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24552021? ago

Democrats ARE white people, so this should be interesting.

I love when they eat their own....

24552275? ago

(((Democrats))) are not. See the distinction?

24552562? ago

Honestly, no, I don't.

24554030? ago

I guess for me the problem is lumping a group of people together under one umbrella of accusations.

I believe there are good and bad in every group.

Maybe I'm just naive.

24554519? ago

Not all the Americans are evil because the American government bombed Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.

But for the rest of the world, it's 'the Americans' who did it.

24554583? ago


24554677? ago

Therefore you cannot censor yourself by trying to avoid saying 'the joos' just like you wouldn't censor yourself by trying to avoid saying 'the Iraqi', 'the Afghani', 'the britbong', 'the frogs', 'the leafs' or 'the Americans'.