Left vs Right, Red vs Blue...Why all the Confusion? Why do kike and kebab want to ban Pork? support open borders...the genital mutilation of childrem? (pic8.co)
submitted 4.6 years ago by 3930902?
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24790165? 4.6 years ago
Why do nazitards have such low IQs?
24791338? 4.6 years ago
Stop blaming your problems on Nazis, kike. Its not 1930s Germanys fault that no one likes your pedo cult.
24794016? 4.6 years ago
You didn't answer the question, but you did further demonstrate your low IQ. No problem though, you did your best.
24906526? 4.6 years ago
Why do both of them hate the West? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3943358/24903961
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24790165? ago
Why do nazitards have such low IQs?
24791338? ago
Stop blaming your problems on Nazis, kike. Its not 1930s Germanys fault that no one likes your pedo cult.
24794016? ago
You didn't answer the question, but you did further demonstrate your low IQ. No problem though, you did your best.
24906526? ago
Why do both of them hate the West? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3943358/24903961