24587669? ago

Don't any of these people have a life? Who the fuck has time for this shit? They must be mentally ill!

24586201? ago


I have to say I was not sad to see the fuckers run over in Seattle this morning, Socialists lives matter less to me with each passing day. Glad I live in a small mostly white town, even if it's full of Trump hating fucktards. Bunch of old white New Ragers, I put on my Maga hat and they start shaking lol.

24582662? ago

Truth is most of us want the same things..Stop fighting and together we can solve any problem.

24582643? ago

Private property and threats to you lives will lead to a bad outcome. Who is going to be the first thru the gate? What if 1000 Patriots show up too. we don't want to fight each other. we want to fight EVIL.

24582590? ago

Why are the stalking laws not being enforced? We know why...

24582128? ago

Where is an A10 when you need one.

24582609? ago

With napalm

24582100? ago

Because this is designed to forment hatred against successful whites. They have it, we wants it for freeeeee!

24581747? ago

I heard that couple are lawyers that sue police officers? Haven't taken the time to validate it yet

24581372? ago

We set the tone by refusing to punish the caught-red-handed bad actors who spied on American citizens. But there’s more! We have proof of campaign finance fraud, tax fraud, tax evasion, multiple counts of multiple crimes committed by multiple people. Then their pawns start rioting and no one cracks down. Tough words and no action. They get worse and still no action so they get worse still.

We emboldened them by refusing to touch them, they get more and more daring and now we have an entire country full of people who know they will never be punished for anything they do. This is exactly what the fuck happens when you allow that.

Lawlessness! The LEGACY of the Trump administration!

24581305? ago

Well look at that, they are on the right side of the fence now. It almost like they know they may get shot if they trespass on private property. Go figure

24581265? ago

Why not doxx the white people on 'the list' and have BLM visit?

24581243? ago

BLM is just a black KKK. Same tactics only colors has changed and both created and supported by the Commie Democrats.

24581264? ago

They are worse than anything.

24581104? ago

It is allowed becaue they didn't come to the gated community of the Mayor.

24580861? ago

BLM is mostly white. White college age liberal aka Marxist kids.

24580683? ago

Where are the stampeding elephants when you need them? Palsy Semi drivers?

24580670? ago

It's allowed because karma. They're democrats. lol

24580625? ago

Every White person there is a fucking race traitor that needs to die.

24580286? ago

I'll keep my thoughts to this short and sweet: stupid niggers

24580144? ago

They need a speaker and a big screen for Red pills. Make that screen in a 12 inch epoxy pour, indestructible. 4 or 12 8 footers should do it. Educate these fuckers! Their WORST FEAR! An awake populous.

24580207? ago

or a projector, good luck breaking light

24580467? ago

A sprinkler system system with dye would actually be the most effective at this point. Pink would be more effective than a bullet. These people are stupid. They can't find their own feet let alone stand on them. Question is is how best to help them?

24580985? ago

help them into prison for now

maybe the ten year sentence could be reduced for good behavior

24587860? ago

That would be a good start. While in prison we can teach them to read and think for themselves.

24579992? ago

How is this even legal?

24579984? ago

Kill them all with fire.

24579964? ago

Fuck these roaches. I'm desensitized to their depravity and ugliness. They are garbage trash. Barking dogs that should be put down.

24579835? ago

Well technically they're legally protesting in this clip...

24580413? ago

Isn't it a private gated community though? So maybe not.

24581029? ago

they are just outside it

24586366? ago

That gate is their yard I'm pretty sure. The entire housing development is also in a private neighborhood.

24581116? ago

So they did learn?! So pointing guns was somewhat effective.

Lets hope the boomers are smart enough to sleep in shifts and the niggers are too stupid to know that thats a thing when they try to break in.

24586390? ago

It stopped it in it's tracks. We both know exactly where that altercation was going. They werent just "walking through".

24582911? ago


24579789? ago

The animals know they will get shot so they stay on the other side of the fence....no issue...peasants and the retarded should be on the other side of the fence and if they cross the line kill them all.

24579606? ago

They do this because it tries and intimidate other white folks to not bring out their guns when the looters and rioters do it again.

24579578? ago

All there doing is proving them right to pull out the guns in the first place

24579342? ago

Once niggers become the majority they will be coming with machetes for all white people just like in South Africa.

24579841? ago

We need to keep abortion legal then. It is the only thing keeping their population growth #’s stagnant.

24581099? ago

Make a law that prevents whites from getting abortions (you know to free up slots for blacks because whites still have their priviliege)

But give whites that burned the coal preferd treatment because . 1 The child - sorry- I mean the clump of cells is half black. and 2. Because M.L. King would not be happy about the race mixing and you wouldnt want to descridit one of the greatest blacks in history of evey thing ever now would you.

24579302? ago

They donated to BLM too....lifelong Democrats...think they’re awake yet? How many do you know just like them?

24582466? ago


24582027? ago

Wrong people.

24580948? ago

Good. I hope they learned something in this whole fiasco. You can't ingratiate yourself to leftists, they have no gratitude

24580822? ago

Democrats? Hopefully they got that house selling aborted nigglets

24579240? ago

How is this allowed?

Like CHAZ, the party in charge of this jurisdiction are all for it.

24579171? ago

White people are second-class citizens in our own nations. It will stop when we stop it.

24580380? ago

Nice try, shill, 80% of those cucked-out pieces of shit are white and 98% of the country is fucking laughing at their sorry ass attempt at a protest.

24579617? ago

Jews won't let us stand up for ourselves. They use their Soros DA's to prosecute whites who defend themselves and their media to crush any white solidarity.

24582550? ago

Not of the DAs get taken out.

24596355? ago

The Solution.

24587701? ago

Get it done.

24590955? ago


Ised to be a 'code'
No judges or da's.

That's out the window

Cops & their familest not be immiea to venfance eother

24580115? ago

they won't let us

How the FUCK did it come to be that they have this power over us? We bow to their command? What on God's green Earth can we do to reverse this?

24582615? ago

Discard the electric jew in your living rooms, the major cause of this continuing.

24581064? ago

it is mind fuck - we create history, they tweet, we create more, they tweet again...

just go to beach like everyone else

only you stop you

24579651? ago

It will stop. When we stop it. All we ALL have to do is support. And hook up other whites no matter what.

24579119? ago

Just so long as the Klan doesn't stick their nose into it. That kind of publicity would only make things worse.

24579206? ago

Most people whom support the white race are underground waiting watching.....lot of them right here on Voat. Thank God for creating the White Race! That's why the jews hate us. Made in God's image not Satans.

24579098? ago

I'm too far away, 800 mi , and too blind, but where the hell are the patriotic citizens, bikers, MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL GENE POOLS, Americans, protecting this family ??!!

24579231? ago

Whites never work together. I have never seen it. No white person has ever really had my back but they will put my feet to the fire for some bullshit slight. When was the last time you helped a white person... BECAUSE. THEY. ARE. WHITE?.

24582600? ago

Every fucking day

24579445? ago

Never in my life.

24579502? ago

No one does. Every other race does this shit CONSTANTLY.

24580706? ago

Agreed. Is it in our genes to be individualistic or are we just brainwashed to it?

24579076? ago


24579002? ago

The left promised us guns were unnecessary. Said the police would protect us.

24581991? ago

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24578996? ago

Where the hell are the cops???

24581016? ago


24579183? ago

Giving a $400 ticket to some dad going 4.mph over the speed limit in a skool zone. Better safe than sorry.

24580402? ago

in a closed school... they will tack on a "not wearing a mask" fine too.. Cops are our friends though guys!

24579817? ago

Probably beat him up too cuz... George Floyd

24578984? ago

I will not become South Africa. This shit goes on much longer and it's going to be shoot on site. Niggers are going to resent the day they started this shit. The irony is my wife works with real Africans. From Uganda and such. They hate American Niggers. When even your own race hates you. I mean outside the US, I have been told most Africans hate Blacks in America.

24588936? ago

Direct your concerns for the civil rights of White citizens to:

City of St. Louis

Civil Rights Enforcement Agency

Charles Bryson


Carnahan Court Building

1114 Market Street, Suite 626

St. Louis, Missouri 63101

(314) 622-3301

FAX (314) 622-4190

Email: [email protected]

24586152? ago

that's funny & sad at the same time

24582478? ago

Same with the caribbean blacks.

24580494? ago

Niggers are niggers. Their problems are genetic.

24579810? ago

I've heard that as well. Real Africans call black Americans niggers 🤣They pronounce it knee gah lol

24579535? ago

they do, I've met a number of them and they're always ranting about how american blacks are ungrateful pieces of shit.

24579208? ago

We WILL. Notice that you say what you did as an individual... Funny, we ALL do that. We never work together. We are doomed until we find a way to work together.

24580008? ago

When they time comes what do you will happen? We don't make friends?

At this time the only safe action is friends and familly.

24580037? ago

Yup. We are all so weak and divided its friends/family or nothing. When the dying starts it will. All. Change.

24578958? ago

Because we are headed to South African model of hell.

24579256? ago
