24380670? ago

It has to be revealed before Trump's election. If not, I'm off the bandwagon. I'll still vote Trump (duh) but I'll look at it like we're on our own and we'll be responsible for changing our country in a much more personal way. A much messier way.

24379499? ago

Funny thing about reality...it's ALL true. This is why it's so very important to be selective with the thoughts and emotions that are allowed to create your belief system, which shapes the world around YOU!

24379308? ago

There are thousands of Judge Sullivans out there. Arrests mean nothing if the judge dismisses the case outright. And they will. Look what they've done to Flynn. They can't just arrest people as if that will work. That would fail. I don't know how they will handle it. Military perhaps.

24378560? ago

I am a mental health professional. Adrenochrome is not something that everyone can understand without vicarious trauma. It would put many in the hospital to actually look at what this means. i.e., what happened.

24377444? ago

Yep, time to pull the scab off.

24377471? ago

Thank you, that was the nut of the argument.

We've got some commenters on here taking that simple statement and are off talking about Aliens and DNA now. What are they smoking? People are coming unglued around here.

24375840? ago

In light of everything I’ve learned in the last 3 years

If we are to be given the truth what person, group, entity or government providing that “truthful” information, do so in a way we collectively trust

24376225? ago

Ha ha. How will we know what is true?

24374523? ago

Only shills and concern fags keep whining "are we there yet?" The questions that should be asked are (1) do we know more now than we did 3-1/2 years ago and (2) are we better off watching events unfold according to plan or should we meddle in the psyop that's in progress. My logic says we're much better off with Trump than if Hillary were POTUS; and if Q and Q+ are some kind of a trap, we were screwed anyway from the start.

24377070? ago

I agree, we are much better off, and I'm not saying "arrests or gtfo", just saying I'm getting very tired, there are limits to a man's patience.

24377636? ago

I finally lost my last patience and hope in Q and Trump when I viewed the video of the 92yo woman being slugged .

24377709? ago

So many things are making my patience wane. I'm probably just going to drop out and ignore it all, that's probably best anyway, its getting old, the plot is stale.

24373775? ago

unfortunately we face the slow drip drip drip of a marathon...... it's totally suspect

24377078? ago

we need a few "BOOMS", it keeps us going.

24377655? ago

Trust God

Trust Jesus

Trust Trump

Trust The Plan

Remember the key to everything is Patience

24373734? ago

The hard truth is maybe Q failed or was a psyop. Hope I'm wrong

24377090? ago

I'm still hopeful, I do think there have been setbacks, but a few booms now and then keep everyone's spirits up.

24373619? ago

At this point, I think that this whole thing being a massive 2020 campaign strategy or a honeypot to round up patriots before the ushering in of the new world order is just as likely as Q being a Military operation to take out the cabal

24377104? ago

Everything is possible at this point, I count nothing out.

24373781? ago

Been thinking that from the beginning as a real possibility. Now X22 report and Q are going into things have to get bad enough to change minds. Did that work in China, North Korea, Cuba .etc ?

24379060? ago

Exactly - did people wake up in China during Mao's cultural revolution and millions dead?


China became more totalitarian after the revolution, not less.

The revolution succeeded in defeating freedom.

So this theory that we need to allow the Cabal to burn the country down to awaken the masses is just so much hogwash.

It's like fighting a war and telling your officers that we need the enemy to overrun all our positions, take our bases and invade our cities BEFORE we can mount an effective counter-attack.

24373583? ago

At this point, I think one could safely call this all a LARP, right? We are losing every battle at every turn. We have had tens of thousands of innocent lives lost because POTUS couldnt get our own medical community to prescribe hydrochloriquine. We have tens of thousands of small businesses who are not re-opening after the country wide, forced shutdown by the cabal and a looming recession due to shutting the economy down for 90 days which will cause more innocent loss of life due to suicide and the like. We still have no voter ID laws and if the election were held tomorrow, mail in voting would be legal. We have legally identified domestic terrorists taking over parts of large american cities. We have white ppl being beaten in the streets simply for being white. And finally we have a humongous media and establishment complex lying to the public while attacking the president 24/7/365.. Winning someone said???????

24378428? ago

It's not a larp. Trump was installed for this.

24409480? ago

The message has been pretty clear that 60% of it will not be disclosed to prevent wars, etc.

My read on the “the choice to know will be yours” is that after it’s disclosed what they’ve done to humanity in general you will be able to find out how much they have damaged you personally (genetic damage, exposure to toxins, sterilizations, etc).

24373534? ago

none of us know what we don't know

^^ found the retard

24377135? ago

no, you are the retard. There are always things that we do not know in life, in this case its probably more than we suspect. Of course shallow thinkers can't even imagine what is going on behind the scenes.

24377242? ago

No shit, retard.

Thanks for telling everyone the absolute most obvious thing known to man

24377480? ago

that's Captn Obvious to you fucknut.

24374170? ago

So you know what you don't know? What's my name? How old am I? Where did I take a shit last?

You mean you don't know any of those things and so didn't even know you didn't know them?

Huh. I guess I found the actual retard.

24375083? ago

No one knows what they don't know, retard.

That was the stupidest statement I've ever read.

24373410? ago

Declas everything. We deserve to know and the government has lost all legitimacy in being able to decide what to keep secret for the public good.

Let us all see what we’ve been paying for. Then it will end.

This bullshit tiptoeing around it while race wars rage around us is not ever going to work. Give us the truth. And not just 60%! Stop covering (((their))) crimes!

24374563? ago

Not Socrates but Nostradamus...

Most predictions from such figures as Q and Nostradamus express the future with such seemingly deliberate vagueness and ambiguity as to make interpretation nearly impossible before the event, rendering them useless as predictive tools.

After the event has occurred, however, the psychics or their supporters shoehorn details into the prediction by using selective thinking emphasizing the "hits", ignoring the "misses" in order to lend credence to the prophecy and to give the impression of an accurate "prediction".

Inaccurate predictions are omitted

24378956? ago

Amazing that you are being down-voted for stating the blindingly obvious.

24383039? ago

Its the beauty of voat's "free speech". If they downvote it fast enough its like it never happened. Any honest discussion about Q's validity or what to do if its not real always ends up -2 or worse

24378978? ago

Facts doesn't count anymore for both sides. The only goal is not to serve the people but to gain and keep power.

24373381? ago

The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.

24377157? ago

Well GOOD! That's what the fucking world needs.

If this world doesn't need a good shock to the core, then I don't know what we need. That's the only thing that could possibly get people's attention at this point.

24372966? ago

The problem is that the rabbit hole runs deep. Everything, when I say everything I mean e v e r y t h I n g has been desecrated and manipulated.

History is mythological.

Science is a religion

And religion is limited to its Scientific method aka Morals and Dogma.

The truth is always true a thousand different ways.

The hearts of mankind are corrupt and until the inner core of humanity is transformed things will remain in a constant flux.

Only upon the arrival of a Higher Intelligence will the lower entities remain in their perceived illusions.

They took what was Sacred and made it profane

24373095? ago

and like all things, IF that is the truth, then let the truth be known and let the chips fall where they may. lies built upon lies, well intentioned or not are still lies.

Without the full truth, we all remain in a state of slavery. Is that the goal? a nicer more comfortable form of slavery?

24374219? ago

It's not that simple.

Frankly I don't have the time, inclination or patience to explain it to you OP. You've already pissed me off enough with your curt responses elsewhere.

You don't understand the basic law of the Universe is Karma. That Your free will must be preserved.

But not just YOURS. But Everyones. That is why the Media uses illusion, why they take decades and move over generations towards control. BECAUSE IF THEY STEAL IT FROM US, IF THEY TAKE IT, Then they cross a line that allows "Bigger Fish" to come and prey upon them in turn.

It doesn't matter how YOU or I feel about this on an individual level, not until enough of us individuals understand what is happening.

If this happens too quick, Millions Will die. If this happens too slow, the opportunity will be lost.

The balance to strike is beyond your myopic understanding, you would do well to meditate upon the concept of Universal Free Will before you flagrantly open your mouth and demonstrate yourself to be on the cusp of contemptable, you who knows so little, but speaks so loudly. I detest those who are like yourself,I have no patience for you and yours. I am a Warrior, a General, a Commander. If you wish to have real knowledge, learn to respect those who carry it. Otherwise you've only yourself to blame for your own unhappiness.

Good Day to you.

24377304? ago

I really could care less if you're pissed off. The entire black community is burning down the country because they are pissed off too. I don't care about their feelings either. I have the free will to say what I want and if I piss you off, that's your problem and not mine, its an open forum. With respect to your narcissism, you are a legend in your own mind, a warrior, a general, a commander....psssshhh, you're a keyboard commander at best.

24377170? ago

Yeah warrior , general, commander.... if you did your job properly many years ago we wouldnt be in this mess. This is your fuck up that we are all living.

You earn respect and this world is like it is cos of all you cocks that thought you were heroes and didnt see the real game and how you were played.

Fuck right off you primitive cock sucker.

24376319? ago

If this happens too quick, Millions Will die

I respectfully ask you to explain this statement to me.

24373050? ago

Destroy all the past to start something new.... that's very Libtard/Antifaish.

24373096? ago

Many regimes do this.

A military friend of mine said that in many tribal wars, destruction of all history and current life of the opposition is part of losing the fight.

He said they would throw whole villagss of people out of planes to annihilate the history of losing tribe.

24374244? ago

It's because of the psychological warfare in play.

Breaking down a human spirit is easy. You just need to have the drive to do it.

By thinking of others as no less than animals, you free yourself to do unspeakable acts of torture, torment, scarring and hate filled.

It's disgusting, but it is a tool that it widely used and accepted.

24372961? ago

Not Socrates but Nostradamus...

Most predictions from such figures as Q and Nostradamus express the future with such seemingly deliberate vagueness and ambiguity as to make interpretation nearly impossible before the event, rendering them useless as predictive tools.

After the event has occurred, however, the psychics or their supporters shoehorn details into the prediction by using selective thinking emphasizing the "hits", ignoring the "misses" in order to lend credence to the prophecy and to give the impression of an accurate "prediction".

Inaccurate predictions are omitted

24372937? ago

Yes I agree. I keep thinking back to what we're told, that we won't be told everything 100% because it would cause war or whatever. I say, who gives a shit. Our history had been beyond fucked with and I'm the type of person who would rather know and let the chips fall as they may. Tell us the goddamn truth.

24375940? ago

We have been lied to for our entire lives, our "history" books are full of lies. How are we expected to KNOW the Truth? I honestly do not expect that the Swamp will get drained, I'm just wanting to find some Truth.

24373045? ago

I'm beginning to think we've been played, trading one false master for another. The one thing we do know for certain, is that since the beginning of recorded history, (((they))) have owned both sides of every conflict thereby always winning every war regardless of the victor on the field of battle. I do not know who's plan we're following or what the actual plan is, much less what the objective is we are fighting for. At this junction, I can see evil and we are fighting it, but what is the end goal? WWG1WGA is about as open ended as it comes. Are we all going to hell? into slavery? whirled peas? death by asteroid or solar flare? alien lunchmeat? We have no goal except that we're all going there, but where is it we're going?

24378384? ago

or solar flare?

There is some evidence that the recurring 12,000 year catastrophe cycle is due again within the next few decades. Gravity wave, micronova, polar flip and earth crust displacement.


24378532? ago

If I were a betting man, I would suspect "nothing can stop what is coming" and "its going to be Biblical" to mean something from the heavens. If WWG1WGA means anything it means it will impact everyone one of us, so you're suggestion does have merit. What will happen is anyone's guess, but I really don't think it has anything to do with arresting people.

24374068? ago

There is plenty of clarity, You just want it handed to you on a silver platter.

You are pathetic, OP. Go have a cry, see if that helps. You are afraid and that is fine. Where you are pathetic is in saying it's simply too vague.

You're at war you fucking retard. You want our generals to reveal to us everything in plain fucking english so our enemies can make their moves accordingly as well?

Have faith or neck yourself. Those are your options, I don't care which you choose, just hurry up and sit faggot.

24383224? ago

Lol... what more would the enemy need to know other than "they are coming for you"? If this is about not tipping off the enemy then that contradicts Q all together.
You're obviously just here to try and shut up any discussion that isn't sucking Q's tit. The real faggots are the ones like you who want this place to be all flag waiving fanboys and suppress any real discussion. If Q turns out to not be legit then people like OP will be well prepared whereas folks like you will have a mental breakdown or just go into denial.

24377353? ago

open forum...check

free to express my opinion...check

give zero fucks what you think...check.

think guys like you that simply use ad hominem attacks without any discussion or debate should go beck to reddit...check.

24372914? ago

Yeah, it's a big load of bullshit, just like everything else these days.

24372820? ago

  1. Tell the whole truth
  2. GTFO

Your choice.

24377016? ago

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24372620? ago

So much truth has been right in front of our face for decades yet the majority refused to see it till Trump and Q came along...

24378397? ago

They were put in front of your face to keep you from knowing.

24375861? ago

If a majority refused to see it, how did Trump win? People have been waking up since 9-11, since the "WMD" farce, since Ozero was elected.... Yes, Trump and Q helped, but I believe that a good many people were awake well before Trump.

And then, let's get into WHY so many of us were asleep for so so long... because we believed what we were taught in school, those teachers we had were awesome, weren't they?! Once I realized that our public education was a joke, I went back to 2 Truths that I knew I could count on - the Bible and the Constitution. Those are my guiding lights, I guess you could say. One thing from the Bible that I

24378414? ago

Trump was installed for everything you see happening now. Step way back and look at the big picture.

24372828? ago

The BIGGEST truth is that Jews are not our friends and are working to destroy America.

24372956? ago

and that is exactly what I mean by some truths that the people still cannot see.

24374671? ago

You really need to read Joseph Farrell, expand your thinking.

24377176? ago

Never heard of her, but will look it up.

24374242? ago

You just fully exposed yourself, again. Another low IQ shill pretending to be in a country other than America right now. Too dumb to realize some know exactly who, what, and where you are.

Try again. It's entertaining.

24377211? ago

Some of us have been here for years and are tiring of this movie. Hoping Q will recognize that faith and hope only go so far, we do to see some public process. Right now everything is going to hell in a hand basket.

24378567? ago

Hoping Q will recognize

Q is a fiction. Wake up.

Right now everything is going to hell in a hand basket.

Thats how you know that "secret intel agent Qanon, his army of white hats, we have it all, trust the plan" is a fiction. None of it exists. Get your head out of your ass and into the real world where it can do some good.

24378613? ago

Nothing I can do, nor you. Some people think that burning down their neighborhoods will help, but it doesn't. We're along for the ride.

24373533? ago

Anon, no one denies Jewish involvement.

What we deny is the idea that it’s solely Jewish involvement, that all Jews are involved, and that other babylonian mystery school franchises who are not Jews are obviously culpable.

We admit it is possible that the capstone of the pyramid is Jewish, that capstone still wouldn’t be all Jews, since most Jews live as cattle like we do. But we also consider it possible to likely that the capstone isn’t Jewish. Some consider a possible capstone to be the Dalai Lama, and if that makes you scoff, you need to do more reading.

Lastly, there is the overarching consideration that any apparent anti semitism will, for normies, immediately and wholly discredit an idea. What end, then, is served by anons posting inane, repetitive, substance-free “muhjoo” content? Since it is substance-free, no minds are changed. But any normie wandering in here wondering what it’s about will come away with a clear picture in their head. And THAT is the goal of such astroturfed posts.

I’ve seen reasoned posts on the topic. They are welcome. But we’re also seeing active shilling on this topic, ironically, probably by Jews (ironic because that’s exactly what one looks like when one “muhjoo” shills).

24378514? ago

Some consider a possible capstone to be the Dalai Lama, and if that makes you scoff, you need to do more reading.

That not only made me scoff, it made me bust out laughing.

24382767? ago

Who is Lord Maitreya?

24377395? ago

you derived waaay too much from one simple sentence from assuming. don't go assuming things.

24374160? ago

Hey man, thanks for being the first fucking actually sane and reasonable soul in this thread.

I felt like I was drowning.

If these faggots knew WHY it was the Jews then I might give them the time of day. But aLiEnS aRe JuSt DeMoNs, MaN iS tHe GrEaTeSt oF AlL GoDs CrEaTiOnS...

That's why 9X% of our genes don't code, why we have an obviously fused chromosome, that's why we have MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND genetic defects. Because we're awesome and perfect and FUCK YEA.

Meanwhile in reality, we know the Earth was flooded ~12,000 years ago and that the Qabbalah is roughly that old. If you accept the possibilty of Alien Interference then being 'God's chosen people' could literally be as simplistic as they were gifted knowledge to protect them during a post flood world. Most of the lessons reference cleanliness and things that a post-deluvian world would need to sustain itself.

The Jews are no more or less magical or negatively inclined than any other of the races. The Sooner people wake the fuck up to the layers of opression we're all collectively under, the better.

It's the same principle behind having Niggers guarding the other Niggers. The Psychological disconnect is obvious to any outsider, but the ones trapped in the game can't see the forest for the trees.

24378528? ago

The Jews are no more or less magical or negatively inclined than any other of the races.

Outright lie.

24377447? ago

You guys take a few very simple imprecise statements and just run with them. I don't know where are how you come up with all of this from what was said, but either you're on crack and a bit over energized or you need to start your own thread. The only statement made was "Jews are not our friends" and I basically agreed. Now how you got to aliens intervention from there is beyond me, my mind can't stretch that far.

24375846? ago

Hey man, thanks for being the first fucking actually sane and reasonable soul in this thread.

I felt like I was drowning.

Keep in mind, anon. We have families and jobs. These posts are a handful of people working shifts to broadcast their propaganda.

If these faggots knew WHY it was the Jews then I might give them the time of day. But aLiEnS aRe JuSt DeMoNs, MaN iS tHe GrEaTeSt oF AlL GoDs CrEaTiOnS...

That's why 9X% of our genes don't code, why we have an obviously fused chromosome, that's why we have MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND genetic defects. Because we're awesome and perfect and FUCK YEA.

Jesus never said any of this Old Testament stuff. :)

Meanwhile in reality, we know the Earth was flooded ~12,000 years ago and that the Qabbalah is roughly that old. If you accept the possibilty of Alien Interference then being 'God's chosen people' could literally be as simplistic as they were gifted knowledge to protect them during a post flood world. Most of the lessons reference cleanliness and things that a post-deluvian world would need to sustain itself.

This theory is fun.

I think aliens figure in, but they must be limited by something more powerful. Anyone who can cross an interstellar divide would certainly present as a deity. But they don’t seem to have control here.

I think the antediluvian world was more advanced than we know. The craftsmanship of ancient pyramids and artefacts like the baghdad battery, and knowledge on human health suggest the they knew more than mainstream anthropology says they did. Did they emerge from a bunker after the cataclysmic flood like today’s babylonian mystery schools planned to after a cataclysmic nuclear fire?

The Jews are no more or less magical or negatively inclined than any other of the races. The Sooner people wake the fuck up to the layers of opression we're all collectively under, the better.

I think anons get it. The (((nazi))) muhjoo shills are panicked about that fact.

It's the same principle behind having Niggers guarding the other Niggers. The Psychological disconnect is obvious to any outsider, but the ones trapped in the game can't see the forest for the trees.

White supremacism and nazism are outlets presented by (((them))). They want us divided (which is not a call for universal toxic diversity, it’s a call for true nationalist diversity and universal recognition of the fact that but for (((them))) and (((their))) fuckery, we all exist in a state of fantastic plenty. Free energy, material wealth from space, cures for everything, and perfect understanding of currency and how it affects the economy.

When (((they))) are finally gone there will be nothing but weather on the news.

24372764? ago

That is absolutely true, and probably more in front of us that we still can't see. Just saying, we've ALL been programmed and there are simply some things we won't be able to reveal on our own. We're going to need some MOABS, some real heavy hitting truths to be dropped, and we need them soon.

24374649? ago

I highly recommend the Joseph Farrell books for broad yet reliable reaearch. It's made a huge difference for my pov clarity.

24376120? ago

Looks interesting. Any one book in particular?

24385139? ago

They are all importiant. If you think Giza Death Star premise might be crazy, then read that for sure.

Yahweh the two faced god is an important one.

The Third Way

my personal favorite work, Thrice Great Hermetica

I haven't read them all, working my way through. Reading Hess and the Penguins now, about Antarctica.

24386707? ago

Tks Anon.

24390303? ago

My pleasure, hope you enjoy