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24614840? ago

In the post "Part 1 post 2/7" @ anon says "See my dig on Barr's program here:" what I posted above is the Barr/Epstein dig for those who were wondering...


1969 - 1971: Epstein attended a few physics classes at Cooper Union, but received no degree. This was because he was still in high school or high school age (a source said he graduated when he was 16) and may have been attending these upper classes as part of Barr's program started years earlier at Columbia University.

See my dig on Barr's program here: >>9836136, >>9836145, >>9836163, >>9836190, >>9836205, >>9836226 SEE BELLOW

Epstein, as evidence shows, was highly intelligent and deeply interested in mathematics and in science, exactly what was being taught by the Columbia program. Epstein went to Lafeyette High School in Brooklyn, NY. Columbia is in Manhattan. A tenth grader is usually around 15-16 years old. Epstein was born in 1953, so he would have been 15 or 16 in 1968 or 1969. From 1969 through 1971, Epstein attended a few physics classes at Cooper Union, but received no degree. That's because in 1969, he was only 16; 17, in 1970; and 18, in 1971. Like Columbia, Cooper Union, a private college, is located in Manhattan.