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24773823? ago

Now, that's a list!

The Arrests or GTFO just got GTFOed.

Will be waiting for their next scam.

24775527? ago

And just updated. Thanks to the anons here for more info.

24776552? ago

Thanks for posting the long list. Just to clarify, I’m pretty sure the ‘arrests or gtfo’ crowd are referring to high level arrests like HRC, Comey, Obama, etc. only because there seems to be an overwhelming amount of evidence that they’re guilty yet they are still walking freely. When they get arrested, it will go a long way showing the corruption in courts is being corrected. Maxwell and Epstein are examples of the high level arrests the gtfo crowd is looking for.

24787683? ago

Nah, they'll move on once higher arrests happen. It is fun to watch the arrests climbing up though.

Notice the volume of corrupt politicians here.

This is not for our entertainment, exactly. We are seeing a scoop from the bottom to the top.

24783871? ago

yes, that's right. not sure why the obvious needs to be repeated and explained over and over and over again.

24777600? ago

Yep. Zero intelligence people, congressional people, senators. Awan? Corrupt judges?