24993895? ago

Anybody notice Dershowitz said he was introduced to Epstein and Maxwell by Lady Rothschild?

These names just keep coming up. Lol

24993864? ago


24993825? ago

He said many months ago, perhaps last year even that he was never on the island. Now he says he was on the island? Sorry Dershowitz. You lyin.

24993699? ago

He's the ultimate troll and using exrmtreme levels of lawyer jew tactics to mind fuck the public. Writing s book about being guilty by association, going on live interviews to bring more attention to it, calling for open investigations of himself and directly confronting/attacking any and all accusers.

He's essentially planting the seeds of doubt and gaslighting the public by saying he has no involvement in anything he's being accused of and doing it in an aggressive enough manner where most will see him as having to be innocent.

24992965? ago

Tucker was no-holds-barred with Dersh - it was brilliant! Not only did it become super obvious that Dersh took the Epstein case because he wanted to insulate himself from prosecution too. But being Epstein's lawyer ALSO gave him a valid excuse to be ON the island repeatedly. If a high-powered lawyer like Dersh hasn't sued Virginia Roberts Giuffre for libel/slander, then that tells us everything we need to know, IMO.

24992209? ago

Dersh said he didn't know Epstein that well, but then says he knows Epstein wasn't involved with an intel agency.

He can't have it both ways.

24992143? ago

WE are NOT created EQUAL Tucker. MEN (White men) are. THAT is WHAT they MEANT. PERIOD. Women and NIGGERS and FOREIGNERS could NOT VOTE then. HOW is THAT equal???

You lying ass wipe.

What do we WANT when the revolution is over? BACK TO THE ORIGINAL MEANING of THINGS. and NO niggers, fags, feminists, Kenites, ILLEGAL immigrants or ANY of the professional cry babies who have SUBVERTED and PERVERTED truth (good) in FAVOR of LIES (Evil).

24993570? ago

Lol @ we!

24992139? ago

Dersh relies on a past FBI director being honest about what he said.

That would have to be Mueller or Comey. Neither are honest.

24992135? ago

Oh my God...he is such a fucking bad liar! It reminds me of Clinton saying, “I did not have sex with that woman.” But we all know how that turned out.

I can’t believe he is trying so hard to defend Clinton and Gore...crazy piece of crap!

24992104? ago

Why doesn't Dersh sue Virginia if he thinks she's full of lies?

Because it would open him up to discovery.

This fucker is digging his own grave by talking publicly and saying what he's saying.

Tick tock,,,,,,,

24992831? ago

I thought he was suing her and actively demanding discovery?

25002511? ago

Sauce please?

24992037? ago

I've always thought Dershowitz is probably involved with Aaron Swartz as well. I think Aaron probably inadvertantly found stuff of a pedo nature and they killed him

24991476? ago

Dershowitz started sucking up to the right on Fox News and then had to switch gears and prove his loyalty to his Big Pharma friends and Bill Gates when he said people will have have to be held down and force vaccinated if they refuse to comply.

24991450? ago

Did yall see the tell when tucker asked him "do you think he was murdered"?

24993186? ago

What tell?

24995162? ago

looking away before answering

24991403? ago

Dershowiyz looks rough. As if he has been living on the streets.

24994242? ago

24991278? ago

"He wrote the book, Guilt by Association"

lol what a troll

24991236? ago

It is so gross trying to imagine Dershowitz getting it on with a teenager

25000912? ago

Then just imagine Stephen Hawkins

24992713? ago

Maybe the "exotic massage" only had a Handy-Jibber for the happy ending. Then he can justify saying he never had sex with that woman.

24991147? ago

Who let's someone who isn't a close friend use their house? Tucker did good when he mentioned that point.

24994233? ago

The old system was totally corrupt, clown spooks and judges are also pedos

24991121? ago

Q drop 2659



6 Jan 2019 - 7:30:38 PM


Get in line.


from 2019. I think Dershie might be set up.

Girl could easily have been told to say of anyone who maybe was just around that she say she saw something. As Epstein's lawyer, she could have been an insurance policy. They were blackmailin' fools.

24991050? ago

no evidence he's ever been on the island

There's fucking pictures with him and Tony Podesta, what

24990953? ago

Guilt by Association--

"tut tut tut it's 'Guilt by Accusation', Tucker."

well if the shoe fits

24991080? ago

That was funny. His only way out of this is to paint the girl as a crazy liar and he certainly tried to do that.

24990887? ago

So why was Dershowitz on Trump's legal team?

24994255? ago

because Trump is also Swamp? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3954588

24993192? ago

Voat ignores this.

24994991? ago

What better way to have the cabal take him out, than President Trump hire him?

24990941? ago

Well the fact that he did a pretty good job of it comes to mind.

24990836? ago

I don't believe him. Never did.

24991128? ago

After watching that I really, really don't believe him. He made a mistake there, should have kept his mouth shut.

24991375? ago

that lady doth protest too much...

24991422? ago

That Jew doth protest too much!

24990734? ago

I call Bullshit!

American Lawyers are so dirty they actually believe their ‘judges’ can deliver them and their criminals! And they have been for almost the last 100 years!

24994246? ago

Dershowitz is pedo? https://voat.co/v/anon/3954556

24990695? ago

Haven't watched it yet. Did Dersh say "underwear"?

24991034? ago

No but he contradicted himself several times. Definitely watch it.

24990659? ago

Tucker flayed him about as much as one could at this point. fucking brilliant first salvo.

24993182? ago

Really? I thought he could of pushed a lot more.

24990552? ago

Dude is a fucking liar, I cant wait to see this motherfucker fall hard.

24990761? ago

All the dirty lawyers!

25000426? ago

First thing we do lets kill all the lawyers

24992466? ago

I’m a clean one, so I’m safe.

24992668? ago

wanna cookie?

24994954? ago

urinal cake would be more fitting

24990532? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=W0_OGdqTU84 :

Tucker Carlson Tonight - 7/31/20 - FULL SHOW - July 31, 2020 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

24990463? ago

Guilt by accusation is how the DS punishes those who betray them.

Stay strong Dersh, the truth will either condemn you or save you. We shall see.

24991113? ago

You're saying you don't believe what the witness said then. She's not connected to the DS and she has nothing to gain by implicating him.

24991726? ago

I'm saying he is innocent until proven guilty.

24991866? ago

I wasn't aware he had been charged with anything.

24991884? ago

I wasn't aware he had been charged with anything.

Then what is he guilty of? Just accusations. Unless there is evidence of a crime that can be proven in court, then he is innocent until proven guilty.

24992111? ago

Right now I'd say he's guilty of being a lying buffoon.

24992121? ago

And right now I'd say he's innocent until proven guilty.

24991030? ago

Anyone that defends a fucking known human trafficker is a piece of shit. I don't give a shit about any of the other facts after that.

24991655? ago

Innocent until proven guilty.

That's what I defend.

24992553? ago

And Epstein pleaded guilty so what exactly is there to defend?

24990644? ago

Q has already said Dersh believes the records of his visits have been scrubbed. that's why Dersh is so vocal about "wanting to be investigated!" - he's convinced nothing will show up. poor Dersh....

24991391? ago

Someone has them. Not difficult to have obtained.

24991215? ago

And what choice did he really have?

24990842? ago

Q has already said Dersh believes the records of his visits have been scrubbed.

Where did Q say this?

24991350? ago

CDAN. corrected with link above.

24991009? ago

looking...may have been a confirmation

24990783? ago

I do not recall this drop.

24991364? ago

CDAN. corrected with link above.

24990996? ago

might have been a confirmation. can't find at the moment.

24990447? ago

Tucker wasn't buying the lying Kike bullshit

24991448? ago

My husband noticed the lying pedo said he'd only slept with one WOMAN since he met Epstein. Nothing about GIRLS. Or boys.

24992601? ago

My husband noticed the lying pedo said he'd only slept with one WOMAN since he met Epstein. Nothing about GIRLS. Or boys.


24992116? ago

Lawyers know how to word things to avoid speaking truthfully.

24991231? ago

He claims she lied about him, but it didn’t occur to her to lie about Trump?

24991693? ago

Because he's famous and she'd make a lot of money. That line itself sunk him.

24991031? ago

Tucker kept muttering under his breath!