24996844? ago

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24079986? ago

Did any of you fucks even look at the pic?

24074369? ago

Aren't they Shriner related?

24069864? ago

So is /u/goatboy @goatboy odd fellow?

24072622? ago

No, but I tried to start an Odd Fellow voat charter a while back because KEK. Nobody wanted in.

24069302? ago

So OP made the claim, but nothing to back it up. I know the IOOF exists, but how do you get to this particular conclusion?

24066917? ago

How is this receipt that lists Gove, KS related to that club over 700 miles away???

24117165? ago

Anyone Following the Money for the big stage show on tv? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3854449/24117029

24066643? ago


so much bullshit spewed here

24067104? ago

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24066010? ago

That document says Kansas. Is that even the same bar?

24065951? ago

"Odd Fellows Local 151, behind the firehouse" -- REM

24065543? ago

Called it. They are both members of a mystery school like the freemasons, ismailis, scientologists, mormons, etc.

This doesn’t mean Floyd is alive btw. Any of the higher degrees/ranks would givw their life for the cause. Though it doesn’t mean he’s dead either, there’s reason to think Chauvin wasn’t applying killing pressure. It just means this is more of the same old enemy.

24253805? ago

Dead or Alive part of the satanic stage show or a world order? https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3870712

24065268? ago


Called that shit the second it hit.

24065165? ago

Gove, Kansas?

24064678? ago

international fraternal order of Odd Fellowship

Evolving from the Order of Odd Fellows founded in England during the 1700s, the IOOF was originally chartered by the Independent Order of Oddfellows Manchester Unity in England but has operated as an independent organization since 1842, although it maintains an inter-fraternal relationship with the English Order.[5] The order is also known as the Triple Link Fraternity, referring to the order's "Triple Links" symbol, alluding to its motto "Friendship, Love and Truth".

Odd Fellows from that time include John Wilkes (1725–1797) and Sir George Savile, 8th Baronet of Thornton (1726–1784), advocating civil liberties and reliefs, including Catholic emancipation. Political repressions such as the Unlawful Oaths Act (1797) and the Unlawful Societies Act (1799),[4] resulted in neutral amalgamation of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows in 1798. Since then the fraternity has remained religiously and politically independent. George IV of the United Kingdom, admitted in 1780, was the first documented of many Odd Fellows to also attend freemasonry

1819: Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF)[32] formed in 1819 in Baltimore by Thomas Wildey, chartered by the British Manchester Unity, separated in 1842, today with lodges in approximately 29 countries.

24069111? ago

Sounds like Odd Fellows are gay fellows or pedophiles. So the bar joint was used to launder sex/child/drug trafficking. Wondered why such a place needed 24 working security guards every /daynight.

24069233? ago

Well.. I will say this.. it DOESN'T NOT look that way....

24065899? ago

Thank you

24064608? ago

The bar and the ioof temple are separate addresses. Separate as in being apart from one another. Another way of saying it would be not the same.

24064368? ago

I have been asking if these people are Freemasons. It would explain it all.

24064159? ago

I used to take aikido classes at a IOOF hall.

24064012? ago

I am starting to think all these secret societies have bad intentions and are evil at their core.

24117159? ago

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24073228? ago


24073798? ago

well I thought maybe a few were harmless but now I know better.

24156023? ago

Two Mason Houses went to war, they replaced the Boer with people from Congo and Niger, then put White S.Africans into Concentration Camps. https://voat.co/v/politics/3859077/24155646

24064841? ago

They are secret because they are nefarious. Now that you are starting to think all these secret societies have bad intentions and are evil at their core, how will you use this knowledge?

24065374? ago

Spread the word. Also now that I see these symbols I will know automatically who is bad. I deal with selling the contents of estates and I come across stuff from these groups all the time. One time I even came across and Freemason code book. I will see if I can find it.

24073237? ago

Keep it. Transcribe. Share?

24073776? ago

its from the early 20th century. It is a cipher an would only be good for deciphering old coded letters from that time period. I have yet to ever see any coded messages either from that time period. so it would be of no use. but I will start the process of coping its many pages and putting into a pdf file, when I have time. When I do finish it, I will post it here first.

24066451? ago

Carry on good man. Forward ever backward never.

24064804? ago

ya think?

24063974? ago

Precursor to rhw masons

24063717? ago



APRIL 1, 200112 AM


WARRENTON, Va. — Paul Wallace was alone, repairing overloaded circuits in the old red-brick building, when he discovered a tiny door to a dark recess between two walls.

Inside was a black wooden box. Curious, Wallace tugged it from its dark resting place. A white shroud appeared. Then leathery ribs. Then white candles.

“It was like a Dracula movie,” Wallace said. “The top of the skull was covered, but you could see the rib cage and the sinew.”

For a good 20 minutes, Wallace sat frozen. Finally, he returned the skeleton to its home between the walls of the Warrenton lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.


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When police learned of Wallace’s macabre discovery, they rushed to get a search warrant and seized the remains. State medical examiners are studying the bones. Around town, neighbors speculate about who the corpse was and why she was there. But perhaps the strangest thing about the mini-drama captivating this small town is that strikingly similar mysteries have played out across the country.

It turns out that skeletons like “Jane Doe Odd Fellow,” as one officer calls her, reside in closets, drawers, attics and crawl spaces in Odd Fellows lodges nationwide. To members of the age-old fraternal order, the skeleton is a symbol of mortality, a treasured relic used in one of their most solemn and secret rituals: initiation.

But for many residents in the towns where the bones are found, the whole thing is just plain odd.

“A lot of people thought it was weird. They were like, ‘What if it were my daughter?’ ” Wallace said.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” said Elaine Walters, who lived in an apartment below the lodge as a child. “You have visions of people stealing it from a grave in the 1700s.”

As with many fraternal orders that compete with today’s fast-paced lifestyles, interest in the Odd Fellows has waned, and many lodges have closed. More and more of the skeletons are emerging from their hiding places--often to the shock of the souls who come upon them. In recent years, the discovery of Odd Fellows skeletons has sparked police investigations in Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Nebraska. In Oklahoma, the remains prompted a work crew to flee in terror.

Last year, Jim Leuschke, a Missouri accountant active in theater, was offered two free caskets by a disbanding Odd Fellows lodge. Always on the lookout for interesting props, he picked up the ornate wooden coffins and pried one open to find a partial plaster skeleton.

Leuschke was unloading the coffins into his garage when the top of the second one jarred loose. What he saw wasn’t plaster.

“I told the kids, ‘Just keep it to yourselves. I don’t want you telling anybody we’ve got skeletons in our garage,’ ” he said.

Leuschke eventually reported his find, and skeptical police officers showed up at his door. “No one could believe what we had there,” he said.

Lisa Stone, a Chicago historian who has studied fraternal organizations, said one surprising part of the rituals is that the group has kept them secret for so long. The rituals are “not a booga-booga scary thing,” but out of context, the skeletons are “frighteningly powerful objects,” she said. She noted that many fraternal orders, including the Masons, use similar images.

Even the Warrenton police haven’t been able to get the Odd Fellows to betray their order. Lt. Kerry White said members have cooperated--but with one caveat. “They specifically asked us not to divulge what they told us,” he said.

Odd Fellows Virginia Grand Lodge Secretary Jack Gibson Jr. bristles at the description of the organization’s rituals. “I don’t like the word ‘secret,’ ” Gibson said. “It is a ceremony that is confined to the members, and if you’re not a member, you don’t discuss it.”

Why so hush-hush? “It makes you different,” Gibson said.

Wayne Colegrove, a longtime Odd Fellow from New York, still remembers his initiation more than 50 years ago. He hesitates to reveal too much but speaks of passwords and a skeleton that “wasn’t to be seen by anybody until you take the degree.”

“The words they say are something like, ‘You’re here, and pretty soon you’re gone, and there’s a hereafter,’ ” Colegrove said. “It’s a lesson in life.”

The Odd Fellows skeletons have popped up in costume shops and as decorations in bars. One made its way into a serial killer display at a New Orleans art gallery. Another made an appearance in the cult classic horror film “Dawn of the Dead.”

The Independent Order of the Odd Fellows dates to 17th-century England as a charitable organization that worked to help families in need and buried their dead. The first American lodge opened in Baltimore in 1819.

Present-day Odd Fellows support a professorship of ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins University and contribute to the Arthritis Foundation and American Heart Assn. The organization’s symbol--three interlocking rings--represents friendship, love and truth.

The skeletons likely were purchased from scientific or fraternal supply companies. One catalog from the early 1900s advertised a “genuine, full-size selected specimen, set up and wired, fairly deodorized.”

“Every one has a different story,” said Randall Kremer, a spokesman at the Smithsonian Institution. “The companies would obtain skeletons from anywhere possible. They could be indigents. Or often people, especially at the higher levels of society, were anxious to donate their remains for scientific study.”

So far, authorities have learned that the Warrenton remains are those of a Caucasian woman who stood about 5 feet 1. Her arms, feet and lower jaw are missing. She could have died from 10 to 150 years ago. Medical examiners studying the bones are consulting with anthropologists at the Smithsonian, police said.

Wallace, the electrician who revealed Jane Doe Odd Fellow, sees no harm in having her sent back to the hall. “It’s not witchcraft. It’s not satanic,” Wallace said. “They do a lot of good works.”

Still, he said, he hasn’t stopped wondering where she came from.

“Who was this person? When did they die? How did they die?” Wallace said.

24065999? ago

I live in Warrenton. Didn’t know about this story.

24067062? ago

Warrenton is nice. Fauquier is a great county.

24065224? ago

Absolutely true. I have a friend who worked in an Oddfellows building that got sold and they were the unlucky person to find a skeleton hidden behind a false front of a large built-in drawer. Friend called the Oddfellows and asked them to come get "their friend". They brought a coffin to take it away.

24063300? ago

My FIL was an Odd Fellow. It seemed to me that the organization was a lodge that wanted the "good works" and party-time, but didn't want the dark-occult association of the Freemasons, so they had occult-lite secularism. I don't know the history of how it began, but his "buddies" in the 1990s were largely atheists with a dash of New Age feel-good.

24063224? ago

Also check the art work these groups, banks and masonic society collect https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3844254/24040335

24063195? ago

There's a odd fellow building a few towns over. Always looked abandoned to me but every once in awhile I'd see cars there. These cults are everywhere

24063105? ago

Non political, non sectarian

When I see that, I immediately know it's a jewish political group.

24063104? ago

independent order of fudge packers

24063627? ago


24063070? ago

I am an IOOF member and there are not many of us around. We do not get involved in politics and I do not think we run bars. The bar may be just leased property in an old IOOF hall, many shutting down. Our chapter has 16 members and we help community and orphans. More like the Shriners than the Masons.

24064767? ago

I'm sure the masons arent involved either, or the jews, or the cops or the politiks.

Its clearly all the fault of middle aged white men who have no power.

24065557? ago

this^^^ so all the thugs will turn against grandpa...

24066015? ago

Yea, well. Grandpas got a gun. Grandpa will be fine.

Nobody fucks with Grandpa, except those who have yet to learn.

and if Grandpa hasnt got a gun, no worries, I do.

24066696? ago

yep I agree, I live with a grandpa and we're always prepared, just sick of the lowlifes being rude about 'whitey'.

Like seriously,

who do they think maintains this place, sure the he'll isn't the Sergios of the world:(

24063272? ago

but you focus on orphans....riiiiiight

24063258? ago

Would "La Raza" be a name the IOOF would adopt?

24063289? ago

24063100? ago

Fuck off SS

24064462? ago

SS? Social Security?

24063028? ago

Looks like a lot of photoshop to me?

24063900? ago

Lots of shriners have been exposed as criminals and pedos, some even in the news with links to human traffickers

24065046? ago

Search “royal order of jesters brazil pedophile”.

24064928? ago

I’m sure they have, I don’t doubt it.

But to my untrained eye, the text on this document looks wonky. If a normie like me can see this, then maybe this document is just that. The typing looks copy pasted ontop and the handwriting looks fake as well.

What is the source for this image?

This entire thread is just a title and a link to in image w no background to it. Then you have the typical responses lining the comments section that we normally see in these anti Shriner mason threads.

Not that I know the deal either which way, but I’ve seen these Shriner threads before and the language and comments always seem somewhat suspect to me at least.

24065880? ago

If I am someone who’s put you off with talk of Babylonian mystery schools and ismailis and scientologists and freemasons, the Ismailis, all of North Korea, the nazi SS, and others, please consider reading or listening to this series. It will lead you to the truth on the enemy. Once you’ve understood this work, you’ll recognize the enemy’s face everywhere.

If you want to get hooked, read or listen to the last episode, “darkness”. But the entire work is essential and very well sauced.

EZ listening: https://archive.org/details/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl

PDF transcripts: https://archive.org/download/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl/mystery_babylon_transcribed.pdf

Bill's impressive bibliography, including many contemporaneous sources, is included in the PDF.

Check out Q posts 1630-1633 as well. Freemasons are part of the (((enemy))). Bill’s work will help you understand how they fit into the 40,000 ft view, and who is directing them.

If you want to get into some bonus materials, check out all 9 parts of this Epoch Times series on the communist party of China: https://www.theepochtimes.com/commentary-8-on-how-the-chinese-communist-party-is-an-evil-cult_3950.html

If you're an observant anon, you'll observe that this series almost reads like an additional chapter/broadcast of Mystery Babylon. The CPC is also a mystery babylon franchise! Which explains why they got the funding from the international bankists to defeat the nationalists!

24073455? ago

You're right about Masons and the other secret fraternities.

But you don't know what you're talking about when you include Scientologists....

Tick-Tock > Knock-Knock.

P.S. #Obamagate

24074781? ago

Enlighten me.

They follow the very same pattern laid out by Bill Cooper. And they serve the same ends?

24076193? ago

I don't know Bill Cooper. Is that the guy that some people thought was Alex Jones?

So I don't know what "ends" he "serves."

But your question shows that you have no idea what Scientology is or does.

24076897? ago

It wasn’t a question.

I’m guessing you won’t be responding to this?

Enlighten me.

24077249? ago

I enlightened myself---what makes you so special?

24077815? ago

Translation: you don’t have shit. It is customary to bring the sauce as I have.

So, what, you’re a butthurt scientologist?

24078197? ago

You have exposed yourself as not being a Patriot. Thanks.

So you're a NWO Communist Cabal Shill.

I don't jump through hoops for shills....

Tick-Tock > Knock-Knock.

P.S. #Obamagate

24081897? ago

Kek, called a shill for asking for sauce. A rather crude application of Alinsky.

Scientologists are another franchise of the Babylonian mystery schools. Same shit, different pile.

24085980? ago

There are hundreds of Web pages available.

Either you have never done any research, or you're just a Commie troll.

Apparently you are both....

Tick-Tock > Knock-Knock.

P.S. #Obamagate

24087856? ago

Pathetic. I see you! covers one eye

24069954? ago


24066141? ago

I don't think you "put them off". They're asking for proof of the title of this post, which I also don't see anywhere. I don't need you to post more information about Babylonian mystery schools, I already know about all of that and then some.

What I would like is anything that shows that bar was a "temple" of theirs. I don't see that anywhere.

24066547? ago

I took it as a general comment on people who discuss this topic, my bad. I’ll let the informative reply stand tho.

24063017? ago

Fucking knew it.

All freemasonry must be shut down

24123553? ago

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24065311? ago

all secret societies are jewish subversion

24065693? ago

Rosicrucians are Christian like Ismailis are Muslim

24073221? ago

"Christian" in name only

24062863? ago

The worlds oldest Assassination Guild was called the Jesuit Occult. Some after they became the Vatican Banks enforcers they mastered Blackmail and Extortion.

The Roman Catholic Church are the eyes and ears of the "Collective Labor" that Benito Mussolini centralized back in 1922.

Think the Deep State will survive their 100 year anniversary?

24063286? ago

What about the Nizari Ismailis?

24063370? ago

That's NZ and tarrant and a conspiracy with the original pot smoking paranoid killers for hire, Hassan-i-Sabbah? The Shriners link much of the Moongod area of Masonry but there is also the 'Grotto' ... see Baphamet symbolism https://voat.co/v/QRV/3780241

24063346? ago

The Vatican/Jesuit Occult invented the Fascist party in 1922. They manipulated the Germans and Italian's to start world war two. You do know the US and UK had to protect the Fascist party during the last great war for a reason. Care to guess why?

So they could Blackmail the rest of the world to manufacture a scapegoat with the legitimacy of Israel and the well used patsy we all know as Mossad.

24062826? ago

Of course. Of fucking course.

24067213? ago

Wtf is an odd fellow temple?

24115428? ago

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24063155? ago

the (((media))) won't say shit about that

24063093? ago

After the videos I watched last night, where they had actual pallets of bricks being shipped in and placed around the city, targeting specific areas, watching that antifa-commie-faggot paying niggers to go do stuff, AND THEN learning that he didn't die from asphyxiation or trauma to the neck area, I can honestly say that I fully believe there's no way this isn't orchestrated by a very, VERY, powerful group.
I'm not one of ya'll Q believers, but after last night, I just might have to take a look at just what you guys have to say about the shadow government.

24072958? ago

Welcome. It only gets worse.

24064778? ago

I'm not one of ya'll Q believers, but after last night, I just might have to take a look

Welcome aboard. I know I know, you arent coming aboard..... except you totally are about to.

Keep digging.. this isnt about us.

24062945? ago

Nice find.

24062570? ago

i thought the ioof folded years ago.. i know many their old temples ( buildings around..)

24063971? ago

? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Order_of_Odd_Fellows#Notable_members This cannot be a coincidence. There is clearly something sinister going on /s ... Odd Fellows, Babylon Masons? Search of Black Assassins https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/tag/dr-james-a-hamilton/ user @goatboy was shilling them ... Stumbling on Skeletons in Old Odd Fellows Lodges https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/odd-fellows-found-skeletons

24064277? ago

Fuck off.

24062903? ago

Like the Vatican Bank going Transparent back in the late eighties, they just got better at hiding in plan site.

24062550? ago

Stories from people who escaped child/adult sex slavery and mind control mention the Shriners, OddFellowes and being brought to and abused at their parties and gatherings.

24063287? ago

Yes kind of a masonic offshoot group.

24064055? ago

was wondering what this oddfellows group is, never heard of it.

24066751? ago

REM sang about it.

24066939? ago

You mean people can understand Michael Stipe? I grew up with them and never understood more than a couple of words.

24065577? ago

Freemasonry is a franchise of the Babylonian mystery schools. Shriners, oddfellows, and some others are sub-franchises, with members chosen from their parent franchise (the freemasons) for specific purposes.

24063139? ago

Something about orphans.... Theta Rho girls, Junior Lodge boys https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1577596813144.jpg

24073145? ago

What freak shit is this?!

24062430? ago

Does Trump have the balls to take on the Masonic clubs, @Blacksmith21 @gamepwn ? @darkknight111 @JesusRules @xolotltlaloc there are so many of those weirdos

24066597? ago

Is this why the Space X launch was stopped at T-17 (Q)

And then relaunched at 3:22 (322)?

Was Trump giving the middle finger to the SnB

24074381? ago

I caught that.

24065637? ago

Yes. Q1630-1633. It’s happening.

24063152? ago

Does Trump have the balls to take on the Masonic clubs

Trump is a Freemason. If you have not figured that out by now you are way behind the curve.

24065687? ago

Try harder faggot shill

24065813? ago

Try harder faggot shill

You Israeli cubicle dwellers need to come up with a better response. That one is no longer effective.

24063830? ago

You’re literally a moron

24063120? ago

Creepy Swedish Castle? https://files.catbox.moe/ab1780.jpg

24062467? ago

Another occult / esoteric society owned by kikes.

24065670? ago

It’s owned by British Israelites. They’re not Jewish in any way, they just claim to be through a tortured interpretation of certain parts of the old testament. They also own “yourjoos” too.

24065746? ago

WTF is yourjoos?

24066076? ago

Well they aren’t mine!

24063296? ago

This anon gets it

24063079? ago

You're a dolt spreading wrong info. Some of the esoteric societies are jew-hating fronts; not all that dissimilar from the race-baiting aspect of the KKK.

24064374? ago

Which ones? Asking for a friend.

24064247? ago

You must be a nigger

24063206? ago

Fuck off illiterate moron

24062969? ago


24063302? ago

Freemasonry is jewish owned and ran

24063865? ago

Well yeah.

24062347? ago


24062359? ago

... another ritual ?