24356383? ago

Replace Jew with satanist assholes and you have a point.

24355838? ago


Twitter can handle naming the Zionists and all those wretched by truthful 8ch memes. You can keep making new twitter accounts. Step 1) Don't be a bitch Step 2) Fucking drop the red pills and have a blast -all of them. NO ONE GETS TO MONOPOLIZE TRUTH ----- and there is so so so so so so so so much to scatter out there.

Pollinate, Patriots, Pollinate!

24352792? ago

Well said! We all need to get our heads out of our emotional four point of contact and beat these F*ckers at their own game!

24352781? ago

Nice story ...

step #1 = convince the riot class

24350010? ago

Who else read in a whispering voice

24349851? ago

There's not going to be a race war.

24349726? ago

I guess I just don't understand why the Q community gets so bent out of shape over a group of communist thugs taking possession of a communist city that's been under communist rule for decades. Let the MF'ers burn it down so that we don't have to. After the destruction, we can move the capital to Mayberry.

24352174? ago

Abraham mediated for the preservation of Sodom over the hypothetical existence of a handful of righteous.

You can assume from the media or however you reason that any given metro area constitutes nothing but depraved and criminal people not deserving of life liberty and peace, but that's not necessarily the reality.

24349638? ago

Love can be a terrible thing. Peace is what we must seek. Not to love each other, because that comes after a long process of acceptance and reciprocity. "Peace and Love" is the biggest trap they set to trick us. Peace, just peace.

24349208? ago

When can we start calling them fake jew satanists? I just find it completely unfair to cast an entire population under the bus for the actions of a few. Stop being hypocrites people.

24349010? ago

So who is whispering in our ears here and all over the net “The jews are pitting you against eachother! The news! The jewz!”

Thats what I really want to know... Let me geuss, our Jewish overlords?

24348974? ago

This is a great post.

Division is their time honored tactic. Makes me wonder if they had a hand in Shi'ite versus Sunni. In Protestant versus Catholic. Etc and etc.

24348546? ago

Couldn't agree more and the only place you will hear it is on a forum like this.

24348494? ago

You didn't mention the use of THE CHINA VIRUS! Another 'scare' in the toolbox!

24348480? ago

not sure i agree 100% but i assume the more elderly white people getting beaten the better chance we have at winning this entire thing worldwide. we need to wake up. i love this country but we're being torn apart right now and trust in each other is at an all time low. it's sad and infuriating. be mindful. be careful. this is just the beginning.

24348458? ago

Very important points well taken. Don't get triggered (just watch the show by Don Jr. by the same name ;)

But I still want to learn to shoot and buy a gun. I never wanted to before.

24348259? ago

There will be no race war.

Their manipulation depends on us reacting violently.

Don't take the bait.

What happens if the globalists throw a race war and no one shows up?

We win.

24348240? ago

Just because the jew whispers it doesnt mean its ALWAYS false. Every single bit of evidence in all of human history suggests that black people ARE violent animals. But still we probably shouldnt to go full 1488 when its clear thats what the jews want.

24348501? ago

this is the truth. the jew whispering TRUTH. positioning natural born enemies against each other. like a psychotic dog fight. put them all together in the same cage and let them devour each other while they slip in through the back door with more commie bullshit. it's not a game. it's not a psyop. it;s just the basic strategy they've put on virtually every nation in the past 1000+ years

24348056? ago

It's EVIL, not jew. I'm not going to fall into that trap.

24349438? ago

No kidding. None of these people are Q faithful.

24351721? ago

^^^^Sucker a future kike victim ^^^

24348052? ago

Afterwards how does this solve white genocide?

Whats wrong with wanting to live in a white nation state?

Why can't white people be left alone?

24349947? ago

Get over your race obsession.

I know several Jews that are better people than you'll ever be.

I'd take them over some collectivist loser any day of the week

24347938? ago

Attack the correct enemy and everything else will take care of itself.

24347923? ago

Slam fucking dunk guy 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

24347880? ago

Picture this: You are a kid who got kicked out of school a 109 times yet somehow its always the schools fault. People distrust kikes for a reason. They are always plotting, always infiltrating. Not to mention the child sacrifices they help cover up for their Talmudic cult. The goyim nose...

24354096? ago

109 school districts, 1030 schools.

1031 excuses.

24349238? ago

I don't get this. Do we all the sudden think our schools have our best interests at heart? I was never kicked out of school, but you bet your ass I was constantly undermining their attempts to control and make us obey at all costs.

24355877? ago

It's an analogy and yes I was the same way with the rebellious spirit. As an adult I thought dang well my rebel days are over.... but nope!


24350178? ago

It's nothing to do with schools. He means, over the course of history, the jews have been kicked out of their host countries 109 times.

24347607? ago

They weave this "spell" using powerful archetypal images that activate unconscious fears and beliefs in a self-amplifying loop of confirmation-bias.

Well stated

24347169? ago

Right now Q+ has control of the Federal Reserve

Everything else you posted doesn't matter unless you can provide some proof of this.

24347053? ago

So the black vs white narrative is falling apart, jews are the fallback.

Dont fall for it people.

24346936? ago

I've been saying this for weeks. We need to gray rock. Gray rock method is what's used against psychopaths and the like. When you do not emote, they have literally nothing to work with, since you're their tool. They get bored and leave. It's like a halfway version of playing dead almost.

24355872? ago

I learned something new. Thank you. Or can be like that moron Gavin Newsome and don't even show one second of self-reflection. Just drop your new info like it stands the test of time without any need for peer review and move on.

You might not be the one to wake up even one single person single handedly.... is that how you woke up? Chip away at the collective consciousness.

And if they say stupid shit back. Don't reply and move on. You're not there for conversation.

24346869? ago

ve very very soon now. Are you paying attention?

wound my heart with a monotonous languor+ 12 disciples time only. Are you paying attention?

My favorite movie was the "Longest Day". Are you paying attention?

Robot birds singing twe tweet tweet. Are you paying attention?

Cicadas come out every 17 years. Are you paying attention?

24346842? ago

Uniting with niggers is a YUGE mistake. All jews are foreign enemy combatants and all niggers are terrorists. No white nation should ever see either unless you are on vacation somewhere.

24349887? ago

Nobody cares what racist douchebags like you think.

I have a few Jewish friends and they're all better human beings than you are.

24350060? ago


24348306? ago

I think the post is a call to not start exterminating them while doing so will feed into the jews exact goals currently. Idk that its meant to get us to hold hands with monkey people into the sunset. More like "tolerate the symptoms of the cancer long enough to actually remove the tumor, then we can treat the leftover symptoms"

24348321? ago

What it means is to hold the legs open and take the nigger dick, goyim.

24349895? ago

I hope they come for you first, faggot.

I wouldn't piss on you to put out the fire.

24350053? ago

But you will protect niggers and jews hmmm

24350248? ago

I protect any good person, regardless of the color of their skin or the religion/ethnicity of their parents.

It's what good people do. You're obviously not a good person, so I don't really expect you to understand. You're too busy obsessing over race like a collectivist leftist.

Patriots have no skin color, faggot.

24350294? ago

All jews are foreign enemy combatants and all niggers are terrorists. Now go make my tacos.

24350488? ago


You're a sad excuse for a man.

24350503? ago

Says a pedo jew.

24350797? ago


24351067? ago


24352139? ago

Weak minded collectivist bitch

24346725? ago

"Why don't you and him fight?"

We see through those lies, now. Thank God!

24346544? ago

I try to get it out just enough so that I can even function again. Still fine-tuning

24346508? ago

Very important post.

Many will ignore it. They would rather project their own dark side on to "the other" - An enemy hand picked for you by the joo.

The (((MSM))) has control of most minds, even conservative minds.

24346354? ago

Once the rabbi is defeated we can peacefully sort the rest of the shit out.

Blacks are as fatigued as whites. The last thing Jews want is for everyone to wake and work against them.

Side note reminder: https://archive.is/MpXhD

24350342? ago

No see, that's not gonna happen bud, the niggers gotta go.

24353891? ago

Clearly blacks don't have Jews constantly whispering in their ear. Clearly blacks don't have jewish exhaustion. Just like the rest of us.

24357503? ago

Blacks and moslems are the jewish tool of destruction, always have been.

24346278? ago

I for one want massive forced deportations. Send them back where they came from if they think we are horrible to live with. Same with libturd whites and Jews. Give them 50,000 a piece (and that's getting off cheap believe me) to renounce their citizenship and leave for good. I'd send the libturd whites to either North Korea or Nigeria, Jews Is-REAL-Hel and the blacks to whatever black country they want to relocate to. These ppl are a massive burden on the nation So many resources alloted and laws are just made for them and what do we get in return? Crime murder abuse and never ending stream of blame for how fucked up they are. I have never seen a more dependent ppl in my whole life. Worse than worthless because they are costly to have around. No one wants to live in their fucked up neighborhoods. The complain about us white ppl being evil then turn around and complain about white flight. Now I've met some good hearted black ppl in my life but these are the exceptions and NOT the rule. The vast majority of them are rude easily offended violent and generally a scourge on this nation

24349856? ago

I hope they come for you first, faggot.

24350018? ago


24350094? ago

You're a fucking idiot.

Nobody cares what you think. I hope they come for you first.

24346793? ago

You are a bit off base on this one. When thinking of the black community try to think of the far left. There is a extremely vocal minority who cream so loud we think the entire democratic party has gone ape shit. But come election time Trump easily defeats them minus a couple states.

The black community is the same. Most of them want to live their lives and be left alone. Some of them are extremely vocal, narcissistic, and think that the rest of us owe them something for shit that happened 200 years ago that they really don't even know the true history of.

24348261? ago

Difference being genetically they are, as an average, borderline retarded. Black people that is.

24350486? ago

most blacks here are quite mixed with European genetics. there are plenty of retarded whites. the bigger issue is the anti-social genes - psychopaths, sociopaths, and antisocial. if we got liberal dicks from fucking the justice system we could keep these irretrievably dangerous types from all races out of free and open society.

it would change overnight.

24352127? ago

yep, the reeee genetic obsession here is way off the mark from the real root issues. I find it highly highly ironic how much of the discussion here is focused on the mental shortcomings of those other genotypes. Makes you wonder just how many paid division-shills there really are.

24352513? ago

right. low IQ psychopaths may be thugs, but high IQ psychopaths work in wall street banks and create globalist plans like Lex Luthor nuking the San Andreas fault as part of his real estate investment plan in Nevada. not to mention, most pedos are white.

24350627? ago

They are better than pure blooded africans. But still not of the genetic quality of white people on average.

24352440? ago

in theory, on average - but look were were are now. Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, David Webb - real thinkers, scholars, and leaders; Brandon Tatum, Candace Owens, real thinkers and pioneers.

whereas whites are being dumbed down and turned into NPCs, soy boys, Antifa and/or brownshirts, self-loathing bloated hams who don't know or understand history and show a frightful lack of curiosity or common sense.

24356260? ago

Outliers do not disprove averages.

24346192? ago

That’s great and all. But some of us aren’t in the Q cult. And the violent nigger doesn’t know how to even spell Q, or have comprehension skills to take what you said to meaning. I agree with your explanation of the kike. And i dont think whites should be in the streets right now. Due to dangerous heard of nigger cattle out there. But mockingbird will not stop. Regardless if you engage or not. Believe that. Mocking bird is the enemy along with every kike that works there. Make an example out of them. Not some lazy death. But symbolic that they will understand that fear only goes so far until it is shared to the offenders. Dealing with niggers and bigger sympathizers is absolute waste of time and dangerous. The source needs to be dealt with

24349985? ago

You're a fucking loser.

24349489? ago

Most posters in this thread are not Q faithful. We're being brigaded by muhjoo shills.

24346138? ago

Some will say, "it's not always the Jew" and they would be technically correct. When it isn't the Jew, it is an individual who has been blackmailed/controlled by the Jew 99% of the time. Epstein, Hefner, and all others in the same line of work, didn't lure people and film shit for nothing, & if it wasn't sex it was money, or threats to life and limb.

24349482? ago

I'm one such anon. It's also obviously the masons, among other babylonian mystery schools.

I welcome you to explain how the Freemasons are Jews. At which point in their history did they cease being descendants of European crusaders who learned crypto-lucifer worship from the Israelis, and become Jews? Be specific!

It's like the myth of the Democrat/Republican party switch. All the "muhjoo" shills insist the bad guys are all Jews, but they can't even explain how or when it happened.

24346119? ago

All fine & dandy.

HOWEVER, Should some feral niggers come around here trying dindu nuffin, there will be armed resistance.

If they do get violent, they will be met with a hail pf bullets.

Should they step on my property & start shit, no warning shots. Just Head shots.

24352821? ago

I tell this story .... just because.

There is a local indoor gun range where the owner's residence is attached. Not sure if the would be thieves were aware the owner lived there as well but I digress.

His business has been burgled several times and in each instance he has shot the intruder. Every time was a gut shot. He never killed anyone. And to this day, he is the only one in these stories who can take a normal shit.

Head shots are fine but you live with the fact you took a life. This is tougher than many would realize. These thieving dingdongs went to prison with tubes and bags.

24349836? ago

Sorry your parents were such failures.

24349868? ago

Sorry your parents didn't go to planned parenthood

24350051? ago


Get fucked white trash.

24349220? ago

You will be charged then. Wait for them to enter your property, idiot.

24348273? ago

No one will ever convince me to cede my land to niggers. Bring the fight to my door and you will fall backwards out of that doorway a dead man.

24350364? ago

don't think that is OP's point. obviously, defend yourself and home. but you don't need to bring the fight to your home by responding to the intense provocation for a race/civil war.

24350602? ago

I know. I was just clarifying.

24349842? ago

You're a fucking mouth breather and nobody wants your land.

Do us all a favor and fuck off

24351784? ago

Man, what a big fuckin' crying faggot you are on this thread. : O-----l

24352094? ago

Fuck a racist and fuck you too.

24350607? ago

Oy vey

24346934? ago

Gotta do what you gotta do. Nobody could argue that.

24349659? ago

True, true

24346002? ago

One Front War Against the Filthy Jew

24349870? ago

You're such a fucking loser.

Most white people wouldn't claim trash like you.

24351702? ago

Rabbi wet his pink panties ...lol

24345649? ago

Upvoated for proper use of Dindu and naming the Jew

24348223? ago

There is a lot in this post and it is witty and funny but keep in mind there are more than the Zio pervert Jew network involved, you also have the Royal elite of Europe, they still want that gunpowder ban and their European news outlets like BBC news etc the pedo Vatican links to mob control and trafficking, the bolsevik marxists worldwide some of which are again Jews, and the Masonic branches such as Shriners which may link Freemasonry with Jihadists like the Moslim brotha'

24358107? ago

Right. It's the cabal. The cabal is satanic, and there are black cabal, 'Christian' cabal, Jewish cabal, Muslim cabal, and everything else that exists. They use Jews and other groups as a cover for their work, so that people like the ones on this board will slaughter the little humans who don't control anything, and leave them unscathed to continue their mission to destroy the human race. The big fish ALWAYS escape, because they arrange things so the ire falls on humans, rather than themselves. The cabal is not human. They have another bloodline, which they've carefully preserved over millennia. They feed on humanity, sowing suffering and slavery everywhere they touch, stealing children for their sick satanic rituals. They run the deep state, and the CIA. They run communism. They run fascism. They run Antifa. They run China. They run the Vatican. They run the world's financial markets, our education systems, our medicine, and our food chain. And they hate us and they want us dead, all humans, not just ones with certain palette shifts. And the ones they don't want dead, they want enslaved - good workers who will follow orders and never rise up.

If you go killing dindus, you won't get the cabal. If you go killing jews, you won't get the cabal. If you go killing mudslimes, you won't get the cabal. The cabal is the ultimate shapeshifter, they'll figure out ways to wiggle out of it as long as you are blaming the fall guys they set up.

Do not let these fuckers escape to create another generation to prey on humanity.

24356389? ago

Nice fake dialogue, shill.

24350310? ago

you also have the Royal elite of Europe

You couldn't find one of them that doesn't have turk blood flowing through them.

24348183? ago

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24348111? ago

We can all agree the jew first and foremost must be eliminated. The jew is the enemy of all races.

24349822? ago

You give white people a bad name.

You're no better than any other racist, no matter their color.

24349844? ago


24350064? ago

Soon what?

Your mom's gonna bring you more pizza rolls down to the basement?

Fuck off white trash

24350330? ago

^^ rat raced jew spotted

24350476? ago


Incel loser

24350515? ago

Yes, you are!

24350819? ago


I'm sorry your parents didn't love you enough to keep your pedo uncle away from you. Just how white trash rolls, I guess...

24352409? ago

Your parents didn't keep your jewish pedo uncle away from you.

That's why we have to hear about it, again and again. lol

24345546? ago

Naacp is a white hate organization, meetings held at every nigger church. They also provide tips on how to fraud gibs and trade gibs for services.

24350001? ago

You're white trash.

Nobody cares what you think.

24350184? ago

You don't know faggot, so shut the fuck up!!! Godamn nigger trash.

24350429? ago


Not too sharp are you?

Having white trash failures for parents usually doesn't boost the ol' IQ.

Get fucked loser

24345490? ago

Cogent and based

24345348? ago

Excellent POST! Stay calm for this long af game

24354088? ago

Ignore the red moving sheet and subtly but thoroughly nail all the crypto matadors to the wall.

24354156? ago

Nails. Out on a rail!

24345317? ago

muh joo?

24346371? ago

Yes, you rabbi.

24350022? ago

You're an impotent loser.

Nobody cares what mouth breathing white trash thinks.

24351740? ago

Don't you have a kid to bugger, Saul?

24346012? ago

muh, Rabbi