24573790? ago

Join and find out you completely retarded dipshit.

Fuck, the garbage that passes for posts on todays Voat.

24573538? ago

Not to worry... the Southern Baptists said that Masons are OK, and good Southern Baptist Christians and Christian leaders can belong in good conscience. </sarcasm>

24569465? ago

Angra Mainyu, (Avestan: “Destructive Spirit”)Middle Persian Ahriman, the evil, destructive spirit in the dualistic doctrine of Zoroastrianism. According to the earliest version of the myth, he is the twin brother of Spenta Mainyu, the Holy Spirit, and both were the sons of Ahura Mazdā (Ormizd or Ormazd), the Wise Lord and supreme deity of Zoroastrianism.


Despite the chaos and suffering effected in the world by his onslaught, believers expect Angra Mainyu to be defeated in the end of time by Ahura Mazdā. Confined to their own realm, his demons will devour each other, and his own existence will be quenched. In a later dualism, Ahura Mazdā, still the creator god, is himself the force of good, Angra Mainyu is his evil, destructive counterpart, and both exist from eternity.

24569639? ago

Some Masonry symbols make use of ancient Egypt, Christianity, the Jihad prayers of Islam and the Jewish Occult. . In March 2005, a 14-year-old girl came forward and claimed Jeffrey Epstein molested her at his mansion at El Brillo Way in Palm Beach, Florida. Also take note of the bizarre blue-striped building on Jeffrey Epstein's private island ...Freemasons, 'Illuminati', Khazar, Zion Israel, Egypt, Babylon, Annunaki....what are they really praying to?

24570288? ago

I am thinking they are praying to Moloch/Marduk.

24569397? ago

There are also Masonic Sikhs https://voat.co/v/QRV/3833379/24533713

24569382? ago

All a giant backmail club with pentagrams and pyramid and other symols, they steal from others, some call them shabbos goy?

24569389? ago

...All a giant backmail club with pentagrams and pyramid and other symols, they steal from others, some call them shabbos goy?