24605363? ago


24604905? ago

Who are the Odd Fellows? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3773752/23998486

24606304? ago

The odd fellows i believe to be a precurser to modern freemasonry, freemasonry itself dates back to the crusades. albert pike father of modern freemasonry is has been named as an odd fellow. Spa spa spa now i have to brush my teeth just uttering those words. Spla spa spa spla.

Exactly who or what they are ???? Just a tidbit.

24604944? ago

The enemy.

24604232? ago

Daniel's dream of Nebudchanezzar's statue shows tje succession of all coming empires in the head of gold, the chest of silver, the waist of brass, the legs of iron, and the feet of iron and clay.

Head is Neo Babylon.

Chest is Persians.

Waist is Greeks.

Legs are Rome.

Feet are Europe.

Then a stone which is, in my belief, the Millennial Reign, smashes the statue and sets up a new Empire of God.

The NWO cannot succeed because it would be a new empire and the next empire is of God.