24627459? ago

The many tips of this filthy iceberg continue to emerge

24622127? ago

When did this air?

24628004? ago


24621738? ago

Is there a better source for that video?

24621161? ago

>On MSNBC* from a report by the New York Times

>Invited the author of a book called "Deep State ..."

>*MSNBC was originally a partnership between Microsoft and NBC.

Here's your new 3am talking points.

Now get to work bitches.

Less than 4mo until the election.

tik, tok, tik, tok, ...

24625918? ago

and Royal-Dutch getting to sell Oil when Americans go to bleed and die in wars. How Deep does the rabbit hole go? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911730/24619077

24620400? ago

Ok, it’s very simple what they are doing. They are running with the theme of “Oh he says he doesn’t know Epstein, but look at all the times he met him” so they can point right back to Trump and try to make a stronger connection between Trump and Epstein. They are programming it in your mind that you should not believe ANYONE who says they barely knew Epstein and was still connected. This whole arrest of Maxwell is so she can accuse him of working with Epstein right before the election.

24626445? ago

This video is old (2019)..

24625846? ago

However, this wasn't just a few meetings. This was meetings plus millions of dollars in philanthropic organizations.

24622695? ago

Great point, like the Kanye setup to fuck up the Biden swap. It's 3D chess for sure now!

24622014? ago

Good theory. Gates-Epstein is recycled old news from 2019

https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/12/20911488/bill-gates-foundation-jeffrey-epstein-meetings. NBC is late on the story, so we do need to look at the ulterior motives.

24621632? ago

Maybe, but that depends on if she survives the 'Rona.

24619567? ago

It appears Gates is not as big a fish as some have thought. How high is Gates in the cabal hierarchy? Is he a side show they are willing to sacrifice? When do they try to tie this back to Trump?

24620336? ago

I think Gates is like @ssJack, Zuck and other Front Men for DS/cabal companies. Totally expendable if too much attention is drawn to their hard to excuse activities. No one really admires Bill Gates. He is not that high up on the pyramid or his pr would be better and the SJW crowd and Social Media Mob would be loving on him.

24622439? ago

Almost anyone in tech knows Bill Gates is a bag of shit. Simpson's made fun of Gates' business takeovers in the dotcom bubble - Homer starts a software company and obviously does literally nothing Gates buys him out by bringing in two big goons and telling them to "buy him out boys" and they trash Homer's stuff whilst he cackles.

Same with Steve Jobs, everyone knows Wozniak was the brain.

24641720? ago

I remember that episode -- Homer asks what's going on, and Gates responds, "I didn't get rich by writing checks!"

Decades ago, but has stuck with me. One of those "lessons in odd places."

24619708? ago

Using the photos they got with trump at the parties, ghislaine will claim trump was part of the festivities and they will fake a witness to corroborate.

24620677? ago

Ghislaine could see the writing on the wall which is why she tried to hide. I think she knows at this point Trump and the white hats are going to win. I'm betting she tries to make or has already made a deal.