24596515? ago

So the software connects the dots. Then I’m sure there’s a back door the developers (criminals) can use to stay ahead of law enforcement.

24594502? ago

Woooooah... what???

24594589? ago

please do!

24594234? ago

This is the first thing I've seen that could convince me that what you're saying about the September 11th attacks is true. I am heartbroken 💔.

24594259? ago

CDAN tipped me off to the chiliad/maxwell connection https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2020/07/blind-items-revealed-48.html

24595197? ago

Answers Revealed: Robert Maxwell/Ghislaine Maxwell/Isabel and Christine Maxwell/Chiliad/Wirecard/North Korea/China/Jan Ma

Let me take you on a little journey back in time. Many years ago the father of the madam/procurer/serial sexual assaulter built his fortune not just on his media empire, but on information. That information was then used to blackmail people. Whether he did it for governments or for his own pocketbook, the operations were always ongoing. Over time the operations became larger and larger. Because his expenses far outweighed his income, he became greedy. Too greedy. He ended up dead.

Although his children might not have known he was out of money, they all did learn one thing from him. Blackmail. They also learned that if you could play on the inside, you would have knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is money. Also playing on the inside meant you can control who escapes and who is caught. Playing on the inside means you can make it impossible for someone to be found.

Two of the daughters focused on playing on the inside. What did they accomplish? A backdoor into the computers of various intelligence and border control agencies in countries throughout the world. How did they accomplish this? They designed the system. They built it. They sold it to one country at a time. One of the things the software is used for is border controls. If you have the ability to pretend someone is in a county or show them never entering or leaving a country, you can hide someone really well. It could also make it really easy to hide a family member. It is not a fail safe system for hiding someone, but it takes away one of the biggest tools governments have for finding someone who is trying to disappear.

Fast forward to the present day to the biggest blackmailing operation in the history of the world. A blackmailing operation that involves multiple state actors and one of the biggest accounting frauds since Enron. The accounting fraud was only possible because regulators in several countries were being pressured by other state actors. All of these directions lead to Asia. One of the state actors handled the banking and fraud aspect. They had a trial run last year with their successful hacking of international banks. That country does not have the wherewithal or ability to take on a large scale blackmail operation. You need someone larger for that. A very large country who also happens to be the sponsor/lifeline for the other company.

You have a missing executive of a company that processed thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of transactions for child porn. The executive has all of the information of who produced it, distributed it, and consumed it through these financial transactions. Meanwhile, why not steal some money while they were at it and cover that up too.

Now, what about the sisters I wrote about earlier? The ability to manipulate where someone went and where someone is going. The executive supposedly flew into a Southeast Asian country, at least according to the immigration arrival records in the country's computer system. However, he is not on any video. No one remembers him on the flight. The next day he supposedly leaves for the country behind all of this, but there were no flights to that country at that time that correspond with the immigration records. It sure makes it a lot easier to hide when you have someone on the inside.

24594481? ago

I'm impressed you could put that together from just that article. Thanks for sharing.

24594080? ago

ok, so im gonna go out on a limb here. So, we know mossad had a hand in 9/11 with the dancing israeli thing. We know that robert maxwell was mossad as well.

Here is the real kicker.

Israel created the problem (9/11) and the solution (chiliad)

Why? Chiliad allows the centralization of all the data they could need in one convenient package. No reason to do hard investigations, its all right there. Except who controls what information is seen? Who wrote the code? What kind of power does Chiliad have here? Money Laundering? Hiding true terrorist activity? The power to make people "disappear"? Mass human trafficking? Child trafficking?

24594797? ago

This is what (((they))) would call a conspiracy theory. This is what I call basic thinking and asking questions. Upvote for using you brain cells in a way they are supposed to be used.

24594607? ago

Especially when FBI analysts are told the Chiliad software and supporting databases are authoritative and to be used in every investigation to ‘connect dots’. How many of those connected dots resulted in warrants? How many of those warrants targeted ‘threats’ to Mossad control? Damn, they share that info with all agencies...