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24630265? ago

I am now 100% convinced that there is a multipronged attack attempting to goad patriots into 'taking action'.

While Q encourages people to sit and wait; it seems everywhere else you go 'they' are attempting the opposite.

Take a look at 4chan/pol for example. there's a nonstop barrage of threads trying to instill white outrage. the same thing is all over twitter and reddit.

Sometimes I wish the internet would just stop working. forever.

24631286? ago

Take a look at 4chan/pol for example. there's a nonstop barrage of threads trying to instill white outrage. the same thing is all over twitter and reddit.

But if that's what is going on, that's what's going on. If assaults on Whites, censorship, and MSM/entertainment mindfucks are happening all over the place then of course it has to be talked about.

24633985? ago

but it's not assaults on whites.

It's just things like:

'such and such happened with x. and now y is happening as a response'. And then you look it up, and there's no record of anything like that happening.

24630399? ago

I see it too, what confirmed it for me was when accounts I am positive are shill accounts jumped on that bandwagon.