24902562? ago

jews are responsible for white people suffering and white genocide.

24898037? ago

Memes Red Pill Qanon

  1. https://i.postimg.cc/rwTCr64W/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-20-patriot-have-no-skin-color-qanon.jpg
  2. https://i.postimg.cc/d0qv70nC/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-14.jpg
  3. https://i.postimg.cc/YC2M09dW/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-19-patriots-have-no-skin-color-qanon.jpg
  4. https://i.postimg.cc/pXbdWPNf/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-16-q-mug-LQVE.jpg
  5. https://i.postimg.cc/2614DCpp/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-21-love-q-breadcrumbs-qanon.jpg
  6. https://i.postimg.cc/NGbXLy46/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-10-heart.jpg
  7. https://i.postimg.cc/KjXm8DWG/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-18-love-qanon.jpg
  8. https://i.postimg.cc/j2Pb7rrB/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-15-popcorn-moon.jpg
  9. https://i.postimg.cc/sDYg1byt/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-17-found-it.jpg
  10. https://i.postimg.cc/QMkfN44w/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-1.jpg
  11. https://i.postimg.cc/02gyPLQp/Think-for-yourself-Qanon.jpg
  12. https://i.postimg.cc/wjJp2zMN/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-3.jpg
  13. https://i.postimg.cc/ZRftnK7G/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-4.jpg
  14. https://i.postimg.cc/MpkkvL5p/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-5.png
  15. https://i.postimg.cc/zf59kR9m/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-6.jpg
  16. https://i.postimg.cc/gj6SpYfq/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-7.jpg
  17. https://i.postimg.cc/RCHx491D/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-8.jpg
  18. https://i.postimg.cc/R0D2xbWm/qanon-red-pill-or-blue-pill-9.jpg

Create More Memes

Any volunteers to find more Red Pill Qanon memes? Add a comment below with a link to the meme.

Any designer, or artists volunteers to make additional Red Pill memes? I suggest to somehow add #Qanon inside your meme. So that new newcomers can easily and quickly make the connection. Then find information of interest.

Why Using Memes?

If you're not familiar with Memes. They are very useful on social medias. Because it's much harder for robots to censor you. Assuming you remain within each social media agreements.




24 Jun 2020 - 10:01:36 AM

You have been selected to help serve your Country.

Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].

Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.

Organize and connect [bridge through linking].

Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]

Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts

Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]

Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda

Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary

Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)]

Game theory.

Information warfare.

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.

Together we win.



Your Vote Matters


24897185? ago

Just a suggestion for the order of redpilling:

Child trafficking - start with Blake lively speech...move from there, avoid the harvesting, it's too much too quick. Show celebrities speaking out. Go to the redpill movies on the subject.

Media - The truth is the media is complicit in covering this up. Don't say all... just show how all the information they just learned about the kids is HARD to find and is not promoted by the media. This is where they will begin to be scared. Slow. Slow. They must come to this realization themselves. DO NOT GIVE THEM THE PUNCH LINES.

Embedded government figures - Show the links between media, promotion of government propaganda, net worth of politicians. Follow the money. Follow the networks. Follow the fake news to see who they promote.

Once they see they've been lied to just give them some good video links and let them explore. Be a guide and let them awaken themselves.

God bless you all. God bless Patriots everywhere.

24891198? ago

Looks like some adds. WTF?

24889358? ago

This is one of the funniest QRV posts ever!

DIGITAL DUMBUCKS is what you are. Fatass hick boomer burnout losers pretending to be part of a SECRET MILITARY OPERATION , Q. Pretending that by acting like gullible morons they are really Neo's from the Matrix, battling the forces of fictional evil.

You guys just crack me up, incredibly childish and utterly ridiculous!


Gee I WONDER why everyone, even you families laugh at your desperate attempts to salvage you p[ointless lives by believing some 4chan LARP.

24897394? ago

Sounds like someone has a wet diaper. Come here and let mommy change you.

24888589? ago

Go do something! please do more ! GET INVOLVED !

This is for life and death!


God bless all the light workers, God bless all anons, god bless all the animals and plants!

24887924? ago

Nobody gonna watch that crap

24887477? ago

Don't forget about this one.... JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick it's long but explains how the deep state got started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utLMKiXpN4U

24887365? ago

Thank you OP. Appreciated.

24886379? ago

Shut up faggot. YOu're not the boss of me.

24897282? ago

Your cucked liberal impression is spot on.

24902542? ago

I'm not the faggot op.

24886311? ago

24885613? ago

Anon dons makeup, grabs pom poms Sis BOOM Bah

24885590? ago

Pew Pew Pew!

24885576? ago

Your abuse will continue
It is so you can understand

They can break the laws, even if it kills elders, YOU WEAR your MASK

Businesses destroyed; oh well

Cities destroyed; oh well

Families harmed; oh well

WAVE your flag; Wear your mask, COMPLY


24885565? ago

I don't know what is more cringe. You acting like you're more than a literal keyboard warrior. Or you telling white people to sit on their ass and watch movies.

24897325? ago

Is that what you think the movies motivate us to do? I think it's time you leave mommy's basement and see the massive number of individuals organizing, sharing, teaching and protecting one another. It is amazing watching the networks being built and the support being shown in community after community. I'd like to ask you where you get this negative narrative from? Is it really indicative of the beautiful families of this world or is it a corrupted idea bombarding your consciousness to normalize that behaviour?

24899445? ago

Yeah sure. Ten hut you fucking keyboard warrior larper.

24897274? ago

AI was developed 10000 years ago. Humans existed with Robots. War. World destroyed. Robots can't rebuild without the resources but are too vulnerable to fight humans without rebuilding. Let humans rebuild, corrupt some humans to erase history, once robots have control over the resources and rebuild.... game over humans? Fak, that's crazy.

24885457? ago

"The Island (2005)"

Think the Matrix!!

There are No Coincidences!!

Here's the Trailer:


24885332? ago

"Enemy of the State", by F. Paul Wilson, is infinitely more valuable, principled, and competent, than most books, and especially the piece of shit movie.

24885136? ago

Thanks, but you made that real corny.

24885345? ago

Says you....I thought it was an awesome take!

24885080? ago

i thought we were supposed to push CLAS 1-99 material?

24885347? ago

Do It!

24885069? ago

24885224? ago

you rock. Thanks anon. Have a great weekend!

24887383? ago

This is agood one too: https://youtu.be/iZ6iDBiCRiQ

24885297? ago

You might also be interested in this specific comment I made once, and the thread in general for more red pill suggestions.


Have a good weekend to you to!

24884842? ago

Probably not for noobs but very good summary:

The Q Team's Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z


24895000? ago

"Video unavailable. This video is restricted from being viewed on this domain."

24895027? ago

Click on “open” just below the video. Will take you to hooktube. Don’t know why Voat won’t play it. They play jewtube.

24890155? ago

That guy says there are no such thing as Jews...like come the fuck on.

24897082? ago

It appears as though the first Jewish woman was never Jewish. Jewism is passed through the mothers. Therefore.....

24904289? ago

Jewism is passed through the mothers.

Stop right there.

Jewism is passed through the mothers


The Talmud. The Talmud is responsible for the idea that the maternal bloodline carries the Jewish genetics.

Jewish lineage being maternal is a Talmudic teaching, not Biblical.

The Bible is pretty darn clear on paternal lineage from Abraham onward being the father of the nation of Israel. The Jews are not that. Their father is the devil, their mother determines their Jewishness because of the Talmud. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW-2pUIqWv0 - 26 minute mark explains this all - "Why did the Talmud change the word of God and say that you're jewish by your mother and not your father? Because they knew their fathers had sinned against Gods word and had passed their children through the fire to Moloch and had brought forth sons from the Nephilim race."

24890210? ago

Yeah, that was weird. But most of it seems pretty solid.

24885215? ago


24884706? ago


24884660? ago

OK ... so I was curious if what I've seen done in the US Military 'think tanks' is happening here. Of fucking course it is. how would I know ... I was in one of those 'think tanks'.

The BYU 'study' that States are now using as a basis for their retarded mask mandates is not a study at all. What they did was they went out and found a pile of OTHER "studies" ... 115 of them according to their site. They didn't do ANY actual scientific work. They conducted what is known as a 'Peer Review'. Here is where they commit academic malpractice:

They DID NOT make sure that there is was no 'Multi-Co-linearity'. That is fancy math speak for citing a study that just so happens to also appear in some of the other studies. THE VERY FIRST FUCKING ARTICLE I LOOKED AT USED, AS ONE OF IT'S SOURCES, ONE OF THE SOURCES THIS STUDY ALREADY CITED. Pure .... unadulterated ... FUCKERY.

So here is what you get ... you get study after fucking study, citing the SAME actual studies, then citing each other, citing each other, citing each other, on, and on, and on.

They take all the "Evidence" then they 'weight' the studies. What was their weighting criteria? Who the fuck knows? They didn't say. This is the worst kind of academic fuckery imaginable. Check out the photo on page 5. That was stolen from a Harvard Medical School study that says ... AND I FUCKING QUOTE :"We did not assess the relative roles of droplets generated during speech, droplet nuclei,2 and aerosols in the transmission of viruses".

get the fuck out of here. This is what people are using as the basis for an argument to have every man woman and child over the age of 2 wear a useless fucking FACE DIAPER.

Fuck these asshole pieces of shit!


Making sense of the research on COVID-19 and masks

24898049? ago

More Ammo-Memes Red Pill Qanon at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3941239/24898037/

24885813? ago

same phenomena in the "red meat is bad for you" "study." where one bullshit experiment leads to 100,000's of articles over decades all citing the same flawed bullshit...

24885228? ago

Kind of doing an investigation based on reports that you are doing an investigation based on information leaked from the same investigation.

24897299? ago


24885102? ago

They can't even get the science or the math right, sounds like they need an education in the scientific process. Does this also mean they are anti-science, since they make things up recursively site sources in a circle saying its all valid, when in fact the actual data doesn't prove a thing vs virii?

24885337? ago


24884711? ago

Excellent explanation, thank you.

24884705? ago

Mormon university

Joseph Smith was a freemason.

24884655? ago

Memes rule.

24884527? ago

'The Sum of All Fears' (2002) is a good one for red-pilling. Watched once. Then a second time with my spouse.

24884563? ago

Tom Clancy was a great writer

24884592? ago

Indeed. He definitely had insider info to come up with the things he wrote about.

24884721? ago

He actually got most of his info from publicly available documents. In fact, he was visited by intelligence officers to question exactly where he got his information- he had to show them. There were actually cases where he was asked to change details in his works to make them not quite as accurate.

24887028? ago

Interesting. I didn't know that. Good info. Thanks!