24791603? ago

Is a pity to see these glorious architectural building burn..but GOD is more concerned with our Souls then buildings.

24790942? ago

Church has nothing to do with god. The sooner you realize that the better. Vatican had secret tunnels full of humans and gold. 650 flights full of gold from Rome to New York. When humanity raided the church, you don't know satanist read the same bible as you do.


24793557? ago

New Testament uses the word 'church'. Must be something to do with God.

24793568? ago

Doesn't it also use the word Lord?

Must be something to do with feudalism.

24793601? ago

Only in the English translations.

24790875? ago

Religion aside that cathedral was from 1434. The loss of history is heart breaking. ISIS destroyed so many historical places and now Notre Dame and this one.

24801654? ago

The French are fags? They are more concerned about Frog memes?? https://voat.co/v/technology/3931451/24794821

24790687? ago

Haven't we've seen this before?

24803121? ago

24790977? ago

Yes but the French don't have a word for déjà vû.

24791209? ago


24791107? ago


24790365? ago

God always wins.