will you know oh great luciferian replacement for God?
25132883? ago
Your words and actions.
You have already proved your motives are based in Evil.
25132958? ago
By asking you to sauce your assertions?
No one cares about projections from Satan's spawn.
25132989? ago
Esp. those espousing anti-Christ Pauline teachings.
25132692? ago
You are one fucked up anti-Christian advocate larping as a self righteous idiot to discredit Christ to real followers. Disgusting in your projection!!!!
25133086? ago
You're not a true follower of the Messiah. You only think you are.
25133099? ago
25132775? ago
I agree; if you're wrong, I take comfort in knowing that Jesus Christ Himself would not have spent time with him while he was here. He hung out with real people, not the self righteous idiots who spouted doctrine and law at him.
But - I agree. Dude is larping for sure. Trying to rile hatred against Christ and His followers.
25133117? ago
The Messiah Yeshua said Go and Sin No More
And she said, "No one, Sir." And to her Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more from now on." BSB John 8:11
You are still living in sin. thus you are an enemy of El Shaddai.
25144012? ago
We ALL live in sin, o perfect one. Sheesh.
25144179? ago
Everyone has sinned but not everyone lives in sin – not every person is a slave of sin.
Committing sin is being a slave of sin. Living in sin is being a slave of sin
Every person without Yeshua the Messiah is in sin. Therefore we were sinners before Yeshua the Messiah dwelt in us.
When we come to Yeshua the Messiah, at the Cross, the old man is crucified and the body of sin done away with – sin is done away with.
Rom 6:6: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin
Rom 6:14: For sin shall not have dominion over you
Rom 6:16: Do you not know, that to whom you yield yourselves slaves to obey, you are that ones’ slave whom you obey.
John 8:34: Yeshua answered them, ‘Truly Truly I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin’
In the Messiah Yeshua Immanuel we are freed from being slaves of sin to being slaves of righteousness (Rom 6:16) thus we do not live in sin but in righteousness.
The story of woman caught in adultery is a picture of us being slaves of sin before coming to Yeshua the Messiah. When you come to Yeshua the Messiah, He forgives us our sins and says unto us, ‘go sin no more’ (John 8:1-11) thus you live righteously.
If you claim to have Jesus Christ dwelling in you and yet living in sin, a slave of sin – you are a liar.
1John 1:6: If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not practice the truth.
Every person who comes truly in repentance and believes in Yeshua as the Messiah with all his/her heart soul and mind, immediately all his/her sins are washed away and from that minute the person has power and dominion over sin to live righteously for the rest of his/her life on earth.
You need the True Way, Truth and Life Yeshua and His power to live holy and righteous.
Do you know why people like yourself come to Yeshua yet continue living in sin, committing sin?
Because you accepted Him but deny the power. Therefore you only have a form of godliness living in sin
2Tim 3:2-6: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with various lusts.
Many professing Christians today have a form of godliness but denying the power. Their life and ways reveal sin, testify of darkness. They profess with their tongues Jesus Christ but their deeds and life testifies of Satan – they know the truth but they deny it. Like yourself. Cussing and lying.
You cannot be holy outside but what comes in from you is filthy – it is hypocrisy. You cannot be holy inside but outside testifies of Satan – it is hypocrisy.
Sin cannot be overcome until you accept the power for the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. Accept the power for you to be delivered – set free from sin.
Get down on your knees today and plead the Father Mother release you of your sinful nature and hypocrisy and pray sincerely with all your heart, soul and mind that the Holy Spirit FREE YOU from your sinful Pharisee nature.
Yeshua delivers every person who truly comes to Him, sets you free from dominion and chains of sin thus you cannot be a slave of sin, live in sin, continue sinning. Are you delivered? No. You cuss and lie. You follow a false prophet Q, worship idols (flag, country and Trump).
Mt 7:13-14: Enter you by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life and there are few who find it.
1Cor 6:9-10 Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Gal 5:19-21 Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
18And we know that no one who is born from God commits sin, for he who is born from God keeps his soul and The Evil One does not touch it. 19We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in The Evil One. 20And we know that The Son of God has come and he has given us a mind to know The True One and to be in The True One -- in his Son, Yeshua The Messiah. This One is The True God and The Life Eternal. 1 John 5
21My children, keep yourselves from the worship of idols. 1 John 5
4But whoever commits sin commits evil, for sin is entirely evil. 5And you know that he was revealed to take away our sins and there is no sin in him. 6No one who remains in him commits sin, and no one who sins has seen him, neither has he known him. 7Children, let no one deceive you; he who does righteousness is righteous even as The Messiah* also is righteous. 8He who commits sin is from Satan, because Satan is a sinner from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this reason: To destroy the works of Satan*. 9No one who is begotten from God commits sin, because his seed is in him and he is not able to sin because he has been begotten from God. 10By this the children of God are distinguished from the children of Satan: no one who does not do righteousness, neither loves his brother, is from God. 1 John 3
Get clean today. You're living in sin and cannot see. Your eyes have been blinded from the truth. Hence Satan leads you down the path of perdition giving you false knowledge.
25133228? ago
You know nothing about me other than I asked who you believe wrote the book of Ephesians. I truly want to give you the benefit of the doubt because it's an anon thread and you seem to assume you're talking to only one person. But given all of your posts, I tend to agree with the other anons.
You could clear this up by making a non-anon post in v/religion and then coming back to post the link so we can talk without the anon confusion.
25130584? ago : :
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