24817547? ago

Came from Obama’s ass

24816875? ago

Maybe it’s just the picture, but her eyes look dead.

24816039? ago

Chrissy Teigen is a male-to-'female' tranny and John Legend is a female-to-'male' tranny.

No, I have no proof of this but my deep autism detector is tingling on this one and it just lines up with everything we are starting to learn about the pedo-satanic self-styled 'elites'.

24817536? ago

Like Will Smith’s kids?

Test tube clone trannys

24819127? ago

Yes and like Chuckie Schumer's man-faced crossdresser wife.

These people are sick.

24814608? ago

she is a despicable cuntrag

24814539? ago

I don't know about you, OP, but I would gladly pay real money to see this fake, child molesting, actual witch, disgusting cunt, no talent, bloodsucking nasty burned at the stake. Maybe I'm morbid that way but it would feel like Justice served to someone that would do that to a Child.

24813709? ago

wonder when she is going to finally snap and do something drastic...

24813289? ago

There's something wrong w that child...oh its a nigger, never mind.

24813233? ago

A young Mongolgroid

24813213? ago

No. Her virginity will be sold. You can tell when a young girl has had dick.

24812799? ago

She’s a tranny, one of the main reasons they get kids is to pimp them out and abuse them. They are pedophiles and they abuse these kids because they enjoy it, most are oblivious to the amount of ‘secret trannies’ that are pervasive in our society.

24812737? ago

Some people really jump into the Luciferian thing. What they don't realize is, if they are non-white they are just pawns making money for the elite. Totally expendable. Think Britney.

24812715? ago

I have wondered if the Wayfare supply exposure and closure meant that the beasts of Hollyweird would be clambering out of their minds. Maybe Teigen got her supply route closed off. Howling is one hallmark sign of demonic possession.

Other stark signs of invasion can include: Barking, slavering-drooling, dropping to the ground and rolling and growling simultaneously, cursing vehemently for NO reason, super human strength display. Intermittent speech disruptions caused by whispered yelps.

24812610? ago

Wait until you see the one accompanying it where she has baby shit all over her face and her finger in her mouth.

24812570? ago

For some reason I can't view the image

24812410? ago

Interesting, if you look at the chair, the camera is perfectly centered on it. There's only a perfect straight-on angle. Yet if you look at the white outline of the outer heart next to the arms of the chair, one white line is shorter than the other. You can't see behind the chair, but I'm willing to bet the symbol is completed back there. From the front though, unless you're looking for it, it looks just like two hearts.

24812329? ago

She's hideous looking. Especially now that the demon inside her has surfaced for all to see.

24812773? ago

Actually, in my opinion, it’s always been hideous looking. I cannot in good conscience refer to it as a s/he because I can’t figure exactly what it is.

24812197? ago

What does moon child mean?

24812283? ago

A Moon Child on the higher level is a child who is the result of a Luciferian (let's call it) ritual on a specific date and time with the idea that this allows for forces to operate in that child's future.

Sexual Magick as it has been called.

Like how Barbara Bush was the Moonchild of Aleister Crowley and Pauline "Robinson" as Wiki wants you to call her now.

She was actually a Pierce.

Deeper dig:

Pierce was changed from Percy to cover the fact that the family was involved in the false flag psyop called The GunPowder Plot which changed history. The traitors covered their deed with a 'fall guy" named Guy Fawkes who's likeness is supposed in the Anonymous mask. Who in their right mind would wear the mask of the Fall Guy? Dupes, that's who.

All part of The Greatest Story Never Told.

Oh.........and while you're at it..........search Tesla/Sherf/Otto Skorzeny for another shocker.

Both are Moon Children.

Did you know Barbara kept a stillborn baby in a jar on her mantle?

Test that 'theory'.

Yes these people are sick.

24826416? ago


Bobara Crowley-Bush is clearly male, maybe Paola/Paula who put it in the jar was a breeder for the Bushes. Keeping a preserved fetus in the household is a talisman/spirit conduit called a kuman thong in necromancy. There is a whole ritual in preparing it, which is probably why it was still in the jar. Bobara goes right into talking about how she and George W. would "tease each other" and a kuman throng is known as a "trickster" spirit and said to enjoy teasing small children. Crowley traveled throughout the east and would have passed on these practices to his demon seed. Another interesting thing is that George HW says that Bobara and George W had different opinions on abortion, a strange thing to start talking about out of nowhere. It makes me think the fetus was obtained through abortion and that is what he was remembering and what promoted this interjection.

24830599? ago

She looks like Crowley with tits.

Maybe he went tranny and doubled his dose of life-preserving adrenochrome.


24830522? ago

Good sauce, much thanks for the input.

Loki/Joker/Jackyl/Jestor/Jeckyl/Jack/Jake as 'The Trickster guards the secrets with Satire/Satyr.

the 'shapeshifting lycanthrope' no less.

No joke. :)

24817998? ago

Wow just when you think it doesn't get worse

24830550? ago

Look at this little rabbit hole map:

Eating feces in a movie: Satanic tranny Divine in Pink Flamingos by satanic John Waters.

They seem to really dig the shit tunnel.

So allow me to dig one ass well.

"Lift the Veil" as hack actor, had a bit part in a John Waters movie.

As Bugs Bunny might ask, "So you figure that's just a coinkydink?"

The rabbit burrows deep and hopes you can't tell shit from shinola. :)

24812696? ago


24812232? ago

In the Book, "The Illuminati Formula To Create an Undetectable Mind Control Slave," it goes in depth on moon child rituals. It's apparently a ritual in order to demonize a fetus in the womb.

24812096? ago

Locking her twitter account has denied her narcissistic supply!

That's why she was seen screaming in a recent video.

This is the real drug of the elite psychopaths, malignant narcissists and pedophiles! The drug of all psychopaths, narcissists and pedophiles!!!

The adrenochrome is just an extension of this prime motive. To get attention and been seen as superior even to the extent of dehumanizing, humiliating or abusing another person. This is what they crave.

Having to cut off her twitter account to save her being constantly exposed deprived her of all the attention her many posts per day generated. She needs that like crack to a junkie. She is seriously hurting for narcissistic supply right now. She's hurting.

At times like these psychopaths love to get extreme and kill someone or something for the release and power. She is about to fucking snap and do something violent imho.

24815699? ago

That sounds totally insane...unless you've had one of those in your life. Getting them out is a bitch.

24814165? ago

The screaming vid was 2019

24813582? ago

You should see the comments people are leaving on her \@cravings channel now!

24814706? ago

Just had a look.

Wow she is getting destroyed. People aren't even remotely holding back.

24812076? ago

How is this pic just now being talked about? That's pretty damn damning.

24815477? ago

Some spiral or some logo or swirl or heart by itself is not a conviction, people making a gross joke is also not a conviction ands another thing is people drew spirals for hundreds of years, multiple hearts are something you see in art or painting since almost forever so these symbols of other 'normal' meanings not just satanic luciferian shit. Normies are probably too busy or too disturbed to ever look down the conspiracy rabbit hole. However if you add up all this incidents, all of it adds up maybe, once you look into some of these hollyweird celebs the Blackmail parties, the rude gross comments on their twitters and facebooks, the Epstein island, the Baphomet Symbolism and Masonic Pentagrams and Occult groups it starts to add up to something Police or FBI or Interpol should look into, I have a feeling the system is not just corrupted today but has been corrupted for generations.

24821901? ago

Maxwell is guilty?

interesting news



I thought Iyengar was an exotic name, so I looked it up and found it was a type of yoga invented in 1966.

Here's the web address of the NYC org: https: //iyengarnyc.org/

Here's the NYC address that site gives:

Institute of New York

150 W. 22nd St 2nd Fl.

New York, NY 10011


I added Epstein to my search (+"iyengar" +"yoga" +"Epstein") and got this story:

https: //www.washingtonpost.com/politics/epsteins-accusers-call-her-his-protector-and-procurer-is-ghislaine-maxwell-now-prosecutors-target/2019/08/11/7af5968a-bbbd-11e9-a091-6a96e67d9cce_story.html

... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911245/24628878

24811964? ago

I'm even moar curious about how many of them are really dudes in disguise....

24814799? ago

Not everybody gross is a tranny. It is a difficult reality that women can be perverts. CTs looks and body are degrading rapidly. That is the price she is paying for worshiping evil and it is having a devastating effect on her mental health.

24813851? ago

like why does john legend have odd bitch tits?

24812948? ago

Looks just like this trans vlogger:


24812361? ago

Bidens wife as well

24813204? ago

I'd do her. For days.

24812144? ago

It's "the Crying Game" for many normies.

24812085? ago

Yep, we've talked about her being a dude, on pizzagate, many times.