24800532? ago

Thank you for posting this research paper. I will never support Disney films again.

24794954? ago

Of course that tweet was legit. Just try to post it anywhere on [D]emocrat-controlled social media and watch it get nuked instantaneously.

Some of us never forgot, Q...

24794075? ago

I remember seeing that tweet live but the web has been thoroughly wiped of any reference or archive of it. The only thing that exists are screens of it and screens of people who had archived it when it happened. All links for it have been wiped. The closest I could get was an Instagram post the same day it was posted on the NSA twitter.


24798354? ago

Did you see the part where it says "this Tweet will be deleted"?

24792962? ago

And let's not forget Disney Cruise Lines goes right by Epstein island, "Afterward, make your way to your second snorkel stop — Little St James Island — where curious fish dart back and forth in the clear blue water, and colorful coral formations nestle next to amazing underwater formations."

Look at the 4th entry called Captain Nautica's Snorkeling Expedition, they have not edited it yet they are so fucking audacious these sick fucking satanic bastards!


24792522? ago

So WHEN. THE. FUCK. Are we going to war?

Millions of us are being oppressed, assaulted, and losing our businesses under CORRUPT DEMOCRAT RULE.




24797075? ago

But I thought “patriots were in control”. How can they be in control AND you are oppressed by corrupt dems? Do you see how it can’t be both? So which is it? Is Q wrong or are you wrong?

24793038? ago

All this is happening so we don't HAVE to go to war, I know it's excruciating, I'm right there with you but our enemy is so weak and fucked up we just have to let them self destruct. Only another 100 days or so lol, hang in there!

24793162? ago

I get it but Trump supporters are the only people suffering.

Communists, anarchists, and D leaders are doing whatever they want to us.

We are literally caught in trauma-based control and the R administration and Trump are just watching us fry.

We are losing our lives and livelihoods.

24839199? ago

^^This^^ and just now Trump says to wear a fucking mask?!? This could go south at a moments notice and it will NOT be pretty, hope Q is Cueing something up cause I personally have fucking had it. This is not a world I want to be in anymore.

24793231? ago

Lock down and stay safe, remember the virus is bullshit, but the lockdown is real.

Commander In Chief, or his messenger, said to clear the battlefield, that means watch the fuck out and clear the field.

Everyone on the battlefield when the reckoning zaps, will wish they were anywhere else.

24793497? ago

I've slept in foxholes on battlefields but my family wasn't there in the fire with us.

People have worked and sacrificed their entire lives and are losing everything.

I love every single policy move Trump has made - but he hasn't made a single move to stop what is directly killing us.

24793886? ago

My dad lost his entire career over this shit. Now hes working a fucking government job for shit wages and at risk from being murdered by niggers. I'm about to lose my fucking shit over this.

24793960? ago

Yes it feels like we have been tossed into the fire!

Not a peep from Trump!

24794023? ago

You guys will get over it, I’m sure. There’s kids getting skinned alive, so have a little patients

24794862? ago

If someone knows for a fact where a kid is getting skinned then they need to kick in the fucking door and kill those bastards.

You telling me Trump knows or doesn't know? For 3.5 years?

24794965? ago

Epstein is dead, and Maxwell will be dead in a couple of days. Weinstein is arrests, and the crown is shitting themselves over Andrew. Most celebs involved have either already killed themselves, or the public is awake enough to make the hide in fear. They can’t walk down the streets.

24791208? ago

Maybe Q wants us to think that NSA tweet was legit this way?

24791279? ago

Yes that is what the OP is saying

24791265? ago

Or whoever had tweeted it is someone who is now part of the Q team? So it would have been a very early Q message, sent before Q's first official drop.

24790035? ago

Excellent research.

24790111? ago

Thanks! I've found the hint to the NSA tweet in that comment which was buried deep inside a thread following a hidden comment.

24796150? ago

I’m not sure I understand this. We’re supposed to investigate, post and discuss, but the discussions and posts still get censored on a larger level (twitter, Facebook and YouTube censor as soon as a Q influencer gets too many followers). They’re comfortable as long as the research is contained to a small fraction of the population. Q supposedly has access to far more top secret corruption, illegal research and testing, blackmail, etc than we do, so what’s the purpose? Look at the post today about Idaho on voat, they’re suspending laws to allow state kidnappings, the people there are protesting but what will happen when the first kids are taken? Remember the red flag laws that have killed innocent gun owners? It seems that Q wants us to stay busy researching things that get censored while the deepstate actively carries out their plan.