24585028? ago

Read, watch, understand and share this: https://voat.co/v/politics/3898829/24498972

24584678? ago

Nature abhors a vacuum. Remove all existing culture, and something else will replace it.

24584867? ago

Like climate theology replacing God.

24584270? ago

The Ancient Egyptian dynasties did it too.

24584895? ago

Please expand.

24585157? ago

This is the quickest proof I could dig up. But there are other instances.

The Pharaoh Erased From History

24585452? ago

Around 1350 BC, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV decided that all the gods of Ancient Egypt were a lie, except for one: the sun God Aten. He build a new capital for him in the desert 200 miles south of Cairo, and changed his name to Pharaoh Akhenaten (“Of great use to Aten”).

Thanks for reminding me of him and his Queen Nefertiti.

I still don't know what to make of him. He founded the first known monotheistic religion.

Was he:

  1. A tyrant that was so cruel that they wanted to purge him from their history ?

  2. A model for later Judaism and/or Christianity and/or Islam and some canaanite sect wanted to obscure his influence on the religion they were about to subvert ?

  3. Something entirely different ?

Was he really erased from history in 1300 B.C., 600 B.C., 1 A.D., 1000 A.D. or 1800 A.D. ?