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24773777? ago

The shills love to touch on the "muh arrests" nerve, but Q's been silent lately because they're probably busy as fuck arresting / getting ready to arrest these mother fuckers.

24779980? ago

Those damn pesky (((shills))). Not a deop of truth in em!!!

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate

Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home

Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls

Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem

Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues

Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US

Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield

24784444? ago

buncha jew obsessed shills in here pretending not to be shills. lol. fuckin amateurs.

24784442? ago

buncha jew obsessed shills in here pretending not to be shills. lol. fuckin amateurs.

24784671? ago

Death to Zog....Its over kike

24778038? ago

24773777? The Digits, they Confirm! Trips Chek'd, but no kek's from [them].


24774067? ago

I think when Q is silent is when operations are going on AND then the deep state gets worried. Notice a lot has happened in the last week or so. (After Q's week 10.)

Those MS13 arrests, Antifa and BLM being picked up by military looking camo dressed guys, etc.

24777636? ago

That video of the camo guys was weird. Looked staged. They never cuff the Antifa guy, then walk him back half a block to a van, and he's holding his hands like he had been cuffed.

24787672? ago

True, but I'm not sure if they respond according to resistance.

24782934? ago

You talking about the Milo video? I wouldn't put it past them/him to stage some shit at this point in the game. And it's so fucking hilarious how Mr. "ex marine" who sounds like a fucking 12 year old girl with a cell phone is out there filming it "in peace." - One of the men in fatigues looks like he's almost laughing. Not sure about that shit at all. Milo can't be trusted though. And I bet you they're still scrambling and running around trying to set up the next hate hoax in order to trigger more violence and unrest. Fucking disgraceful.

24774311? ago

Those were fellow feds they picked up

24774184? ago

Yeah it feels good. - I have never been more prouder of my country. Never more sympathetic to others. The world was really sick. I was depressed, lacked purpose, felt that this world was just a prison. - Even though things are not good now, and these evil mother fuckers are going out of their way to ruin our lives, it still feels as though things are looking up everyday. I get the white house email every morning and feel a sense of hope and pride. I see the reports and digs both here and at 8kun. These mother fuckers are on the run guys. We just have to keep up the pressure, keep up the fight. Bring it to someone, somehow, somewhere every fucking day. - Trump 2020 baby. Let's do this!!!! WWG1WGA~~~!!!!!!!

24773950? ago

something I remember Q saying about "this is a marathon" not a sprint.