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25756068? ago

There were no Congoid Bantu Negroid civilisation Empires but what of The Empire of Jew might looked at? The Asians, personally I have been around Asia, many places and the Yellow Asian can be a fierce warrior on the battle field, they woman taking care of home and family they have also a history of writing, an intelligent people with history, poetry, arts, mathematics but there is also something within them that restrains them. For all their ability within their DNA they tend to go Hive-mind, you see it sometimes in the West, idiots following some new fascist dumbo, White fools following some Communist, you see it with Swedistan's socialist Law of Jante where everyone worships a king or government. Asia is the same hive-minded way the Japanese, Chinese etc they love to conform, this is why Communism from the West so easily took root in Asia, they love their Emperor, in the end it can block thoughts of creation, they become very confucian, only follow standards, only caste and class and behaviour in accordance with socially accepted ways and conformist. Yet the Asians for all their hive minds they still had massive Empires. But can we look into a Empire of Jew as a warrior Kingdom, a force, a nation or did they spend a lot of time getting beat down? @romanstock @getshanked ! @ALIENS2222 ! @whatisbestinlife @veteran88 Without the Religious Voodoo crap, the crazy Christian element of the Chosen People Hocus Pocus can you look into the history of The Jew, how strong were they as Empires and Nation States or could they only be leeches, parasite and maybe manipulate somewhat behind the scenes? In the Beginning they were a worker tribe a slave tribe of people in Egypt that valued education, their story says Moses by the way of miracles saved them from Egypt and took them to the Promised Land of Israel. They Jews for a While built an Empire and thought themselves invincible, then came Babylon, 400 maybe 300 BC or BCE stuff gets dug up every once in a while, artifacts old pots etc nobody is really sure on the dates but something happened. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, lay siege to Israel and laid it to waste, some Jews went to the Babylon side and joined them others stayed in Israel / Zion rebeled and fought the occupation. The religion chant goes 'By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yes, we wept, when we remembered Zion' The Jews in Babylon may have got themselves in gambling, prostitution, money lending and began to flourish in Babylon, setting up communities, building ritual baths and establishing media, building study of book collecting groups. Persia conquered Babylon, thus starting the second exile for the New Babylon Jew mystic people, were Jews pary to old pagan babylon gods? Who knows but Peria came crashing in with its Empire sending them back into the direction of Israel or scattering them in the directions of Egypt, Greece, Asia, N.Africa, one religious story recorded of Daniel being accused of rebelling against the king and being thrown into the lion’s den. Next to come were the Greeks, the Greece soliders came crashing in, a new storm from a new Empire and Israel was now under Greek rule. The rulers of Greece did not displace the Jewish people or destroy the Temple. However, that is not to say that many Jews were not influenced by the Greek hedonistic, greedy, lustful lifestyles. Ptolemy a influenced Greek ruler of Egypt gathered 72 Jewish elders and forced them to translate the Torah into Greek, this sent Jews into a hissy fit as nobody ever translated their secret special book before, the Greeks basically hit them were nobody hit them before punching the Israeli Jew and the Babylon Jew punching them right in their soul, now the Greeks understood Jew fuckery and trickery. The Roman Empire was one fo the final blows totally destorying many Temples, scattering different tribe of Jews across Asia, Africa and Europe. The new tribes of Jew that arrived in Europe were not always welcome, seen as a subversive and cancerous troublesome greedy people, in 1190 got blame, Jews were massacred in England during the Third Crusade, Jews taking some blame for the problems in battles against the Mohammedan Empires. A public burning of the Talmud took place in Paris in 1242, the French man now hated the Jew. In 1290, all Jews were expelled from England, some Kings would force them to mark themselves or wear yellow. Eventually people became less suspicous of the Jew and the Jew rose to create banking Empires across some Kingdoms in Europe. In World War 2 the Jew got a lot of blame from Hitler, there are holocaust stories documented, after WW2 some nations and people would feel sorry for the Jews so Israel was given to them, Yellows did not have sympathy for a Jew for the Yellow a Jew story fo tragedy is just another in a long list of random peoples getting fucked over since the start of time, but for the Whites they felt this connection to the Jewish so want to build their new home. If not for sympathy, and White-Guilt and cartity the Jews probably would not have this Ethno Theocratic Nation State today?

25756074? ago

There were no Congoid Bantu Negroid civilisation Empires but what of The Empire of Jew might looked at? The Asians, personally I have been around Asia, many places and the Yellow Asian can be a fierce warrior on the battle field, they woman taking care of home and family they have also a history of writing, an intelligent people with history, poetry, arts, mathematics but there is also something within them that restrains them. For all their ability within their DNA they tend to go Hive-mind, you see it sometimes in the West, idiots following some new fascist dumbo, White fools following some Communist, you see it with Swedistan's socialist Law of Jante where everyone worships a king or government. Asia is the same hive-minded way the Japanese, Chinese etc they love to conform, this is why Communism from the West so easily took root in Asia, they love their Emperor, in the end it can block thoughts of creation, they become very confucian, only follow standards, only caste and class and behaviour in accordance with socially accepted ways and conformist. Yet the Asians for all their hive minds they still had massive Empires. But can we look into a Empire of Jew as a warrior Kingdom, a force, a nation or did they spend a lot of time getting beat down? @romanstock @getshanked ! @ALIENS2222 ! @whatisbestinlife @veteran88 Without the Religious Voodoo crap, the crazy Christian element of the Chosen People Hocus Pocus can you look into the history of The Jew, how strong were they as Empires and Nation States or could they only be leeches, parasite and maybe manipulate somewhat behind the scenes? In the Beginning they were a worker tribe a slave tribe of people in Egypt that valued education, their story says Moses by the way of miracles saved them from Egypt and took them to the Promised Land of Israel. They Jews for a While built an Empire and thought themselves invincible, then came Babylon, 400 maybe 300 BC or BCE stuff gets dug up every once in a while, artifacts old pots etc nobody is really sure on the dates but something happened. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, lay siege to Israel and laid it to waste, some Jews went to the Babylon side and joined them others stayed in Israel / Zion rebeled and fought the occupation. The religion chant goes 'By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yes, we wept, when we remembered Zion' The Jews in Babylon may have got themselves in gambling, prostitution, money lending and began to flourish in Babylon, setting up communities, building ritual baths and establishing media, building study of book collecting groups. Persia conquered Babylon, thus starting the second exile for the New Babylon Jew mystic people, were Jews pary to old pagan babylon gods? Who knows but Peria came crashing in with its Empire sending them back into the direction of Israel or scattering them in the directions of Egypt, Greece, Asia, N.Africa, one religious story recorded of Daniel being accused of rebelling against the king and being thrown into the lion’s den. Next to come were the Greeks, the Greece soliders came crashing in, a new storm from a new Empire and Israel was now under Greek rule. The rulers of Greece did not displace the Jewish people or destroy the Temple. However, that is not to say that many Jews were not influenced by the Greek hedonistic, greedy, lustful lifestyles. Ptolemy a influenced Greek ruler of Egypt gathered 72 Jewish elders and forced them to translate the Torah into Greek, this sent Jews into a hissy fit as nobody ever translated their secret special book before, the Greeks basically hit them were nobody hit them before punching the Israeli Jew and the Babylon Jew punching them right in their soul, now the Greeks understood Jew fuckery and trickery. The Roman Empire was one fo the final blows totally destorying many Temples, scattering different tribe of Jews across Asia, Africa and Europe. The new tribes of Jew that arrived in Europe were not always welcome, seen as a subversive and cancerous troublesome greedy people, in 1190 got blame, Jews were massacred in England during the Third Crusade, Jews taking some blame for the problems in battles against the Mohammedan Empires. A public burning of the Talmud took place in Paris in 1242, the French man now hated the Jew. In 1290, all Jews were expelled from England, some Kings would force them to mark themselves or wear yellow. Eventually people became less suspicous of the Jew and the Jew rose to create banking Empires across some Kingdoms in Europe. In World War 2 the Jew got a lot of blame from Hitler, there are holocaust stories documented, after WW2 some nations and people would feel sorry for the Jews so Israel was given to them, Yellows did not have sympathy for a Jew for the Yellow a Jew story fo tragedy is just another in a long list of random peoples getting fucked over since the start of time, but for the Whites they felt this connection to the Jewish so want to build their new home. If not for sympathy, and White-Guilt and cartity the Jews probably would not have this Ethno Theocratic Nation State today?