24554107? ago

Chess says it all. What is the most powerful piece on the board. Women control much of what we see happening in the world. Men are just useful idiots. I'm not talking about real men. That's why male children are abused by the system. They end up confused and antisocial for many years after experiencing their childhood. The women end up frustrated old hags causing misery for many.

24559438? ago


matrix (n.)

late 14c., matris, matrice, "uterus, womb," from Old French matrice "womb, uterus" and directly from Latin mātrix (genitive mātricis) "pregnant animal," in Late Latin "womb," also "source, origin," from māter (genitive mātris) "mother" (see mother (n.1)).

The many figurative and technical senses are from the notion of "that which encloses or gives origin to" something. The general sense of "place or medium where something is developed" is recorded by 1550s; meaning "mould in which something is cast or shaped" is by 1620s; sense of "embedding or enclosing mass" is by 1640s.

The mathematical sense of "a rectangular array of quantities (usually square)" is because it is considered as a set of components into which quantities can be set. The logical sense of "array of possible combinations of truth-values" is attested by 1914. As a verb, in television broadcasting, from 1951.

24553107? ago

OP is correct. Mostly Women are the PERPS. It's Matriarchal. Goddess Worship.

24554971? ago

...and what is male transsexualism about? Mimicking is the greatest form of worship; indeed, it is GODDESS worship. Boys destroying their lives and bodies to mimic women. Idiots all and totally deceived.

24555618? ago

I have an idea, but you need a better alchemist to fully explain it.

24553043? ago

It is most definitely mostly women. I started noticing that after Q mentioned watch the wives. Even though Millennium Report has been mostly discredited, he did come up with some interesting research that was probably not off base.

women behind pedogate


Also - this on ann romney - mormons


and this on Hillary joining a Coven (apologies for the horrid voice of the narrator, but good info for further digging...)


24552937? ago

Of course a woman to recruit only makes sence.

24552933? ago

I would guess its because women trust other women, making it easier to recruit.

Carla Holmoka was the woman who garnered other women for Paul Bernardo, including her own sister. EVIL

24552804? ago

I'm sure it's easier for a woman to lure another female

24552597? ago

Women can walk around with random children even scold them and drag them along without most people not even batting an eye.

24553154? ago

^^^^ THIS ^^^^ I think you hit the nail on the head.

There's a weird thing about Neuro-Receptors not being fully formed. Most women will have strong neuro receptors for Oxytocin. That's a powerful bonding drug that the body releases when a woman gives birth, or when she connects with her girlfriends. It's why women are happier when hanging out with girlfriends and what (healthy) women seek in their male-female relationships.



Back to the regularly scheduled comment:

So - when there is an oxytocin deficit OR the neuroreceptors for oxytocin are lacking, a woman is fully capable of going against "type" or expectations. Women are built to be the nurturers, the keepers of the relationship, the mothers. I would imagine early trauma from a MKUltra experience would deprogram that natural function. But we all know women who we've privately said, "That bitch should NEVER reproduce!"

These are the women who can lure a child in, but who don't give a rat's ass about them as humans, as children, or as little ones needing love and protection.

And that is why we need to watch that type of woman. Am a woman. I can't for the life of me ever imagine harming a little kid. Even if it is acting out or being a little shit. Even if I have to spank a kid, it's a wide open hand and a swat on the fattiest part of the butt. My oxytocin receptors are fully formed and I'm all about protecting the kids. (Now, I would happily pull out my AR and destroy another woman or man who is harming a kid. So there's also that. Thus the warning, "Hell hath no fury like a woman..." Yeah, they added the word "scorned" to that. But that is also a standalone sentence.

Here's another thing to think about... Society for the most part will treat females more gently than males. So a man may get the electric chair, but women more often than not only get time in prison. Good, powerful, strong, ethical males have a bias against harming a woman. And these sick fucks in the Pedo/Porn/Destruction industries know that and are counting on it.

We just have to decide, if you can harm kids by procuring them for evil and sadistic kiddy porn addicts, YOU JUST LOST YOUR WOMAN CARD. GFYS

24555811? ago

Harming childen supersedes all other variables. Harm kids in these ways and you die. Period. Justice knows no gender.

24586233? ago

I am with you all the way. Unfortunately, if you get a wad of Libtards on a jury, they may not agree with us. But IMHO ANY woman who intentionally harms kids has already declared herself mentally ill and should be dealt with swiftly and with the same malice aforethought she afforded those kids.

24559220? ago


- OtherAnon

24554287? ago

Do you have a sister?

But for real though, I loved reading that and feel like my firmware is updated.

24586296? ago

kek - yes I have several sisters. But am the only single female in the family.

I always like to share good info if I can help men and women get along better. We need to stand on the same side. The world is against normal relationships. These idiots on the left even coined a new word to make it sound wrong: "Heteronormative" - Stupid fucks. Can we load all of them onto Elon's rocket ship and send them to a different planet so we can get on with life?

24586503? ago

Lol oh how I wish I believed that rocket is even real and then I'd totally agree. I only saw his expression during the launch and thought "that's not real. He's a bad actor." And then the landing which is....wow. A crock of bad CGI shit. In my opinion.

But yes, I know and that's what I hate and fear about this world. The constant barrage in movies and tv about unsustainable relationships and even lives. Watered down hedonism at best and not willing to grow something unique and lovely. It's also like being a dad is shameful, weak and gay in a weird twisted way now. Like what, you are really going to stick around with a girl...and raise a child? Weird! That's so gay! More power to you, homie, I'll be getting all the pussy you're throwing away, cuz.

And just fucking and cutting and running after knocking someone up is the new definition of alpha male status. It's probably what's kept me from any lasting meaningful relationships because I am not that kind of person, though admittedly I have my own hangups. I sound like a total incel haha! But for reals, its like with everything these days they have taken everything and just pushed it past the point of good sense. Yes, girls want strong men but strong men resemble knuckle draggers only now? Maybe I need to move the fuck out of California and grab a young crush before the state and world swallows her up.

Anyway....how you doing? ;p

24587017? ago

Kek - well that was a rollercoaster ride! REAL men are not knuckledraggers. I have known and admired many of them. And I am sad every time one of them informs me that "well I'm a guy so I must be an asshole." Well, dad used to say, "If you got one you are one..." sort of as a way to say both men and women can be jerks. But we can also choose to stay and try to mend things, stay and try to discover the deeper meaning of Love and an Interdependent (not dependent or independent) relationship.

I'm a Boomer and still looking for the above. Fell in love and was cheated on badly. I'm so naive sometimes... but Hope Springs Eternal and I hope I can find a 50-ish Q soldier who has the will and the intelligence to understand how much a solid relationship can be mutually beneficial. So don't give up. Don't call yourself an Incel. That's Reddit talking. We normal folks need each other and we do make more of a difference when we stick together and form healthy bonds with other Patriots and healthy people. So Hang In There Anon! Never Give up!

24587538? ago

Lol aww you are the best and sound like a real catch! There has to be someone out there just waiting to feel so lucky to get to hang and love each other, the self, and life with you...probably a bunch! Be picky!

You're right about incel Reddit talk...I'm not even tripping. I can take it or leave it. It's mostly paranoia that the world was already exploitative before and now with BLM its just a cluster fuck of agitation and young people don't deserve to be trapped with all this fucking loser adults setting this kind of childish tempo.

I am hoping most of the 2020 grads and below can see the loser adults for what they are and rebel. I think they just might be...hopefully. The quarantine started off with me thinking...cool...this gives everyone time to not be so disgusting! And definitely not get their stinking tentacles over everyone and everything. Then BLM happened and who the fuck knows. We're back to moral relativism and Zionist mind control culture.

I do have hope and faith that now that we're flipping over stones, especially in people's characters, we're all seeing how empty or worse the far left has to offer. I'm having to tell myself the right people are seeing it and repelled and living/leading by example too.

I won't give up if you won't! This is the fight of our lifetimes and beyond. I truly do believe there is golden age on the horizon and somedays I just get caught up in the perceived energy of certain days like this one and worry.

Thank you for the pep talks and reminders! We can only ever control ourselves, things are going to get way better and never look back, and in the meantime the only thing we have ultimate power over is our attitudes in any given situation. Every day can be a lovely independent day until we can have every day be a lovely interdependent day. <3 I needed that healthy reminder and mind set preference too! Thank you, Anon! Stay blessed!

24591228? ago

You are so welcome <3 back atcha.

Well, if you know anyone, send them here!! :-D

24552893? ago

Yes, Women do the luring due to their socially accepted abilities to engage others freely without suspicion..

24554260? ago

"pussy pass"... applies to everything

24554687? ago

If they didn't have pussies, there'd be a bounty on them!

24552318? ago

Women are the root of evil going back to Eve in the garden of eden.

24552036? ago

He's correct all the way back to Lilith worshiping freaks.

24552016? ago

Why doesn't he say that its jewish?

24552254? ago

Overton window

24552413? ago


24552588? ago

24551957? ago

Not sure. Q keeps pointing at wives.

Might be, it's mostly women running all this shit. Which would be consistent with the satanic inversion of everything.

24553044? ago

Jews are matrilinneal

24553022? ago

Jews are matrilinneal.