The islamics are lead by perversions, islam is perhaps more agressive than sects of Masonry which are mostly now lead by blackmail and faggotry. Like Masons they also hate Christianity, they have four words Taqiyya, Al-tawriya, Kitman and Al-muruna. They might be very dumb to try destroy Christianity because they have no idea of the level of war the West is able to make and have no real idea of the old gods the West once prayed to.
You write bullshit, because the mohammedans follow the way of a lying pedophile terrorist called moohammad. They have four words that support lying and deception Taqiyya, Al-tawriya, Kitman and Al-muruna, it is jihad and islamism not by the sword by through deception, lying and islamsit propaganda.
But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question.
It must be one guy spamming this mason crap all the time. Anybody is 'allowed' to lie. Masons who are Christians follow the 10 commandments as well as any other Christians. They are not mutually exclusive, as you might wish. Masons are also taught to live by the square. Meaning upright and treating others fairly - that doesn't include being a deceitful bastard.
I'm very glad not to have joined. I had an endorsement from a then 32nd and now a 33rd degree midget Scottish Rite/Shriner clown. All I had to do was knock.
Masons are taught to support and protect their members over any others, even to lie and steal for them.
Blue degrees know nothing about this. You will never go higher in that crooked cult if you don't show a weakness to your Christian values. They will just use you to make the rest of them look good.
Look at you now, trying to tell us that they are good people!
Don't tell me what we are taught! I know what I was taught. Blue degrees know nothing, but somehow you know everything? Bah! You're a fraud, talking out your backside.
You seem to be so concerned about secrecy, yet you act like you know more on the subject than me. How secret could it really be?
If there is corruption, show it. I will denounce it.
Claiming that the square & compass depicts a six-pointed star is a very flawed interpretation. Geometry is an important subject in masonry, and that would make for a very imperfect star. Geometry goes beyond magic. It's how the Creator started everything.
I can't speak to your Jewish prejudices; I've never met a jewish person, in Lodge or otherwise.
As someone who was brought up Christian with universally applied ethics, I took for granted at least most people also followed a code that called for universal decency. Now I wonder if there are any other codes besides libertarianism and Christianity that do have a universal ethic.
Libertarianism says "go ahead and kill yourself, it's your free will." That's perilously close to satanism.
Christianity says "suffer through it; if you kill yourself, you go to hell" although there are various interpretations of how sinners are dealt with after death.
Libertarianism does not take into account, "after death."
So, there's one aspect where they diverge. There are others. It's a decent enough system, but, it's not Christianity.
And I realize I'm taking apart a single aspect of your argument, as my background includes debugging. :)
It's all good! I love it when things make sense in my head but to no one else. :p Also, I've been read from and it's making me more aware of syntax. There is a lot of plausible deniability in how the depopulation folks speak with their placement of sections so this kind of reminded me of it.
But yeah, Dershowitz's interview with Tucker last night was telling -- "I only had sex with ONE WOMAN after I met Epstein!"
He didn't say "one person", so he restricted his sexual activities post-meeting-Epstain (intentional Mandela Effect reference :) ) to his wife, plus, all men, and children of both sexes.
Would have been great if Tucker called him on it, but I understand this movie has timing to it. :) God bless.
Lol don't be a puss. Put in a fake name and email. I haven't even gotten anything from them.
It'll be a smooth read. Trust me, patriot. I would not fuck with you like that. o7
But yeah, although for the most part these people do choose their words carefully, I've still never seen anyone in such desperate need of a lawyer as Dershowitz. He can't stop digging his grave deeper and deeper. He is so out of touch. He probably thinks of himself as being important and notable in our lives too. He's a piss yellow toothed child rapist and will burn like the rest of them. HE NEEDS TO SHUT HIS MOUTH AND NEVER GO ON TV AGAIN.
25004960? ago
So are Muslims.
25002956? ago
Even if they weren’t allowed to lie, they would do it anyway. They know nothing else.
25002234? ago
The true (magic) is in the disparities.......
You fight for x against the other x and we sell you the rope...simple?
As in a battery +/- and a conductor in the middle to channel are your struggle.
Any way you want it....
25001308? ago
Not only allowed to, but likely required to lie under certain circumstances.
25001044? ago
And that’s why they’re all going to burn in hell.
25000891? ago
they act all righteous yet their creed and values have been stripped of any sort of personal honor.
25000446? ago
Same is true of Islam. Its called Taqqyia.
25006634? ago
The islamics are lead by perversions, islam is perhaps more agressive than sects of Masonry which are mostly now lead by blackmail and faggotry. Like Masons they also hate Christianity, they have four words Taqiyya, Al-tawriya, Kitman and Al-muruna. They might be very dumb to try destroy Christianity because they have no idea of the level of war the West is able to make and have no real idea of the old gods the West once prayed to.
25002472? ago
Only in the case of imminent death.
25006653? ago
You write bullshit, because the mohammedans follow the way of a lying pedophile terrorist called moohammad. They have four words that support lying and deception Taqiyya, Al-tawriya, Kitman and Al-muruna, it is jihad and islamism not by the sword by through deception, lying and islamsit propaganda.
25007767? ago
25000427? ago
This wasn't written by a freemason. Still, fuck freemasonry and their world-govenment plans.
25000295? ago
Kinda like the Mooselimbs.
25000265? ago
It must be one guy spamming this mason crap all the time. Anybody is 'allowed' to lie. Masons who are Christians follow the 10 commandments as well as any other Christians. They are not mutually exclusive, as you might wish. Masons are also taught to live by the square. Meaning upright and treating others fairly - that doesn't include being a deceitful bastard.
25004363? ago
Im @Antimason and I didn't post this, so you're wrong.
You swear nasty evil oaths to protect each other. Go fuck yourself.
25012520? ago
You're profane in more than one way.
25012694? ago
I'm very glad not to have joined. I had an endorsement from a then 32nd and now a 33rd degree midget Scottish Rite/Shriner clown. All I had to do was knock.
25002799? ago
Edit: “Masons who believe themselves Christians...”
25001690? ago
Masons are taught to support and protect their members over any others, even to lie and steal for them.
Blue degrees know nothing about this. You will never go higher in that crooked cult if you don't show a weakness to your Christian values. They will just use you to make the rest of them look good.
Look at you now, trying to tell us that they are good people!
25003194? ago
Don't tell me what we are taught! I know what I was taught. Blue degrees know nothing, but somehow you know everything? Bah! You're a fraud, talking out your backside.
25005134? ago
What makes you think I wasn't a Mason as well?
When you can't make a good case to support your claims, you falter with a weak response.
Don't hold yourself so high above others just because you're a Mason..
25012507? ago
Because you are not being honest.
25027675? ago
Where am I not being honest?
And what makes you think all (any) Masons are honest???
You already show your ignorance about Masonry.
25028324? ago
You seem to be so concerned about secrecy, yet you act like you know more on the subject than me. How secret could it really be?
If there is corruption, show it. I will denounce it.
Claiming that the square & compass depicts a six-pointed star is a very flawed interpretation. Geometry is an important subject in masonry, and that would make for a very imperfect star. Geometry goes beyond magic. It's how the Creator started everything.
I can't speak to your Jewish prejudices; I've never met a jewish person, in Lodge or otherwise.
25000594? ago
What degree are you?
25001330? ago
He's probably not allowed to tell you that because the illustrious, supreme, exalted, so-and-so told him he couldn't lol
25000149? ago
I wish I was a mason sometimes, they seem so cool!
25004671? ago
Hey, I'm a Mason Now"
24999722? ago
As someone who was brought up Christian with universally applied ethics, I took for granted at least most people also followed a code that called for universal decency. Now I wonder if there are any other codes besides libertarianism and Christianity that do have a universal ethic.
25004666? ago
The two don't even coincide, although they overlap quite a bit. Suicide, for one example.
25004984? ago
25005441? ago
Libertarianism says "go ahead and kill yourself, it's your free will." That's perilously close to satanism.
Christianity says "suffer through it; if you kill yourself, you go to hell" although there are various interpretations of how sinners are dealt with after death.
Libertarianism does not take into account, "after death."
So, there's one aspect where they diverge. There are others. It's a decent enough system, but, it's not Christianity.
And I realize I'm taking apart a single aspect of your argument, as my background includes debugging. :)
25005516? ago
I had no argument. I'm not op. I misread you I think. I thought you said they did agree on suicide. :p
25005530? ago
Okay yeah, thanks. It made sense in my head kek! But you're right, on re-reading it, I should have swapped the middle and initial sections. :)
25005591? ago
It's all good! I love it when things make sense in my head but to no one else. :p Also, I've been read from and it's making me more aware of syntax. There is a lot of plausible deniability in how the depopulation folks speak with their placement of sections so this kind of reminded me of it.
25005628? ago
That site had too many popups, closed.
But yeah, Dershowitz's interview with Tucker last night was telling -- "I only had sex with ONE WOMAN after I met Epstein!"
He didn't say "one person", so he restricted his sexual activities post-meeting-Epstain (intentional Mandela Effect reference :) ) to his wife, plus, all men, and children of both sexes.
Would have been great if Tucker called him on it, but I understand this movie has timing to it. :) God bless.
25005679? ago
Lol don't be a puss. Put in a fake name and email. I haven't even gotten anything from them.
It'll be a smooth read. Trust me, patriot. I would not fuck with you like that. o7
But yeah, although for the most part these people do choose their words carefully, I've still never seen anyone in such desperate need of a lawyer as Dershowitz. He can't stop digging his grave deeper and deeper. He is so out of touch. He probably thinks of himself as being important and notable in our lives too. He's a piss yellow toothed child rapist and will burn like the rest of them. HE NEEDS TO SHUT HIS MOUTH AND NEVER GO ON TV AGAIN.