24561964? ago

These leftist idiots all like to talk tough, get busted, claim it's a joke cuz it's always a joke, people call them out, then they cry and whine like grade school kids.

24559537? ago

this is only a taste of what is to come in nov 2020

24558278? ago

She’s not even sorry tho, just blames trump supporters

24554987? ago

Asians need to worry as the Jews are already infiltrating them.

24554796? ago

There is not an ounce of regret in that joke of a tirade. Poor snowflake has to learn some lessons.

24553541? ago

A joke, my ass. Won't surprise anyone if this unstable bitch starts stabbing white people in a hysterical frenzy. It also won't surprise me if Deloitte recants and hires the racist bitch back because BLM the mostest. Even though this bitch is anything but Black.

24553253? ago

They're all into the cancel culture until it happens to them. They're all just cry babies, thugs, soyboys, etc. What a ragtag group of losers!

24552973? ago

and yet again, I am right. Found out she is adopted by two Lesbian jews....every.single.time.

24552923? ago

When you meme or retweet that, remind everyone that this girl is the Poster Child for the decades of Trophies for winning nothing; for the Everybody Is A Winner/Self-Esteem push that negated personal responsibility and personal achievement. She cries that she "Worked so hard" to get there. Gotta say that's a full blown line of bullshit. She got that job because she is 1) Asian, 2) young, 3) pretty-ish. She doesn't appear to be smart enough to have gotten that job on her own merits. So - as with all things that come too easily, she did not appreciate what she had.

THE SAME CAN BE SAID FOR MILLIONS OF DEMOCRATS AND RINOS who do not appreciate exactly what we have in the US. They complain bitterly online about what China did to Hong Kong, at Tiananman Square, to the Ughyers... Yet they are voting for the exact same repressive policies right here in the US. Ignoring that every single democrat run state and city is a fucking shithole. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

So, just recommending that this is a quality situation that we can use to educate some people.

24552462? ago

crocodile tears. look how she turns the waterworks and voice on and off again several times. she's only sorry she got burned, she isn't sorry for the way she acted

24552348? ago

Get woke go broke

24551921? ago

Man she got the shit end of the stick in the hapa gene pool. Woof.

24551827? ago

Maybe she should eat a big bowl of bat soup as some comfort food.

24551238? ago

maybe she shouldn't use tiktok what a dumbass

24551129? ago

Play stupid games...

24550485? ago

so where is the original video, too many self absorbed boomers on this site that think everyone knows and have seen everything they have.

24550217? ago

Ahhh....enjoying a fresh cup of coffee, and this :)

24550058? ago


24549905? ago

Cancel Culture's a bitch, ain't it, you privileged, whiney brat. 🤣🤣🤣

24549791? ago

You know these guys are not really very tough at all. I think once we decide to show some teeth, we may not even have to bite down. I think we are all nervous about what it will mean when we do finally oppose these poeple, but in every example I've seen so far, they just wither at the slightest opposition.

24552329? ago

Remember what they would have done to you

24553220? ago

I don't think that reality has hit many yet. Such nasty people here?

24550084? ago

NEVER be a phony. BITE. LESSON deployed AND learned. Bite with proper magnitude (not to kill unless that's what THEY were after).

24554435? ago

Yup this!

24553241? ago

Exactly, but people don't seem quite ready to deploy that way yet.

24549631? ago

This brought years to my eyes. I don't know about the rest of heartless bastards but that shit was funny as hell. I need to get the tears out of my from laughing so hard so i can drive.

24549518? ago

She is a fucking toddler with the maturity of a brain fart.

No respectable establishment should want such a fucking child working for them. Spoiled, self-righteous, and frankly dangerous children should be punished. This was glorious. Threatening those who do not think like you tells me that you were never punished as a child and now think people actually feel bad for you. This was amazing to watch. Thank God.

24549289? ago

Haha these people are stupid.

She moans that Nazi Trump supporters took her job away.

What a fucking loser. What goes around comes around.

24549266? ago

It shows you there are ignorant people teaching our kids. Cry all you want lady, BLM is a front to collect money for the demoncrap party who created the KKK. How disturbing is that?

Note: not many blacks send in funds for BLM, it is mostly all leftist corporations and leftist foundations (think Soros).

24549174? ago

24549488? ago

A jewish chink?

24549374? ago


24549092? ago

I guess she should learn to code...

24549744? ago

She'll be fine. She's Jewish.

24557790? ago

Lots more info about her in the original thread from 2 days ago.


24551898? ago

So mixed race chinese jewish or "chewish"? Like the daughters of Tiger Mom or Emma Sulkowitz mattress girl.

24551383? ago

Remember----it's not always THE jews, but it is always A jew.

24550545? ago

lol like a clockwork

24549584? ago

She fucked herself short-term pretty hard but some non-profit NGO will eventually hire her, guaranteed.

But for the moment, I am enjoying her self-pity, lack of self-awareness meltdown -

"Evil Republicans retweeted me, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

24551934? ago

Cancel culture works both ways...

24553754? ago

I want to punch her.

24556703? ago

I don't hit women except this one time.

24556844? ago

If an overly self-indulgent violent female threatens to stab me..I say cold-cock a bitch. Send flowers later if that's your thing.

24549085? ago

Yeah well we can cancel too.

24549084? ago


24549045? ago

Deliotte is an accounting firm. Junior accountants fresh from college usually travel from business to business for the first year or maybe two to audit. What reputable company would want an accountant to call on them with violent tendencies.

24561948? ago

My cousin is a partner at the firm. He grew up in a small PA coal cracking town and would have little to do with someone like her, for sure.

24549435? ago

My mom works for Deloitte- they sent out an big SJW based email shortly after the Floyd “murder” encouraging people to donate to relevant causes.

My mom was infuriated.

So this was only due to her lack of awareness and psychological feebleness.

24550338? ago

My new manager came from Deloitte, she was there over a decade and she is all about that sjw bullshit. She had the audacity to send out a mass email when Kobe died, like why the fuck would I care about some retard throwing a ball for a living? Unbelievable.

24549315? ago

Stupid account firm didn't even hire her based on her majors (government and psychology).

Harvard got rid of her page on their website, hoping nobody will remember where she just graduated from.



24559559? ago

lol! all you fags should start forwarding her that link...sorry your existence is 404

24549035? ago

Threating to kill %80 of your country is going to make it hard to find a job,

but she could still work customer service for the phone company.

24551633? ago

You would think so but a few months ago, I never thought we'd be in a lockdown (twice) forced to wear masks, not allowed to plant flowers, cannot go to church, must stay 6 ft away from other humans, blacks would take over a city section and local govt called it a party, etc...

One thing to note, these people hire their own. If her parents were anyone important, she'll get a better gig but she'll also have to do favors for them the rest of her life.

24548975? ago

Actions have consequences! When are these people going to learn, even free speech is an action with consequences. Everything in life has limits, she found one.

24556909? ago

I'm going to stab you! Wait, why did you get me fired, I worked hard to get where I am, you racist Republicans!" (paraphrased)

Is this girl Jewish by any chance?

24550519? ago

these people Jews

24571935? ago

Oh, I'm thinking broader than that. "These people" includes all liberals, which includes the aforementioned.

24548907? ago

Watch this one from that thread- very smart move by the shop owner in reaction to the thug


24550023? ago

Good one, but if that place was like a lot of commercial developments, breaking out the sheetrock between the studs will put you into the business next door.

24549382? ago

Haha that loser has been watching too many cop shows.

24548879? ago

She's a trainwreck

24549178? ago

lol uhh yeah that's correct, in many many ways

24548855? ago

First time in her entire life

24548925? ago

Yup. She has been receiving trophies all her life, for being a loser. Now you take one away and its a shock to her system. I am sure that she will be ok with a good hot cup of cocoa.

24551280? ago

She will be okay learning how to code as well.

24548793? ago

The clown at the end lol..!

On the one side we have nuts like this trying to push [their] agenda on everyone else because they think everyone should think like them. On the other side, we have people who don't care about that agenda, think for themselves and get on with their lives, or don't appreciate that agenda being pushed onto them and do something about the morons pushing said agenda..

If that results in teaching idiots like this that the consequences of their actions can have knock on affects like loosing a job or worse then perhaps they might learn that people don't appreciate their free will being violated, without their consent, by twats who think they know what's best for everyone else.

24550308? ago

I propose that her nom de internet, now, forever , and irrevocably, be-

Stabby the Clown.

24549476? ago



24549603? ago


24549003? ago

All these leftist niggers would love to see all conservative America loving patriots fired, homeless, and destitute.

I say turnabout is fair play. Cry me a river bitch.

24549491? ago

I totally agree with the sentiment, but generally I don't like the idea that we're going to lower ourselves to their standards. I'd rather deport them all back to where they came from than act like a dumb animal myself.

24549327? ago

"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

24548692? ago

Grain of salt time here.

Every woman is a natural born liar. Especially after they've been caught.