24690685? ago

Money laundering. The cash has to keep flowing from left hand to right hand. What are you really buying when you order over priced items that any sane person would never even consider . . . follow the money trail.

24690599? ago

Ever wonder why some missing kids make the news and others we never hear about at all? Subconsciously I guess I assumed it had to do with pressure from the kids family or maybe something notable like “missing basketball star” or “valedictorian”. But now I wonder if the reason is so sickos can look up and see what they are buying. Like maybe there is some code in the item description that leads to a public news story. Just a thought.

24690558? ago

Bezos is a Jew. Did you think it would not be selling slaves? Who owned the slave ships that brought the niggers?

24690465? ago

Is buying a person really this cheap? 12 k for a basically a life long sex slave?

Seems low.

24690430? ago

May God have his vengeance on these evil monsters.

24690422? ago


24690420? ago

This along with Wayfair is fucking sick.

24690388? ago

Whoa bro, the whole world is upside down man.

24690338? ago

Cops are too busy confiscating the guns of innocent. People defending their homes from niggers to do anything about this.

24690330? ago

Start searching "Madeleine" just sayin.

24690310? ago

Not saying this is the case here, but.keep in mind a lot of overpriced stuff on Amazon is for selling in multiples, bulk.

24690396? ago

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24690157? ago

JiaQi translates from Chinese to "Holiday", you fucking imbecile.

24690266? ago

ok pedoshill

24690285? ago

I fucking loathe pedophiles, you bottom-tier cunt, and I've spent the last 4 or so years doing what I can to bring down their empire.

24690291? ago

Nah you are a useful idiot for child traffickers and fucking pedophiles because you want to try and look smart but end up looking like the total fucking moron that you are. Stop sucking pedophile dicks you fucking scumbag faggot

24690339? ago

I'm "trying to look smart?"

Look at you, you dumb fuck, acting like you've found some evidence that Amazon is being used to traffick that girl, because you're too fucking stupid and lazy to run a translation and realize the generic usage of JiaQi.

I'm not acting in the interest of pedophiles you degenerate cunt, I'm looking at this particular situation with a more objective perspective than you're capable of. You are the one servicing the pedophiles by propagating an absolutely stupid theory which detracts from real cases of trafficking.

But hey, if it makes you feel better to lob that accusation at me because I took the whole of a few minutes required to translate JiaQi, fucking go for it and further prove my point that you're a bottom tier piece of shit who screams "shill" at anyone who challenges your ill-informed fantasy.

24690364? ago

Why is the price so high?

24690392? ago

Anyone gonna provide a link to the exact listing, archived, so we can see proof of the price?

24690540? ago

Yes. You should prove that up.

24690360? ago

Boo fucking hoo

24690230? ago

It’s also a fucking name, asshat.

24690254? ago

No fucking shit, sherlock!

Fancy fucking that, the Chinese use the word "Holiday" in naming children and furniture. Kinda like how Americans(?) name computers and children after a fucking fruit (Apple)...

24690582? ago

Oh, so that's why it costs over 11000 $! Because the furniture is named 'holiday' in Chinese.

Makes so much sense.

24690147? ago

These people are sick and must pay

24690143? ago

"Human trafficking is worse than ever before because of the Internet," - Trump

24690117? ago


24690036? ago

This rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper...

Amazon product

Missing teen Poh Jia Qi: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/teen-still-missing-five-days-after-leaving-home

24690031? ago

Is this really what we have come to? They are immune to arrest? Just keep making it normal?

24690008? ago

I always wondered who the fuck paid the prices for some items on Amazon

Makes sense now...

24690621? ago

I read that sellers put outrageously high prices on things that are out of stock. No one will buy an item they don’t have. They don’t have to delete the ad and then start over when the item becomes available again. A placeholder. BUT that doesn’t explain the names of the products and the links to children in suggestive poses. Looks like the scum have hijacked the placeholder thing. Hiding in plain sight.

24695699? ago

By the term scum I wonder who you are referring..

Its slightly sarcastic slightly appalled..

I admit to tearing up as the penny dropped, been redpilled for years but I dont think I am ready for what's coming...

Dont get me wrong though, bring it on, we have to end this shit whatever it takes

24697228? ago

The “scum” are the people trafficking in children.

24690456? ago

I put this in another thread, these are all venue sites that anyone can list their stuff on. Most of the sellers are dropshippers for new mass produced items. By listing at a stupid and obviously wrong price some potential buyers will inquire why? When they do that they get directed to the item with the correct price and a potential buyer/seller personal interaction happens. The majority of buyers just scroll through looking for best price and never contact the seller. So, this is an advantage for the seller, to get that moment of contact.

This is one side of the equation. The other is the missing kid names used in the item listing title. That's odd and cannot be explained by the above.