24806819? ago

another thread, this will make wayfair seem like nothing if it catches on, we must be more relentless than evil. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1284460242529660928.html

24795355? ago

I have been to Disney Underground city in Orlando Florida 100s of miles of tunnels and rooms just beneath the unsuspecting visitors feet.

24794269? ago

Excellent article. I had no idea his dad was such a damaged soul. Family patterns continue until we break them...

And I would venture a guess that every Patriot here is a pattern breaker, meant to change this world.

24795091? ago

Hard times seem to have brought about Walt Disney's genius. He was certainly a pattern breaker.

24793167? ago

Disney is one big crime scene

24793387? ago

Someone is selling the Planes and Submarine that were at pedo island?

24791757? ago

40 Pages on Disney in "Bloodlines of the Illuminati."

24791548? ago

The entire Disney thing always creeped me out. His stories and characters, boiled down to their essence, are creepy.

24795046? ago

So should we set the mob loose to burn down all the Disney properties? Because you find the stories creepy of course.

24792837? ago

Really? I always loved Disneys animal characters when I was a kid. Could you enlighten me on your point of view of Disney?

24794947? ago

I still love all things Disney. Every time I ask someone to enlighten me on the evils of Disney all I get is called all kinds of names. It looks like jealousy to me.

24806203? ago

I like this idea. Just like with people who dislike rapists - they're just jealous they've never been rape victims.

24812543? ago

Once again the majority will suffer for the crimes of the minority. Because some Disney employees may be pedevores and/or pedophiles we must SHUT IT DOWN. Almost sounds like another inversion; if (((we))) can't have it no one else will either. Is this really being done in the name of good or are the bad guys striking another blow? Why can't we just excise the cancer and let the body live?

As base as it is jealousy is at play here. A trip to Disney is expensive and unless you're wealthy it requires sacrificing other things to make the trip happen. We have seen how the current entitlement culture works and we know they think everything should be handed to them. Last I looked no one is handing out Disney vacations so they have little chance of going on one; it's better for them if Disney venues don't exist at all People who couldn't possibly match his achievements are now bad-mouthing Walt Disney as if they knew him personally. The whole thing is sickening.

24792623? ago

Ghislaine Maxwell worked with Disney and Children in the 1980s ?? Disney Company now owns Ships, Parks, BuenaVista, Fox, ESPN, National Geographic, Marvel, StarWars Lucasfilm, ABC Channel https://voat.co/v/QRV/3923244/24724193

24791741? ago

Hated Disneyland and the Mickey Mouse, as a kid.

Take me to Magic Mountain and give me Bugs Bunny.

24794956? ago

That is your opinion, not everyone's.

24790871? ago

Quote from article:

"Films like Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland were reportedly a staple in mind control programming, as the imagery optimized the traumatized victim’s ability to dissociate and accept programming instructions."

24791991? ago

The second wizard of Oz aka Return to Oz (1985) really goes nuts with it. Starting Fairuza Balk. I'm sure you can torrent it or whatever. You're talking child electroshock therapy. Demons, heads being taken on and off. No freaking way it's a kids movie. Yet when I was a kid I watched it, my parents thought it was fine since it was rated PG.

24792642? ago

I remember when it came on television and there was a scene where someone touched sand and turned into sand themselves and then their form collapsed into the sand? I freaked out and my parents said "nope", changed the channel. I hadn't ever seen anything else of it.

24795012? ago

Whoa. Now I know why people have grown into such wussies. Helicopter parenting did it.

24790543? ago

This is what Judaism brings. You know, the thing you qtards align with.

24791375? ago


Qualify that.

How the fuck do you have it in your Jew head that Q followers align with the spawn of fucking Esau?

W sent us here. Jewish Question central.

24791386? ago

The Q movement is a zionist front you dumb bitch

24793846? ago

What a shitty attempt, i hope your boss fucks you in the ass down there in tel aviv, chaim.

24792859? ago

Yeah voat is like the only safe space for nazi qtards

24789548? ago


24789883? ago

Disney at Epstein island? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3930957