24599783? ago

i loved reddit so much.

now i can't be there for five minutes without throwing up

24611636? ago

...check this one https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911009

24613017? ago

that is one for the record books.

bitch has platform to spread the word.

does nothing.

24594491? ago

Actual kikeniggerfaggots never forget the like, because they want you to. Also CCP chinks.

24595889? ago

I was going to add an RIP type comment, but good thing you reminded me he's a Jew, and therefore EVIL and not to be tolerated or allowed to live.
you're all for free speech and free though except, of course, if it counters your exterminate jewish dna narrative.

24594176? ago

R.I.P. 🇺🇸