Happy Fourth of July reddit refugees & Friendly REMINDER ... this guy was suicided ... then replaced by Tranny Feminists, Jihad Communist and a Bunch of Nigger Faggots (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.5 years ago by 3909280?
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24599783? 4.5 years ago
i loved reddit so much.
now i can't be there for five minutes without throwing up
24611636? 4.5 years ago
...check this one https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911009
24613017? 4.5 years ago
that is one for the record books.
bitch has platform to spread the word.
does nothing.
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24599783? ago
i loved reddit so much.
now i can't be there for five minutes without throwing up
24611636? ago
...check this one https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911009
24613017? ago
that is one for the record books.
bitch has platform to spread the word.
does nothing.