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24614788? ago

And they all end up in the States.... interesting.

What I find even more interesting is the elusive older sister Anne Maxwell.

It's almost impossible to find info on her due to her extremely common name, but in the few old pictures I've seen of her, she's a dead ringer for Marina Abramovich. Could be due to the Eastern European heritage, or something else. (I too am Eastern European in ancestry and I look nothing like them.)

I have found that lately with "coincidences" such as these, there are no coincidences. She reportedly is some type of "mystic healer" living in the UK practicing under a different name. How convenient.....

24615275? ago

I can why bin holech would change his name to robert maxwell to assimilate, almost. But why does hus daughter change her name. The shapeshifting never ends

24689838? ago

The data scientist with no qualification gets to be a data scientist. Cool jewbeans.

Kinda like the Maxwell sisters and their lack of qualifications to build high end data systems, broken unsecure back doors for the government?