24383281? ago


24382060? ago

Did Orange man really say this?

24381960? ago

Its all talk. The jews told him to say that. This is how they fool people. Trump is a jew ass kisser.

24380690? ago

Always name the Jew!

24380538? ago

based af

24380493? ago

Is Weinstein responsible (tied to) for the Arquette kids (Rosanna, Patricia, David) FAME? I can think of NO other reason they are celebrity "actors" except their child sexual abuse payoff.

24388246? ago

Or the Baldwins for that matter....

24398098? ago

Baldwin brothers seem like the same as Joan Cusack sort of deal. Let them be actors too so they don't have conniption fits and commit suicide because their sibling HAS the "x" factor required for celebrity (looks).

24400856? ago

Lol, I actually thought about including the Cusack family in my OP, but left them out due to the fact that, though I absolutely abhor their politics, especially what happened to John, they CAN actually act.

24379579? ago

Now have Trump say it......

24379470? ago

You added two more extra seconds at the end, didn't you? 😃

24379041? ago

Comedy gold..stein.

24400704? ago

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24385146? ago

Unrelated: that seems like a fishy account

24378868? ago


24378769? ago

Huma, Anthony, Bill, Jeffrey, Nancy, Hillary.....all puppying!!

24380041? ago

Ivanka, Kushner, Dershowitz, Epstein, Mnuchin

24385111? ago

Mnuchin's wife?

24378565? ago


24377881? ago

Then you ruined it with that nigger hood rat garbage.

24377770? ago

will be hearing CNN saying - "remark was a dog whistle to the anti-Semitic right-winger Trump base"

24379591? ago

The one time CNN isn't lying.....

24385107? ago


24379074? ago

100% that’s what happens. The ultimate sin is naming the Jew.

24377630? ago

Thanks for the laugh!!!

24377535? ago

I love this "video memes". Short, to the point, and even a potato gets the message.

24377450? ago

Man, I'd like to see the rest of that interview.

24380192? ago

The rest of it is 100% Gold!!!!! He literally spits truth for the whole interview, its amazing. The rest is just as good.

24377296? ago

That guy was AMAZING. What a red piller. Loved it on RSB.

24377248? ago

verb to your mother

24376958? ago

Jigga wha????

24378656? ago


24378820? ago

Verb --- state of being in nigbonics....I be, You be, We be kangs

24378897? ago

Makes as much sense as calling my AR-15 (xm Bushmaster) an assault rifle when it was 100% never assaulted any one.

My K A M110 is a different story ..

24376816? ago

Don’t forget Feinstein Weiner and Ginsburg

24378777? ago

Don't forget Chuck Schumer and Adam Schitt

24377632? ago

Or Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Rosenstein, Jeff Zucker, Elena Kagan, Chris Wallace....

24380704? ago

Don't forget Zuckerberg.

24381098? ago

There's so damned many I can't remember them all. I forgot the Rothschilds too.

24378856? ago

Kushner, Cohen and all the other Zionist whose cocks Trump sucks

24380364? ago

Spit your dog's cock out of your mouth before you speak of our president again, you cuck.

24380639? ago

^^^JIDF Alert

24379056? ago

Not every single Jew is bad. Every single Jew is genetically predisposed to being bad. It’s no different than everyone carrying Staph yet not getting a staph infection.

24380438? ago

How are Jews genetically different

24380724? ago

They flip back and forth between religion and race whenever it's convenient for them.

24379994? ago

it is an energetic inheretence.. and all is can be changed.

24379588? ago

Although I understand and apprecaite your general sentiment, at this point, it's just like police. If you don't call out the bad cops, you are also responsible.

If you know about your Jewish privilege, and ignore speaking out about your own race, then you are also to blame. So we should call out the kikes, until they repent.

24383411? ago

Don't forget the reparations...

24383459? ago


24380035? ago

You’re fucking sick kike lover. You’re getting the gas too

24380046? ago

lol i think you got the wrong guy... i want the kikes gassed.....

24383435? ago

Don't make Hitler's mistake. Tax them, don't gas them.

The gassing never happened according to some theories.

And the six million is a go to figure for apocalyptic Jews ushering in the messiah.

24380048? ago

My man

24379232? ago


24377080? ago

Also UAE, Qatar, House Saxe Gotha, Rome, Masonic Shriners, the Jew Occultists, Kashoggi links, Dodi Fayed https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3878826/24361329

24380668? ago

Check out Matt Gaetz and is Cuban fuck toi

24376699? ago

Hot damn. Nice.

24376614? ago

What is a Presbyterian? never heard that term before

24385137? ago

It means like Mr. Rogers

24385102? ago

The dope probably meant to say protestant but got his p letter religious sects mixed up. Should have just said christian.

24383915? ago


Presbyterianism is a part of the Reformed tradition within Protestantism, which traces its origins to Great Britain, particularly Scotland.

Presbyterian churches derive their name from the presbyterian form of church government, which is governed by representative assemblies of elders. A great number of Reformed churches are organized this way, but the word Presbyterian, when capitalized, is often applied uniquely to churches that trace their roots to the Church of Scotland, as well as several English dissenter groups that formed during the English Civil War.[2] Presbyterian theology typically emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Scriptures, and the necessity of grace through faith in Christ.

24377271? ago

It links to the Dutch Netherlands Reformed Church and Scottish Loyalism to the Queen and King's new religion, originally a protest against Rome but the House of Orange took it to full retard levels. The burning bush is a common symbol used by Presbyterian churches, but they do not pray to the burning eye and pyramid symbols of Freemasonry, it is a seperate church, You can also see their masonci connected symbols across far away places like Brazil and Sri Lanka, it was the original denomination of the Dutch Royal Family until being merged into the Protestant Church in the Netherlands, a United church of both Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran theological orientations. Henry of England was also fucking many wives and chopping off heads, it links to the history of the Church of England King Henry VIII became the Head of the newly founded Church of England. At the time this was a seismic shift in the power dynamics of Europe, as England's split from the Roman Catholic Church which already was seen as corrupted. The name Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk links these Churches they do not always agree with each other in fact the Masonic British powers would influence Presbyterian faiths against the faiths in Holland, they would put their own brothers and cousins into concentration camps during the Second Boer War, most major Christian chuches are now inflitrated by way of criminality, pedos, mafias and blackmail

24377967? ago

Same denomination as Trump's mum.

24378794? ago

Presbees are tea tottlers.

24380584? ago

well the PSA is. PCUSA is the liberal wing

24378846? ago

They're kinda washed out nowadays. More than a little.

24377326? ago

and they wonder why I wont kneel at their altars..

24378780? ago

Jesus never told us to kneel.

24378882? ago

Even if he had, whatever God forged me, gave me certain thoughts, that preclude me from participating on my own personal moral grounds. I've never shunned a God, only men with silly edicts.

24377648? ago

it's a wonder anyone can wonder anything any more

and another completely separate wonder than nothing has been done to fix that problem

24378626? ago

Is it any wonder im not a criminal,

Is it any wonder I'm not in jail,

Is it any wonder I've got too much time on my hands....

24378746? ago

ready to shoot some chinese

24378729? ago

can ya take it away?

take it away from me

24378744? ago

And it's just tickin away

24379071? ago


24377734? ago

I wonder stuff all the time.

I support wondercrime.

24379183? ago

I say 'wonder' more than anyone know.

I'm always wondering!

guess it's why WE are different from the sheeple...

24377932? ago

biologix, ftw

24376962? ago

Do you know who the original Martin Luther was? Where are you from...

24376848? ago

It's a "high church" Protestant.

Here in the South we say that a Presbyterian is just a Baptist from old money.

24378803? ago

Presbys are a dry county./js

24376571? ago