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24996737? ago

People have, for thousands of years portrayed the fallen ones as gods. They are not gods, they are rebellious servants of the most high. Even still, the rebellious servants must bow and do His will. With the Word, God has defeated them.

24996832? ago

Are Masons also fake Christians who try to destroy the USA from within?

25094594? ago

As for Europe the Greek fags also deserve credit, Greece is possibly older than Jewish culture and at one time it was a trade path into Egypt, Arabia and Asia and Europe. Then when Rome came to power they basically took and copied much of the Greek sculptures and literature, even some of the Roman gods were the very same.

25101384? ago

Degeneracy, lying, hedonism, stealing, cheating it seems to be as old as mankind itself. The Greeks one time prayed to a tranny god, there are also weird shemale things in India and Arabia, Japan had weird pervert tantacle porn in its old paintings without any 'Jews' ... in Egypt and the Middle East there is a conspiracy of the Goat of Mendes and the Baphomet. Sometimes People blame the Jews and yes many Jews got involved with the Occult from Arabia, the Kabbala mystics but the cult is possibly even older than Jews and came before the Jewish. Weird people worshiping and praying to gods of Transexuality before civilisation collapse, a lesbo rights woman Paglia once upset her fellow SJWs and Homosexuals by suggesting people need to read a Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia @DirtyQews ?

25103362? ago

and who do you think inspired the world to have those dieties...

it really is the jews who started this.

thats why they became jews.


25101428? ago

an age old battle, good and evil?