24564946? ago

They won't win and this is damage and liability control to wake up as many people as possible (preferably everyone) and if needed figure out ways to keep the 4-6% locked up in jail forever if they are a threat and not just annoyingly stubborn.

24552021? ago

Democrats ARE white people, so this should be interesting.

I love when they eat their own....

24552275? ago

(((Democrats))) are not. See the distinction?

24552562? ago

Honestly, no, I don't.

24554030? ago

I guess for me the problem is lumping a group of people together under one umbrella of accusations.

I believe there are good and bad in every group.

Maybe I'm just naive.

24554519? ago

Not all the Americans are evil because the American government bombed Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.

But for the rest of the world, it's 'the Americans' who did it.

24554583? ago


24554677? ago

Therefore you cannot censor yourself by trying to avoid saying 'the joos' just like you wouldn't censor yourself by trying to avoid saying 'the Iraqi', 'the Afghani', 'the britbong', 'the frogs', 'the leafs' or 'the Americans'.

24552773? ago


The jews are not White. But they shape-shift as Whites when it suits them and they are at the helm of the DemonRat Party. They also have White collaborators (shabbos goyim) that are also at the helm. Their self-avowed goal is to genocide all Whites and get rid of Christianity.

24552926? ago

Nope, not a newfag, just not a big believer in the "muh Jew" conspiracy. Do I think they hold an inordinate amount of top positions? Possibly. Do I believe those serving in government should hold dual citizenships? Hell no.

But I also think that the Jews are being scapegoated (again) for issues that really they have little to do with, that weren't started by them, but yes, from which they too profit, mainly in the form of banking. But the ideas are not theirs. There are a LOT of players at the top which all should be getting equal billing for their bullshit, such as Christian and Victoria's bored, inbred descendants, who certainly work in partnership to create worldwide havoc, and tend to own most of the lands on this planet. They are also responsible for the creation of things such as the WEF and Bilderberg meetings. And they are certainly all white.

So there is plenty of blame to go around for the fucked up bullshit on this planet, outside of the opportunistic "muh Jew" argument. And people would be wise to wake up and see this.

24553045? ago

And they are certainly all white.

They most certainly are not. Jews and cryptos are overrepresented in those groups. The rest are their Shabbos goyim.

... the Jews are being scapegoated (again) for issues ...

The notion of scapegoating itself is jewish and is what is currently happening to White people regarding 'muh slavery' and 'muh hwhite privilege'.

Wake up.

24553403? ago

We will have to agree to disagree.

I think they are part of the problem, but certainly not all of it.

24553470? ago

We can agree to disagree.

I think, as far as humans are concerned, they are the main (head of) the problem, but certainly not all of it.

24553553? ago

If only every person I interacted with on the interwebs was as rational and reasonable as you, anon. Thank you for that!

24552006? ago

Democrats will kill whites if they lose in November. Be prepared.

24551478? ago

Sad but true

24551424? ago

Either way there will blood in the streets.

It's just a mater of time before it's your street.

Funny thing about that though, when it gets to your street you will finally be willing to take action.

Let's hope and pray soldiers of intelligence wins over out-and-out savagery.

There will be losses, but all of this can be made right for our descendants.

24551278? ago

They can start with their over whelming white selves. Only fair they get rid of themselves first.

24553377? ago


24550703? ago

If They Win in November