24689831? ago

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24689785? ago

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24623099? ago

2 daughters of a Mossad agent making software for US intel agencies is an extremely big deal. That should be the biggest news story of the century. You can't have a foreign intel agency infiltrating your nation's intel agency. Yet we'll barely hear about it. Because they, Jews, truly run this country now.

24689745? ago

Eduction, Fed policy, Public Schools books https://voat.co/v/QRV/3918441/24679118

24621466? ago

That meme deserves three stars! All blue

24619703? ago


whatever recessive beauty genes existed in that family, jizzlane ended up with them

and that ain't saying much

24619264? ago

...while the nephew (of Isabel, I think) was hired by Hillary for a top state dept job.

24689754? ago

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24618781? ago

Tim Dillon has Whitney Webb who talked about the Maxwell family in depth on his podcast yesterday. It was a good listen.

His best line “so no one in the family ended up an electrician or anything normal is what you’re saying?”

24618667? ago

Would be cum dumpsters if not so ugly.

24618117? ago

better take a long hard look at the code they wrote

24617002? ago

Some dude on Twitter says that Christine is Fauci’s “wife”

24616689? ago

The entire family needs to go

24617522? ago

greatest ally?? dual citizenships?

24616314? ago

This article gives a good overview on the Maxwell family:


One of the sisters was married to a conman weirdo fraudster "illusionist" named Al Seckel who mysteriously died. Fell off a cliff. I kid you not. This weirdo had some fake charity under the auspises of the Bill and Hillary Foundation, just like ghialane'z fake charity was part of the William and Hillary Foundation. This Seckel weirdo conned his way into very high circles (like Epstein).

24689717? ago

Maxwell 'has tapes of two prominent US politicians having sex with minors' https://voat.co/v/news/3919443

24616147? ago

Love this place!

24616132? ago

That information is only the start of what these maxwell sisters are connected to.... also their other siblings....!

Alphabet agencies is the tip of the iceberg.... they all go deep with connections to the UN , World Banks and financial institutions CCP, Iran NK and then look at their in laws ... technocrats galore..! ;) ;)

Well worth a dig but plenty on the research board going back to last year and year before...


24689734? ago

now wearing paper clothes https://voat.co/v/FCDiaspora/3919206

24615846? ago

They both have that BIG Jew Nose. The sign of evil.

24615539? ago

24615316? ago

So here is my question. Did these two girls write the software? Where did they study computer science?? Did they even study computer science? OR did they own a company that PAID someone with actual skills to write the software? Please clarify

24615232? ago

Her capture was just another scene in the fake staged movie we are all watching. This movie seems to be about Donald Trump being reelected.

24616367? ago

How so? Trump had business with epstein. High end prostitutes under the cover of "Modeling agencies". Clinton had gos knows what kind of dealings with epstein. Trump and Clinton will not let one another get exposed

24614962? ago

Goblin or troll? Whose got the face chart?

24614798? ago

twin sisters tied to intelligence

but not tied to looks.

24614788? ago

And they all end up in the States.... interesting.

What I find even more interesting is the elusive older sister Anne Maxwell.

It's almost impossible to find info on her due to her extremely common name, but in the few old pictures I've seen of her, she's a dead ringer for Marina Abramovich. Could be due to the Eastern European heritage, or something else. (I too am Eastern European in ancestry and I look nothing like them.)

I have found that lately with "coincidences" such as these, there are no coincidences. She reportedly is some type of "mystic healer" living in the UK practicing under a different name. How convenient.....

24615275? ago

I can why bin holech would change his name to robert maxwell to assimilate, almost. But why does hus daughter change her name. The shapeshifting never ends

24689838? ago

The data scientist with no qualification gets to be a data scientist. Cool jewbeans.

Kinda like the Maxwell sisters and their lack of qualifications to build high end data systems, broken unsecure back doors for the government?


24615464? ago

Agreed. We honestly have no earthly idea who these people are. He's Czech, but really Ukrainian because it was a border town during a time of political upheaval. The kids were raised in Britain but actually all birthed in France, making them citizens of....? Dad was "buried" in Jerusalem, or was he??

The kids all go by different names or have multiple citizenships. Are they CIA, Russian spies, MI6, Mossad? A combination? All of the above? It's insane.

They truly are shapeshifters and different people every month it would seem.

24616949? ago

Epstein too.

24617055? ago

Agreed. He certainly wasn't an Austrian citizen residing in Saudi Arabia who speaks German, as one of his passports claimed.

I also don't buy into the narrative that he had to change his name because the "tribe" was being targeted traveling Europe.

I'd like more info on his brother, who is still very much around. He owned an apartment complex Jeffrey housed his "models" in.....

24614758? ago

Catchers mitt.

24614723? ago

got the feeling that these sisters are ex-brothers...

24689779? ago

24614671? ago

She has two brothers too, Kevin and Ian but they've kept out of the limelight since their father fell off their boat..

24689815? ago

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24614475? ago

Holy crap, I know Isabel. I never knew she had a twin, and really, I didn't even know her father was Robert Maxwell until after our time together was over. She was pretty self-absorbed and had a prominent victim mentality. Geez...

24615554? ago

How did you know Isabel?

24619698? ago

A training that I can't say more about besides that it was about learning about the self in a spiritual sense. Learning to work with nature in Earth-based traditions in partnership with an animal ally.

24617499? ago

glow niggers who walked around hollyweirdo circles are told to monitor voat for rightwing conservative hate speech, but many of them get redpilled

24614419? ago

jews are ugly as fuck.

It's that 100% inbred, turk mongrel DNA. lol

24689813? ago

Randy Andy exposed, is he a criminal pedo? https://voat.co/v/WorldToday/3916190

24614380? ago

My Call With The Jail Holding Ghislaine Maxwell


24617314? ago

nasty sisters look like wicked witches? ...how will USA bounce back ?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911451/24615551

24617619? ago

More evidence coming out of elites crimes against humanity https://i.postimg.cc/28zPky99/DEWeapon.png

24614212? ago

see this is where Q fails.

always tried to make it seem like it was so hard to find these people.

A backdoor can only be installed by the fucking contractor making the damned door.

who specializes in doors?


24614795? ago

Using ONLY open source information anybody can find is surely more than adequate for us to "confirm" and "discern" for ourselves who the black hats are and up to. And understand/believe what goes down and when it goes down. I'm neither interested in hacking, committing felonies nor interested in having someone illegally leaking intelligence to me. Anyone us can get what we need to understand and support this effort. It's hiding in plain sight.

24622388? ago

literally. the whole time.

24614749? ago

Hrrrrr....which Dem prosecutor for the SDNY who was fired might have been blocking the arrest of Ghislane? Surely you noticed that a couple days after the DA was fired she was arrested.

Also I guess you missed the part where Trump cleaned out the FBI of Obama-era plants.

24614878? ago

Except Comey's daughter is lead prosecutor.

24614916? ago

why are you here? What is our options? Vote for Biden?

there is a plan in place, or alternately we are all completely, utterly, amazingly fucked and we are all going to die and should kill ourselves now. Though please...you first faggot.

24622397? ago

oh so NOW you...fuck..you are a faggot.

24623981? ago

But I am rubber and you are glue and what is flung at me bounces and sticks to you! No you are the fag.

24614004? ago

They look so disgusting

24622001? ago

What do you expect from a bunch of jews.

24617798? ago

How much you wanna bet it's 3 Post Op Trannies?

24618715? ago

That's anti-semitic.

24614188? ago

in fucking deed.

24613694? ago

Maxwell will most likely be Epsteined.

24614011? ago

or testify against Trump in the next step of “get him out of office for realz this time”

24614073? ago

I mean if Trump was involved then its gotta happen.

Did you see the big post on QRV "if only you knew how bad it was".

Some serious info in there.

24613676? ago

Crazy days and nights was the original source for this. It's legit

I don't have the cdan link... anyone got?

24614163? ago

Website links are like street addresses. You have to give more details than the general State area... Well we getting warmer at least ha

I'll dig it up when I'm at home

24613811? ago

Look into Chiliad. She was involved with the company, their linguistics based data mining software is the basis for the FBI CTC system. Her and her sister are also involved with Israeli tech dev and innovation, so most likely there are backdoors for Mossad et al. https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3907049/24576059

24613486? ago

No sauce?

24614796? ago

The Daily Mail has been living up to their name and running daily articles on the family.

24613842? ago

Emad Khashoggi is the nephew of Adnan Khashoggi. The "Lady Ghislane" yacht was built for Emad. He sold it to Robert Maxwell (who died sailing it). https://voat.co/v/QRV/3910124/24610251

24614392? ago

It's weird, but I can't find anything on Jamal khashoggi's father, Ahmad

24613642? ago

No sauce no believe.

24613823? ago

The Gossip is everywhere now, even full of detail on crazy days https://voat.co/v/QRV/3909333

24613438? ago

Yes I know, as Amazing Polly has covered these women in her videos. Here's her Bitchute channel: https ://www.bitchute.com/channel/99FreeMind/

24613793? ago

24628878? ago

I thought Iyengar was an exotic name, so I looked it up and found it was a type of yoga invented in 1966.

Here's the web address of the NYC org: https: //iyengarnyc.org/

Here's the NYC address that site gives:

Institute of New York

150 W. 22nd St 2nd Fl.

New York, NY 10011


I added Epstein to my search (+"iyengar" +"yoga" +"Epstein") and got this story:

https: //www.washingtonpost.com/politics/epsteins-accusers-call-her-his-protector-and-procurer-is-ghislaine-maxwell-now-prosecutors-target/2019/08/11/7af5968a-bbbd-11e9-a091-6a96e67d9cce_story.html

24821915? ago

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24689302? ago

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24615182? ago

phone says corporation NES LLC, but probably assigned a new number since that is an old ad.

24614220? ago

Looks like she also used the name Fiona https://files.catbox.moe/ybxvyw.png

24615436? ago


9 E 71St St, New York, NY 10021


Services-Misc, Whol Jewelry/Precious Stones


(212) 750-9895

Members (2):

Jeffrey Epstein (Mbr)

Shelton Jane (Principal, inactive)


