24666015? ago

How the heck do you decifer 4chan?

24689804? ago

Autism Levels over 9000 , what is the family doing? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911245/24614671

24666175? ago

It's an image board. Touch the images, image gets enlarged on your display. Touch again, it gets minimized. Touch the numeric comment placeholders to get pop ups of prior comments being responded to. Touch again to minimize them. Work with it a while, you'll get used to maneuvering around.

24665953? ago

How do we know this was her site?

24666075? ago

Anons poured over timelines, vernacular, details about herself she said in her thousands of comments, spelling, areas of interest, etc. 10 years of comments as reddit moderator. Giz fits this profile. Many details in the long Maxwellhill thread I posted earlier. I don't recall anything found that proved it wasn't her. I'd give it a wild assed confidence level of +90%. Add Reddit's moderator over the top panic reaction to the revelation, pegs it at 100%.

24664271? ago

The band is back together. More eyes than the C-eye-A

24664132? ago

Plug this http://maxwells7-2-11.net/ into the wayback machine and behold the truth of this vile cunt! You will burn for what you have done Maxy...BURN!

24670052? ago

How do you know that's hers? According to the domain search, that's a Chinese registrant with a Czek servicer.

24675949? ago

IDK why don't you ask who dug it up? But really?????

24667375? ago

Good god. Just looking at the way they photographed those girls makes me sick. I can’t even imagine what they did to them.

24664988? ago

Aw jeez. It's supposed to be advertising her photography, but it's all 9,10, and 11 year old girls (in the early years of her Website) mostly in bathing suits and sexy poses. The most recent copy was older girls in bathing suits and sexy poses.

Not much doubt it was an outright "sales" site....

24665527? ago

Fucking hell man, even 8 year olds in those poses. Definitely looks like a catalog for (((them))) and their pedo allies. From the looks of it, they have a system in place, where they source these girls of different nationalities and groom them and proceed to pimp them out. That site is the tip of the iceberg.

These people and their pathways and chain of command need be rooted out quickly and die fast.