25651976? ago

25690485? ago

@fanabba @carnold03 @fusir these religions sometimes work together ? @SarMegahhikkitha /u/SarMegahhikkitha

25690513? ago

Who are you?

25690882? ago

He's some kind of retard.

25691203? ago

It's Sick in the head, two sides of the same coin? https://voat.co/v/news/4031025/25688953

25755944? ago

shut it down!!

25557793? ago

The woman is some perverted senegal negroid https://voat.co/v/whatever/4016245/25554521

25548796? ago

more of the crazy https://voat.co/v/QRV/4015588

25515696? ago

Commie BLM style Sharia Law next? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4011296/25509763

25756068? ago

There were no Congoid Bantu Negroid civilisation Empires but what of The Empire of Jew might looked at? The Asians, personally I have been around Asia, many places and the Yellow Asian can be a fierce warrior on the battle field, they woman taking care of home and family they have also a history of writing, an intelligent people with history, poetry, arts, mathematics but there is also something within them that restrains them. For all their ability within their DNA they tend to go Hive-mind, you see it sometimes in the West, idiots following some new fascist dumbo, White fools following some Communist, you see it with Swedistan's socialist Law of Jante where everyone worships a king or government. Asia is the same hive-minded way the Japanese, Chinese etc they love to conform, this is why Communism from the West so easily took root in Asia, they love their Emperor, in the end it can block thoughts of creation, they become very confucian, only follow standards, only caste and class and behaviour in accordance with socially accepted ways and conformist. Yet the Asians for all their hive minds they still had massive Empires. But can we look into a Empire of Jew as a warrior Kingdom, a force, a nation or did they spend a lot of time getting beat down? @romanstock @getshanked ! @ALIENS2222 ! @whatisbestinlife @veteran88 Without the Religious Voodoo crap, the crazy Christian element of the Chosen People Hocus Pocus can you look into the history of The Jew, how strong were they as Empires and Nation States or could they only be leeches, parasite and maybe manipulate somewhat behind the scenes? In the Beginning they were a worker tribe a slave tribe of people in Egypt that valued education, their story says Moses by the way of miracles saved them from Egypt and took them to the Promised Land of Israel. They Jews for a While built an Empire and thought themselves invincible, then came Babylon, 400 maybe 300 BC or BCE stuff gets dug up every once in a while, artifacts old pots etc nobody is really sure on the dates but something happened. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, lay siege to Israel and laid it to waste, some Jews went to the Babylon side and joined them others stayed in Israel / Zion rebeled and fought the occupation. The religion chant goes 'By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yes, we wept, when we remembered Zion' The Jews in Babylon may have got themselves in gambling, prostitution, money lending and began to flourish in Babylon, setting up communities, building ritual baths and establishing media, building study of book collecting groups. Persia conquered Babylon, thus starting the second exile for the New Babylon Jew mystic people, were Jews pary to old pagan babylon gods? Who knows but Peria came crashing in with its Empire sending them back into the direction of Israel or scattering them in the directions of Egypt, Greece, Asia, N.Africa, one religious story recorded of Daniel being accused of rebelling against the king and being thrown into the lion’s den. Next to come were the Greeks, the Greece soliders came crashing in, a new storm from a new Empire and Israel was now under Greek rule. The rulers of Greece did not displace the Jewish people or destroy the Temple. However, that is not to say that many Jews were not influenced by the Greek hedonistic, greedy, lustful lifestyles. Ptolemy a influenced Greek ruler of Egypt gathered 72 Jewish elders and forced them to translate the Torah into Greek, this sent Jews into a hissy fit as nobody ever translated their secret special book before, the Greeks basically hit them were nobody hit them before punching the Israeli Jew and the Babylon Jew punching them right in their soul, now the Greeks understood Jew fuckery and trickery. The Roman Empire was one fo the final blows totally destorying many Temples, scattering different tribe of Jews across Asia, Africa and Europe. The new tribes of Jew that arrived in Europe were not always welcome, seen as a subversive and cancerous troublesome greedy people, in 1190 got blame, Jews were massacred in England during the Third Crusade, Jews taking some blame for the problems in battles against the Mohammedan Empires. A public burning of the Talmud took place in Paris in 1242, the French man now hated the Jew. In 1290, all Jews were expelled from England, some Kings would force them to mark themselves or wear yellow. Eventually people became less suspicous of the Jew and the Jew rose to create banking Empires across some Kingdoms in Europe. In World War 2 the Jew got a lot of blame from Hitler, there are holocaust stories documented, after WW2 some nations and people would feel sorry for the Jews so Israel was given to them, Yellows did not have sympathy for a Jew for the Yellow a Jew story fo tragedy is just another in a long list of random peoples getting fucked over since the start of time, but for the Whites they felt this connection to the Jewish so want to build their new home. If not for sympathy, and White-Guilt and cartity the Jews probably would not have this Ethno Theocratic Nation State today? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4038679/25753375

25756074? ago

There were no Congoid Bantu Negroid civilisation Empires but what of The Empire of Jew might looked at? The Asians, personally I have been around Asia, many places and the Yellow Asian can be a fierce warrior on the battle field, they woman taking care of home and family they have also a history of writing, an intelligent people with history, poetry, arts, mathematics but there is also something within them that restrains them. For all their ability within their DNA they tend to go Hive-mind, you see it sometimes in the West, idiots following some new fascist dumbo, White fools following some Communist, you see it with Swedistan's socialist Law of Jante where everyone worships a king or government. Asia is the same hive-minded way the Japanese, Chinese etc they love to conform, this is why Communism from the West so easily took root in Asia, they love their Emperor, in the end it can block thoughts of creation, they become very confucian, only follow standards, only caste and class and behaviour in accordance with socially accepted ways and conformist. Yet the Asians for all their hive minds they still had massive Empires. But can we look into a Empire of Jew as a warrior Kingdom, a force, a nation or did they spend a lot of time getting beat down? @romanstock @getshanked ! @ALIENS2222 ! @whatisbestinlife @veteran88 Without the Religious Voodoo crap, the crazy Christian element of the Chosen People Hocus Pocus can you look into the history of The Jew, how strong were they as Empires and Nation States or could they only be leeches, parasite and maybe manipulate somewhat behind the scenes? In the Beginning they were a worker tribe a slave tribe of people in Egypt that valued education, their story says Moses by the way of miracles saved them from Egypt and took them to the Promised Land of Israel. They Jews for a While built an Empire and thought themselves invincible, then came Babylon, 400 maybe 300 BC or BCE stuff gets dug up every once in a while, artifacts old pots etc nobody is really sure on the dates but something happened. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, lay siege to Israel and laid it to waste, some Jews went to the Babylon side and joined them others stayed in Israel / Zion rebeled and fought the occupation. The religion chant goes 'By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yes, we wept, when we remembered Zion' The Jews in Babylon may have got themselves in gambling, prostitution, money lending and began to flourish in Babylon, setting up communities, building ritual baths and establishing media, building study of book collecting groups. Persia conquered Babylon, thus starting the second exile for the New Babylon Jew mystic people, were Jews pary to old pagan babylon gods? Who knows but Peria came crashing in with its Empire sending them back into the direction of Israel or scattering them in the directions of Egypt, Greece, Asia, N.Africa, one religious story recorded of Daniel being accused of rebelling against the king and being thrown into the lion’s den. Next to come were the Greeks, the Greece soliders came crashing in, a new storm from a new Empire and Israel was now under Greek rule. The rulers of Greece did not displace the Jewish people or destroy the Temple. However, that is not to say that many Jews were not influenced by the Greek hedonistic, greedy, lustful lifestyles. Ptolemy a influenced Greek ruler of Egypt gathered 72 Jewish elders and forced them to translate the Torah into Greek, this sent Jews into a hissy fit as nobody ever translated their secret special book before, the Greeks basically hit them were nobody hit them before punching the Israeli Jew and the Babylon Jew punching them right in their soul, now the Greeks understood Jew fuckery and trickery. The Roman Empire was one fo the final blows totally destorying many Temples, scattering different tribe of Jews across Asia, Africa and Europe. The new tribes of Jew that arrived in Europe were not always welcome, seen as a subversive and cancerous troublesome greedy people, in 1190 got blame, Jews were massacred in England during the Third Crusade, Jews taking some blame for the problems in battles against the Mohammedan Empires. A public burning of the Talmud took place in Paris in 1242, the French man now hated the Jew. In 1290, all Jews were expelled from England, some Kings would force them to mark themselves or wear yellow. Eventually people became less suspicous of the Jew and the Jew rose to create banking Empires across some Kingdoms in Europe. In World War 2 the Jew got a lot of blame from Hitler, there are holocaust stories documented, after WW2 some nations and people would feel sorry for the Jews so Israel was given to them, Yellows did not have sympathy for a Jew for the Yellow a Jew story fo tragedy is just another in a long list of random peoples getting fucked over since the start of time, but for the Whites they felt this connection to the Jewish so want to build their new home. If not for sympathy, and White-Guilt and cartity the Jews probably would not have this Ethno Theocratic Nation State today? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4038679/25753375

25691346? ago

check out their shit book called the Quran or Koran and other shitty islamic texts. The prophet of islam moohammad btw fucked and bred with his own family line, he acted like a jihadist terrorist, he raped animals and he was also a pedophile who married a 6 yr old named Aisha. https://voat.co/v/milliondollarextreme/4031366/25691192

25677869? ago

Semite can mean anything and almost nothing, it is a word describing any number of people and things from Africa, Europe or Asia? @Babadookk @boekanier ! ? Semitic language and people and culture can mean people from Greece, it can refer to people from India, Iran, Arabia or Africa, it can describe or mean Tigre from Ethiopia, @8_billion_eaters the word can mean European or Negroid or Yellow Mongoloid and it can refer to European Maltese the Semitism or Semitic doesnt really mean much other than Afro-Euro-Asiatic, it can describe old dead ancient culture or surviving tribe of Assyrian people in the Middle East, @JoeBigCheeseParchesi @PewterKey the Jihadi Arab can be a Semetic, the word has lost meaning and doesnt really mean anything anymore is now used to try censor and ban criticis of zionist jewish extremists. https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/4029771/25677111

25677890? ago

The word means nothing, they could have used the term 'Anti-Hamites' or Anti-MongolLatinArabian or Anti-Shems or Anti-Bibleperson Fairytalepeople, the radical Jews have tried to distort the meaning of the word semite to fuck with others and ban criticism of Jewish crimes and Jewish perversions.

25603503? ago

25103061? ago

The NigKike-Left is Eating Itself? https://voat.co/v/news/3966568/25100452

25082288? ago

Fun fact on the Polski before Russia and Germany there was an invasion into Europe by the Turk and mohammedan North African and Arabian, @Haywood @montol @DanielR ... @Carpools @glassuser the 'Tatars' are still a cultural cancer problem, 400 years ago the Polish fought and defeated Arabs and Ottoman Turks, the bloodline of Tatars were absorbed into Poland, they are not violent yet...but they never became Polish, and after 400 yrs they still remain seperate like a cancer toxic culture that will not support the host nation. Lipka Tatars helped bring a shit ton of msytery babylon moslem hidden faiths, the pagan jew rituals faggotry and masonry into Europe, the Jew Arab Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski - Polish writer and political activist was one, Aleksander Jeljaszewicz commander of the jihadi Tatar/Islamic unit in the Polish military was another, Mustafa Edige Kirimal – Crimean politician (paternally of partial Lipka Tatar ancestry) even today there are about 10,000 Lipka Tatars in the former areas of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, their conmen and frauds and criminal islamo priests would move across Italy France and Netherlands through Masonic sects connected to Iran, Egypt and Arabia 'Tatarzy w Polsce' also known as Lipka Tatars https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3962387/25063769

25082553? ago

another pagan sand nigger faith https://voat.co/v/QRV/3956360/25008862

25082369? ago

once again @i_scream_trucks /u/i_scream_trucks acting like a jihadi apologist

25571320? ago

Low IQ crypto muzzies once again having hissy fits https://voat.co/v/QRV/4018165

25449427? ago

Jewish mystics the Masonic Jesters and prayers of jihadi Shriners, is there some connection? https://voat.co/v/politics/4004389/25447490

25449459? ago

the animal thing, @CrudOMatic Tigers I think I like them kinda like the LoneWolf

25425473? ago

Guns for hire and swords for hire, it happened in Babylon and the time of pre-Islamic Ishmaelites? Can soldiers now be arrested if they look at a moohamed cartoon, offend some peverted homosexual with a song or catch some offensive jewish joke on the Simpsons or South Park for example? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4001487/25422845

25392159? ago

another political bolsevik cluster fuck https://voat.co/v/whatever/3997990/25391298

25392132? ago

these morons kill, terrorize and burn each other over funny cartoons https://voat.co/v/QRV/3997849

24790165? ago

Why do nazitards have such low IQs?

24791338? ago

Stop blaming your problems on Nazis, kike. Its not 1930s Germanys fault that no one likes your pedo cult.

24794016? ago

You didn't answer the question, but you did further demonstrate your low IQ. No problem though, you did your best.

25094046? ago

ask @yewotm8 he's the one making excuses for the inbred terroristic sand niggers

25596786? ago

One day criminal extremists will be afriad to walk the streets? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/4020353/25593253

25018777? ago

24906526? ago

Why do both of them hate the West? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3943358/24903961

24789758? ago

Separated at birth.

25876350? ago

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Posted automatically (#136391) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

24792758? ago

Jihad Sand Niggers are still trading in Slaves, however the Arabs typically will castrate or 'doctor' up the negroid so it does not breed https://voat.co/v/whatever/3931075/24791170

24792799? ago

They sell in Libya for 400 bucks but then some complained so it was $29.92 not including shipping? @Dead-Hand @CheeBooga ? @Foreskin_Lampshade @SchwoogNite96

25898290? ago

25116203? ago

Are Cubans, Brazilians, Turks White? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3967922

25094162? ago

ADL is Jew not Chi com, @WyattMale @jobber @suprize @KosherHiveKicker its been Jew news since day one, made to protest a murdering kek pedophile who was lynched by a mob. https://voat.co/v/politics/3965805/25092609

25510627? ago

Navy gone gay jihadi jew homo again? https://voat.co/v/news/4011157/25509129

25370244? ago

25373455? ago

mods messed up, little respect anymore https://voat.co/v/QRV/3994300/25371461

25094497? ago

A ping from a Q-LARP board that isn’t making fun of me? Will wonders never cease.

25094189? ago

It's something else. Leftist Jews are just more attracted to it.

We may be on the verge of understanding evil more.

25094181? ago

remember when China bought a ton of US technology because Israeli kikes had a price and forwarded all the best military stuff the US gives them in free military $ $ aid, the greedy Jews had a price, cheapass whores.

25094060? ago

So is @Diggernicks /u/Diggernicks the worthless freemason faggot?

25080517? ago

all according to the Kalergi plan

24789186? ago

Wrong subverse nigger faggot.

24789532? ago

Fuck you qigger

25069121? ago

What are they really praying to? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3963030/25068308

24815493? ago

Building a Detroitistan, its the same club? https://voat.co/v/politics/3933348/24813554

24789750? ago

Whatsamatta... no one's ass to shove your nose up this morning? Take it elsewhere noxious fume.

24789104? ago

Mecca was once a silk road trade route, once linked to India, pagan Arabia and Babylon, it had hundreds of gods and idols. One of the god prayed to was a Moongod named al-Lah www.dailymotion.com/video/x2y932y

24865424? ago

The tribe oh nose, a Satanic Luciferian Lawyer? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3939121/24864504

25094036? ago

as shit and disgusting as the kike and kebab are, does their culture know 4th wave feminism is a mistake? https://voat.co/v/politics/3965657/25092734

25786664? ago

Time to ask @neuro2b ? about the kikes and sand niggers at twitter https://voat.co/v/whatever/4034565

25557910? ago

the media became the cancer https://voat.co/v/QRV/4016626/25557877

25506007? ago

Sand Nigger confused by Swedistan but all according to plan? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4010888/25505623

24789081? ago

He took a 6 yr old as war booty, was a pedophile who married the child Aisha, remember islam calls africas blacks 'PUG NOSED SLAVES' and RAISIN HEADS... the other werid criminal shit, ask https://voat.co/v/whatever/3930790/24788651

25543529? ago

Lost like the shit tv show. Theres the Jew! Jar Jew Abrams https://voat.co/v/QRV/4014973/25543521

24789064? ago

the Extremist cults.... banned from how many nations, kingdoms and countries?

25496179? ago

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24863086? ago

its a moongod religion, satanic lucifierian? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3938735/24862553

25820611? ago

the sand merchant the shut it down guys https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1490297533107.png

25690474? ago

The jihadi is going full retard? https://voat.co/v/news/4031022/25688814

25654207? ago

Voat also slowly goes to shit, check this anime timetravel otaku faggot /u/ToaKraka @ToaKraka ? https://voat.co/v/4chan/4027361

25654224? ago

It's a shithole now, degenerate cuck chan sucks, Try gab, ruqqus, Bitchute or or 8kun instead

25651986? ago

Evil will be exposed and Gen Z both part of good and bad? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3965764/25101802

25578980? ago

pushing their criminal filth https://voat.co/v/whatever/4019050/25578900

24789074? ago