25101510? ago

This idiot blames Taco food and not the Criminal Negroid https://voat.co/v/news/3966544/25101487

25101514? ago

Why is /u/NoseSubversion @NoseSubversion supporting negroe killers?

25101651? ago

Not supporting nog killers. Pointing out that if she had a white boyfriend, she wouldn’t be out at fucking 3am playing sjw for the “oppressed”.

25098130? ago

Societal destruction is hard wired into the female psyche. I saw a program about it on the science channel. Over the millennia of natural selection, the females who welcomed the invaders and mated to produce offspring thereby had a more diverse gene pool, and produced more diverse offspring, increasing the probability of having some who would survive to adulthood and produce offspring. Hence the tendency for serial monogamy in the female, and hence the tendency to discard the current mate in favor of a new conquering hero. The social engineers are well aware of what they are doing. The 19th Amendment sealed the fate of the United States. It has been a slow death rattle for the country from 1920 forward.

25096052? ago

That's not a Ben Garrison cartoon.

It's a shame the jew haters are so talentless that they can't come up with their own cartoons.

Because of fuckers like you that a patriot fighting on the front lines was kept from visiting the white house and lost many of his paid gigs.

25101554? ago

ben garrison is a fucking homo

25097443? ago

Because of fuckers like you that a patriot fighting on the front lines was kept from visiting the white house and lost many of his paid gigs.

What are you referencing?

How is that cartoon Jew hating? The striding whore looks like Anita Sarkeesian, SJW kween.

25100700? ago

What are you referencing?


"There’s an entity or unknown cretin out there changing my cartoons–adding in offensive Jewish stereotypes–and then spreading them throughout the internet. While leaving MY name on them."

How is that cartoon Jew hating?

By taking Garrison's actual "March of Hillary"


and photoshopping it with anti-jewish stereotype while leaving Garrison's signature on it

25100862? ago

Looks like Anita Sarkeesian to me. She's Armenian IIRC not Jewish.

25098446? ago

The nose.

25101485? ago

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25099783? ago

I'm sure it's not a coincidence.

25100865? ago

Anita's not a jew tho. She's an Armenian or something.

Who cares is she was, though, secular Jews are inordinately overrepresented in terms of pushing the vilest politics. They are godless cultural saboteurs that demonize whites and consistantly vote Dem.

25097053? ago

It's a fucking meme, boomer. People have been editing cartoons and putting his signature on them from /pol/ for years. It's not new. It's a joke. Inb4 some new fag outraged boomer that's not "with it" calls me a shill/kike for their own ignorance.

25096485? ago

I'm just so happy we have all this diversity.

25095913? ago

LOL SJW looks a ((THEM))

25095903? ago

so it kind of sounds like their BLM fanaticism is doing a favor to the gene pool - removing inferior female whites from being selected as mates

BTW, there's an old Texas Rangers motto that goes "One riot, one ranger"

Well, that motto should be updated to modern times "One riot, one belt-fed"

25095829? ago

being vegetarian is akin to sexual identity delusion - both are mental illnesses that reject the reality of one's innate biological nature

25098012? ago

Due to many health issues, I had to go pure vegetarian for about 2 years. It got me off alcohol, pharma drugs, and cigarettes. It helped me change to a healthier choice lifestyle that has served me now for 4 decades since. I wasn't a religious fanatic about it, I just knew I was at death's door and had to make drastic changes. Eventually I was able to introduce fish and then chicken and then beef back into my diet.

But don't make these blanket statements. You never know the underlying reason people are making such a drastic choice. NOT going that direction would have been a mental illness and breakdown for me. AND that's the bottom line. FOR ME. I didn't try to talk anyone into it, I just did it.

25104907? ago

You sound mentally ill. If you think lack of meat did all that you are crazy

25099274? ago

Well said.

25095535? ago

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25095443? ago

The Marxist coal burning mudsharks are finally explained!

25098362? ago

What did I just read? What a mish mash of intelleckshual jerking off in those comments. I'm not even clear at the end of reading about 30 comments what the hell they were talking about. This is the sort of bullshit academia puts out there. If we use big words and combine them in interesting ways, people will think we are learned and edumacated.

I don't need some pseudo intellectuals lecturing me on why white women and soy boys are following the pretend BLM movement... 1) college students do shit like this; 2) college professors are a bunch of useless marxists who have never held real jobs outside academia; 3) They are bored, 4) they listen to MSDNC and follow the programmed triggers that were set in place by the MKULtra College Professors and every fucking children's tv show for 30+ years


Essentially the all-winners-no-losers high self esteem club never learned how to defend their personal boundaries because there were no challenges to them. So the slightest hint of not being lovable or of others in their group not liking them sends them into a flurry of behaviors to make people love them. And here they are. Some will survive and grow up. Some will not. I fear for our future.

25101466? ago

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