24603954? ago

Also the sisters?

Copied from notables on 8...

My timeline regarding Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and other connections:

Part II, 1/7. (See Part I here, all pb: >>9853529, >>9853535, >>9853543, >>9853551, >>9853559, >>9853564, >>9853571 )

1981: Epstein left Bear Stearns, likely due to an insider trading investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) involving Edgar Bronfman's Seagrams corporation. Bronfman had advised investors and bankers of their impending offer to another company. Epstein left Bear Stearns one day after the SEC began the investigation. After leaving Bear Stearns, he told a few friends at that time he had become a “bounty hunter,” working for the government or wealthy individuals recovering lost or stolen money, and that he was licensed to carry a firearm. The reality was a bit different, because this was exactly when the Iran Contra operation was taking place, and, it was at this very time Epstein claimed he was working for the CIA, something he later denied. One of his clients was Adnan Khashoggi, an Iran Contra weapons dealer, a Saudi, and uncle of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, who was himself assassinated in later years. Adnan had procuted a $5 million loan for Israel and Iran to do their parts in the Iran Contra arms deals. Epstein was finding money, alright, and he was doing it working for a bank that was a CIA front for funneling money, BCCI. Khashoggi, "acted as the middleman for five Iranian arms dealers for the United States, financing a number of them through BCCI” and “served as the ‘banker’ for arms shipments as the undercover scheme developed.” He also worked for "the U.S. government in connection with the Iran-Contra affair in operations that involved the direct participation of CIA personnel banked at BCCI’s offices in Monte Carlo and, for both, BCCI’s services were essential as a means of providing short-term credit for sales from the U.S. through Israel to Iran.”


'''In fact, even Bear Stearns had been working with BCCI at that time as a broker."'



And, BCCI also engaged in Epstein's forte, something in which the CIA had been involved for years with their Mob connection–the trafficking of underage females for favors and blackmail extortion. That's how Epstein "found" money. He was simply carrying out what the CIA had assigned him. The CIA was under William Casey in those days, his tenure from 1981 to 1987, who was closely associated with Roy Cohn of the Plaza Hotel boy prostitutes fame. Now, keeping in mind Epstein had gotten an Austrian passport in 1987 listing his residence in Saudi Arabia, Epstein was well acquainted with British arms dealer, Sir Douglas Leese, who also had worked with Adnan Khashoggi in a bribery deal involving members of the Saudi royal family and Saudi officials, who were also tied to BCCI. It all comes together…..and, apparently that deal also involved Prince Charles, the later investigation of which was shuttered by Tony Blair and Prince Andrew. No wonder no one could throw the book at Epstein, and no wonder he had to "commit suicide". After BCCI, when Epstein was later implicated in yet another case of fraud at yet another institution in 1993, Tower Financial, in a huge Ponzi scheme, and had been named as the “architect of the scam”, though he was no longer working for them by that time, he was oddly dropped from the investigation despite overwhelming evidence.



Also starting in 1981: Marjorie Rawls Roberts was with the London and Washington D.C. law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher until 1985; until 1988 in DC, an attorney advisor of Tax Policy for Treasury; until 1995, chief counsel to the U.S. Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue; then until 1999, director and VP for Globalvest Management Company, LP, in St. Thomas, working with Russian and Latin American clients in offshore funds. She was involved in the attempted tax breaks of her friends, Adam Shapiro and his wife Pamela, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Debbie Wasserman Schultz attempted an Obama fund raiser with her, but it was cancelled when the tax fraud was revealed. Roberts is among a group of women that served on the board of the Antilles School in St. Thomas, and she is involved with the Clinton Global Initiative. She was a close friend of former governor Bill Richardson, of New Mexico, the state in which Epstein has his Zorro ranch who contributed to Richardson's campaigns.


1982: Epstein began his own firm in Manhattan, J. Epstein and Co. managing individual and family fortunes of clients with $1 billion or more in assets. He would open additional branches in New Albany, Ohio and in St. Thomas.



1985: Wexner and Epstein may have first met at this time, even though it is claimed Wexner didn't become his client until 1987. However, in a 2001 interview with the Columbus Free Press, they report he began working for Wexner in 1985. Wexner in this very year in Columbus, Ohio, where he lived, became embroiled in the murder of lawyer Arthur Shapiro, described as a “mob style murder.” The police chief covered for him by destroying documents (at least he attempted it as an insider got copies of them which were revealed in 1998) of the investigation, and as a result, the murder is unsolved to this day. Shapiro worked for the law firm managing Wexner's The Limited, and had uncovered shady information also involving the trucking company The Limited used, and the day before he was going to turn state's evidence, he was offed. Francis Walsh, the truck company owner, was connected to the Genovese crime Capo Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, whose lawyer was none other than Roy Cohn. The uncovered report stated Walsh was “still considered associates of the Genovese/LaRocca crime family, and Walsh was still providing truck transportation for The Limited.” The Genovese family was co-founded by Lucky Luciano with none other than Meyer Lansky, who took over as Capo of the family after Luciano was deported.


1986: Robert Maxwell, and two of his children, Kevin and Christine, had invested an 80% stake in a company in San Leandro, Ca., Sphere Inc., which also sold computer games. Kevin and Christine were on the board of directors. Gilman Louie, chief executive officer, would later become the head of the CIA capital venture fund, In-Q-Tell, overseeing investing in projects such as Facebook, Twitter, Google.


1987: Epstein was given an Austrian passport under a different name listing his residence as being in Saudi Arabia. The passport would be among effects found in his Manhattan townhouse safe in 2019, expired then, having stamps indicating its use to enter France, Spain, the UK, and Saudi Arabia. Ronald Lauder, who in 1986, was Reagan's U.S. Ambassador to Austria until 1987, provided Epstein the passport with Epstein’s picture under a false name. Lauder is the Estee Lauder heir and head of the World Jewish Congress. This is an interesting tie, as Epstein, a possible CIA operative, may have doubled for Massad, and had purportedly not met Ghislaine Maxwell yet, but he know Les Wexner by this time. The purported reason for the false name on the passport was due to advice against using a Jewish name on ID's when traveling abroad because of hijackings, however, this explanation doesn't answer why he had gotten an Austrian passport since he wasn't an Austrian resident, and he listed himself as a resident of Saudi Arabia who spoke German.


... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3910124

24600927? ago

Watch. The. Water.

24600302? ago

AG Barr, get off your FUCKING ASS


24599860? ago

Fuck me, George Webb was on this the whole time? Just a different focus (energy/drugs)