24720818? ago

Maybe this is the reverse of what they tried with Qanon and associating us with criminals. It's our turn to play.

24719152? ago

Shills be shilling about wayfair here

24718567? ago

‘Tis but a coincidence. Nothing to see here. Also, he dindu nuffin.

24717706? ago


Who the fuck just wears a Wayfair shirt...UNLESS they're an employee???

24716857? ago

nothing to see here...

24716815? ago

Why is the media so racist? They seem to only report blacks as criminals.

24716638? ago

"No such thing as bad publicity." - Wayfair PR Division

24715803? ago

This shit writes itself...

24715648? ago

This will make you sick, knowing what we know:


24715948? ago

It was an edited FedEx commercial.


24715718? ago

that's an obvious edit job.

24715884? ago

Yes, but retards fall for fucking everything. Everything. It’s so goddamn fucking embarrassing. And if you don’t believe they’re dumb stupid theories you are a shill. There is real evil shit happening in this world and it’s so much easier to hide it because of stupid conspiracy retards who make every investigator look batshit crazy.

24715623? ago

I believe this was all started by Wayfair to gain attention to their brand.

24716148? ago

That’d be stupid. I’m shorting their stock tomorrow and I know I’m not alone...

24715715? ago

guerrilla marketing. that's what they do.

24715982? ago

Yep, and any news is good news as long as it repeats the brand name. They don't give a fuck if it's shameful.

24716159? ago

Nah man - no way. If I never shopped at a place I’m not going to start because of a human trafficking theory.

This is not viral marketing.

What it MIGHT be, is black hats starting to muddy the water with debunkable shit so when the real stuff drops people are unphased and even doubtful.

24715581? ago

Wayfair you're a jewish disease

24717360? ago

Wayfarer = traveler

Masons = travelers

24717363? ago

Masons = Noachides = crypto Jews + shabboys goys

24718766? ago

At which point in the masons’ history did they transform from the knights of the temple of solomon to jews?

24715391? ago

ive been doing write ups about child trafficking for years. have to do it under various accounts for obvious reasons. I cant source anything as any sources have been scrubbed and most is inside knowledge from having met people. my posts ussually go ignored or end up removed.

ive been called crazy for many years when I talk about this stuff. including harrassment at my home.

I'm so sick of this shit, I'm considering making videos for people to hear.

24725393? ago

Do the videos, but protect your privacy. Repost your old material here on QRV The Mods delete hardly anything - voat farming posts only.

24717744? ago

If you have source knowledge, it's your DUTY to report it. I smell a shill here, folks.

24717337? ago

my posts ussually go ignored or end up removed.

Please never stop. I know how hard it is to get people to listen but you cannot give up! Wish you were my neighbor, anon. God bless you.

24716689? ago

You better cough up an answer to that anon who called you out

24716185? ago

tbh sourceless rants should usually be ignored. But I'll bite this time....

So youre saying your posts are being deleted from QRV? Do you realize what it takes for posts to actually get deleted from QRV? Go over to "NEW" and check out the contsant stream of shit that doesnt get deleted.

In fact here is the link which shows all the "deleted submissions" https://voat.co/v/QRV/about/log/submission

This link is available to all, feel free to point us to your deleted posts via that log.

Deleted posts are people posting illegal images, or engaing in vote manipulation. But even those users arent banned.


You keep having to make multiple accounts? So your account keeps getting deleted from Voat?

Sorry but unless you are posting CP or constantly trying to manipulate votes, than I dont believe you. If you post retarded sourceless bs than you will be downvoted into oblivion, but not deleted and banned.

24776394? ago

So youre saying your posts are being deleted from QRV?

dont put words in my mouth faggot

did i ever say QRV?

No i did not.

ask questions before jumping to conclusions like some bitch faggot

24716142? ago

Would watch! Stay safe.

24715925? ago

You're here, so you know that you would have a huge audience hanging on your every word if you were to post anything here.

24715574? ago

What do you know about these fellas?

24715516? ago

Harassed at your home? I'd watch the videos.

24715363? ago

Well what the duck.

Either they’re trolling US or confirming some insane insane shit.

24717353? ago

Right? It's just so weird! That comment? Wtf?

24715293? ago

Is that an employee shirt?

24727400? ago

Georgia man arrested for human trafficking wears Wayfair T-shirt in mug shot

I disagree

Presumption Of Innocence

This is your reminder that according to the Laws, all are considered innocent unless proven guilty

If you use a speculation to claim that someone is guilty, you risk to expose yourself to an expensive libel lawsuit. Why? Because in the future, a speculation could be FALSE & DEFAMATION. Read more.

Is someone trying to fool you into a defamation? Could the person targeted by defamation be in fact a lawful & real Patriot? Speculations are valuable to make theory. While at the same time, speculations and theories are NOT to confuse with evidences, facts, truths. The Laws, courts, juries decide if someone is guilty. Speculations and theories do NOT decide those.

Trump's Libel Lawsuit Against CNN

This is an example of a successful filled defamation lawsuit. By Donald Trump against CNN's FAKE news at https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/2017/web/hero_images/Complaint(1).pdf or https://archive.md/1Th0m

News at https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-campaign-sues-cnn-false-defamatory-statements-millions-damages or at https://archive.md/acOCO

Your Vote Matters


24727819? ago

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24727477? ago

You disagree that he was arrested and is wearing a Wayfair T-shirt in his mugshot?

kek! Jexodus bot confirmed to be a bot.

24715773? ago

Ok this is getting weird.

Ive been searching, but cant find any examples of Wayfair branded T-shirts that are sold to the general public.

The single comment on that article was made a month before Wayfair/cabinets story blew up. That one comment quotes Q directly:

Woody Horst on 06/21/20 at 09:31 PM

Glad they got him. These people are sick


Also, Homeland Security worked with local Sheriffs for his arrest. Was he making deals and naming names for the last month?

A 26-year-old Barnesville man was arrested after the Coweta County Sheriff's Office and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) took down a human trafficking organization based in the Newnan area.

24717717? ago

This story has more legs than a centipede. Now I KNOW FOR SURE we're over a target. No remorse on that Niger's face, too. Head held up high and at an angle means he's challenging authority.

These "people" are EVIL.

24718408? ago

Nice goatse

24716369? ago

Looks like a design by a creative graphic artist, not the company.

24716269? ago

It's like someone is trying to tell us something and it's not what it seems.

24716069? ago

Might be a Wayfair sponsored event. Doesn’t appear that Wayfair is centered enough.

24716222? ago

Yes that is a possibility. This Wayfair coporate event shirt was the only branded shirt I could find.

But why would a drug dealing pimp be attending a wayfair corporate event? Keep in mind he was arrested while wearing this shirt.

24716882? ago

He probably did not have a shirt on when arrested and the cops pulled a freebie from a donation bin. happens all the time

24717010? ago

The cops regularly take clothes out of donation bins?

Sure bud

24715864? ago

More info:

21 people were arrested in the sting. Article chooses to show this guy wearing a "Wayfair" shirt (Walker, Fredrick Jr, 26, Barnesville, GA).


Also the DHS department involved was actually "Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Group"

Investigators with the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, along with members of the Homeland Security Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Group, started the operation on June 17.



24723527? ago

Are we about to get a fucking Breaking Bad spin to this story? Dude, I just don't know what to expect this point...here's a quick Breaking Bad Summary

In Hannover, Germany, Peter Schuler, an executive for Madrigal Electromotive GmbH, the parent company of Los Pollos Hermanos, kills himself with a portable defibrillator after police arrive to question him about his longstanding ties to Gus

24719913? ago

Excellent work. I worked with Homeland Security ( I was not an agent - just a goon at a data center company ) to go after and investigate pedos. What was interesting about this work was I was not allowed to document my communcations with DHS as they did not want the owner of the company to know ( He was being investigated )

Some background.



A tangent but an interesting one. Usually USSS takes the claims and verifies and then DHS does the leg work. Strangely they never wanted the FBI involved.

24715795? ago

Comments on that article have been disabled. But "These people are sick" was allowed for some reason.

24717449? ago

White hats letting a little wink to get through ;)

24717729? ago


24715280? ago

"Wayfair, you've got just what I need"

24715184? ago

That's going to leave a stain...

24715430? ago

a berry stain

which you can drink in a stein

24715201? ago

The arrest was June 21st too, almost a month ago. What are the chances. Where does someone even get a Wayfair T shirt.

24715339? ago

Company employee gift shop.