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24764748? ago

This seems more credible.

My guess is the new virus, if released, won't be claimed as a new virus. It will still be called covid 19.

Or it's not a new virus at all. Multiple strains of Covid 19 were created. A relatively benign one, such as what was released last year. As well as a much more serious one.

The benign one was released as a test run to see how quickly it could spread. And to test the publics reaction to lockdowns, masks, distancing, etc.

Things are just getting started baby.

I have a supply of peruvian bark and zinc. I can make my own quinine homebrew HCQ + zinc combo.

24766665? ago

Good for you.

24767733? ago

Well I like to think a lot more matters than just me. But yeah, I'm covered I guess until the mandatory vaxx is required.