24491549? ago

Show her what the SDS was in 1968 and ask how it is similar to today.

24488784? ago

move to a red state.

24488597? ago

Show her do not tell her.

24488559? ago

Misery loves company, so you are not alone and there are thousands of parents facing the same obstacle. Getting that out of the way you can focus on the issue. I recently had a friend that ended up with his son coming home from college and calling him a racist and bigot. The strength of their son’s convictions was not strong enough to limit the damage they took at school. Feminists, atheists, racists, communists, etc. rule the university and education system. We were too “busy” to stay involved so they filled the void.

Before we can ever take on very difficult problems, we need to change ourselves. It’s amazing how you can straighten up your attitude just by having a little chat with yourself. Part of that is to take inventory. Your family may not be everything you’d like them to be, but you have a family. Your house might not be everything you’d like it to be, but you’re not on the street. You may not like your job, but somebody out there wants it. You may not even like your spouse, but I guarantee you there’s someone out there who would be happy to take them off your hands.

The 2nd step is to realize, you are not in a score keeping game. You do not need to win every conversation you have with your daughter. It is going to take time and there is no magic word or sentence that is going to save her. It takes small steps and building upon small successes. Ask her a lot of questions and do not make her feel you are not interested in her answers and opinions.

Voltaire quote is very relevant. “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” Be very good at asking questions of your daughter. Asking amazing great questions is skill like any other skill, it takes practice. Dig deeper in her answers. “What makes you say that?” or “Why do you think that?” Start getting comfortable with asking a question, waiting for response, listening to the response and then waiting some more. To get to your opinion did you ask yourself this or how does your opinion line up with this?
Police and military interrogators use silence very effectively. People feel a need to fill the holes in the conversation and often they will then bring out the critical bit of information you seek. Why?

Good luck

24488430? ago

Probably the only option left, retro-active abortion!

24488061? ago

I am not sure what you did wrong. Myself, I have always been stern but fair and have always listened to my kids. I watch the videos they like and listen to the things they are interested in, sincerely, and then I engage them about the topics and try to find out why they like it or are interested in it. Once we have covered that I offer a counterpoint to allow them to think and see other points of view without ever demanding they agree or tell them that they are wrong. Critical thinking is not taught and it is our job as parent to do so. Always allow them to be free in their own thought but show them there are opposing views. Opposition doesn't mean right or wrong.

Now my 18 yo son is completely red pilled and laughs at his lefty friends. And honestly he says even they are coming around.

I know they say you have to be a parent and not a friend, but sometimes a friend is exactly what they need. Talk to them like you would one of your friends. Open, honest, direct. I have done this since they were little.

24487316? ago

Explain to her that there are only three forces in the world that act upon the state of things: Violence, Money, and the Individual.

Marxists rely on the first two ones (even if most of time denying it about money, but just ask BLM about Soros, or 1917 Bolsheviks about Lenin's British and German funders), and their pretense regarding wellness of individuals are systematically supplanted by their obsession for the collective, ie group think.

Then there's the individual, aka the Person. Not only the Human Person is the most perfected machine, and a spiritual one at that, in the entire known universe, but it also is as such the most freely determined entity. Yet, the Person is nothing without personal heritage, ie personal history, family, cultural and spiritual background, etc. So the importance of tradition, as a way that the best of the experience of hundreds, if not thousands of formerly living individuals is kept alive by the Person which inherited it all.

The Western tradition is the only one in the entire world making place, through its most recent developments, to what is nowadays presented as the "oppressed", "unpriviledged", "minorities", etc. Fact is that the biggest part of the people that slowly buildt said tradition, aka Western Culture, where little people who were neither rich not powerful. Fact also is that nowhere outside the western world said categories have been more enpowered, and this for at least 50 to 100 years, than they are here. Let her ask the muslim world about modern slavery, feminism & LGBT ; then Subsaharian Africa about the same, then China about the rights of the Human Person, then India about social justice... Now, let her question what the Human Person stands for from Anchorage to Vladivostok, and from Santiago to Reykjavik.

Now, ask her what is the common core of said Western World. When she'll have realized that it is Christianity, tell her to have a look at the Gospel, the Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles. She'll then most prolly realized that most of the calls for the defense of the "downtrodden" like the sanctification of the Human Person outside of what and where she comes from is unique to Christianity. And that's tacitely, even if not overtly, why the Western world is so vulnerable to BLM and other shits. The great Chesterton once spoke about "Christian virtues turned mad". Let her think about it.

Now, remind her that Christianity is only one part of the Western equation. That European, Russian, American and South-American Civilization also have roots in the Greek & Roman Ones, as well as in the European Renascimento, which all were deeply built upon the Mount Olympus Mythologies, which made big place to Women, Nature, even to faggot figures, and to Art as a way to convey Moral Values. In this paradigm, what she could refer to as fucking "bigotry" regarding the Christian tradition as the Marxist that she's becoming, said bigotry was an unknown concept. To the mix she might add the north-European ancient mythologies, which aslo played their part into what the West ultimately became.

From then let her conclude slowly but surely that Marx not only was a bourgeois and a jew, but also was a jew-hater and a bourgeois-hater: aka a self-loathing shit. Tell her then to have a look at the works of Proudhon, inventor of the word Anarchism, and that Marx hated after trying to get him on his already rotten boat, which Proudhon politely declined. As the inventor of mutualism (which technically worked much in the XIXth century) and a theorized of what could be called root-democracy, Proudhon's theories might be seen as in many way implemented (and this, not because of him), in the political structure of the United States, which is a rather subtle mix between localism and federalism.

All in all, she might grasp the idea that Personal Liberty, coupled with the Responsabilities implied by the Citizenship understood as the political heritage of Athens, Rome, London, Paris and Washington, still is the key to Civilization. She might have a more complete look at it by reading the works of Ayn Rand.

If you manage to get her through all of the above, she'll soon become a sane & dynamic Conservative young woman. Good luck.

24486740? ago

You need outside help. I disagree with others that you have "failed" as parents. Kids often will rebel and refuse to listen to their parents. However you have limited time/ability to correct this yourselves. They may will listen to someone else they respect though...be it an aunt/uncle or family friend. Get that help engaged.

24486534? ago

don't send her to college or she will be lost forever

24486524? ago

Don't pay for college. Don't pay for liberal arts college. Start thinking about grandchildren. Encourage her to want kids. Start leaving real historical info laying around the house... go camping somewhere there is no cell signal for the summer... obviously this is just stuff to do among other things and not in this order but you need to remove the bad influences..

24486478? ago

You missed your window for intervention. You weren’t paying attention, or you didn’t care.

You have failed at your most important task - raising your child to be a productive contributing member of our society. Now you have foisted your failed parenting project onto the rest of us.

There is nothing you can do while our system deals with the aberration you have released from your brood pen. You can fund her inevitable journey through our legal system. You can feed, clothe, and house her upon release. Aside from that, your offspring is waste.

24486397? ago

I have a Brady Bunch with three girls--one I birthed and 2 my husband's ex kindly birthed for me. I can say this with authority: the stupidest creature on the planet is a 15-year-old girl. By 17, they are starting to improve. The thing at that age is that they're breaking away so they will rebel against anything you say. The more you can shrug at their stupid comments, the more quickly they'll abandon that line of thinking. The exception is if they then go onto college where that kind of thinking is reinforced. Sad, but true.

24486352? ago

As soon as she's 18 kick her out of the house. Time to grow up.

24486330? ago

Time for an intervention...you need to arm yourself with facts. Red pill her slowly. Tell her she needs a reality check. Show her facts. Make her get a job then share her paycheck with her siblings that don’t work. You have some splaining to do. I red pilled my daughter slowly while growing up in my house. I registered her to vote as a Republican. When she ask me why, I told her I’m not having no fucking Democrat living in my house. I made sure to let her know how they are. I talked to her like a grown up and didn’t pull no punches. She grew up a Conservative and still is.

24486312? ago

Rent a room in black neighborhood and leave your kid there for a week or two.

24485797? ago

well, when I was 17 I also had some... strange... political views.

Usually people grow out of this when getting older.

Young people are searching for "something to live and to die for". They are very idealistic.

Well, at least, I was.

Teenagers think sometimes they belong to a "chosen generation" - and that any generation before themselves, just failed in solving the world's problems!

I remember having had great discussions with my parents at that age.

My parents always were listening. And I even managed to convince them to certain ideas (it was some "green" ideas mainly)-

Luckily I was in general a peaceful person, so my radical views were just expressed in words and thoughts. And sometimes I went to some demonstrations. But I never was an "activist" or accepted violence.

Do you know how far your daughter would go?

Make sure, that you can understand some of her views, but that violence is not acceptable.

And take care, that she does not get involved in really dangerous shit - which might have really bad consequences for her life!

And, be there for her, listen to her, also discuss with her.

Kids at this age are very much "searchers"...

Give her new ideas.. but sneak them in, so she might find it herself.

Maybe it is just an episode in her life. Teenagers sometimes change their views quickly.

Maybe she will start college or a new job soon, find new friends,... and suddenly everything else might change.

And, most important, ensure her, that you love her! And that she always has a home at your's!

24485721? ago

The fact that you have to ask how to discipline your runt shows you've failed.

24485436? ago

Make her get a job to pay for everything she has, including part of the mortgage/ shelter and part of the utilities. Do not buy her shit. Take away her electronics/wifi unless she paid for them. She will realize that stuff is earned, not given, and she'll develop a value for the dollar and hopefully some respect towards working in the form of reward.

24485689? ago

BOOM best advice.....make her wash her own clothes etc. I wouldn't be gentle about it.

24485358? ago

At that age it's like a costume you throw on for acceptance and identity, for attention really. Media has made it cool and acceptable as these are the little robots they are trying to create.
What are her talents, hobbies etc. that she could pursue excel at? Support them. Healthy attention from constructive pursuits will replace her need for attention and fitting in. I will add that kids that do not have other interests are susceptible to joining crazy destructive groups.

24485230? ago

Drop her off in the nearest urban shithole with a carton of Newport’s. She’ll learn real quick.

24485177? ago

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24485155? ago

from: doglegwarrior

damn i feel bad for you. im going to read some replies before i comment.

24485675? ago

from: doglegwarrior


24485071? ago

It's probably too late at this point, but all you can do is all you can do. I'd suggest apologizing for failing her so badly. Then I'd suggest you stop enabling her in every way possible. She likely won't be getting married, and if she does, it won't be for long.. so she'll end up a ward of the state. If you allow her to go this route, and live on the public dole, she will never be saved. She'll be a trapped zombie slave.

You've got a lot of work to do.

24485048? ago

You have lost cut her loose, get her out of your house take her keys. She is a threat to you and your life.

24485038? ago

Cut her off.

24484999? ago

Build a time machine and try again...

24485218? ago

May be easier.

Snuff out Hegel, Marx an Lenin.

24484961? ago

Mom to 3 mostly grown daughters (20-27) here. The things that now come out of your mouth will be swiftly dismissed at your kids age. Hands down the biggest thing I can tell you, and I tell EVERYONE I know with kids this.....Teens NEED jobs for their development. Part time, weekends whatever. But I saw the biggest change in my kids after working in the service industry, dealing with the public. Two worked in retail and one worked at a restaurant. The one who worked at a restaurant I think got the best benefit in terms of learning about people. And ALL 3 of them learned the value of hard work which is a CONSERVATIVE value. They learned about people who think they simply need to show up (sometimes) to work in order to deserve pay. And it pissed them off. Don’t say....money doesn’t grow on trees...SHOW THEM this important CONSERVATIVE value. They learned about people who will try ANYTHING to get a discount or a freebie. And they will see for themselves how wrong that is. Honest to God, before you know it, you will hear the most encouraging stories about this person who didn’t show up for work, and how everyone else had to have a harder day because of it. And that customer who was obviously just trying to get a free meal. And your kid is working for her money so that pisses her off too. These are all CONSERVATIVE values that she will learn for herself and you never have to do more than nod and say...what a shame.
My kids did sports but looking back, I would absolutely 100% take their job experience over anything they learned in lacrosse or cheer. I know kids are busy but You don’t get those teen years back. And if my experience with my 3 is any indication, that is a great time to learn conservative values the hard way. It worked for my family.

24489716? ago

My parents did this to me and my siblings as well. Soon as we were 16 they said if you want any money from now on you will have to get a job. Got my first one at 16 and havn't stopped working since. I am a Nationalist, conservative (for the most part), bible believing Christian. I love the truth, I seek it, and most important I accept it regardless of how it collides with what I was always taught. I think having parents that refused to baby me and make me have responsibilities (like chores, I have been doing my own laundry since I was 9) really shaped who I am today. People think "chores" are mean, im not kidding. They are in sane. It teaches work and responsibility. Something these kids today know nothing about.

24485352? ago

Zacktly what i was gonna say. If you are supporting her "habit" get her off the gravy train and to work. A good dose of reality from OTHERS will help knock off the likely lack of discipline and enablement that she was raised with. Harsh, but i would bet on it that she was raised entitled to have such an idiotic view. Too much leisure and easy. Need a coupla hard knocks. As for your influence, dont hold your breath. However, you can pray....

Whenever she does show a glimmer of sense, give positive reinforcement. She needs to learn to pull her own weight. Then other slackers and moochers stand out in bold relief. She might finally tire of them....

24485211? ago

They learned about people who will try ANYTHING to get a discount or a freebie.

That's what jewdars are made of.

24485188? ago

from: doglegwarrior

id say force her to get a job any job and when she gets her first pay check ask to see it then say ok now we will take this and give it to the local communist organization so they can distribute it to the more needy. lol

24485666? ago

from: doglegwarrior


24485257? ago

If the shock of taxes taken out doesn’t take her down a notch, this will.

24484932? ago

Make her work for free.

Just like real communists.

24484912? ago

Unfortunately, you lost your child, explain to her that when she turns 18, she must be out of our house. Your house, your rules. You cannot debate her or re-educate her, you will never win, because it is totally pointless to attempt to reason with a leftist.

Simply allow her to explain her point of view, ask her to provide you with facts and proof f her fantasy beliefs, then when she is finished, thank her for sharing her point of view, tell her that she failed at her attempt to brainwash you and ask her to be out of your home when she turns 18. Tell her you cannot and will not support an anti America person, and suggest that she start saving so that she can move to Socialist Venezuela

24485027? ago

You sound like a retard

24485114? ago

May God bless you with lots of peace, love joy and happiness in your life!

24499995? ago

eat shit from your daddy's dick hole after he fucked god in the anus and jesus watched and jerked off in the corner

24502168? ago

My wish for you is for God to uplift you more and bless you with everything that you desire in your life the most.

24502279? ago

that would be wonderful. then you wouldn't be around anymore.

24505604? ago

I pray that God blesses you to see your need for His forgiveness, and to see your ignorance as His enemy.

24516288? ago

go fuck god in the butthole you shit eating faggot

24516640? ago

It is such a glorious thing when Christ so transforms someone that you can't even imagine that person being what he or she used to be. You realize that it is the power of a changed life. And that is what God can do. God Bless you and protect you from the evil that possesses you!

24484877? ago

Just kill your self, Qunt.

Your kid is obviously far more intelligent than you, You’ve done your duty, so now it’s time to just eat the barrel.

Thank you for your service, goodbye,

24484793? ago

You brought him into this Earth and you can take him out.

24484729? ago

Tough one to be honest with you - normally I would say wait it out but given these are not regular times, I don't believe that would be the way to go. First, I would treat it like an intervention and get a ton of family and friends that you can trust and are all on the same page. Second, I would gather all the evidence that runs counter to her line of thinking, like she's sprouting off how cops are killing blacks, then get the facts that more unarmed whites are killed by cops each year than blacks. You need to show her that the Democrats were the Confederates and challenge her line of thinking, she'll deny it, then show her stuff straight out of Congress that shows that the Democrats are the Confederates. Show her PrangerU (i believe) video on how the democrats were wrong on just about ever major civil rights actions and what makes her so sure that theyre right now? Show her that the KKK was created by the Democrats. You have to challenge her, and it's going to get ugly. But you're going to have to treat it like she's a drug addict. Instead of it drugs, it's propaganda. When I break Liberals and I do it on a daily basis, I just beat them with facts and links and just bulldoze through whatever bullsh*t narrative that they spin. If they give me a token reply, I call them out for repeating a talking point that has no facts. I challenge them to show me evidence to support their claims. Because they have none, they usually will just retort to name calling and then ...eerie silence as I just keep dumping more and more evidence onto them. Only the dumbest of the dumb will refuse to see through. If she refuses to read it, read it out loud to her. You're going to have to be a prick, sorry to say that but the best case scenario in all of this is that she just becomes a Liberal voter and that's just one more idiot we have to vote over. Worst case scenario, she ends up in prison or worst, dead. So yeah, that's how I would do it, intervention style. Good luck. o7

24484650? ago

Your going to have to use blackpills. Nothing can wake up a young liberal with rage against the machine except learning that their rage against the machine is an even worse machine that they aren't realizing that they are volunteering for.

World war 1 and 2, the true history... Those black pills... If you can get her to listen. If you can't, rent her an apartment in a block neighborhood. She'll run back to you as a conservative in less than six months.

24484549? ago

As hard as it can be to do...Love her, the light will eventually make it's way thru the fog.

The other options are what (((they))) want.

24484535? ago

A 17 year old conservative has no heart, a 30 year old Marxist has no brain.

There’s a good chance your kid will grow out of it- I’m not kidding.

24484783? ago

Was that a Churchill quote or did he lift it from someone else? Either way its good and true

24484500? ago

If you're posting here it means you believe in Q. Your daughter thinks you're in a cult. She feels like she has lost you and you're a complete embarrassment when you talk about Q. Best is to never talk about politics around her

24484458? ago

Marxism is not only taught in schools today, it is also practiced in schools. Keep her out of the universities for now until they are cleaned up. Have her attend a 2 year community college for now or have her go to a vocational/technical school. They are also infected but are not given the huge sums of monies to foster the marxist environment. Spend much more family time together. Ask her to help you plan, shop, and prep for her favorite family meal. Ask her to help you make homemade vanilla extract to give out as Christmas gifts. Ask her to help you repaint her room or build shelving/drawers in her room. Listen, be patient, and always be doing something constructive and positive together.

24487282? ago

TRADES ... Electrician, Plumbing, ect. My son is a 21 yr old lineman. He CLEARS (after taxes) $1500-$2000 a week. No shit. He is a newfag lineman and makes that kind of money. His boss makes around $200K a year. That guy is 32.

24487693? ago

True. With President Trump's infrastructure plan, trades is the future.

24484410? ago

Put it out of it's misery.

24484408? ago

Is she hot?

24484403? ago

You can't...so don't bother trying or she will just turn on you completely if you try to force the subject...all you can do is expose the lies...which is easy to do...the Dumbocucks and MSM give you tons of ammo everyday...

Find something they have said that is a known lie or taken out of context...show her how they lie and twist the truth...expose the BS...expose where all the money donated to the BLM is going too...how many times it will take before she catches on...well that is anyones guess...depends how smart she is...then again she might just be into it cause her braindead friends are...or a boy friend...in which case it will be much harder...cause at that age she thinks her friends are the most important thing in the world...which is the only reason she is a lefty...

What I would do first is expose the MSM ....which is really easy to do...bring it up in a conversation about some story...then a couple days later say you were reading up on it and it appears much of the story was lies....or don't make sense because x yz...expose their total bias towards Trump...show her who owns the majority of the MSM..and which political party the donate to...show how social media like Twitter facebook are censoring conservatives illegally ...show he the vids of whistle blowers done by Project Veritas on youtube...

Honestly..I don't think she will listen to reason....she is a sheep following the pack...

24484743? ago

I can tell you from experience this doesn’t always work.

24484353? ago

tell her the most radical black activists were Republican. Malcolm X hated the democrat plantation. MLK III is friends with Trump to this day. It’s ok to change your mind. I voted for Barry once in 2008. Bill and Hillary used to be Republicans and Trump used to be a democrat.

24484316? ago

Too late. You failed. Jettison your young, mommy.

24484226? ago

Tell her about Q

24484217? ago

Don't reject anything she's doing. She will only become more rebellious.

It seems you've failed as parents, and I don't like saying that. Once a child turns leftist, it means you didn't teach her how to actually love you. She only loved the money you give and the roof you supplied.

Therefore, you must become more than a wallet. You have to be that teacher and guide she desires. When she spouts off about how black cock matters, just ask "why?" and listen. Don't argue, don't start trying to be an authority.

As you listen, her desire to say dumb shit will decease and she'll have less reason to be a leftist. A major thing is that she isn't happy. Leftists are never happy. Whether it's money or children or freedom, ask her what she wants in life and TEACH her how to get it.

Don't hand it to her, teach her how to fucking fish. And don't forget to remind her that if she makes a porno, you'll be the first to watch it. That thought will make them never want to become a whore.

24484838? ago

Me again - couple of points - ask her, does it make any sense that Black Lives Matter is rioting in the UK, France, Italy, Ukraine and elsewhere around the world? Does it make any sense that people in a foreign country would decide to get up and riot out of the blue over some random event in the United States? And you can begin to chip away with her wall I hope with the President of Ghana talking about what we're seeing going on here, how Covid19 is a scam. (look on Youtube should be available) Then you can go to Youtube, go to channel Ron Vaillant, have her watch "This is Your Warning From Ex Military". You can watch it as well and judge for yourself if that helps. Ex Military is talking about there being a insurgency going on within the United States (Something that the Q community knew for a while now but maybe hearing it coming from someone who's been around the block a few times might make some sense into her).

Then you can tell her to look up the founder of Black Lives Matter Micah Rhodes who in jail for being a pedo. Not only that, the article identifies him not just the leader of BLM but also ANTIFA. Then you can dig up tons of articles about BLM admitting that their Marxist.

Then I'm sure you can find tons of stuff of living in a Communist regime. Tell her about organ harvesting in China. Muslim Concentration camps where the Chinese rape these women so they're forced to have Chinese kids. Tell her about Stalin. Mao. Tell her about the Berlin Wall and how many died trying to get across it. Tell her that Lenin views Communism as the end goal of Socialism. Tell her that Socialism never existed and is an invention of Communism. If she doesn't believe you, tell her to go find a country that was socialist before communism came to the world. Tell her if Socialism is so good, then why did Venezuela became a shithole in less than 10 years when socialism got a hold of the country? Tell her why she believes the media when they lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, lied about Syria, lied about North Korea, lied about Trump, lied about Iran, lied about Obama, lied lied lied? Again, just keep hitting her. There's so much proof. Intervention style, group of friends and family.

24487268? ago

Nothing is true,

Everything is permitted.

24485176? ago

from: doglegwarrior

great reply good advice. remember they are dealing with a semi brainwashed person

24490445? ago

hence why i said you gotta treat it like an intervention and hit them with a wall of evidence that they can't dispute. then they have to realize on their own that they have a problem and begin to correct it. Wish I knew of another way short of strapping in a chair a la Clockwork Orange style. Best of luck.

24485705? ago

from: doglegwarrior


24485878? ago

from: doglegwarrior

stop being an anti freedom asshole. id like to know who you are you hidden nonamefag! lol..

you anons are funny

24484203? ago

That's what happens when you send your kids to public school. If you're not raising your kids, someone else is.

24485432? ago

That what happens when people assume. Parents are not involved in the schools they send their kids to for long list of reasons. Governments took parents out of the schools intentionally. Without parents the schools were able to indoctrinate the kids anyway they wanted. Some parents just do not give a damn.

You could take back the schools if good people pushed their kids to become teachers. Getr involved. That is the way the left took them over.

24485925? ago

Very true. I'm a brit and I assumed that my kids were receiving the same (excellent) education that I received at school. Turned out they weren't. Thankfully, they are bright kids and quickly learned grammatically correct English once they left school. They also learned to think for themselves. (The indoctrination in British schools wasn't too bad then - it was just the "education" that was shit. God knows what the teachers thought they were teaching but it wasn't "the three Rs".)

24485193? ago

Go to Youtube, search for "Rogue News Cus with Gus" (Wednesdays).

You listen first, let her listen, she'll get it. Gus and V are extra-crude. She'll get into it.

Point: "If the local government officials are ordering the police to stand down and protecting the protesters and the rioters, then you are not a disruptive force, you are being played as a tool of the ruline elites."

24484156? ago

kick him or her outta your house. I know it seems harsh but its they only way to reach them

24484188? ago

Um. Ask her about sex hardcore. Make her uncomfortably nuanced.

She'll praise the time or become something else